Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1285: Yexi Extra Story Disgusting


The bonfire dinner is a unique feast in the Beili grassland, which is used for celebration. Generally, firewood is piled up in an open space, and everyone celebrates and eats around the bonfire.

However, there were only three guests today. Jin Jin improved the traditional bonfire dinner. Instead of lighting a big bonfire, he built a small bonfire, put it on an iron frame, and roasted the whole sheep.

Before Mu Linger got close, she smelled the aroma of barbecue. She was hungry and couldn't help licking her lips, feeling hungry. But when she approached, she saw that Jin Zi actually performed the knife himself, sitting by the fire and "serving" the whole sheep.

I don't know how long he had been roasting, but seeing the whole lamb was golden and buttery, and the meat was browned and crispy, Mu Linger couldn't help swallowing her saliva. She can give it full marks just for its appearance, but she doesn't know how it tastes.

Han Yunxi and Long Feiye sat aside, and there were only two things on the low table, an empty plate and a pot of tea.

"Ling'er is here, sit down!" Han Yunxi laughed.

In fact, Han Yunxi remained silent, Jin Zi knew that Mu Linger was coming, he lowered his head, and carefully smeared honey on the whole sheep without making a sound.

Jin Jin's seat was to the right of Han Yunxi and the others, but there was no seat for Mu Linger.

Long Feiye tasted the tea prepared by Jin Zi, Han Yunxi looked around, pretended to be stupid, pointed to the location of Jin Zi, and said, "Mu Linger, that's where."

Jin Jin took the place and put a food plate and a pot of tea. He hadn't sat on it yet, so there was no trace of it being touched. Mu Linger glanced over and sat down.

And so, the three of them sat, waiting for the gold to be served.

Although it was winter, Han Yunxi suddenly felt like eating barbecue by the side of the road. She couldn't help laughing while laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Long Feiye asked in a low voice.

"If Jin Zi goes to set up a stall to sell barbecue, the business must be very good." Han Yunxi replied.

How can Jin Zi be the leader of the large grasslands in Northern Li, and he is the first-rank minister of the Great Qin Dynasty. Han Yunxi's evaluation of Jin Zi made Long Feiye very speechless. His queen must have been crazy about doing business recently. Mu Linger originally didn't want to look at Jin Jin's side, but she was hungry! She was very hungry, and as the smell of barbecue became stronger and stronger, her eyes kept drifting towards the roasted whole lamb, and she couldn't help taking a few glances at Jin Zi as she drifted past.

It was the first time she knew that this guy could actually barbecue, and his technique was so good!

Seeing that he is not that thin and has little flesh on his body, she always thought that he is a vegetarian and not meat! With his level of barbecue, God knows how many cattle and sheep have been eaten on the Beili grassland. Mu Linger thought that Jin Zi must be the kind of person who eats meat every day and still doesn't get fat.

It's really enviable and jealous!

Indeed, Jin Jin is a person who likes to eat meat very much. The only thing that attracts him in the prairie in Beili is the meat on the prairie.

In a short while, the gold roasted the sheep, and the whole sheep was so golden and shiny, it looked browned and crispy, and one couldn't help but want to take a bite.

Soon, everyone discovered that gold was not only baked well, but also cut very well. He obviously isn't good at martial arts, but he wields the saber very gracefully, his movements are flowing like clouds and flowing water, and the light of the saber flutters with a bit of saber spirit.

Both Han Yunxi and Long Feiye watched with interest.

Han Yunxi murmured, "This guy really has two skills."

"Maybe it's a good material for martial arts." Long Feiye said.

Han Yunxi laughed, "His skill must have been practiced in the casino!"

Jin Zi is the number one gambling king in the Santu black market. Winning or losing at the gambling table is actually all based on a quick word, quick hands and quick eyes!

Mu Linger stared blankly, forgetting to be hungry. At this moment, Han Yunxi suddenly became alert, "Toxic!

She immediately looked behind Mu Linger, and saw a big red-eyed white tiger coming out of nowhere and approaching Mu Linger step by step. This big tiger was a size bigger than ordinary tigers. There are toxins hidden in the teeth and claws, it is undoubtedly the poisonous tiger that Jun Yixie raised in the tiger prison before.

The poisonous tiger in the tiger prison was later subdued by Jin Zi, and he sacrificed a lot to help Jin Zi rebel. The one in front of him should be one of the two surviving ones.

The so-called tiger is majestic, the tiger walks with majesty and extraordinary momentum. But this big red-eyed tiger is very interesting, it is obviously a giant, but it walks like a mouse. With its head down, it tiptoed, stealthily, and cautiously approached Mu Linger, for fear of being discovered. Seeing that this big guy had no ill intentions towards Linger, Han Yunxi and Long Feiye fell silent.

Mu Linger's attention was all on the roasted sheep's head slices that were gradually piled up in Jin Zi's hands, and she didn't notice the strangeness behind her at all.

Jin Jin cut a large plate of roasted mutton. Each piece of meat was long and medium-thick and uniform. The pieces of roasted meat were stacked on top of each other and piled up in the center of the large plate.

He glanced at Mu Linger from the corner of his eye, and immediately knew that Dabai was coming. However, he didn't make a sound, just striding towards Han Yunxi and the others.

"Your Majesty, empress, this is the best food on the grassland, please accept it."

Jin Zi offered the food plate with both hands, respectful but not humble, his eyes still showed a hint of rebelliousness.

"I have a heart." Long Feiye said lightly.

Long Feiye didn't eat much, but he ate very carefully and had very high requirements for food. Not to mention, Jin Zi's plate of barbecue still caught his eye.

After Jin Jin put down the barbecue, someone sent a plate of vegetables, which was lettuce.

This lettuce is also carefully selected, each leaf is of moderate size and tender green in color. From a large lettuce, it is estimated that one or two leaves will be taken.

A plate of mouth-watering roast meat, and a plate of vegetable leaves that are so tender that you can't help but want to bite. The sight alone is enjoyable, however, Jin Jin sent another plate of sauce.

"This is secretly prepared by the lower officials." Jin Zi explained, and took two vegetable leaves, wrapped a piece of roast lamb, then glued it with sauce, and presented it in front of Han Yunxi.

It stands to reason that he should present the things to Long Feiye first, after all, the emperor is respected. However, Long Feiye wouldn't argue with Han Yunxi, and naturally he wouldn't argue with Jin Zi.

Han Yunxi has seen this way of eating before. But Long Feiye had never seen it before. He was very novel and interested.

Han Yunxi took a bite, and immediately showed surprise, "It's super delicious!"

This roasted lamb is not only good looking, the meat inside the crispy skin is very soft and tender, the most important thing is that there is no mutton smell at all, but the fragrance and refreshing taste of lettuce are mixed in the meat, which is very palatable and unique.

This way of eating is not unusual for Han Yunxi, but this taste and texture is the first time Han Yunxi has tasted it.

Han Yunxi quickly helped Long Feiye wrap it up and asked him to try. After Long Feiye tasted it, he agreed.

Jin Jin was still very proud to get Long Feiye's nod of approval, and explained in detail the exquisiteness of the barbecue, the selection of lettuce, and the preparation of the sauce.

Mu Linger sat on the side watching and listening, her stomach was growling!

This is simply torture!

Invite people to dinner, let people wait so long even if it is, but they are still deliberately wasting!

Based on her understanding of Jin Jin, how could Jin Jin's character explain so much nonsense! He clearly took the opportunity of explaining to waste his time not bringing the meat to her!

Mu Linger was still very ambitious, she didn't leave the scene in a fit of anger to let Jin Jin watch the joke, and she didn't ask for it.

Just when Mu Linger was sulking, a tiger howled suddenly from behind, "Wow!"


Mu Linger was so frightened that she jumped up, almost losing her soul! When she looked back, she found that there was a big tiger sitting behind her! She was frightened again, and stepped back, and fell down for some reason.

Now, Jin Zi finally looked at her.

Not only Jin Zi, but also Han Yunxi, Long Feiye, and Big Tiger all looked at her.

Mu Linger really wanted to stand up, but she was so hungry that she had no energy left. You know, she didn't even eat lunch, and only drank a few glasses of water from noon to now!

Although she was weak and wanted to cry, she still gritted her teeth and stood up. Of course she knew the big white tiger, it was this big white tiger that took her, Jin Jin, and Xiao Tangtang to hide in the cave. It was also the big white tiger who found a tigress to nurse Xiao Tangtang.

Why is it yelling at her

Just when Mu Linger was about to roar back at the big white tiger, the big white tiger suddenly roared at Jin Jin! In fact, the big white tiger's roar just now was not aimed at Mu Linger, but at Jin Zi!

Jin Jin froze.

How dare this bastard yell at him? What are you shouting for

Jin Jin looked at the big white tiger and didn't make a sound, but the big white tiger roared at him again. Anyone could see that it was very dissatisfied with Jin Jin!

Seeing this, Mu Linger was also confused, what's going on

Suddenly, the big white tiger jumped out from that position, rushed straight to the edge of the bonfire, took off the whole roasted lamb on the rack, brought it to Mu Linger, and gave it to her!


Mu Linger was taken aback for a moment, then burst into laughter hahaha!

Gold, gold, thanks to you, you are still the leader of the tiger army! The big white tiger will rebel!

Seeing Jin Jin's stunned expression, Mu Linger was particularly relieved. She pulled the whole roast lamb over, pulled off the leg and gnawed it!

Compared with Jin Jin's exquisite eating method, this way of eating is much simpler and more rude.

"It's baked well, it's delicious!" Mu Linger praised her without hesitation.

As she spoke, she tore off a leg and gave it to the big white tiger sitting beside her. The big white tiger bit it happily, and ate it with relish, completely ignoring Jin Zi's gloomy face.

Looking at the eating of one person and one tiger, even Long Feiye couldn't help but laugh. Han Yunxi couldn't help laughing, but who knew, she stopped smiling and lay down on the table!

"What's wrong?" Long Feiye was startled.

Han Yunxi didn't answer, she lay still on the table and stroked her heart.

Long Feiye was in a hurry, and was about to help him up, but Han Yunxi couldn't help but vomited, vomited...

Long Feiye had never encountered such a situation before, and he was a little at a loss. When Mu Linger saw it, he rushed over immediately, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"