Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1291: Linger Extra Crying


As soon as the big white tiger hugged Mu Linger, all the beasts stopped attacking and waited for the master's order.

The big white tiger had scratches all over his legs and buttocks, and the blood stained his noble and white fur red. It glanced at the group of beasts, and looked murderously at the woman standing in the distance. If it wasn't for protecting Miss Ling'er, it would have rushed over and bit that woman to pieces!

He raised his head and roared several times, hoping to greet the tiger in the forest, but unfortunately, the tiger did not go to the snow-capped mountains, so he could not greet his companions.

The woman looked at the big white tiger from a distance, and she had long felt that this big tiger was different from other big tigers. She originally planned to deal with that stinky girl first, and then think about this big white tiger with red eyes. Unexpectedly, in such a battle, she discovered that the fangs, claws and blood of the big white tiger were extremely poisonous. This is actually a poisonous tiger.

She grew up in the Black Forest of the Xuankong Continent since she was a child. The Black Forest is where the beasts gather in the Xuankong Continent. She has never seen this kind of poisonous tiger in the Black Forest. Could it be that this kind of tiger is unique to Yunkong Continent

"Aww! Aww!"

The big white tiger kept barking at the woman.

"What is it called! Tell you, even if you don't need the antidote, this lady will kill you!"

The woman suddenly yelled a few animal words, and for a while, no matter whether it was the snow leopard or the pack of wolves, they all prostrated themselves on the ground, ready to attack.

Dabai understood the woman's order, she wanted all the beasts to attack and tear it apart. Mu Linger hid in Dabai's arms, not knowing what order the woman gave, but she clearly felt Dabai's anger.

In the end what happened

Suddenly, a snow leopard flew towards it like an arrow leaving the string. In an instant, all the snow leopards came out together, followed by a pack of wolves.

They all rushed towards Dabai, scratching and biting fiercely! Although they would be poisoned to death if they grasped the medicine a few times, they still kept on fighting. There are more than a hundred beasts, each biting and scratching, how many scars Dabai has on his body, how much blood Dabai bleeds!

Dabai will die!

Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs, Dabai had no room to resist, but it was still proud, holding its noble head high, like a king, looking down on the beasts, it still protected Mu Linger well, even, afraid Mu Ling'er was worried, he was in pain from being drugged, but his body didn't even tremble.

Mu Linger smelled a strong smell of blood, and also heard the howling sounds of many wild animals approaching very close. She suddenly understood that Dabai held her in his arms to protect her with his own flesh and blood!

"Do not!"

Mu Linger yelled, "Don't hurt it, don't hurt it again! I admit defeat, I'll give you the antidote, and I'll make it up to you!"

She yelled with all her strength, "You let it go, you can do whatever you want! Stop it! I beg you, stop it!"

When the woman heard this, she was happy!

She prefers a live tiger to a dead tiger. It was the first time she saw this kind of poisonous tiger, no matter what, she had to take it back to the Black Forest to play, to play with its prestige!

With a wave of her hand, all the beasts stopped and backed away.

The intuition of children is very accurate, and the intuition of animals is also very accurate. As soon as the big white tiger saw this woman, he knew that she was not a good person. Even though the group of beasts stopped attacking, it still protected Mu Linger.

Mu Linger struggled a few times, but Dabai didn't move.

Of course Mu Linger knew that this woman was dishonest and unreasonable, even if she apologized, she might not be able to leave safely. However, things have come to this. What else can she do? She could only protect Dabai and her own life as much as possible.

This trip to the snow-capped mountains made Mu Linger understand a truth even more, beasts are easy to guard against, but people are hard to guard against!

Mu Linger caressed Dabai gently, and said in a low voice, "If it keeps going on, we will all die. Dabai, be good, get out of the way."

Maybe Dabai understood what Mu Linger meant, or maybe it was comforted by her, and it stood up cautiously. As if afraid that the poisonous blood would hurt Mu Linger, it suddenly rolled over to one side, rubbing against the snow with the scars on its body, the pain was so painful that it couldn't help grinning and showing its fangs.

Seeing Dabai's skin torn and blood dripping, Mu Linger's heart ached, and tears immediately fell down.

She rushed over to hug Dabai, but Dabai got up quickly in fright, hid far away, and looked at her in horror.

Mu Linger was stunned, Dabai's big red eyes immediately showed grievance and sadness. It looked at Mu Linger and whimpered, as if it was apologizing or crying.

It wasn't that he avoided it on purpose, it was because he couldn't hug it!

Only then did Mu Linger come to her senses, she pursed her lips, trying to hold back, but couldn't help it, sobbed loudly, "Dabai..."

Seeing Mu Linger crying, the woman smiled even brighter.

"Haha, this can scare you into tears? You brat, dare to fight with me! The antidote, hurry up and give it to me!"

It can only be said that the poison Mu Linger begged for was not vicious enough, and the woman she met could bear it, the itching had spread to her neck, and she was still calm.

Mu Linger threw the antidote over, and the woman said coldly, "Smelly girl, you'd better not play any tricks. Even if I die here, my beast soldiers will definitely be buried with you!"

Mu Linger was too lazy to answer.

After the woman took the antidote, the itching disappeared immediately. She was very happy, "Hehe, great! Next, let's play slowly?"

"You just want Xueyu Cordyceps. I'm a pharmacist, and I can help you grow more Xueyu Cordyceps." Mu Linger said coldly. This is the bargaining chip she came up with in a hurry, and it is also the best bargaining chip.

Upon hearing this, the woman became even happier, and she laughed loudly, "I see! Well, I can keep you alive, but you still have to make amends and say that the medicine field belongs to Miss Ben!"

Mu Linger clenched her fists, her lungs were about to explode with anger, she would rather not have this life than bow her head to this woman.

However, she couldn't bear to understand. She finally bowed her head.

She lowered her head and murmured, "I'm sorry, the medicine field is yours."

The woman looked at it with great interest, but was still not satisfied, "What did you say? Come here, speak louder, and apologize like an apology, didn't your parents teach you?"

Mu Linger approached with her head down, and said lightly, "I'm sorry, the medicine field is yours."

The woman suddenly pulled her hair and forced her to look up, "What's your attitude? Look at me and say!"


Dabai roared, without his usual momentum, obviously angry, but it sounded like weeping.

Mu Linger hurriedly waved her hand at Dabai, telling him not to move around.

The woman glanced at Dabai, and snorted disdainfully, "So what if you can raise a tiger? Isn't it the same as my defeat? Hehe, let's talk about what you just said."

"I'm sorry, the medicine field is yours." Mu Linger said loudly. She comforted herself that this was not humiliation, but saving Dabai again.

The woman's hand tightened suddenly, and she almost tore off Mu Linger's long hair. She said, "To say you poisoned me is a dirty trick!"

"I poisoned you, it's a dirty trick." Mu Linger shouted.

The woman was finally satisfied, and snorted coldly, "How much backbone do you think you have, so you are so greedy for life and afraid of death. What a bitch."

Mu Linger's eyes were all red, but she didn't defend herself. Tears rolled in her eyes, but she was too stubborn not to shed them. Who knows, the woman went too far, she said, "In this way, if you call you a slut, I will forgive you."

Mu Linger glared at her immediately, and the woman looked indifferent, "You don't have to say it, I didn't force you."

Mu Linger stared at the woman, bit her lip tightly, almost bleeding from the bite.

"It seems that you don't want to be forgiven! Well, I won't forgive you." The woman waved her hand, and the beasts around her approached one after another.

"I, I said!" Mu Linger choked up, "I... I, I am, I am..."

The woman had to wait patiently, but just when Mu Linger was about to speak, the big white tiger suddenly yelled, and the surrounding beasts sensed something, and looked around in fear.

The woman quickly noticed the strangeness of the group of beasts, she also looked around, looked around, and suddenly heard a tiger roaring from behind.

This roar of a tiger is not like a tiger, but more like a human...an animal language!

As soon as the roar of the tiger came out, all the beasts in the audience crawled down, as if they were tamed instantly.

The woman was startled, and turned her head abruptly, only to see ten big white tigers lined up, approaching, and a thin man was sitting on the back of the tallest big white tiger in the middle. The black clothes are mysterious, and the indifferent aura exuding from the whole person is far colder than the air on the snow-capped mountains.

Was it him who made that tiger roar just now

The woman couldn't understand what the roar of the tiger meant just now, but she was sure that it was animal language! That is the most noble and authoritative voice in the language of beast control!

In the black forest of Xuankong Continent, only this voice can control tigers and beasts!

Could it be that this person is...

The woman was stunned and didn't dare to think about it. She told herself, he must not be, it must not be!

Mu Linger was still being pulled by her hair, she glanced around and saw that familiar figure. With just one glance, tears slowly rolled down her eyes.

How could this idiot find this place? Can...

She hates him so much and doesn't want to see him. How... How can there be a time when you don't hate him, like now? Is this a dream

Jin Jin watched from afar, and his eyes all fell on Mu Linger's hair which was being pulled. He didn't speak, but the white tigers clearly felt his fury, and they all sped forward. And those beasts seemed to be aware of it, and they all trembled.

Seeing this, the woman was even more shocked. She suddenly pulled Mu Linger closer, grabbed Mu Linger's neck, and warned, "Don't come here, or I'll kill her!"

Jin Zi jumped off the tiger's back, and his gaze slowly shifted to Mu Linger's face, seeing clearly the scratches on her face, as well as her tearful eyes.

He looked at the woman expressionlessly, and his voice was so cold as to kill, he said word by word, "You, made her cry?"