Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1303: Beiyue Extra Story Bet


Qin Min didn't expect Han Yunxi to say that. She always felt that Han Yunxi's words seemed to have overtones. However, she didn't think much about it and continued to play dumb.

In fact, she doesn't want to pretend either! She wished she could lie down on the bed and have a good sleep. Taking a carriage all the way, I was so tired that every bone in my body felt uncomfortable. Although I lay down and slept in the tent in the past few days, I couldn't get enough sleep.

Helpless, she had to strain her nerves and cheer up all the time, just like the days when she lived in Yunning City. She was afraid that if she got acquainted with the empress and the others, it would be easy to show her feet.

Mu Linger was fine, the Empress and Tranquility were not easy-going lamps, they had sharp eyes.

Regarding the child matter, she has ruined Gu Beiyue's plan. If there is any trouble in her relationship with Gu Beiyue, or in their marriage, she will have no face to face Gu Beiyue in her next life.

She still missed the days in Yunning City, she had been away for so long, and she didn't know what happened to Xiao Ying. She originally wanted to bring Little Shadow, but after careful consideration for a long time, she gave up.

She was so uncomfortable, and it was inconvenient for Little Shadow to come, so she couldn't wrong the child.

"Like it?" Qin Min asked curiously.

"You don't look the same, but you have the same temper!" Mu Linger couldn't help but say, "Sister Min, tell us secretly, did Gu Beiyue make a family rule for you? You are not allowed to do this or that at home, and you are not allowed to go out. Not allowed to do this or that?"

Qin Min laughed, "No. He follows me, that's..."

Mu Linger was easy to deal with, but Empress Empress and Tranquility were not easy to deal with. While answering, she was thinking about how to avoid the topic.

In the end, she pretended to be shy and said in a low voice, "I just don't allow me to eat indiscriminately."

"You're not pregnant, why are you not allowed to eat?" Mu Linger asked again.

Qin Min said lightly, "He's still taking care of himself, he's watching closely for fear that I'll be careless again."

It was only then that Mu Linger remembered about Qin Min's miscarriage, and she immediately changed her words, "Sister Min, Gu Beiyue cares about you so he cares about you. You see, my brother-in-law loves my sister so much, so he cares about her too! "

Mu Ling'er was quite depressed just now and Gu Beiyue's talkativeness made her sister unable to eat barbecue, and she might be banned in the future. But she knew that Qin Min didn't lose the child because she fell herself, so she was afraid that bringing up this topic would cause Qin Min to blame himself and be unhappy, so she changed her words to comfort her.

Listening quietly, Han Yunxi knew what she was doing and didn't make a sound.

"Actually, there's no need to keep your mouth shut like this." Qin Min said lightly.

At this point, Mu Linger was so successful that she changed the subject on her own initiative.

"Really?" Mu Linger was overjoyed.

Qin Min said earnestly, "After three months of pregnancy, no matter what you eat or drink, you don't have to be careful. Hot and sour, fried and baked things, if the ingredients are fresh, there is no need to absolutely prohibit them. Occasionally eating them can satisfy your cravings."

"But Gu Beiyue..." Mu Linger couldn't believe it. After all, Gu Beiyue is an authority in the medical field!

Who knows, Qin Min said, "You have to trust female doctors when it comes to women."

Mu Linger was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly, "It's reasonable, it's reasonable!"

Han Yunxi could clearly see that Qin Min was deliberately changing the subject, but after hearing this, she felt like she had found a soul mate. Although she is not an obstetrician, she also knows that there is no need to be so particular about pregnancy. She just can't convince Long Feiye, and Gu Beiyue is on Long Feiye's side.

She jokingly said, "Qin Min, go back to blow the pillow breeze to your family Gu Beiyue at night, and ask him to help me go to Long Feiye to intercede."

Qin Min smiled, "Empress, I will do my best."

Mu Linger pursed her lips, and laughed silently, as if she also saw that she would have a happy life in the future.

Just as Tranquility was about to speak, Qin Min hurriedly preempted her. She said to Han Yunxi, "Empress Empress, can I ask my wife to take your pulse?"

Han Yunxi immediately stretched out her hand. She heard from Gu Beiyue that Qin Min is an all-rounder in medicine, and has a very professional level in all aspects, and she has her own set of acupuncture and moxibustion techniques. Many diseases that cannot be cured by medicine, or whose self-healing effect is slow, can be treated by others. Her acupuncture and moxibustion quickly cured her.

She just wanted Qin Min to take a pulse, to see the difference between what Qin Min said and what Gu Beiyue said.

Normally, Gu Beiyue would take her pulse every few days, just a simple check and talk about some precautions. However, this time Qin Min felt his pulse for a long time.

At first Han Yunxi was calm, but when she saw Qin Min's cautious expression and his silence, she began to feel a little uneasy.

"My sister... what's wrong?" Mu Linger couldn't help asking.

Qin Min remained silent, and returned after a while, "It's all right."

As she spoke, she suddenly approached Han Yunxi, and Han Yunxi whispered something. Han Yunxi looked in disbelief, "Really?"

"Empress, it will be verified in about five months." Qin Min returned to his seat respectfully.

"You..." Han Yunxi was very surprised.

Qin Min just smiled and stopped explaining.

Tranquility and Mu Linger were at a loss, and Mu Linger became anxious, "What are you whispering!"

Han Yunxi said, "I'm pregnant with... a girl?"

"Ah?" Mu Linger was startled.

Tranquility was also extremely shocked, "Qin Min, can you see this?"

Qin Min is still like a lady of a great family, sitting there upright, even putting her hands in a very polite manner, she smiles slightly, giving people such a beautiful feeling; she is not at all dull, not at all artificial, That warm and sweet smile makes people unconsciously think of the sunshine outside the tent, warm but not hot, bright but not glaring.

It was April, and the spring day outside the tent was warm, the spring breeze was soft, and the spring scenery was beautiful.

Qin Min smiled and said, "Empress Empress, Mrs. Jing, Mrs. Ling, Qin Min dares to make a bet with you."

No one has ever bet with Han Yunxi, making Han Yunxi not want to win, just want to lose, really want to lose.

How much Long Feiye wanted a daughter!

Why isn't she

"Bet! Qin Min, if you win..."

Han Yunxi thought for a long time, but couldn't think of any conditions. She asked, "What do you want?"

Qin Min was always happy in her heart. She was absolutely sure that the Empress Empress was pregnant with a girl. The reason why she said it was purely to divert the Empress Empress' attention and change the subject.

However, after hearing what the empress said, she became serious, "Empress, my wife is asking for one thing, and I hope empress don't tell Beiyue."

"Go ahead." Han Yunxi wanted to replace Gu Beiyue and let Qin Min stay in the palace to help her do regular checkups.

"Empress, if the minister's wife is right, I hope the empress will allow Bei Yue to cultivate more. He is a medicine jar, so he can't be too tired." Qin Min said seriously.

Looking back on when Beiyue left Ningzhou last time, she asked Gu Beiyue to feel her pulse. Gu Beiyue's body was actually very weak. Although she didn't fully understand what was wrong with him, she knew that what he needed most was rest. She didn't know whether he would often soak in medicinal soup after he left Ningzhou. His illness cannot be delayed, the more it is delayed, the worse it will become.

He said that it can be cured and there is no serious problem, so of course she believed him. It's just that she is afraid that he will be busy, that he will procrastinate, and that he will not pamper her.

He is the crown prince and Taifu, and what he teaches is not just a child, but the prince of the Great Qin, who will protect the country of the Great Qin in the future;

He is also the head of the Imperial Hospital, the head of the medical city, from the princes and nobles to the common people, and he is responsible for the medical treatment of Daqin, and matters that matter to human life fall on his shoulders;

He is also the minister of the emperor's internal counselor. He secretly controls a group of advisers to solve the emperor's worries and problems, and do his best for Daqin.

Although she still doesn't know the real purpose of his adopting Little Shadow, she knows that it depends on how many Shadow Clan he wants. He is also the only descendant after the Shadow Clan!

He has so many things to do, how could he take the initiative to ask for leave with his temperament

Tranquility and Mu Linger also knew that apart from Long Feiye, Gu Beiyue was the busiest, and they only thought that Qin Min was complaining about how little time Gu Beiyue spent with her. But Han Yunxi realized that Gu Beiyue needed to rest and recuperate. Han Yunxi knew about Gu Beiyue's medicine jar.

"Okay!" Han Yunxi agreed without hesitation, but she was thinking in her heart that when she got back, she would find a reason to give Gu Beiyue a vacation. No matter whether Qin Min wins or loses the bet, she has to do it...

Han Yunxi and Long Feiye lived on the grassland for a few days. Long Feiye and Gu Beiyue went to Dongwu in person. After returning, they talked secretly with Jin Zi for a whole day.

Long Feiye had made up his mind to take down the grassland of Dongwu, and he was just waiting for the opportunity. Although Han Yunxi was in charge of military administration, Long Feiye didn't let her worry too much during her pregnancy, and she didn't bother about Dongwu much. Instead, she asked about the medicine city. Although Mu Linger was married, she was also thinking about the medicine supervisor. On the day Han Yunxi and the others returned to Yunning, she asked Jin Jin to accompany her back to Mu's house.

Han Yunxi originally planned to discuss with Long Feiye about giving Gu Beiyue a holiday on the road, but who knew that after Gu Beiyue and Qin Min accompanied them for a day, they suddenly received a secret letter from the Deputy Hospital of Medical City Shen, and Qin Min of Medical City Jia and Ren's family had a quarrel because of a patient, and Vice President Shen couldn't clean it up, so Gu Beiyue was asked to go back as soon as possible.

"Your Majesty, Qin Min will follow you back." Gu Beiyue said seriously.

"No, we'll follow the official route, and we can find a doctor at any time along the way." Han Yunxi refused, and Gu Beiyue just wanted to leave Qin Min behind her to take care of her.

She is pregnant soon, and she is not so weak that she needs a doctor to be on call at any time. If this matter spreads out, people will definitely laugh at it! On the contrary, Gu Beiyue, since she has no free time, having a woman to take care of her is better than nothing after all.

"Empress Empress..."

As soon as Gu Beiyue spoke, Qin Min, who had been very quiet all this time, interrupted. She said, "Beiyue, it's time for the Qin family's affairs. This may be an opportunity."

"Exactly!" Han Yunxi was also about to talk about this matter. Mu Linger has already returned to the medicine city. Now that the treasury of Daqin is full and the emperor's power is intimidating, it is time to break the situation where the two cities of medicine and medicine are monopolized by several big families. up.

"It's time." Long Feiye also nodded.

Gu Beiyue glanced at Qin Min, but didn't say any more.

Qin Min met his gaze, and hurriedly avoided it, his originally calm heart couldn't help but panicked.

She regrets it!

The carriage reached a fork in the road, and it was already late at night.

Long Feiye and Han Yunxi had to go to the south, and Gu Beiyue and Qin Min had to go to the southwest. Watching Long Feiye and his carriage go away, Gu Beiyue turned around and said calmly, "Miss Qin, are you tired these days? You can rest easy, I will drive the carriage myself."

Qin Min got into the car and lowered the door curtain, but couldn't help it, and said in a low voice, "Dean Beiyue, there will be no next time, I promise."

She just talked too much.