Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1314: Beiyue Fanwai Let's go


Under everyone's gaze, the carriage slowly drove towards the medical school.

Inside the car, Gu Beiyue sat on the left side, and Qin Min sat on the right side. The two faced each other, but they both lowered their heads and remained silent.

Gu Beiyue sighed secretly, and finally said, "Miss Qin, this matter has dragged you down."

"In the name of the dean's wife, you should also bear these troubles. It's not a drag, and you don't have to feel guilty, Mr. Dean." Qin Min replied.

To her and to them, the title of "Mrs. Dean" seems to be just a powerful status, and has nothing to do with feelings or the relationship between the two.

"Fortunately, Shaoyao runs fast." Gu Beiyue said lightly.

"En." Qin Min just nodded.

The two returned to silence again. Before the carriage reached the gate of the medical school, Qin Min saw Shao Yao waiting at the gate from a distance.

As soon as Shao Yao found out that they were coming back, she galloped over. The speed and momentum frightened the horse. Ma raised the premise and shouted loudly. Fortunately, Lin Yue was experienced and stabilized the horse in time.

"Miss, are you okay?"

"Uncle? Where is Uncle?"

Shaoyao asked anxiously. Qin Min watched from the window and said displeasedly, "Why are you making such a fuss? Didn't you come back?"

Shao Yao was taken aback, and a bright smile burst out on her little face, "Yes, yes, yes! The servant is too fussy, and my uncle is going out, so all the big things can be taken care of! Miss, you should take your uncle with you when you go out in the future. With uncle here, those people on the road would not even dare to look at you."

Qin Min didn't bother to pay attention to Shao Yao, but Gu Beiyue looked over instead. Shao Yao didn't expect it, she bowed her head in fright and shut up.

In fact, Gu Beiyue had no other intentions, just said that she just looked at it casually.

He said, "Lin Yue, bring the wheelchair here."

He was about to talk to Qin Min, but Qin Min preempted him, "Your Excellency, don't bother. I want to go back to Qin's house for a few days. Let Lin Yue take me there, I won't go down."

Gu Beiyue thought for a while, then said in a low voice, "Alright, the Qin family's affairs should also be dealt with."

"En." Qin Min still nodded.

Gu Beiyue hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind, "Miss Qin, the medical city may be in chaos after a while, after the inner ghost of the Qin family is caught..."

Before Gu Beiyue's cruel words could be uttered, Qin Min interrupted, and she said, "My lord, catch the ghost, and I'll go back to Ningzhou. I sent someone to Yunning last night to take Bring the little shadow back to Ningzhou. We won't bother you any more."

She... actually had a plan

She... actually used the word "you".

Gu Beiyue felt dumbfounded, he nodded without hesitation, "Okay. I'll send someone to take you back when the time comes."

"Thank you, Dean." Qin Min said happily.

Gu Beiyue also breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't expect things to happen faster and easier than he expected. You know, he has hesitated for a few days about this matter.

Shao Yao was called into the car, and the three of them went to Qin Mansion together.

Shao Yao didn't know what happened just now, but seeing that both the young lady and the uncle were silent, she didn't dare to make a mistake. After all, the look that the uncle gave her just now made her tremble with fear.

When it was almost time to reach the Qin family, Gu Beiyue opened her mouth to talk to Qin Min about how to find out the ghost. Unexpectedly, Qin Min refused. She said that she wanted to close the door to deal with the Qin family's housework.

That's the end of the conversation, Gu Beiyue didn't force it, and only asked Qin Min to pay attention to safety.

When they arrived at Qin's house, Gu Beiyue still carried Qin Min off the carriage in person, and when Gu Beiyue put Qin Min on the wheelchair, Qin Min said indifferently, "My lord, this should be the best time to trouble you .”

Gu Beiyue's movements didn't stop, but her heart froze slightly. After he got up, he still sighed unconsciously. He didn't know when he would sigh when facing Qin Min's various situations; he didn't even know how many times he had sighed because of her so far.

For a person, you can't love, but you can't hate; you can't accept, but you can't refuse;

Gu Beiyue looked up at Qin Min, and said calmly, "Miss Qin, you don't have to be so polite."

No one in the Qin family expected that Gu Beiyue would personally send Qin Min back, let alone that Qin Min would stay in the Qin family for a few days.

As soon as the couple returned to Qin Min's unmarried boudoir, all the members of the Qin family surrounded them, and after a while, Qin Min's married sisters also rushed back with their families.

You know, Qin Min has become the biggest joke in this family since her legs were crippled, not to mention the second bedroom, even her own younger sisters look down on her.

She asked Shao Yao to block everyone at the door, and no one was allowed to come in.

"Miss, the slaves told them that you are tired and want to rest, but they still don't leave. The young master...he muttered that he wanted to see the uncle. He asked the uncle to release the master." Shao Yao said helplessly.

"You go and watch outside, and say that my uncle is going to rest too, so let them all disperse. If you quarrel with my uncle, you will bear the consequences!" Qin Min said harshly.

Shao Yao was taken aback, but when she thought about it in her current status, it was nothing to say that she would leave it to those people outside. So she went happily.

"Uncle, Miss, rest assured, the servants are kept outside, no one can enter!"

Shao Yao closed the door and left, but left a room full of embarrassment, and Gu Beiyue, who was standing aside, realized that this was Qin Min's boudoir.

He got up, listened to the movement outside, and was about to speak when Qin Min said, "I can't get out now. It's rare to come to the Qin residence, so I have to drink a cup of tea before leaving. Dean, please come with me."

Qin Min walked towards the inner room as he spoke, while Gu Beiyue stayed where he was, hesitating.

This boudoir is divided into inner and outer rooms, the inner room is the bedroom, and the outer room is the study room, separated by heavy curtains in the middle.

Gu Beiyue had approached Qin Min in private before marriage, so it was not the first time she entered this boudoir, but she never stopped in the outer room and never set foot inside. Furthermore, Qin Min said that he would invite him to drink tea, but the teahouse was on his right, not in the inner room.

Qin Min waited for a long time, but when he saw that Gu Beiyue did not follow, he came out to remind him. She jokingly said, "My lord, don't you dare to enter the tiger's den? I'm not a tiger, so I can eat you."

Only then did Gu Beiyue realize that Qin Min had ulterior motives, so he smiled and followed in.

The inner room is not big, there is only a bed, no tea seat, and no extra chairs, which makes him quite embarrassed, so he can only stand.

Qin Min personally lowered the curtain, and once the curtain was lowered, the room seemed even smaller. A man and a woman are in the same room, maybe it is ambiguous, maybe it is embarrassing. In short, Gu Beiyue gradually became uncomfortable.

He said lightly, "Miss Qin, if you have something to say, you can say it now."

Qin Min didn't answer, but sat down on the bed, propped up on the bed with one hand, and pointed at him with the other hand, beckoning him to come over.

Not to mention her haunting movements, just the seductive smile on her face is enough to make many men feel distracted. But to Gu Beiyue, this scene was nothing but frightening.

He probably had never been so intimidated by a woman in his life.

He was startled!

I was stunned, my mind was empty for a moment, and I couldn't think.

Why did Qin Min... how suddenly...

Seeing Gu Beiyue's dazed look, Qin Min couldn't hold her breath after all, and burst out laughing. She lightly pressed her hand on the head of the bed, and the bed board was split into two, left and right, and a secret passage appeared underneath. .

Gu Beiyue regained her composure and subconsciously walked forward.

But Qin Min got up, stopped him, and asked with a serious face, "Gu Beiyue, be honest, did you think of me as that kind of woman just now?"

Gu Beiyue was startled again.

This was the first time Qin Min called him by his name directly. I don't know why, Qin Min called him that, but he always had a feeling that Qin Min seemed to be a different person, obviously familiar to him, yet very strange.

For a moment, he didn't know how to answer her.

Qin Min stared at him seriously, but after a while, she laughed by herself, "My lord, I'm just joking with you, don't mind. This is a secret passage leading to the back door of the Qin Mansion. You Let's go from here, I can deal with the things outside."

She moved out of the way, but Gu Beiyue remained motionless, as if she hadn't fully recovered.

"Master Dean, let's go." Qin Min said again.

Gu Beiyue never answered her question just now, nor did he say much. He went down the secret passage, and when Qin Min closed the entrance, he said, "Qin Min, be careful in everything."

The bed boards were slowly closed, and Gu Beiyue's figure gradually disappeared. He didn't see Qin Min sitting on the couch in a daze, and he didn't hear Qin Min muttering to himself, "Gu Beiyue, you call me Qin Min, it doesn't feel right." okay?"

Gu Beiyue left just like that. Qin Min lay on the couch, closed his eyes, and didn't know if he was asleep or awake.

Everyone outside has dispersed, and Shao Yao is still foolishly staying outside, she thought joyfully, if the uncle and miss are in the house, something will happen to the lonely men and widows, right

In fact, she wished that the Qin family would continue to surround her, and it would be best if she could force the uncle to stay in the house tonight.

Unfortunately, things backfired.

After a while, Qin Min called her in. When Shao Yao couldn't find her son-in-law all over the room, she finally understood.

"Miss, you... why did you send my uncle away? Are you stupid?"

Qin Min said lightly, "Shaoyao, I think...he has someone in his heart!"

"Ah?" Shao Yao was stunned, and then tried to persuade her, "Miss, don't think about it. With my uncle's ability, if you really have someone in your heart, you can't marry him? My uncle is a elm-headed man, so he doesn't understand!"

Qin Min looked at Shao Yao, hesitated to speak, and only said, "You don't understand."

"Miss, why don't I understand! My uncle looks at you differently from other people's eyes. My uncle must like you!" Shao Yao said seriously.

Qin Min waved his hand, "Don't talk about it, you go tell them. I want to have dinner with everyone tonight."

Shao Yao nodded and went out, but she hesitated in her heart, should she find a chance to talk to my uncle secretly

Qin Min's mother had passed away, and his younger brother was too young to do anything, so the Qin family naturally became the second master of Qin's family.

That night, Second Master Qin gave Qin Min a big blow.