Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1315: Beiyue Extra Story Tactics


As soon as Shao Yao released the news that Qin Min was going to have dinner with everyone, everyone in the first and second rooms of the Qin family became nervous. Several people who originally planned to go out to run errands immediately canceled their trips, for fear of missing the evening family dinner.

But who knew, just as everyone sat down, Second Master Qin, who was not in the house originally, suddenly appeared.

"Hehe, I thought my eldest brother was released from prison, but I didn't expect it to be the dean's wife." Qin Erye was very strange.

Although he was afraid of the dean's wife, he couldn't care less when he thought that she might come back to help his younger brother fight for power.

No matter what, he didn't want to lose his position as the head of the Qin family! He didn't believe that Qin Min, a married daughter, could manage so much? Even if she is the dean's wife, let alone her, even if Gu Beiyue came in person, she would never want to interfere in his Qin family's housework.

In terms of identity, Qin Min was the tallest among all the people present. But in terms of seniority, Second Lord Qin is the tallest.

As soon as Second Master Qin walked in, everyone stood up to carry his luggage no matter inside or outside. Qin Min sat alone, and after everyone packed their luggage, Qin Min said lightly, "Second Uncle, Min'er is inconvenient to move, so I'm sorry."

Qin Erye was not polite, and only said three words, "It's not in the way."

Shao Yao stomped her feet angrily, but unfortunately, in the Qin family's situation, she did not dare to act presumptuously. She was also considered to have grown up in Qin's family since she was a child. She knows the rules of Qin's family and the temper of the second master.

Qin Min just smiled and didn't say any more.

She had dinner with everyone at night, but she didn't actually intend to say anything. If you talk too much, you will lose your thoughts. If you don't speak, you will be confused.

With her current status, not saying a word after a meal is enough to make everyone present sleepless and ponder her thoughts all night.

Although, she knew that Gu Beiyue had a very comprehensive plan that could help her find out the ghost. However, she decided to take a risk and do it herself.

After all, after being wronged for more than ten years, she had to vent her anger herself; moreover, she... didn't want to owe him too much.

Qin Min originally thought that Second Master Qin would sit down and eat with everyone. But who knew, Second Master Qin sighed, "Oh... I've been busy outside these days, but unfortunately I still can't get my elder brother out, and it's hard to even see him. Second uncle is old, and it's not worth it. I want to explain a few things to you."

"Daddy, what happened?" Qin Zhengyuan asked anxiously.

Second Master Qin didn't answer, he walked up to Qin Min and said in a low voice, "Mrs. Dean, this matter is related to elder brother's imprisonment, so you should avoid suspicion."

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked over. Qin Min's younger sisters and brother-in-law were silent, only her own younger brother Qin Changqing said angrily, "Second Master, do you think my sister is an outsider?"

"Hehe, the dean's wife is the same as the dean. She is just and unreliable, and kills relatives with righteousness. Chang Qing, don't embarrass your sister." Second Master Qin sneered.

"Father, the dean's wife is inconvenient to move, why don't we talk to the next door?" Qin Zhengyuan asked.

"It's okay." Qin Erye said politely, "Then Mrs. Lao will wait for a while."

After he finished speaking, he and his son walked to the side hall. As soon as they passed, the people from the second room immediately followed. Qin Min's three younger sisters looked at each other, clearly moved, but her younger brother sat angrily and did not move.

Without saying a word, Qin Min scooped up the soup and drank it.

It has to be said that her second uncle gave her a great blow. This approach seems to embarrass her, but it is actually testing her, embarrassing her, forcing her! To put it more bluntly, it is to sow discord between her and her brothers and sisters.

Qin Changqing finally couldn't bear it any longer, and asked loudly, "Sister, are you going to let them bully you?"

As soon as these words came out, the three younger sisters and brother-in-law all looked at Qin Min, waiting for Qin Min's answer.

The second uncle did such a great job, wouldn't Qin Min refute it? Why don't you express your opinion? Could it be that she came back to discuss with everyone how to rescue her father? Could it be that she is really bullied by this second uncle

Qin Min only said two words, "Eat."

"Sister!" Qin Changqing panicked and patted the table.

Qin Min was still indifferent, and the three younger sisters exchanged glances again. Finally, Second Miss Qin, Qin Jie, said, "Sister, what do you mean by being quiet? Hmph, do you still remember that Dad didn't train you back then?"

As soon as the second lady spoke, the other two immediately followed.

"Sister, you didn't come back to see everyone's jokes, did you? Well, now that the second uncle and his father and son are proud, you are also happy!"

"Sister, I didn't expect you to be so hard-hearted. You just don't save your father, but you don't even help your own brother. You are so disappointing!"

Qin Min didn't want to save her father, and didn't want to help her younger brother fight for the throne, because she knew that in the near future, in the medical field, the power of the family would disappear and be replaced by real talents. Even fighting for blood is futile now.

How to contain the Qin family and return the several major families in the Qin family's camp, so as to prevent them from hindering Gu Beiyue's upcoming reforms, is Gu Beiyue's own business.

She just came to find the murderer.

Let the three younger sisters question her, and let the younger brother stare at her resentfully, Qin Min ate and drank soup with peace of mind.

In a silent way, she waited for the murderer to lose his patience.

She couldn't have shown her talent back then, and then her legs were crippled by the murderer. Today, she has become the dean's wife and has shown a shocking talent. When she returns to the Qin family, the murderer can still sit still

The murderer had a reason to harm her back then, so today, the murderer has even more reason to harm her.

The more silent she was, the less the murderer could figure out the purpose of her trip, and the more impatient and flustered he would be.

She locked the murderer in the second room, facing the provocation from the second uncle, she had to calm down even more.

After eating, Qin Min said lightly, "You guys take it easy, I'll go back first. You guys should leave after eating."

Everyone was so angry that they couldn't speak. When Qin Min went out, Qin Jie suddenly chased him out and asked loudly, "Qin Min, what are you doing back here? You go, the Qin family doesn't welcome you!"

Qin Min looked back, all the opportunities that should have belonged to her back then were all given to this younger sister, but this younger sister still laughed at her a lot.

She didn't forget what happened back then, but, after so many years, she was too lazy to turn over old accounts.

In many cases, revenge does not necessarily mean doing something to the other party, taking revenge. There is a way of revenge called standing taller and seeing farther.

When you stand high enough, where your enemies can only look up and see, you win with great grace.

Qin Min knew that she was only the wife of the dean in name and did not really stand in such a high position. However, she did not want to be ashamed of the height and elegance of the words "Madame dean".

Qin Min ignored anyone and went back quietly with Shao Yao.

The second young lady was furious, rushed back, and said to Qin Changqing, "The eldest sister is here to see the joke, drive her away! Go and drive her away immediately!"

Qin Changqing has always been protected by his father. Now that he has come to this end, he has no idea at all. He only remembers the best words his father told him when he was taken away, "Listen to your eldest sister, let her decide everything!"

Although the elder sister didn't say anything today, he didn't dare to offend her.

"You go!"

Qin Jie tugged at Qin Changqing's clothes, Qin Changqing abruptly raised his hand, "What's bothering you when the elder sister comes back for a few days?"

"She's already married, who will allow her to come back and live?"

God knows how much Qin Jie dislikes Qin Min, she retorted angrily.

"Then... don't you come back every day?" Qin Changqing muttered.

"You!" Qin Jie was impatient, stomped her feet, grabbed her husband, and said angrily, "Yes! I want to stay today too! I will stay as long as she lives!"

As soon as she left, although the other two younger sisters didn't speak, they immediately followed her. The three sisters were clearly in the same group.

In the huge hall, Qin Changqing was the only one left before the table was full of delicious food and wine. He lost his appetite, sat for a while, and then left.

After they left, talents such as Qin Fengxian and Qin Zhengyuan came out one after another.

As soon as Qin Zhengyuan came out, he sneered, and was about to speak, but Qin Fengxian stopped him. He let the others eat, and took Qin Zhengyuan out by himself.

As soon as he went out, Qin Zhengyuan couldn't wait to say, "Father, what kind of medicine is sold in Qin Min's gourd?"

Qin Fengxian sneered, "Let me see how long she can live!"

"Father, it is absolutely impossible for her not to help Qin Changqing, what shall we do?" Qin Zheng was originally worried about this matter the most.

Qin Fengxian said displeased, "How many times have I told you that you can only achieve great things if you keep calm!"

As long as you, Qin Fengli, are sent out of the medical city and become a medical slave, people in the clan will immediately propose to set up another patriarch, and Qin Changqing's medical products are not qualified at all. He didn't believe that Qin Min could help Qin Changqing to the wall in such a short period of time!

All he has to do now is let Qin Min deal with him directly. Over the years, he has made many achievements in medical skills, and he has devoted himself to practicing medicine and saving lives, and he has not left any grounds. He was really not afraid of Qin Min dealing with him. As for the open and covert fights in the mansion, he had used many tricks, but those were not enough to make him lose his position as Patriarch.

Using "unchanged" to deal with Qin Min's "unmoved", he was very confident of winning.

Qin Fengli responded to Qin Min's "calmness" with an "unchanged" strategy. At the same time, Qin Min also used "calmness" to wait for Qin Fengli to take the bait.

However, three days later, things turned around, and Qin Min was caught off guard.

For three days, Qin Min didn't go out in her yard. Qin Changqing looked for her several times a day, but she didn't let go of her words. The third and fourth younger sisters also found her, and she didn't make a sound despite all kinds of temptations. .

On the fourth day, Qin Changqing had just left with her two older sisters, when Qin Jie came to the door alone.

Changing from her domineering and arrogant attitude in the past, she said to Qin Min sincerely, "Sister, let's... tell us what's on our minds! Do I still remember what you said more than ten years ago?"

Qin Min asked Shao Yao to bring tea over, and asked lightly, "Why?"

Qin Jie laughed helplessly, "Sister, you said that you want to marry Ji Yifeng when you grow up. Do you remember?"