Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1318: Beiyue Extra Story Change


What hit Gu Beiyue's heart that had been peaceful for many years? What kind of sadness is frowning on his handsome brow

If he can't even heal himself, who else can

Qin Min watched quietly for a long time, at first he looked at Gu Beiyue, and finally his eyes moved up unconsciously, and landed on the bright moon in the sky.

It was clearly summer, but there were no stars, and there was only a bright moon in the vast night sky.

In many cases, the light of the moon is too large to cover the light of the stars. In absolute light, no other shining point can be seen.

Qin Min walked over, but Gu Beiyue, who was so vigilant, didn't notice it. It wasn't until Qin Min stood behind him that he regained his senses. When he turned his head and saw Qin Min, his heart skipped a beat.

It's been... It's been a long, long time since I've been so absent-minded.

His heart was too turbulent, but the gentleness and calmness on his face remained the same. He asked lightly, "Miss Qin, have you dealt with everything in the house?"

Qin Min looked up at the moon and asked calmly, "What were you looking at just now?"

She didn't call him Grand Tutor, nor did she call him Gu Beiyue. This is the first time I've spoken to him without address.

Gu Beiyue was a little uncomfortable, but Qin Min asked again, "You have been in the Qin residence? Otherwise, how could you come here so quickly?"

Qin Min looked back at him, looked straight into his eyes, and continued, "Aren't you... busy?"

Qin Min asked three questions in a row. In fact, she was very afraid that he would answer. However, her questions are limited after all, and she can ask them all.

She waited, smiling, watching him.

Gu Beiyue, since you didn't leave, then give me a reason, a reason to stay, to stay in Medical City.

Not only did Gu Beiyue's brows not relax, but they got closer as Qin Min asked one question after another. Qin Min felt impulsive, and reached out to smooth it.

However, she finally endured it.

She knew very well that she couldn't smooth his brows, and she knew even more that only he himself could smooth out his scruples, hesitation, and worries.

Gu Beiyue hesitated for a long time.

Qin Min is willing to wait, even if he hesitates for a day, a month, or a year, Qin Min is willing to wait.

He is afraid of being decisive.

It's a pity that Gu Beiyue's hesitation lasted less than one night.

He said, "Miss Qin, I haven't left since that night. I promised you about the Qin family. No matter what, I will protect you. The Qin family and the Ji family are very involved in this change. What happened tonight will definitely threaten the Ji family, and Miss Qin has not yet helped."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Min's whole heart went cold.

He actually begged her for help at this moment

Is there anything you can't do in Medical City

His "begging" was clearly telling her that he came to Qin's house to protect her for another purpose, not just for her.

"Master Gu!"

Qin Min shouted, but didn't continue immediately. She also hesitated, but she didn't hesitate for as long as he did.

She said lightly, "I don't want to help you!"

Just like that, simply said "I don't want to" honestly, without saying any reason.

However, "I don't want to" is a reason after all. Is it because I don't want to hurt Ji Yifeng, who I once wanted to marry, or because I hate him for a purpose

Qin Min turned around and walked into the house. When she was about to enter the door, she turned her head and looked at Gu Beiyue. She said, "The affairs of the Qin family are over. Mrs. Gu, you can go back. I will leave tomorrow, you are busy, I Don't bother."

Qin Min's expression was calmer than his; Qin Min's tone was even calmer than his. Even her movement to close the door was so light, as if it was nothing more than an ordinary thing to her.

The door is closed.

Gu Beiyue was still standing, watching, subconsciously stretched out her hand, twitched her brows that were tense and aching, and finally stroked her face.

As soon as he turned around, in an instant, the person disappeared.

That night, Vice President Shen looked for Gu Beiyue everywhere in the medical school, but he couldn't find anyone. While Qin Min was sitting by the window, he still couldn't see Gu Beiyue's figure.

No one knows where he went that night.

At night, Qin Min treated the wound on Qin Jie's face. Although it was healed, it was inevitable to leave scars.

Qin Jie had no idea what Qin Min wanted to do, and was too scared to speak out.

After dawn, Qin Min said to her lightly, "That's the end of this matter. If you don't want to hurt Ji's family, you'd better keep your mouth shut! As for the injury on your face, you can find a way to resign yourself!"

Qin Jie nodded at first, but after thinking about it seriously, she couldn't help but ask, "Qin Min, I, why should I trust you? Dean, he... can he let go of this opportunity?"

Qin Min smiled brightly, and she said, "The dean is afraid of internal affairs, so listen to me!"

Qin Jie became even more confused. Looking at Qin Min's smile, she felt a sense of sadness for some reason. She felt that although Qin Min's smile was bright, it was not pretty.

"Qin Min, I'll trust you once!" After Qin Jie finished speaking, she fled away.

After the people left, Qin Min turned his head to look at Shao Yao who had been standing aside all the time, and said lightly, "Have you packed everything?"

"Okay." Shao Yao lowered her head, almost crying.

"Where's the carriage?" Qin Min asked again.

"I'm waiting at the secret passageway." Shao Yao answered truthfully.

"Then what are you doing? Let's go?"

Qin Min personally activated the mechanism on the bed and opened the secret passage. Shao Yao chased after her, choked with sobs.

"Miss, don't get angry with my uncle, okay? You don't know my uncle's temper?"

"Miss, my uncle has such a bad temper. He has you in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't come here. He has so many people under his command, he can send any one at will to protect us!"

"Miss, just give way to my uncle."

"Miss, you are not by my uncle's side, what if my uncle is sick? Who urged my uncle to take a medicinal bath?"

"Are you going?" Qin Min asked with a frown.

Shao Yao sniffed, her eyes turned red, "Miss, you don't want uncle?"

Qin Min didn't say a word, and walked into the secret passage step by step with a lantern on his back and a burden on his back. What about peonies? She could only pick up her luggage and chase down.

After both master and servant went down, Qin Min activated the mechanism and sealed the secret passage. She knew that she would never come back. She didn't want to care about the fights in the Qin family. It won't be long before the reform starts, and the Qin family will have nothing to fight about.

She walked quietly along the secret passage, but who knew that when she was about to reach the exit, she saw a person sitting against the wall of the exit from a distance, seemingly asleep.

She stopped abruptly, startled.

Shao Yao was even more startled, and blurted out, "Uncle!"

When Gu Beiyue woke up, he seemed surprised to see Qin Min and the others. He stood up and brushed the dust off his clothes.

Qin Min suddenly rushed over and rushed in front of him.

She was obviously very excited, but when she came to him and looked at him, she didn't know what to say.

There seemed to be a thousand words, but in the end it all turned into one sentence, "You... why are you here?"

"I… "

It was also the first time that Gu Beiyue didn't address her by address. He didn't call her Miss Qin, nor did she call her by name.

"I'm here to see you off." After he finished speaking, he smiled slightly.

Qin Min was obviously taken aback, but she smiled at him very quickly, "Thank you very much."

He really sent her off, all the way out of the secret road, but in fact it was less than ten steps away.

The carriage was waiting outside, she didn't need to bother him anymore, she stepped onto the carriage by herself.

She was sitting in the car, looking out from the window, still smiling, "Remember to take a medicinal bath frequently."

He nodded quietly.

Who knows, she hasn't finished speaking yet, she continued, "Otherwise, I will present that prescription to the two masters of Yunning City."

After she finished speaking, she put down the curtain without hesitation, and said to the driver, "Let's go!"

The carriage drove away slowly, and Shao Yao couldn't help crying in the car. She couldn't tell whether it was the miss who wanted the uncle or the uncle who wanted the miss. Qin Min leaned against the window and closed his eyes.

No one looked back, no one knew whether Gu Beiyue was still standing there, or turned around and left.

When Qin Min went south to Ningzhou City, Gu Beiyue would always find a reason for her to leave, and apart from the Qin family, few people would pay attention to Qin Min's whereabouts.

On the second day after Gu Beiyue returned to the medical city, he started the reform that had been planned for many years.

Although the Qin and Ren families and many big families in the two camps have been controlled, there are still many voices of opposition. Not only there are voices of opposition in the Medical City, but also voices of opposition from the imperial court and the people. Many big families in the Medical City are not without interests involved with people from outside.

Gu Beiyue changed his usual gentle style and adopted a high-pressure iron-blooded policy, and even many methods could become insidious, even Vice President Shen was taken aback by him.

For example, dealing with the family of acupuncture and moxibustion in the medical city, the Gu family. Gu Beiyue didn't give Patriarch Gu any time to hesitate, and directly laid out all the scandals of the Gu family members in the past three years, including misdiagnosis and death, and raising medical fees.

For example, dealing with the family of medicinal baths in the medical city, the Yue family. Gu Beiyue threw over a thick account book, all of which recorded the accounts between the Yue family and the Li family in the medicine city. Almost every page of the account was tricky, and Gu Beiyue himself marked it out.

For example, deal with the massage family in the medical city, the Zhang family. Gu Beiyue used Mrs. Zhang's derailment as a threat to the head of the Zhang family, and asked the head of the Zhang family to support the reform, otherwise the whole medical city would know that he was wearing a cuckold. Patriarch Zhang was so angry that he vomited blood, but there was nothing he could do.

As for the Ji family, the same cannot be spared. Gu Beiyue didn't take advantage of Qin Jie's affairs, but she still found other reasons for Ji's family. He didn't talk to Qin Min about this matter, and Qin Min didn't bother.

Everyone thought that the reform of the medical school was because Gu Beiyue wanted to curry favor with Long Feiye. However, Long Feiye did not sit back and enjoy the success. On the fifth day after Gu Beiyue launched the revolution, Long Feiye acted without warning, and found out all the ministers who had secret contacts and colluded with the major families of the imperial court Zhongtong Medical City! The method is more direct than Gu Beiyue's, even cruel!

It took them half a year to finally return all the privileges of Medical City to the court.

Gu Beiyue changed the medical city, and Long Feiye, with the help of Han Yunxi, changed the deep-rooted medical system...