Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1320: Beiyue Extra Story Nan Chen


Facing such a warm little shadow is like facing Gu Beiyue.

However, Qin Min could reject Gu Beiyue, but he could never reject Xiao Ying.

She said, "Okay, let's not argue with him."

She carried the little shadow over, let the little shadow sit on her lap, and snuggle into her arms.

She could never forget how timid and unfamiliar he was when she first met Little Shadow; nor could she forget the scene where Little Shadow was sitting at the gate waiting for her after she came back from the medical city.

The nanny said that after the child came back from Yunning, he would sit at the gate every night and wait for her to come back.

That day, when she got out of the car, he rushed over and called her "Godmother".

She had never been a mother before, but at that moment, she really felt that Little Shadow was her own child, and she felt that she was the child's all support.

She said to him, "It's not a godmother, it's a mother. From now on, they will be called mothers."

The two-year-old little shadow is more or less sensible, and it took a whole month to correct it, and occasionally yelled "Godmother" inadvertently.

But now, he is five years old, and he never called her "mother" again. He always called her "mother" and "mother" softly and sweetly, and when he was serious, he would call her "mother". ".

Seeing the letter in Mother's hand, Little Shadow asked, "Mother, is there a letter from Daddy again?"

"Yes." Qin Min replied lightly.

Little Shadow thought for a while and asked, "Mother, what does Daddy look like?"

The number of times Little Shadow saw Gu Beiyue was counted on the fingers of the fingers. After he was two years old, he basically never saw him. His memory is fuzzy, and he only knows that he is not the real son of his parents.

Qin Min thought for a long time, then pointed to the added moon, "It looks like that."

Little Shadow looked up, but didn't understand after looking for a long time, "Where are you looking?"

"Look at the moon." Qin Min said seriously.

Little Shadow was stunned, "Looks like the moon?"

"Is the moon beautiful?" Qin Min asked.

"It looks good." Little Shadow replied without hesitation.

"Your father is as beautiful as the moon." Qin Min laughed to himself as he spoke.

The mother and son were chatting when Xi Yubo came over.

"Madam, it's time for the young master to go to bed. Tomorrow morning I have to get up early to practice."

After Gu Beiyue left, Xi Yubo had warned Xi Yubo once. Now Xi Yubo sees Qin Min as he sees Gu Beiyue, he is always respectful and dare not be presumptuous.

"Doesn't the shadow know it? You all failed to catch him together. In my opinion, you dismissed all those people. It is enough to have the shadow."

Qin Min's half-serious, half-joking tone made Xi Yubo unclear what she really meant. Xi Yubo could only smirk, "Ma'am, the young master is very talented and quick to learn."

"It's good to know. Turn around, let Beiyue change a group of people to teach. Let the shadow rest for a while." Qin Min said again.

Xi Yubo was in a dilemma, the shadow of the main platoon was not trained well enough, so it was difficult for him to handle the job.

"Yes!" He agreed first, thinking about how to report to the master.

At this moment, the little shadow suddenly jumped out of Qin Min's arms, and immediately jumped to the ground.

He was very serious and said loudly, "Come here, protect Madam, someone broke in!"

As he spoke, his figure swept away, and then he went to the right.

Qin Min and Xi Yubo borrowed their state of mind, and there were many guards ambushed around the house, and it must be extraordinary to reach out for such a silent intruder.

However, Qin Min and Xi Yubo waited for a long time, but no guards came to protect them. Instead, I saw two figures, one small and one large, chasing on the roof.

Qin Min was dumbfounded at that tall and slender figure, she subconsciously rubbed her eyes, thinking that she was wrong.

However, Xi Yubo quickly blurted out, "It's the master, the master is back."

That's right, it's Gu Beiyue!

The figure under the moon, Qin Min probably will never forget it in his life. I just received his letter and medicine dregs today, why did he come here

Qin Min stared blankly at that familiar figure, unable to think anymore, just looked, looked...

Gu Beiyue clearly could slow down and let the shadow chase him. At first, the distance between the shadow and him was still a bit large, but gradually, Gu Beiyue slowed down even more slowly, and the shadow got closer to him.

Originally, he wanted to keep a step away from Little Shadow, to annoy the child. But who knew, when the distance tightened, instead of continuing to chase, the little shadow turned around and landed beside Qin Min.

Gu Beiyue was very surprised, he looked back.

I saw Qin Min and Shadow standing under the tree, under the moonlight, looking at him.

Three years have passed, Little Shadow has grown up, and Qin Min has not changed much except for losing weight.

He stood on the roof, and the moonlight shone on him, which washed away the leaden brilliance of his body, and his white clothes looked particularly pure. He just watched Qin Min and their mother and son... He didn't know why, but he didn't chase after him.

Little Shadow held his mother's hand and murmured, "Mother."

Only then did Qin Min regain his senses, "Huh?"

Little Shadow was silent for a moment, then murmured again, "Mother, the moon has fallen."

Qin Min subconsciously looked up to the sky, only to see the moon was still high in the sky, and the entire night sky was silent. She murmured, "No, the moon still..."

Halfway through the conversation, she finally came to her senses, what is this all about

She said seriously, "Shadow, your father is back."

"Mother, he deliberately tricked me." Although Shadow is not as smart as other children, but Qin Min's personal teaching over the past three years has made him smart and restrained.

"No, he's testing your lightness kung fu." Qin Min said again.

No matter how calm Little Shadow was, he was still a child after all. He became nervous, "Mom, I didn't catch up to him."

Qin Min was stupid again, muttering to himself, "I can't catch up either."

"But, you don't know martial arts." Little Shadow looked up, his immature face was full of confusion.

Qin Min came back to his senses again, and quickly comforted him, "You are still young, you will definitely catch up to him in the future."

Little Shadow believed her mother's words the most, and immediately gained confidence, and said seriously, "Mother, if Daddy runs away in the future, I will chase him back for you, okay?"

It took Qin Min a long time to answer a question that was wrong, and she said, "He has lost a lot of weight."

"Mother, why hasn't Daddy come over yet?" Little Shadow asked again.

Without thinking about it, Qin Min said casually, "I don't know either, you can ask him."

Who knew that the little shadow would land in front of Gu Beiyue as soon as it swept across, so fast that even Qin Min couldn't stop it. She was about to chase after her, but she saw Gu Beiyue squatting down in front of Little Shadow.

She stopped, and this scene made her whole heart soften and quiet down.

She believed that this person whose heart was as cold as ice would never hurt the child.

Gu Beiyue carefully looked at Xiaoying's face, never expecting that timid child to stand in front of him and look at him so boldly.

He smiled softly, and said, "Little Shadow, do you know who I am?"

Little Shadow nodded seriously, and looked at his father's appearance, but didn't make a sound.

"Who am I?" Gu Beiyue asked again.

Little Shadow looked thoughtful, but he didn't know what to think about. Gu Beiyue didn't rush and waited patiently.

However, Little Shadow thought for too long, and he couldn't help asking, "Since you know it, why do you still think about it?"

Little Shadow then replied, "You are the patriarch of the Shadow Clan, you are the prince's teacher, and you are the chief physician."

Who is father and what kind of person he is, mother has told him.

When Gu Beiyue was surprised, a certain part of his heart felt aching. He unconsciously drew the little shadow over and let the little shadow lean in his arms.

Little Shadow is not afraid of life long ago, and he is even more afraid of life for this "father". In the past three years, his mother has told him too many things about his father. He also rubbed his mother's letter several times, and had a few chats with this "father".

Gu Beiyue asked seriously, "What else?"

What Gu Beiyue wanted was "Daddy", but Little Shadow said, "Also, you are still Mother's Moon."

Gu Beiyue was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Qin Min, who immediately averted her gaze. Gu Beiyue also immediately looked away, and asked softly, "Is there any more?"

Little Shadow thought for a long time, and finally shook his head, "That's all I know."

Gu Beiyue picked up Xiao Ying, looked at him, and said seriously, "Also, I am Gu Nanchen's father."

Qin Min originally asked him to name the little shadow, but he kept thinking about it. After she came back from the medical city, she refused to let him take it, and named the little shadow "Nanchen" by herself.

Nanchen literally means the stars in the south. As for the meaning, she didn't say, and he didn't ask.

Beiyue Nanchen. Anyone who knew his name would not be difficult to guess Little Shadow's identity when they heard Little Shadow's name.

He replied to Qin Min at that time and said, "Okay!"

Seeing her father's serious expression, Xiaoying suddenly grinned, and Gu Beiyue realized that Xiaoying's smile was so bright.

Little Shadow said, "You are Daddy! Do you still need to say it?"

Gu Beiyue was speechless, and couldn't help laughing out loud. Suddenly, there was a feeling that everything became simple, as if all the complicated things could be sorted out and smoothed out by the child's innocent words.

Little Shadow stopped laughing, and said seriously, "Daddy, I finally see you, I miss you very much."

Gu Beiyue was filled with guilt, even though there was correspondence, but in the busy three years, he owed this child too much.

Whether biological or not, he is the father of the child.

He hugged Xiaoying tightly, and said softly, "Daddy misses you too."

"Does Daddy want to kiss Mother?" Little Shadow asked again.

Gu Beiyue paused, but quickly replied, "Yes, I also want to."

"Daddy, why don't you go down? Mother has been waiting for you for a long time, don't let her wait, her legs will be sore."

"En." Gu Beiyue responded lightly without saying much.

He flew down with the little shadow in his arms, and slowly landed in front of Qin Min.

The two are similar, and they smile at the same time, at least, when they smile, they avoid each other's sight.

Little Shadow looked at mother, then at father, hurriedly leaned into father's ear, and whispered, "Daddy, mother looks at the moon every day, and misses you every day."

Gu Beiyue looked at Qin Min again, and unconsciously shifted her gaze down from the side of her face. She sized her up and found that she was even thinner from a close distance.

"Father, mother was still looking at the moon just now, I won't lie to you." Little Shadow emphasized in a low voice.