Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1323: Beiyue Fanwai Doctor Qin


Gu Beiyue was lying on the couch, his consciousness was actually clear, but he was too weak to speak. Even if I have the urge to speak, I will want to cough.

I don't know how much Qin Min's acupuncture skills have improved in the past three years. Just a few needles can suppress his cough.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know how much torture he will endure this time.

After the medical reform, he was waiting, waiting for Jin Zi to triumphantly return from Dongwu Kingdom, and waiting for the emperor and empress to officially settle in the imperial capital and enter the imperial palace. Then, he will leave.

In fact, there is no need for the empress to drive him away, he already planned to rest, to be precise, to go into seclusion. He retreated to a place where no one knew, and taught Xiaoying Qinggong himself.

He can't heal himself, but he is very aware of his condition, and can even estimate the time he has left.

Little Shadow's talent is so good, he is confident enough to teach Little Shadow.

Everything is planned, even life.

Qin Min was also a person in the plan, but it happened that he gave birth to the "unbearable heart" that was not in the plan.

He has been unable to figure it out, thinking about it now, maybe, the sudden return tonight is also because of this "unbearable heart".

Just when Xi Yubo was forced by Qin Min to tell the truth about the Shadow Clan, Gu Beiyue raised his hand very hard and stopped Xi Yubo.

"Master is awake!" Uncle Xi Yu was overjoyed.

Qin Min hurried over and asked, "Gu Beiyue, how are you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Gu Beiyue handed Qin Min the divorce letter that had been in her hand.

Qin Min was stunned for a moment, thinking that he didn't want the divorce letter, but who knew, she took it and took a closer look, and saw that there was a handprint on the divorce letter, the blood-stained handprint, which was very clear.

His left hand was stained with coughed blood, but his right hand, which had been holding the letter of divorce, was clean!

When did he print this handprint

This guy, whose life is almost gone, still doesn't care to stamp the divorce letter

Qin Min didn't know whether she was angry or sad, she tore up the divorce letter without hesitation, and said angrily, "Gu Beiyue, I regret it! Unless you recover from illness, otherwise, I will never divorce you in my life." Lose you, I won't leave you! If you want me to go, get well soon!"

Gu Beiyue slowly opened her eyes, looked at the angry Qin Min, and shook her head helplessly.

Qin Min was about to explode with anger. Perhaps, only anger could suppress the sadness in his heart. She warned angrily, "You try shaking your head again, I will write a letter now and tell the Emperor and Empress about this, as well as Mu Linger and the others. I will tell everyone!"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Beiyue stopped, not daring to shake her head.

This threat worked very well for him.

He has been alone for many years, without clansmen or relatives, he only has those friends. The storms and waves have passed, and the hardships and hardships have also passed. He does not want to break this hard-won quiet time.

Seeing that Gu Beiyue didn't move, Qin Min's anger finally subsided a little, but once his anger subsided, his heart gradually became uncomfortable. The whole heart seemed to be strangled, and it hurt so badly that I couldn't breathe.

Many times, anger isn't the real emotion, sadness is.

Anger is a kind of cover-up, but also a kind of self-protection.

Anger is outward, and sadness is hidden in the heart. When the anger subsides gradually, all that is left to me is extremely unbearable pain.

Qin Min said lightly, "Uncle Xi, you go out first. I want to talk to your master alone."

Xi Yubo still didn't dare to be presumptuous, and cast a questioning look at his master.

After Gu Beiyue acquiesced, Xi Yubo left and closed the door.

I don't know what Qin Min and Gu Beiyue talked about. In short, Qin Min didn't open the door until the first ray of sunlight entered the yard the next morning.

She walked into the yard, raised her hands, stretched herself, and took a big breath of fresh air. Although the tears in the corners of her eyes were very obvious, her eyes were not as dim as last night. The sun can still shine into her eyes, illuminating her whole body.

After a while, she went to have breakfast herself, left a copy for Xiao Ying, and brought the rest to Gu Beiyue's room.

Gu Beiyue can already stay in the bed, he is still the same, he can see that his health is not good, but he can't see that he is suffering from a serious illness, and his life is not long.

When Qin Min came in, he was standing in front of the desk and picked up the air pineapple beside the inkstone.

It was given to him by Qin Min back then, and he stayed here without taking care of it.

Even if the air pineapple has no roots and does not need to be taken care of, as long as it is sprayed with water occasionally, it still needs to be taken care of. In the past four years, this Fengfeng pineapple, which was only the size of a child's palm at first, has grown up completely. It is as big as his palm, and a spike of yellow flowers sprang out from the center of the flower. It is not very beautiful, but it is very attractive. A special kind of beauty. Moreover, two small buds sprang out from the bottom of the flower path, as if two babies had been born.

For the past four years, Qin Min must have been protecting her, otherwise, even the tenacious flower would wither.

Qin Min came over with breakfast, and said with a smile, "Be careful, don't drop the buds next to you. Those two buds will fall off by themselves in a few days, and you can survive alone. Come and eat, starting today, your three buds will fall off by themselves. Meals are covered by me too. However, you have to express the cost of meals."

"it is good."

Gu Beiyue put down the air pineapple carefully, walked over to take a look, and saw that the breakfast prepared for Qin Min arrived unexpectedly.

Qin Min spread beige napkins on the table, the dishes were light pink, and the tableware was so delicate that it even had a chopstick rest. She boiled a small pot of white rice porridge, and seemed to have added some millet, and the porridge could be seen in spots of yellow; she made four small dishes, fish and eggs, and two vegetables.

In the early morning of summer, such a light but not vegetarian breakfast, paired with elegant tableware, is enough to whet the appetite.

At least, it has been a long, long time since Gu Beiyue didn't calm down and eat breakfast slowly. He usually settles a meal with a glass of water and a steamed bun.

The two sat down, Gu Beiyue still frowned slightly, Qin Min said seriously, "Teacher Gu, you want to show this face again. Our agreement is void!"

Last night, she learned the secrets of the Shadow Clan and the truth about his illness.

Shadow's direct relatives have been passed down from generation to generation, only his grandfather is an exception, but he only lived to be in his early forties, and his father only lived to be in his 25th year. There are strange diseases in the ancestors, which have been passed down from generation to generation, and almost no one can escape. He can only maintain his body through medicinal baths and delay the time as much as possible.

At the end of the day, the cough will not stop, and people are coughed to death alive. He had always suspected that his father was not killed by coughing, but that his grandfather knew his life with his own hands, saving him from the final pain.

Last night, Qin Min was very persistent. She said, "I'll leave when you recover."

Only then did he tell the truth. He said, "You can't wait for me to recover. You have nothing to do with disease, life or death. Just leave."

At that moment, she cried. looked at him and cried.

She said, "Gu Beiyue, can I rely on you? It won't last long, only five years. If you really can't recover from your illness, I will leave; if you recover from your illness, I will leave too.

He refused, "No."

She threatened: "Unless you kill someone, you will definitely regret it."

He was silent for an entire hour, and she didn't say a word, didn't say a word. just wait.

In the end, he compromised. He handed her a small golden knife, and said to her very seriously, "Be prepared to kill me, and I will promise you."

She took the little golden knife without hesitation, and said, "Okay. Gu Beiyue, from now on, you are my patient, and your life and death are related to me."

That's how the five-year agreement was made. It's not about love, it's about life and death, Qin Min convinced himself like this.

Seeing that Gu Beiyue still didn't move her chopsticks, she handed it in person, "Master Gu, mind therapy is better than medicine therapy, you should understand. Be happy, I'm not really pestering you, what are you worried about? Three days a day Come over on time for meals and take a medicated bath for an hour in the morning, and the rest of the time is yours. Also, in the future, you can just call me Doctor Qin."

Seeing Qin Min's smile, Gu Beiyue finally smiled slightly, and he moved his chopsticks.

After taking a sip of plain porridge, his plain expression changed to surprise and surprise. He never expected that Qin Min's cooking skills were so good that even white rice porridge could be cooked so deliciously.

"Try some side dishes and see if it suits your taste." Qin Min said.

Gu Beiyue was still very face-saving, and tasted all of them, "Doctor Qin's craftsmanship is excellent, in the future, I will be lucky."

Qin Min smiled, "Then eat more."

Gu Beiyue originally thought she would say something more, but Qin Min didn't say much, and just ate quietly.

After dinner, Qin Min went to deal with the medicine bath. Gu Beiyue went to find Xiaoying. Little Shadow is five years old, and the heat is almost ready, he has to teach Little Shadow martial arts himself.

Maybe it's Qin Min's daily teaching, maybe it's the two letters every month, although Little Shadow hasn't seen this father for more than three years, he is not unfamiliar with him. Coupled with Gu Beiyue's gentleness and patience, after a few days, the two soon became as close as a father and son.

The days went on like this, apart from eating three meals with Qin Min, Gu Beiyue also took an hour-long medicinal bath in the morning, and spent the rest of her time on Little Shadow. As for Qin Min, apart from cooking and helping Gu Beiyue with diet, the rest of his time was spent on medicinal baths and acupuncture. She inquired clearly about Gu Beiyue's condition, including the development of his condition from childhood to adulthood, hoping to find a way to combine medicinal baths and acupuncture.

She used the meal time to discuss with Gu Beiyue, and never delayed his other time. As for the fact that Gu Beiyue had taken medicinal baths for the past three years, Gu Beiyue didn't mention it again, and Qin Min misunderstood it just like that.

When autumn came, some good news came from the north.

Jin Zi conquered the last stone city of Dongwu Kingdom, captured the entire Dongwu Kingdom, and garrisoned troops to the border fortress, intending to spend the cold winter in Dongwu Kingdom with Mu Linger before heading south triumphantly! The only regret is that Jin Zi did not catch Lezheng, the biggest slave trader in Dongwu Kingdom, and Lezheng and his gang all ran away to Xuankong Continent.

It must be mentioned that Mu Linger gave birth to a daughter for Jin Jin last winter. Jin Zi used the word "Jin" in his name and the word "Ling" in Mu Ling'er's name very capriciously, and named his daughter "Jin Ling".

In Han Yunxi's words, "I'm afraid people in the world don't know that Mu Linger gave birth to him for him."

Therefore, Mu Linger was promoted to "Big Linger", and Xiao Jinling was called "Little Linger".

Another good news is that the imperial capital is completely completed. The ministers in the court recommended many fortune tellers, hoping that the divination would reveal a good and auspicious day for the emperor and empress to officially move into the Imperial Palace.

Long Feiye chose a date himself, and this day is the Mid-Autumn Festival!

There is still more than half a month before the Mid-Autumn Festival. On this day, Gu Beiyue finished her breakfast and said to Qin Min, "You pack up. Tomorrow, we will go north and return to the imperial capital."

Mo Youhua: I have newly ordered a peripheral gift, which is very beautiful.

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