Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1324: Beiyue Extra Story Imperial Capital


The emperors of Daqin were all built on the basis of the former imperial capital of Tianning Kingdom. The old palace only retained the Changding Palace where Long Feiye lived in when he was young, and the rest were basically destroyed.

Not only did Changding Palace remain, but it was expanded into a large-scale mansion. Even Tang Zijin, who was in charge of building the capital, didn't know what the emperor wanted to keep Changding Palace

Before Princess Yan was born, the people in the imperial city rumored that this palace was left by the emperor to the second prince. After all, apart from the prince, the prince could not live in the palace after he became an adult. However, as soon as Princess Yan was born, the rumors of the people in the imperial city changed, saying that this palace was reserved for the princess by the emperor, and it would be the Princess Palace of the city in the future.

The Great Qin Palace was built on the former site of the Qin Palace, and the new Palace took up a lot of land in the old Palace. The entire imperial palace is oriented north-south, facing south from the north, and a "Yonghe Gate" in the middle divides the palace into two.

The center of the "Outer Dynasty" is the "Tianxuan Hall", which is the emperor's court meeting and the place where state affairs are handled. On both sides of the Tianxuan Hall are various functional institutions such as the House of Internal Affairs in charge of internal affairs, Wenyuan Pavilion in charge of the royal collection, and the Imperial Hospital.

The "harem" is the living place of the royal family. The former site of Prince Qin’s Mansion is located in the harem, and it was rebuilt into the “Yunxian Palace” on the basis of the original. Other parts of Prince Qin’s Mansion have been remodeled, but the Furong Garden where Long Feiye and Han Yunxi lived before has not been touched. .

Long Feiye's bedroom and Han Yunxi's Yunxian Pavilion are still the same, even the poisonous weeds that Han Yunxi planted in the yard are still alive and well.

In addition to Yunxian Palace, there are several palaces in the harem, all of which are currently vacant. There are many rumors about the future owners of these palaces, but smart people know that these palaces are basically going to be vacant.

In the early years, some people would persuade Long Feiye to choose a concubine to be a concubine for the royal family, but no one dared to mention this matter in the past two years. Because most of the people who advised me before did not end well.

Smarter people have long given up the idea of the position of the imperial concubine, but the idea of the crown prince and concubine. However, this matter seems to be more difficult than getting the emperor to accept the concubine.

The crown prince is almost five years old. Under the guidance of the emperor and the empress, and with the assistance of the grand tutor Gu Beiyue, his mind is far ahead of children of the same age. The most important thing is that he has inherited his father's temperament, calm and calm. Reticent, let alone understand his mind, even if it is face-to-face, it is difficult to say a word.

Therefore, the people of the imperial city who don't worry about state affairs and love to worry about royal gossip have a new guess, saying that in the future, the prince will definitely be like His Royal Highness King Qin, who will be given a marriage or forced to marry. Can't get into his eyes.

Ever since, those princes, nobles, civil and military ministers all set their sights on the position of "son-in-law". Helpless, they quickly gave up. The emperor's protection of the princess was simply speechless. So far, there are only a handful of people who have seen the real face of the princess!

In this way, whether it is the choice of the crown princess or the son-in-law, the final decision still rests with the emperor. Everyone worked around and around, and finally found that it is the most effective to please the emperor.

The harem is very large, but so far there are only four masters living in it, and there are not many servants and father-in-laws serving them, and guards are not common. However, everyone knows that there is only one way to die for trespassers.

The imperial city is divided into two parts: the outer inner city and the outer city, and the inner city is populated by princes and nobles and high-ranking officials. Gu Qishao's Prince Yu's Mansion, Gu Beiyue's Grand Tutor's Mansion, Tang Li's mansion, and Jin Zi's mansion are all in the inner city. The people living in the outer city are ordinary people.

Long Feiye and Han Yunxi officially entered the palace on August 15th. However, they arrived at the imperial city several days earlier. Before entering the palace, Long Feiye and Han Yunxi had to attend many worship ceremonies. On the morning of August 15th, Long Feiye held his first court meeting in Tianxuan Hall. After the morning court, he immediately went to the harem after handling the day's government affairs. As for whether he was in a hurry to accompany the empress or his little princess, the empress probably knew.

Gu Beiyue and Qin Min arrived at the imperial capital in the afternoon of that day. Qin Min and Xiao Yingying were both frightened. They never thought that Taifu's Mansion would be such a big house.

And when they entered the door, they were shocked again. Although the house covers a large area, there are only two yards in the house, a big yard and a small yard. The big yard is used for living and living, while the small yard is used for study and collection of books. vacant.

"You guys rest, I'll go to the palace." Gu Beiyue said lightly.

"Dinner is up to you, just don't come back too late." Qin Min said seriously. She knew that when he came to the imperial capital, his vacation was over, and some of them were busy with things. It is not appropriate to restrict him to have three meals a day, but the medicated bath cannot be interrupted.

All the way from Ningzhou, he could have arrived ten days ago, but he insisted on following the route she chose. An overnight stay at the inn is guaranteed every day. In this way, it is guaranteed that Little Shadow can eat a hot meal every day, and Gu Beiyue can also take a medicinal bath every night. Gu Beiyue didn't object, and followed her wishes.

Between the two, there was less politeness and distance than before, but they were not close either, but they communicated less than before. However, Gu Beiyue would nod whenever she spoke.


Gu Beiyue nodded and was about to leave when she suddenly turned her head and looked to the right. Soon, Little Shadow also noticed the movement on the roof on the right.

"Daddy, there's someone!" Little Shadow whispered.


As soon as Gu Beiyue finished speaking, the little shadow flew to the roof. These days, under Gu Beiyue's personal training, Little Shadow's qinggong has improved rapidly.

Gu Beiyue already knew that Little Shadow had good talent, but he was still surprised by the talent that Little Shadow kept showing. The most commendable thing is that Little Shadow is not only talented, but also very hardworking and never proud.

As soon as the little shadow chased him, the guards lurking around followed him from all directions. Gu Beiyue, however, has been standing beside Qin Min, without moving.

Seeing the figure of Little Shadow disappearing into the other side of the roof, Qin Min became worried, "Is there any danger?"

"Don't worry." Gu Beiyue said seriously, in the mansion, and at this distance, no matter who came, he could still ensure the safety of Little Shadow.

Although Little Shadow has practiced martial arts since childhood, he is five years old and has never fought against others, let alone understand the dangers of the human heart. Gu Beiyue has already planned to send Little Shadow into the rivers and lakes next year, and let him experience it by himself.

Soon, one of the guards returned to the spot and said in a low voice, "Master, it's the Crown Prince who has come down."

Whether it is the title of "His Royal Highness" or the identity of "Son of Long Feiye", it can make people nervous.

That child is too honorable!

Qin Min was nervous, not for himself, but for Little Shadow, for fear that Little Shadow would trouble the Crown Prince.

Suddenly, the figure of the little shadow appeared on the roof again, and rushed up. Soon, a black shadow chased after him, although the speed was not as fast as the little shadow, but the momentum was eye-catching.

The little shadow landed on the roof beside him, before he could stand still, the child in black chased after him and also landed on the roof.

Little Shadow was about to speak, but the child in black slapped out a palm. The wind of the palm was so strong that it hit Little Shadow in front of him, and raised Little Shadow's hair.


Looking from Qin Min's position, he could only see the back of the child in black, he could only see the child in black raising his palm, but he couldn't see the small shadow.

Qin Min was so frightened that his heart almost stopped beating, but who knew, Xiao Rui'er tilted her head, crossed over the body of the black-clothed child, and smiled at Qin Min, "Mother, don't be afraid. His Royal Highness is merciful."

This black-clothed child is of course the present Crown Prince Xuanyuan Rui.

Although he is only four and a half years old, about half a year younger than Little Shadow, he is taller than Little Shadow. His lightness kung fu is not as good as Xiao Ying's, but his kung fu is far superior. You know, since he was three years old, he has been learning martial arts from his grandfather Han Chen every year for about three months. He has learned it three times so far, and he only rushed back from the Fengming Mountain Palace a while ago.

After the little shadow smiled at his mother, he quickly stood up straight, raised his hands in a dignified bow, and saluted, "Gu Nanchen, pay homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"How do you know who I am?" Xuanyuan Rui asked. He was practicing kung fu just now, and when he heard that the master was back, he rushed over without changing his clothes. This simple black outfit is a practice outfit.

"Because all the guards next to him just ran away." Little Shadow replied earnestly.

Xuanyuan Rui looked Xiaoying up and down, and praised, "Qinggong is excellent."

The little shadow immediately bowed again and smiled slightly, "Your Highness is absurd."

Xuanyuan Rui raised his eyebrows, looked at Xiao Ying with surprise in his eyes, and didn't speak any more. Little Shadow wasn't flustered or curious, the prince looked at him, he kept smiling, calm like a little monk.

Xuanyuan Rui was thinking about a question secretly at this time, "How could this little shadow be kept? His temperament is so similar to that of Taifu Gu!"

Little Shadow is always smiling, smiling, warm and beautiful. On the contrary, Xuanyuan Rui felt uncomfortable. No one of his peers had ever dared to face his scrutiny and laugh at him for so long. He first avoided the little shadow's sight and turned around.

As soon as Xuanyuan Rui turned around, Qin Min, Shao Yao and the nanny beside him were all startled.

What a heavenly face this is!

Wufen is like an emperor, but has its own edges, charm and nobility. He is only four years old, and although he is still immature, he can still see the heroic spirit between his brows. And those dark eyes are filled with innate indifference and mystery, which makes one can't help but want to travel through time and years, and see how deep and charming these eyes will be when he grows up. .

Xuanyuan Rui flew down to the roof and landed right in front of Gu Beiyue, bowing to him respectfully, "Teacher."

In terms of status, Xuanyuanrui is the master and Gu Beiyue is the minister, but as the grand tutor, Gu Beiyue is also Xuanyuanrui's teacher. Gu Beiyue can afford this gift, and it is rare for Xuanyuanrui, the prince of the empire, to be so willing , so respectfully perform this salute.

"Your Highness." Gu Beiyue also bowed.

"His Royal Highness" is the title, it was given to the emperor in the past, but now it is given to the young master.

After the two were tied, Qin Min wanted to salute, but who knew, Xuanyuan Rui looked at her and also bowed, "Mrs. Qin."

Qin Min is the wife of the Grand Tutor, the teacher's wife, more seriously she is the teacher's wife.

Xuanyuan Rui's ceremony was neither respectful nor polite. Although he saluted, he still gave people a sense of dignity.

This gift is education.