Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1348: Ten Years of Covenant Embrace


After hearing what Little Shadow said, Rui'er felt something was wrong. He asked Little Shadow and Yan'er to come closer and discuss together.

He asked earnestly, "The whereabouts reported by the Taifu to the medical department are forged, why?"

Little Shadow shook his head, "My dad must have a reason for what he does."

Yan'er gave him a blank look, "Nonsense."

In fact, Little Shadow himself had already realized that something was wrong, but he thought that he would know when he saw his parents, so he didn't think about it.

Mother confessed clearly and forbade him to reveal the secret. Helpless, when he received the secret letter that day, he bumped into Princess Yan and was discovered by Princess Yan.

In desperation, he could only tell Princess Yan and asked her to keep it secret. Princess Yan also felt something was wrong, so she was going to tell her parents immediately.

In the end, he could only stop her by agreeing to take her out of the palace to Wuya Mountain together.

Taking Princess Yan out of the palace would inevitably lead to a large group of shadow guards, and Little Shadow had no choice but to find His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. He knew that only His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had the means to dismiss those shadow guards.

"Shadow, will something serious happen to your parents?" Rui'er asked seriously.

Little Shadow didn't answer, but those clear and gentle eyes dimmed a lot.

"Brother, you can't keep this matter from the royal father and the queen mother... the royal father can stand up to such a big matter!" Yan'er's admiration for the royal father seems to be innate.

Rui'er and Xiao Ying looked at Yan'er at the same time, and nodded in approval.

In the hearts of all children, Long Feiye is the omnipotent patron saint. Guard this country, guard each of them.

"Go and tell Father Emperor now!" Yan'er said hastily.

Rui'er stopped her, "Smelly girl, are you going to let Shadow be scolded? Let's go over and have a look first, or maybe, Tai Tuo and Aunt Min hid there to rest, nothing happened."

Rui'er's words were obviously meant to comfort Little Shadow.

The three children tossed and turned for a long time before falling asleep. Early the next morning, Little Shadow woke up.

He didn't have the heart to wake up His Royal Highness and Princess Yan, so he sat alone at the door of the tent. Who knew, His Highness and Princess Yan who loved to sleep late also woke up early.

The three children began to rush day and night, and when they arrived at the medical city, it was not yet the time agreed between Rui'er and Waitong.

Rui'er searched all night and dismissed the shadow guards. The three of them sneaked away to Wuya Mountain.

When Little Shadow stood at the door of the small courtyard, looking at the empty courtyard and the closed door, he stopped unconsciously.


Yan'er took his hand and strode into the courtyard.

Little Shadow looked around and murmured, "Your Highness, Princess... Did we find the wrong place?"

The yard is overgrown with weeds, and it can be seen that it has not been taken care of for a long time. Niangqin is the person who likes to tidy up the yard the most. The place where Niangqin lives must be full of flowers, clean and tidy, it can't be like this.

The door of the house was locked from the outside, and no one was there obviously.

And there are two large stone tubs by the door, one is covered with countless moss, and the vines are particularly lush, the other has obviously been cleaned, it is empty, and it is very clean.

There was already a smell of medicinal herbs in the air, and the smell of medicinal herbs became even stronger when he approached this big bath tub. Rui'er leaned down to smell it, and asked seriously, "Shadow, is this for a medicinal bath?"

Little Shadow came over quickly, and immediately nodded when he smelled it seriously, "It must be used by Daddy, I remember this smell!"

Little Shadow has not only studied shadow art since he was a child, but also studied medicine. He is naturally sensitive to the smell of medicinal materials, and his father often took medicinal baths before, so he remembers this smell even more.

"Then it's not wrong, what about Taifu and the others?" Yan'er looked around curiously.

While talking, Rui'er first looked out the door vigilantly, and the little shadow immediately followed, Yan'er realized it later, and when she looked back, she saw two figures coming from afar.

These two people are Gu Beiyue and Qin Min! Gu Beiyue was the same as before, white clothes better than snow, gentle as jade, but her face was obviously much, much paler. Qin Min looked the same at first glance, but his eyes were full of haggardness. The hard work and helplessness of the past two years are all hidden in this embarrassment.

"Father, mother!"

Little Shadow ran out excitedly, so excited that he forgot his shadow skills, and ran out on foot.

For more than two years, mother often sent him letters, telling him where she and father were, what happened, and asking him about his situation.

Back in Ningzhou City, he would always write a few words to his father under the letter from his mother to his father. And for more than two years, Dad always wrote a few words in the letter from his mother. He hid all the letters like treasures!

He has always known that he is not their biological child, so besides the nostalgia for his parents, there is also a heart of gratitude deep in his heart.

He loves them so much.

Little Shadow threw herself into her mother's arms and hugged her tightly.

After all, a child around ten years old, how independent can he be? After being separated from my parents for so long, no matter how sensible I was, I couldn't help but shed tears.

Let alone ten years old, no matter how old people are, they will instantly become children in front of their parents.

Qin Min treated the child as his own, subconsciously forgetting that he was adopted. She hugged Xiao Ying, without saying a word, her eyes turned red.

For more than two years, she was afraid that the little shadow would be lonely, that the little shadow would be missed, and that the little shadow would be suspicious, so she sent a letter in ten days to various medical clinics, and then sent people to the palace. Such a lot of trouble is just to maintain a companionship.

Simply, all the replies received were good, Little Shadow got on very well with His Highness, the princess, and would tell her many interesting things, and Princess Yan talked the most in every letter.

Gu Beiyue glanced at the two young masters in the courtyard, and couldn't help frowning. However, he remained calm, he hugged Xiaoying lightly, stroked Xiaoying's head, "Chen'er, are you tired after coming all the way?"

Only then did Little Shadow raise his head from his mother's arms, with two lines of tears still hanging on his face, but with a warm smile, he reached out and hugged his father, "Not tired, hehe!"

Gu Beiyue's doting eyes warmed up quite a bit, and she looked at the little shadow seriously, "It's grown taller."

"Daddy can still move." He hugged Little Shadow, smiled and wiped away tears for Little Shadow himself, Little Shadow felt shy, immediately bowed his head, and anxiously wiped away tears by himself.

Gu Beiyue smiled without saying a word, and gently patted Little Shadow's back with her big hand.

There are actually not many conversations between father and son, just like Long Feiye and Ruier, like Gu Beiyue and Xiaoying. But there are not many words, a caress and a hug are enough to surpass all words.

When Qin Min found Rui'er and Yan'er, she was startled, and was about to ask Xiao Ying, but Xiao Ying recruited himself, "Mother, Princess Yan saw your letter, and His Highness and Princess Yan knew you were here. Do not know at all."

Qin Min looked at Gu Beiyue, but Gu Beiyue just shook his head at her and said nothing. But Qin Min roughly understood what he meant.

Over the years, the two have gradually developed a tacit understanding. Is this another kind of intimacy

"I'll come when I come." Gu Beiyue said lightly.

Little Shadow was still a little worried, he cast a questioning look at his mother, and he was relieved when he saw her smile at him.

"Shadow, come down!"

Although it was a very happy thing to watch Gu Beiyue hug Xiaoying, but Qin Min quickly hugged Xiaoying from Gu Beiyue's arms. spent.

Qin Min put Xiaoying down and took Xiaoying's left hand. Gu Beiyue smiled and took Xiaoying's right hand. Little Shadow tilted his head to the right to look at his father, and then to the left to look at his mother, and laughed happily.

You know, he always smiles silently and warmly, and rarely laughs out loud.

The mountain road was too dark and the moonlight was hazy, so he couldn't see his father's face clearly. At this moment, he was thinking in his heart that his father and mother didn't seem to mind that His Royal Highness and Princess Yan came together, and they were all well, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

Even if there is a big thing, it's not a big deal if both father and mother are there.

Just like that, Little Shadow was led by her parents, and walked slowly along the mountain path to the yard. Rui'er and Yan'er were standing at the gate of the yard, watching.

"Brother, you are overthinking. Both Taifu and Aunt Min are fine!" Yan'er said with a smile.

Rui'er didn't speak, but secretly exhaled, he was worried a lot along the way.

Rui'er was about to go out, but Yan'er hurriedly stopped her, and she ordered in a low voice, "Stop! Brother Ying and his parents are finally together, what are you messing with? Let's have a meal with Aunt Min, let's go .”

Rui'er looked suspiciously, "Obviously you are the one who wants to mess with this, okay? If you don't come, I will come?"

Yan'er turned around and said seriously, "I'm just worried about Brother Ying, I'm fine now. How about you go first?"

Rui'er smiled bluntly, "You have a good idea!"

If he left first, the girl would definitely not go back.

Although Rui'er doesn't like girls who talk too much, but when he meets his sister who talks too much, he will always talk too much unconsciously.

The two brothers and sisters were arguing when Gu Beiyue and the others came in.

"Your Highness, Princess Yan."

Just as Gu Beiyue was about to make a bow, Rui'er and Yan'er rushed over at the same time.

"Teacher, Rui'er misses you!"

"Teacher, Yan'er misses you!"

Ruier's movements were quick, she jumped on Gu Beiyue first, and hugged her tightly, so Yan'er, who was two steps behind, didn't stop the car, and hit Ruier's back with a "slap", and she even Before she could take her hands away, she hugged Rui'er.

Rui'er looked back, "Sister Huang, what are you doing?"

Yan'er was so angry that she wanted to bite him, but she didn't, she quickly let go, walked around behind the Taifu, and hugged the Taifu's thigh.

Qin Min and Xiaoying were overjoyed, and Gu Beiyue couldn't help laughing.

"Teacher, why did you ask Brother Ying to come here to find you?"

"Teacher, why are you and Aunt Min living here? Aren't you in the south?"

"Teacher, why doesn't Aunt Min let Brother Ying tell anyone your whereabouts?"

"Teacher, you and Min...hehe, is there some secret to tell? Tell me, I promise I won't tell it! I swear in the name of my father!"

Yan'er asked endlessly, and Rui'er couldn't help but spit at her, "I'm still telling you the ulterior secret?"

Yan'er regained her composure and angrily wanted to kick him.

Yan'er asked because Ying was curious, he raised his head and cast a questioning look at his mother.

"Okay, okay, it's midnight, let's go into the room." Gu Beiyue said lightly.