Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1351: A ten-year contract see through


It is well known that Yan'er loves to sleep, and it is also known that the consequences of waking Yan'er up are serious.

However, Rui'er went all out, he didn't answer his godfather's question, but quickly walked around his godfather, threw himself on the bed, and dragged Yan'er up. Yan'er fell into a drowsy sleep, let him drag her, and didn't wake up.

Rui'er could only let her go and shouted, "Xuanyuanyan, it's on fire!"

"what… "

Yan'er immediately sat up, widened her sleepy eyes, and said in surprise, "Is it on fire?"

Rui'er narrowed her eyes, "Wake up."

Yan'er's face was immediately pulled down, and she punched him fiercely, but luckily Rui'er had the foresight to dodge away.

Yan'er turned around to chase her down, only to be surprised to see Qi Shao's godfather standing aside, looking at her.

She froze on the couch, fully awake.

This godfather is not only a godfather, but also her secret master! Many of the "Three Views" that Mother Zhao taught her came from this godfather. She only found out last year.

Of course, what she likes the most is not the "Three Views" that her godfather taught her, but the pastries and sweets that her godfather scavenged from all over Yunkong every year.

"Little Yan'er, do you miss your godfather?" Gu Qishao asked with a smile.

"Of course there is! I almost want to die!" Yan'er smiled wickedly, and then said, "Hey, what's delicious this time? Let me guess."

Rui'er stood aside, not making a sound, smiling on the surface.

Gu Qishao spread his hands, "I don't know you girl is here, you didn't bring anything. If you want to eat, godfather will go find it right away."

As soon as these words came out, Yan'er realized something was wrong. The godfather met them by chance, and did not come to find them specially. Godfather, when did you come

Her heart skipped a beat, and she slowly turned her head to look at her brother. Rui'er is still smiling, he firmly believes that Yan'er can handle it.

Seeing her brother's reaction, Yan'er was even more certain that it was a fraud!

She rolled her eyeballs, and smiled again, her eyes were so beautifully curved, she said, "I want to eat... I want to eat glutinous rice balls from the old steamed stuffed bun shop in the south of the city!"

As soon as these words came out, Rui'er slapped her head with a slap, she was very speechless.

Where do you get the glutinous rice balls from the bun shop? Moreover, there is only one time-honored shop in the south of the city, not a bun shop but a noodle shop! The time-honored bun shop in the medical city is in the north of the city!

Gu Qishao laughed loudly, "Success! Little Yan'er, just wait, godfather will buy it right away!"

Gu Qishao left after finishing speaking.

Rui'er and Yan'er looked at each other, sure that Gu Qishao had really left, Yan'er hurried forward and said in a low voice, "What's going on? Why are you lying to me again?"

"I carried you back and godfather was waiting in the house? He asked us why we went, and also asked Little Shadow? I accidentally said the wrong thing, and I fell into it!" Rui'er said anxiously.

"What did you say wrong?" Yan'er was also anxious.

"I said we just arrived in the medical city, but my godfather didn't believe me." Rui'er replied.

A few luggage in the house is enough to prove that they have arrived long ago.

"Stupid!" Yan'er glared at him, then asked anxiously, "What should we do now?"

"Withdraw, let the shadow guard stop him." Rui'er said seriously. Father's shadow guard has always liked to stop his godfather.

Yan'er had no other choice but to nod.

So, the brothers and sisters put their luggage on their backs and went out quietly. But who knew that just as the two of them stepped through the door, there was a light cough above their heads.

Rui'er didn't even bother to call out the hidden guards around her, she pulled Yan'er and was about to run away.

Well, you don't have to look to know that the godfather is on the roof.

Although Rui'er has practiced martial arts for many years, she has accumulated a lot of hair style. Now it is still time to lay the foundation. Compared with Gu Qishao, her martial arts will still be weaker. Not to mention Yan'er, who only has the skills of a three-legged cat. In order not to hurt Long Feiye's face, those old people in Tianshan never judged Yan'er as a waste material.

Gu Qishao turned around a few times and landed in front of the siblings, stopping them.

He was still grinning, "Little Yan'er, don't eat the glutinous rice balls from the bun shop anymore? Where are you going?"

Yan'er smiled awkwardly, Rui'er directly lowered her head.

Gu Qishao was deceived, so he still laughed. Seeing that neither of the two children knew how to fight, he went over to pull them away, one in each hand, "Come on, I'll take you to eat the noodle soup from the bun shop!"

Gu Qishao really took Yan'er and Rui'er to that time-honored noodle shop, and each ordered a signature noodle, and specially ordered the hot room to add Yan'er's favorite poached egg.

The two children were really hungry, and the noodle soup was delicious, but the two children didn't know how to eat it.

After eating a bowl of noodles, Gu Qishao asked, "Are you sleepy?"

Rui'er nodded honestly, can she not be sleepy if she hasn't slept all night? If it wasn't for the worry, he would have dozed off by now. Yan'er yawned back.

"Then go back to sleep." Gu Qishao said with a smile.

Yan'er and Rui'er exchanged glances, feeling even more guilty, always feeling that their godfather had some big move to deal with them.

After returning to medical school, Gu Qishao still didn't do anything. How could he be willing to extract a confession from someone who loves children so much

He let Yan'er go to sleep soundly, but sat on Rui'er's bedside, staring at Rui'er.

No matter how many sleepy people Rui'er has, they will be scared away by his godfather's smiling face. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "Godfather, please forgive me."

"Forgive you what?" Gu Qishao pretended to be stupid.

Rui'er sat up helplessly, "I really can't say anything about this, I promised others!"

"Who did you promise?" Gu Qishao asked.

"I can't say it. Godfather, a gentleman promises a thousand gold, Rui'er can't break his promise!" Rui'er said seriously.

Gu Qishao became suspicious. He didn't have to know the secret, but he was worried that he was still being cheated here.

However, just when Gu Qishao was suspicious, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and Yan'er came in with an aggrieved face.

Rui'er and Gu Qishao didn't figure out what was wrong, Yan'er cried, "Godfather, I say! I say! It's about the Taifu, we have an agreement with the Taifu, we can't tell anyone! "

Yan'er tossed and turned all kinds of worries on the bed, guessing all kinds of tricks that godfather was going to use. So, obviously sleepy to death, just can't fall asleep. For her, this is simply torture, too painful! If she didn't say it, she felt as if she was being crushed by a stone, feeling uncomfortable in all kinds of ways.

However, she can only say that it is related to the Taifu. As for anything, she will not say it even if she is beaten to death.

At this moment, Rui'er collapsed.

But Gu Qishao's eyes flashed a look of complexity, but he didn't ask any more questions.

He said, "Since it's an agreement, then I won't ask. To my family, honesty has to start from a young age."

Yan'er asked, "What about the enemy?"

"If you're all enemies, what's the point of credit? Soldiers never tire of cheating, understand?" Gu Qishao asked rhetorically.

Yan'er nodded immediately, feeling that it made sense.

Gu Qishao came over, patted Yan'er on the head, and said in a low voice, "Your father played tricks on me several times back then!"

Yan'er didn't understand, but Gu Qishao urged her to go to sleep.

Yan'er looked at her elder brother, a little puzzled, did her godfather really stop asking? It doesn't feel right. Rui'er was also very suspicious, but what else could she do besides believing it for the time being

So the two very tired children went to bed. After Gu Qishao left, he searched the entire medical school but couldn't find Gu Beiyue. Without hesitation, he immediately went to Wuya Mountain.

The people and things in the medical city back then could not be hidden from his eyes, he knew it all.

Although it is not clear that Gu Beiyue is a descendant of the Shadow Clan, it has always been known that Gu Beiyue's grandfather often went to Wuya Mountain for a while.

The two children appeared in Medical City, but Little Shadow did not follow, and their secret was related to Gu Beiyue. Undoubtedly, if Gu Beiyue is not in the medical city, he is near the medical city. The possibility of Wuya Mountain is the greatest.

Wuya Mountain is very big, Gu Qishao searched for a while in the mountain, and finally saw a small courtyard by the waterfall. At the same time, Gu Beiyue had just finished teaching Little Shadow and was about to take a medicinal bath.

Just as Gu Qishao approached the yard, the little thing became alert. Gu Beiyue turned around and saw the familiar red, and he was startled.

Gu Qishao!

When Gu Qishao walked into the yard, he was more sensitive to the scent of medicinal materials than anyone else, and he immediately noticed something was wrong. It was almost certain that Gu Beiyue was using a lot of medicine, and it was every day!

He glanced at the yard, his eyes fell on the big bathtub at the door, and his brows furrowed.

A look of complexity flashed across Gu Beiyue's eyes, she knew it well and couldn't hide it.

Gu Qishao approached step by step, frowned and looked at Gu Beiyue for a long time before saying, "Doctor idiot, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Beiyue didn't make a sound. At this time, Qin Min and Xiao Ying came out of the house to see Gu Qishao, and the mother and son froze in place.

In the silence, Gu Qishao suddenly yelled at Gu Beiyue, "What's wrong with you?"

Both Qin Min and Little Shadow were frightened, but Little Shadow rushed over immediately and pushed Gu Qishao away vigorously. He didn't speak, but clenched his fists and stared at Gu Qishao.

He doesn't allow anyone to be so cruel to daddy, no one can, daddy is sick!

Gu Qishao ignored Xiao Ying, still angrily said, "How many days do you have left? You actually... You even hid it from me!"

What is Gu Qishao! He is a drug ghost!

He can judge the severity of the disease and the extent of the disease from the dosage of the medicine. With this amount of medicine, let alone a year, it is very likely that he will not be able to survive half a year!

In the past two years, he always thought that this medical idiot was running all over Daqin, busy building medical clinics for the people of Daqin, but who knew he was so sick!

Gu Qishao was so angry that he almost lost his mind, he slammed his fist on the wall beside him, and said with a sneer, "You're hiding things from me! You're hiding things from me!"

Back then, when he was walking towards death step by step on the mountain in Houying, it was this medical idiot who accompanied him all day long, and when he couldn't stand the torture, it was this medical idiot who hugged him and comforted him.

At that time, Gu Beiyue kept asking repeatedly in his ear, "Xiaoqi, if you die, what will you do with the poisonous girl?"

If it wasn't for Gu Beiyue, if it wasn't for his words, Gu Qishao really couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't kill himself at that time.

"Gu Beiyue, you're dead, what about the poisonous girl?" Gu Qishao asked.

As soon as these words came out, Qin Min was startled. She seemed to understand something, to be precise, she discovered some secret! She subconsciously covered her mouth.
