Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 1357: Ten Years of Covenant The Ice Cracks and the Snow Melts


The ice is cracked!

Everyone followed the sound and saw that the ice in the gap in the coast collapse was slowly cracking, the sound of "boom boom boom" became louder, and the cracks in the ice went from the surface to the inside.

Everyone was stunned.

The ice in the sea of ice has accumulated for thousands of years, and there has never been a phenomenon of ice cracking. Countless people have tried countless methods to dig the ice, but all of them are useless!

In the history of the Xuankong Continent, there have been many masters fighting in the ice sea. Countless powerful forces have hit the ice surface of the ice sea. This huge piece of ice has remained unscathed!


What's the matter

Han Yunxi's phoenix power has not yet reached the tenth rank. Furthermore, not all of Han Yunxi's phoenix power just hit the ice, at least half of it hit the rock wall on the coast.

Could it be that there is some... secret between Feng Zhili and Bing Hai

"Han Xiang, what's going on?" Han Chen snapped suddenly.

Everyone was frightened, including Han Xiang. No one had ever heard Han Chen's stern voice, let alone seen him so angry.

His anger revealed a ruthless killing intent!

"Father... I, I don't know. I..."

It's not that Han Xiang doesn't know how to explain, but he doesn't dare to explain!

Just seeing Han Yunxi's Phoenix Force, she just had doubts about the He family, but now that she saw the ice crack, she understood that He Xiaotian not only wanted to destroy Daqin's Beili, but also wanted her to be buried with him!

He Xiaotian was not cooperating with her sincerely, but was using her!

Half a year ago, when she went to He Xiaotian, she promised that she would defeat Han Yunxi, and that the Wolf Sect would join hands with the He family. As a condition, she asked He Xiaotian to come to the ice sea to help her guard against Long Feiye and even prevent Han Chen from changing his mind. If Han Chen changes his mind, he will kill Han Chen on the south bank of the Ice Sea, so that no one in the Wolf Sect will know about it.

Who knew that He Xiaotian had hidden his ambition long ago, and he had the idea of Yunkong Daqin! He Xiaotian knew Daqin very well, and he investigated Long Feiye and Han Yunxi thoroughly.

He Xiaotian asked her to try to provoke Han Yunxi, so that Han Yunxi could destroy the south coast of the ice sea.

She never understood why He Xiaotian wanted to destroy the south coast of the Ice Sea. You must know that the Ice Sea is not a real sea, but a huge piece of black ice. Even if the seawall breaks, it will not have any impact on Xuankong's northern border. She was persistent, and after ten days of questioning, He Xiaotian finally told her that he had a way to melt the profound ice in the ice sea.

He Xiaotian wanted to take this opportunity to kill Long Feiye and Han Yunxi, to flood the entire Beili Grassland with the ice water from the ice sea, and to kill Lord Qin, the country would be in trouble!

The He family wants to rule the Yunkong Continent!

In the north of Xuankong Continent, there are many masters, and the south is occupied by the Wolf Sect and the Shangguan family. The He family lives in the west, and has been suppressed by the major families in the north. It is impossible to expand its power to the north. Therefore, the He family has put their focus on the south in recent years, trying to cooperate with the wolf clan again and again to drive away the Shangguan family.

Han Xiang always thought that He Xiaotian's ambitions were only in the west and south of Xuankong Continent, but who knew that He Xiaotian's ambitions were so big! He actually set his sights on Yunkong Continent! However, what surprised her the most was, how could He Xiaotian have the ability to move the ice sea

She asked again and again, but He Xiaotian didn't reveal any more. He only told her that as long as she could destroy Han Yunxi on the ice coast and kill Han Yunxi. Then in the future, she will be the master of Yunkong Continent!

The temptation is simply too great!

Killing Han Yunxi was originally in her plan, and it was very easy in a fight to provoke Han Yunxi into anger and induce Han Yunxi to destroy the seawall.

She said yes with little thought. Patriarch He also followed her all the way to the ice sea, waiting in the distance of the ice sea. However, when she saw Han Yunxi's Phoenix Force, she realized something was wrong! Then he began to suspect that Patriarch He knew Han Yunxi's strength long ago and deliberately concealed it from her!

At this moment, seeing the ice crack at the mouth of the dike, she was completely sure that He Xiaotian was so vicious that he just used her to draw out the power of the phoenix and wanted her to die under Han Yunxi's hands!

"Say!" Han Chen snapped.

"Father, I... I..."

Han Xiang was also panicked. How could she dare to say that she colluded with Patriarch He when things became like this? But, if you don't say anything, how can you explain what she just said, "Patriarch He has a conspiracy"

On the side, the ice cracked faster and faster, as if a breach had been made in a huge mirror, and the breach began to spread cracks in all directions, and the cracks spread faster and faster, gradually becoming an unstoppable trend .

Han Xiang was still hesitating, but the sound of boom boom boom became louder and more urgent.

Everyone coincidentally, involuntarily turned their heads to look at the sea of ice, only to see the vast sea of ice, the entire ice surface was cracked, and the dense cracks made people even frightened! And with the ice hunting, the entire coastline gradually collapsed.

The golden-eyed sleighs around screamed and fled in all directions.

"Is the sea of ice going to melt? Will it be flooded?" Gu Qishao muttered to himself.

This reminds everyone!

You must know that the water after the ice melts may not flow out of the sea of ice, but there is snow accumulated for nearly a thousand years on the sea of ice, and many of them have become mountains of snow! The amount of these snow accumulations cannot be estimated. The melting of these snow accumulations into water will definitely greatly increase the total amount of seawater in the ice sea!

Now that such a big hole has been broken in the seawall, and the whole seawall is still collapsing with the ice cracks, if the sea of ice really melts, all the water from the sea of ice will definitely pour into the Beili grassland on the south bank!

At least, the prairie north of Beili Snow Mountain will become a vast ocean! Adding the Dongwu Grassland on this grassland, there are more than 100,000 herdsmen living there, and many troops are stationed there!

The situation is serious!

Although there are still many things that are not understood, everyone knows more or less what Han Xiang said about the "He family conspiracy". Long Feiye didn't have time to ask Yan'er what was wrong, and only thought that she was afraid. He decisively handed Yan'er to Gu Qishao, and said coldly, "Take Yan'er and Rui'er away!"

He turned back and said to Jin Zi, "Retreat! Tell all herdsmen to retreat to the south of the snow-capped mountains! The sooner the better!"

Jin Jin nodded without hesitation, "I obey!"

Among the tigers that gold can control, the poisonous tiger Dabai is the most special, but even Dabai is nothing under the force of Xuankong Continent. Those strange beasts in the Black Forest that can really stand against the force of Xuankong Continent!

Mu Linger didn't want to leave very much, but it was useless to stay. She didn't dare to say much, she glanced at her sister and brother-in-law, and followed Jin Jin decisively. Tang Li was stunned, Tranquility stepped on him, "Go help, why are you so dazed!"

Tang Li murmured, "Help... Whom?"

"Help Jin Zi! Go!" Tranquility was very anxious. If the water from the ice sea really poured into Beili, it would be an extremely terrible disaster!

Of course Tang Li knew that he would not be able to help much if he stayed, the most important thing he should do was to help Jin Zi. However, watching the vast sea of ice continue to shatter, and hearing the sound of bang bang bang getting louder, he felt an unspeakable sense of fear in his heart.

He looked at Tranquility and murmured, "Then what about my brother and sister-in-law...?"

This question stopped Tranquility.

Every fool knows that fierce battles are inevitable! Han Xiang said that members of the He family must be lurking around.

What a powerful person who can cause the sea of ice to crack! Perhaps, even Han Chen can't help it! Furthermore, Han Chen and Long Feiye spent a lot of energy in order to save Gu Beiyue, and they have not recovered yet!

Tranquility didn't know how to answer. At this moment, Long Feiye looked back and said coldly, "Tang Li, you still don't leave!"

"Brother, I don't..."

As soon as Tang Li said "no", he was interrupted by Long Feiye, "Let's go now, help Jin Zi! If Jin Zi goes south, you go west, to the Dongwu Grassland!"

As Long Feiye said, he threw a token and came over, "If you see this order, if you see me, go!"

Tang Li gritted his teeth, pulled Tranquility, and jumped on his horse.

Gu Qishao held Yan'er in one hand and Rui'er in the other, and he hadn't left yet. Long Feiye stared coldly, Gu Qishao didn't talk nonsense, turned around and left.

When he was flustered, he didn't notice Yan'er's strangeness. As for Rui'er, he looked back while running, and didn't want to leave at all, but he pretended to leave with his godfather because he was afraid that his father would chase him away.

Han Xiang is still hesitating.

Han Chen was about to make a move, but unexpectedly, Han Yunxi rushed forward and slapped Han Xiang hard, throwing Han Xiang to the ground.

"What's going on? Are you going to tell me? Where are the He family? What do they want to do?"

Han Xiang's whole face was about to be distorted. She didn't expect it, and anger rushed up all of a sudden, but when she saw Han Yunxi rushing in front of her, she was frightened by Han Yunxi's aura. She quickly got up and threw herself to the side of Han Chen's leg, "Father, I was forced! He Xiaotian forced me to provoke my sister and let her destroy the south coast of the ice sea. I... I don't know what they want to do? I I really don’t know! They...they are in the sea of ice! Father, you... you go and ask them, you go! My daughter was forced, she really doesn’t know anything!"

Han Chen wanted to ask again, but Han Xiang quickly said, "Daddy, that's right, they are in the center of the ice sea, what must they be doing there! Go stop them!"

Han Chen frowned tightly, as cold as an inviolable god, this is probably the most serious time in his life.

The sea of ice cracks, the snow melts, and the sea water floods back. This is just a foreseeable consequence. You must know that the sea of ice has always been a mysterious place with many unexplainable mysteries. If the sea of ice is about to melt, God knows what incalculable consequences will happen ! What kind of disaster will it cause to the two continents of Yunkong and Xuankong

Han Chen flew into the icy sea without saying a word, and it was useless to question Han Xiang. Only when he saw He Xiao did he know what was going on

Seeing Han Chen go, Long Feiye and Han Yunxi hurried to catch up, and had no time to question Han Xiang. No matter what the He family members are doing, the most urgent and important thing now is to stop it!

If He Xiaotian is alone, then they can still stop his plot! Although neither Han Chen nor Long Feiye had recovered, the combination of the two and Han Yunxi made them a trio. Even if you can't beat it, at least you can stop it and delay the time.

Seeing that Han Chen and the three of them had left, Han Xiang got up from the ground, panicked.

She hesitated for a moment, and when she was about to chase after her, someone stopped her, "Miss Han, stop!"

Han Xiang looked back and saw that the person who came was a woman in white.

This girl is dressed in white to win the snow, and she has a fairy air, but it's a pity that she wears a mask on her face, so she can't see her real face. With sharp eyes, Han Xiang immediately noticed that the woman's chin was full of wrinkles.

She wondered, this woman doesn't look old, why is her chin full of wrinkles? Why do you have to cover your face? Could it be that your appearance is shameful