Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 67: Interference, who will handle it


Just when Han Yunxi was concentrating, Han Cong'an's voice suddenly came from outside the door. He was begging Emperor Tianhui, and his voice was not small.

Damn it!

Gu Beiyue cursed secretly, but didn't dare to open the door and go out to stop her, for fear that people from outside would rush over as soon as the door was opened, causing a greater impact on Han Yunxi.

Outside the house, Han Cong'an was looking forward to the post-treatment examination at the beginning, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and the more he thought about it, the more nervous he became. He couldn't sit still. What if Han Yunxi bribed Gu Beiyue and really played tricks inside? Then he is finished.

No matter what, even if there is a slight possibility, he will never allow it.

He had to go in and watch Han Yunxi's every move with his own eyes.

"Your Majesty, let Cao Min go in and take a look! After all, Cao Min has served His Highness the Crown Prince for so many years, and knows his physical condition better than Imperial Physician Gu."

Emperor Tianhui looked at him coldly, hesitating.

"Your Majesty, let the grass-roots people go in, and at least take care of them, and see clearly how Princess Qin is treated and how she uses the medicines. In this way, it will be safer than the post-mortem examination, isn't it?"

Han Cong'an's words were clear enough. Emperor Tianhui still had doubts about Han Yunxi. When he heard this, he nodded, "Go in."

Han Cong'an was overjoyed, "Thank you, Your Majesty, the grassroots will definitely see clearly."

Han Cong'an was overjoyed, and his voice became much louder. Gu Beiyue could hear it clearly, but Han Yunxi remained motionless, so it was unknown if he heard it.

Seeing Han Cong'an approaching, Gu Beiyue was extremely anxious, in a dilemma, and didn't know what to do.

Ask Han Cong'an to knock on the door, but he refuses; or, he goes out to stop him, both ways will have a great impact on Han Yunxi!

Gu Beiyue's usually peaceful brows were tightly furrowed, but at this time, Han Yunxi actually heard the movement outside, but her anti-interference ability was good, so she just ignored it.

However, no one can guarantee whether Han Yunxi will be able to control her attention when Han Cong'an knocks on the door later.

At the critical moment, Han Cong'an arrived at the door.

Gu Beiyue decided to go all out, put one hand on the door, and was about to open it and go out. Han Yunxi seemed to notice his action, and lost her mind in an instant. She immediately tried her best to regain her senses, bean-sized sweat burst out from her forehead, and her back was already soaked.

However, if you can't concentrate, if you continue like this, you will make a mistake, and it will be a big mistake!

How to do

Unexpectedly, at this extremely urgent moment, a cold voice sounded, "Your Majesty, didn't you just promise her not to be disturbed by anyone?"

This voice is... King Qin!

The king of Qin is the king of Qin, Han Cong'an stopped abruptly when he said this.

Hearing this voice, Gu Beiyue's heart that was hanging high in the air finally fell, and the hand that was pressing on the door also fell, and Han Yunxi heaved a sigh of relief.

Just like when she was saving the major general, she was disturbed so much that her hand holding the needle trembled. However, when she heard his voice, she immediately felt at ease, and felt that the whole world was safe.

She squinted her eyes and immediately entered the state, forgetting everything around her.

I don't know what Long Feiye did outside. After that sentence, even Gu Beiyue who was by the door didn't hear the slightest sound.

Outside the door, Han Cong'an was gagged, and Long Feiye was sitting on the steps of the door. Although he was sitting very low, the noble aura exuding from his body was already hard to ignore, and there was an extra chic smugness in his gestures.

After all, there was a promise ahead, Emperor Tianhui didn't say much, his eyes flashed with a little bit of confusion, he kept thinking about Long Feiye's attitude towards this concubine.

He has always held himself up high, but did he do this for the safety of the crown prince, or for Han Yunxi not to make mistakes and to be convicted

Inside the house, it was still silent.

Time slowed down during this waiting, and gradually he could hear the gurgling sound in Long Tianmo's stomach, it was the poison dissolving the bones of the womb.

The voice grew from small to loud, and then gradually became small and gradually disappeared. With the disappearance of the sound, the atmosphere in the room became extremely tense.

Suddenly, Han Yunxi's eyes lit up, and she said in a low voice, "Ready for the Blood Pill!"

It's done!

Gu Beiyue laughed, and immediately prepared the Blood Pill, and cooperated with Han Yunxi to give it to Long Tianmo at any time.

Han Yunxi waited for a while, and when she heard a "ding" from the scanning system, her tense nerves immediately relaxed.

Time is up!

After moving her hands, Han Yunxi immediately began to move the knife, the movements were sophisticated and neat, and very beautiful.

The sharp blade cut a two-inch long incision on Long Tianmo's abdomen. At first, bright red blood flowed out, but as Han Yunxi began to apply the needle, the blood that flowed out turned black.

Han Yunxi searched for acupoints and administered needles while observing the amount of bleeding. Soon, the entire bed was stained red.

She kept her head down, her expression was focused, and she was professional. Although it was her best skill, she never took it lightly, "Physician Gu, take medicine!"

Gu Beiyue cooperated very well, the Shengxue Pill was indeed a magical thing, and Long Tianmo's pale face gradually changed, and it turned rosy.

Han Yunxi raised her eyes and took a look, then took the pulse again, very satisfied, and continued to search for acupoints and perform acupuncture.

Although this process is very long, the risk factor has been minimized.

Finally, after half an hour and a half, all the toxins in Long Tianmo's body were eliminated, and there was no need for follow-up medication.

Han Yunxi used some medicines to reduce inflammation and bind raw meat, and carefully bandaged the incision. Finally, she carefully tidied up Long Tianmo's clothes, and it was finally done.

As soon as Han Yunxi turned her head, she let out a long mouthful of turbid air with a "huh...". As soon as she relaxed, she was exhausted, the exhaustion accumulated in the past few days, and the exhaustion caused by the hour just now. It all exploded.

However, she still persisted, felt her pulse, checked her complexion, and after confirming that it was correct, she sat down beside her and said calmly, "Physician Gu, go and open the door."

There was distress in Gu Beiyue's eyes, and she didn't open the door right away, but poured a glass of warm water for Han Yunxi to drink, then took a few slices of ginseng from the outpatient box, and said softly, "Keep it in your mouth, you rest first." For a while, don't rush."

As soon as Han Yunxi took the ginseng and put it in her mouth, she knew that it was worth a lot. It would take five hundred years if not a thousand years. A small piece is worth a thousand gold. He actually gave three pieces at once.

I don't know if she was too tired and had hallucinations, but when she looked at Gu Beiyue, she felt that there was a faint golden glow around him, like a gentle archangel.

Seeing that Han Yunxi's face had improved, Gu Beiyue went to open the door.

Emperor Tianhui and others were waiting anxiously in the yard. When the door opened, the queen was the first to come over, "How is the prince?"

Gu Beiyue replied with a smile, "Congratulations to the Emperor, Empress Dowager, Empress Empress. The treatment was successful, and His Royal Highness is fine!"

"Really?" Emperor Tianhui suddenly stood up from his seat, and almost fell when he couldn't stand still. This action completely exposed his nervousness.

The queen mother also stood up, overjoyed and unbelievable, "Really? Really?"

"The treatment went very well. The tumor in His Highness's abdomen has been resolved, and all the toxins have been discharged!" Gu Beiyue replied truthfully.

"Quick... go in and have a look!"

The queen was so happy, she was the first to go inside, and seeing her anxious look, Gu Beiyue quickly advised, "Empress, slow down, and be careful not to fall."

"I can't wait, it's been so many years, I have dreamed about this day! I already know that Tianmo will be fine!"

"Emperor, the Ai family said that it must be Han Cong'an's misdiagnosis. How could Tianmo have that strange disease?" The queen mother also said pleasantly.

The two women were so happy that they forgot their identities, and rushed in quickly while talking. Emperor Tianhui didn't care so much, and walked into the house with an arrow.

Only Han Cong'an was stunned, and fell to the ground, perhaps because he was too shocked, his mouth was opened too far, and the rags that gagged him fell out of his mouth.

The only one who was calm was Long Feiye. He glanced at Gu Beiyue who was still at the door, turned around and left.

Inside the house, there was a pungent smell of blood and a foul smell like sewage. Han Yunxi's things were almost cleaned up, leaving only the medicine pot for decoction and the dirty blood on the bed sheet.

Long Tianmo lay quietly on the couch, his bulging abdomen basically disappeared, leaving only a circle of fat caused by loose skin, which could not be seen even if it was wrapped around a circle of white gauze.

I have to say that the smell of blood in this room is very unpleasant, but everyone is happy, and no one can care less about it.

After all, she was her own mother. The queen didn't care about the blood on the bed, so she sat up on her buttocks, touched her son's face, and choked up with excitement, "Is it really healed? Really?"

The queen mother stared at his stomach with a disbelieving expression on her face, "Okay, okay, great."

On the contrary, Emperor Tianhui remained calm considering his status, "Han Yunxi, is this good for the crown prince?"

"Your Majesty, as Doctor Gu said, the cancerous tumor in the prince's abdomen has been resolved and all have been discharged. Once the anesthetic wears off, the prince will wake up. I left the three medicines and changed them every night, and the wound will heal." Han Yunxi said earnestly. report back.

"How long will it take to wake up?" Emperor Tianhui asked again.

Now, the empress dowager and empress, who were immersed in joy, all looked over. Of course Han Yunxi knew what Emperor Tianhui meant. She couldn't leave until the crown prince woke up.

"About an hour." She answered truthfully.

"Concubine Qin, you'd better stay in the side hall to rest, so as not to cause any trouble." Emperor Tianhui said calmly, not seeking Han Yunxi's opinion, but an order.

However, he didn't call her by her name directly. "Princess Qin" shows that his attitude towards her has changed.

Han Yunxi really wanted to take a break, she gave Gu Beiyue a meaningful look, and was about to leave with the maid, when Han Cong'an's voice came from outside, "Princess Qin, wait a minute!"

Soon, Han Cong'an came in from the outside, with a raised goatee and a serious face, bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, according to Caomin, it's too early to draw conclusions about His Royal Highness's condition at this time."

In fact, His Highness's big belly is gone, as long as His Highness can wake up, there is no need to find out what is in His Highness' stomach at this time!

Even if it was really a child, Emperor Tianhui would absolutely allow this to spread!

However, for Han Cong'an, identification is necessary, which is related to his reputation, and even more related to his life.

Of course, without the presence of outsiders, Emperor Tianhui also wanted to know what the truth was.

Emperor Tianhui waved his hand, signaling the court ladies to leave first.