Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 82: Stubborn, good job!


As soon as Han Yunyi was hugged into her arms, Han Yunxi was startled.

God, even through a thick coat, she could feel the coldness of the child's body and his trembling.

It's winter, God knows how cold it is!

Han Yunxi thought that the child would have been frozen and unconscious long ago, but when she saw his immature face, she couldn't help being startled.

The child is still awake!

His purple lips were still trembling, but he clenched his teeth tightly. His eyes were black and white, as clear and clean as a snowy lake. The tears in his eyes were obviously swirling, but they never fell.

Han Yunxi saw it at a glance, blood was dripping from the corners of his pale mouth, how tightly are these teeth clenched

He is only six years old, but his childish little face is full of stubbornness and unyielding.

At this age, how many children are still acting like a baby in the arms of their parents, but Han Yunyi has already understood what dignity is and what it is not to yield!

After being ridiculed by Tuo Guangguang and whipped for more than an hour, he never cried out in pain, cried out, or even begged for mercy.

At this moment, this immature and stubborn little face seemed to be branded in Han Yunxi's heart, and she would never forget it for the rest of her life.

She hugged Han Yunyi unconsciously, hoping to give him more warmth, "Yi'er, good job!"

On the side, Han Yuqi almost collapsed, "Han Yunxi, the antidote! The antidote!"

Only then did Han Yunxi take out a small packet of antidote from the medical bag she carried with her and threw it over. Han Yuqi quickly caught it and gobbled it down.

The poison came out quickly, and the antidote went away quickly. After a while, the itching on Han Yuqi's face and neck disappeared, and finally the itching on his arms disappeared.

However, he was already in a state of distress, the sleeves of his arms were all torn, and the neckline was also torn. On his arms, neck, and face, there were dense scratches, and the skin was scratched in several places. Bloodstained.

Those who didn't know thought he had a fight with the mad dog.

After calming down, Han Yuqi was out of breath, and stared at Han Yunxi with a fierce look on his face. Han Yunxi hugged Han Yunyi tightly, and looked over coldly without fear.

"Han Yunxi, you dare to plot against me, do you think I will let you go easily?" Han Yuqi approached step by step.

"You can't. So, what I gave you is not an antidote." Han Yunxi said coldly, Little Chenxiang hadn't moved in to rescue soldiers, and finally had the opportunity to poison her. How could she detoxify so easily

A bastard like Han Yuqi is irritated, and she can do anything, and she is honest with him, she is not out of her mind.

"You!" Han Yuqi panicked.

"Aren't you going to wait for the people from Dali Temple to come? If you have the guts, let me wait for you! Otherwise, I guarantee you will be poisoned every half an hour!" Han Yunxi warned. The prestige is enough to shock the audience.

Han Yuqi, who had suffered a crime once, would dare to take risks so easily, he gritted his teeth bitterly, "Just wait, I am not afraid of you, young master!"

No matter who came to Dali Temple, they all knew that he was the grandson of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and that Han Yunxi was just a nameless Princess Qin who was angry with both sides, who would dare to make things difficult for him!

He waits!

If Han Yunxi doesn't hand over the key to the warehouse today, she will never leave the Han family!

Han Yuqi sat down, not caring about his embarrassment, he stared at Han Yunxi intently, for fear that the key to the warehouse would fly away.

Let her watch, Han Yunxi comforted the child in her arms.

Even though it was warm, Han Yunyi still clenched his teeth tightly, his nerves tensed up. He knew Han Yunxi, and he could tell that Han Yunxi was saving him, but he didn't dare to relax, he was afraid that if he relaxed, he would will cry.

He don't cry!

In this family, the mother is the most favored and the most tolerant. Although he is also the most beloved son of the father, since he was sensible, he has suffered all kinds of grievances because of the mother's forbearance.

He had never cried before, and this time, he didn't want to cry either.

"Yunyi, it's okay, don't grit your teeth and relax, okay?" Han Yunxi persuaded softly.

She gently stroked Han Yunyi's cheeks, warming his cold little face with her warm hands, but Han Yunyi remained indifferent. Although Han Yunxi's shadow was reflected in his clear eyes, he did not look at her again.

Even so, Han Yunxi continued to persuade patiently.

"Yun Yi, be good, be good, you are bleeding."

"It's okay, can you relax? My sister is here, and my sister is protecting you. They dare not do anything."

"My sister will protect you from now on, don't be afraid, it's okay."

Such patience gradually warmed Han Yunyi's heart. Gradually, gradually, the shadow of Han Yunxi in his eyes became more and more blurred. Han Yunxi knew that the child couldn't hold on anymore, and was gradually willing to give up and hold on.

"Be good, don't be afraid, my sister knows you are the strongest." She stroked his soft hair lightly, as carefully as she caressed her own child.

"Yun Yi, sister knows, you are a brave man, you won't cry, you never cry, right?"

"Yun Yi, go to bed when you're tired, it's okay, my sister is here, always here."

Han Yunxi's voice became softer and smaller, and Han Yunyi's eyes gradually closed. He finally relaxed, and finally fell asleep from exhaustion.

When his eyes were completely closed and his clenched teeth were loosened, a line of tears finally slowly slipped from the corner of his eyes...

Although she didn't really take Han Cong'an's confession to heart, at this time Han Yunxi's heart ached so much, she murmured, "Yi'er, I won't lie to you, I promised your father that I will protect you .”

Han Yunxi picked up Han Yunyi and was about to walk into the house, but a few servants immediately tried to stop them, but she made them back away with a sharp wink, and the servants cast a questioning look at Han Yuqi.

Han Yuqi waved his hand in disdain to signal the servant to retreat, Han Yunxi couldn't run away.

Han Yunxi carried Han Yunyi into the house, and while he was asleep and felt no pain, she quickly treated the wound on his back, applied the best medicine, and carefully bandaged it.

After taking care of it carefully, she tucked in the quilt for Han Yunyi. At this moment, Han Yuqi's excited shout suddenly came from outside the door, "Han Yunxi, Han Yunxi, come out, you come out to my young master!"

Are the people from Dali Temple here? How can he be so arrogant

Suspicious, Han Yunxi hurried out, but no one from Dali Temple saw him, only Xiao Chenxiang was out of breath standing at the door.

"Where are people?" Han Yunxi asked.

"Master... Master... Ou..." Xiao Chenxiang was panting, unable to speak clearly.

As soon as she went to Dali Temple to talk about Princess Qin, Ouyang, the Minister of Dali Temple, was very respectful, and immediately came in a carriage. The road from Dali Temple to Han's house was very crowded, and Xiao Chenxiang hated the slow carriage, so she ran back again. She was so tired that she really couldn't speak a fluent sentence.

Seeing this, Han Yuqi laughed loudly, "Hahaha, you're frightened, can't you be kicked out by the people from Dali Temple?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, there was a panicked announcement from the servant outside, "Eldest Young Master, Dali Temple Minister Ouyang has come in person and said he wants to see you!"

Master Ouyang, Minister of Dali Temple, actually came in person

I thought that Dali Temple Minister would send someone over, but I didn't expect to come in person. Although Han Yuqi was a little surprised, but more out of embarrassment, no matter how Master Ouyang was recommended by his grandfather, of course he had to show his grandfather face.

That's okay, Dali Temple Minister personally came out to teach Han Yunxi a lesson, and see if Han Yunxi, a girl who knows nothing about heaven and earth, dares to come to the Han family to show off her prestige in the future!

He smiled sarcastically at Han Yunxi, forgetting that he was in a mess, and strode out of the yard to greet her.

At this time, Master Ouyang happened to come over, his expression was flustered, and his footsteps were hurried. He and Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Xu Xiangguang, were old friends for many years, so he had heard of his grandson's temper.

He was really afraid that if he came a step late and caused Qin Wangfei to suffer some grievances, he would have to walk away without food.

You must know that although the last Minister of Dali Temple was disposed of by the officials, the real reason was to offend Princess Qin and offend His Royal Highness Qin Wang!

Although this matter has not been made public, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials and him both know that Princess Qin is definitely not to be messed with.

Seeing Master Ouyang coming, Han Yuqi smiled, and hurriedly bowed his hands, "Master Ouyang, I'm going to trouble you to do it yourself for such a trivial matter, really..."

Before Han Yuqi could finish his words, Master Ouyang walked past him and strode into the courtyard.

Neglected? Han Yuqi was stunned for an instant, what does Master Ouyang mean

"I will see the concubine, the concubine, the concubine is auspicious, the official rescue is late, and I hope the concubine will forgive me!"

When Lord Ouyang's respectful voice came from behind, Han Yuqi was startled, and turned his head suddenly to look, only to see Lord Ouyang kneeling in front of Han Yunxi on one knee, bowing his hands, bowing his head, looking not only respectful, but even Some timid.


Han Yuqi couldn't help but pinched his own face, oh my god, this couldn't be a dream, what happened to Mr. Ouyang

"My lord Ouyang, Han Yuqi has committed the crime below and threatened the concubine with wild words, what crime should you say!" Han Yunxi asked coldly.

Of course she knew about the relationship between the Minister of the Ministry of Officials and the new Dali Temple Minister, but the new Dali Temple Minister should also be very aware of her temper.

"Should...should..." Master Ouyang hesitated.

"What?" Han Yunxi asked coldly.

"The following offenders will be punished fifty times with a stick, and threaten the princess...to death!" Lord Ouyang replied truthfully.

As soon as these words came out, Han Yuqi finally regained his composure and exclaimed, "Master Ouyang, do you really take this bitch girl seriously? What are you afraid of her, she is just..."

"Shut up!" Lord Ouyang said angrily, but at the same time, Mrs. Xu's voice sounded.

I saw a woman in her thirties hurried in from the outside, dressed in luxury and with extraordinary temperament.

"I don't know that the concubine and empress are here, but I am far away from welcoming you, and I ask the empress to forgive me!" Mrs. Xu saluted as soon as she entered the door.

Seeing this, Han Yuqi was dumbfounded again. He remembered that his mother heard the rumors about Han Yunxi outside yesterday, and she was very angry and called Han Yunxi a waste.

Today I went to the Shangshu Mansion and came back, how could I be a different person!

Mrs. Xu has been busy with prison visits these days. She went to the Minister's Mansion to beg her father again and again, but was rejected by the old father. I went there again today, and the old father secretly told her the truth about He Ze's dismissal from Beigong last time. Moreover, he also said one thing, the reason why the Han family could not find a way to visit the prison was precisely because Han Yunxi had Confess, the Han family is not allowed to visit the prison.

As soon as Mrs. Xu heard about it, she knew that something was wrong. She and her son had bullied Han Yunxi a lot before, and they were thinking about how to make up for it when they came back, but who knew that something happened at home as soon as they came back.