Poor Lady

Chapter 57: drink wine


After Qi Surong returned home, Gu Jinyun would come every day. The two of them were deeply in love, just like a couple, the only difference was the marriage certificate.

During this period, many changes took place in the court. Several foreign princes returned to Beijing one after another, and a large number of official positions changed. The most eye-catching one was the appointment of Prime Minister Wang Qinghe. The old prime minister had been an official for fifty years, and had assisted two emperors successively. He was respected as the "Emperor's Master". He was wise and accomplished, and his prestige in the court was unmatched. The impact of his departure on the government can be seen.

After Wang Qinghe resigned, everyone thought he would return home in fine clothes, but unexpectedly he decided to stay in the capital and bought an old house in Wangu Lane, East Street. The original Prime Minister's Palace was given by the late emperor. After he resigned, he returned it on the grounds that "he was not in his position and would not be granted salary."

Wang Qinghe's two sons have both passed away. The eldest son has no issue, and the second son has only a single son, named Ruize. He is in his early twenties and has just been sent to work in other places to accumulate political achievements. Wang Qinghe's daily life is mainly taken care of by his widowed daughter-in-law.

Because of the arrival of the old prime minister, the originally deserted Wangu Alley suddenly became lively. From time to time, dignitaries and dignitaries came and went, and many smart-minded people began to quietly buy houses here. The nearby residential houses increased with the tide. There were people with evil intentions lingering outside Qi's house before, but now they ran away cleanly.

Qi Surong's original purpose of choosing to buy a house here finally became apparent.

Gu Jinyun was thoughtful and asked, "Why did you choose to buy a house here in the first place?"

"Because this place is remote and quiet enough." Qi Surong replied with a smile.

Gu Jinyun touched her head and said softly, "Maybe you were born with a blessing."

Qi Surong smiled, her eyes widened, and she was in a happy mood. This was the first time since her rebirth that she felt so relaxed, as if a burden had been lifted. Now that the court situation is in turmoil, with several princes fighting openly and secretly, the emperor no longer cares about the Qi family.

Her family is safe, her life is worry-free, and she and Gu Jinyun are about to achieve enlightenment. This is the result she has been waiting for for a long time.

Gu Jinyun was the first to notice the change in her. In the past, she was like flowers and plants in the garden, living cautiously and not daring to extend extra branches and leaves. But now, she is like a bird that breaks out of its cage and flies freely in the sky. The ground shows its soaring posture. This kind of happiness infects him all the time, making him linger and unable to extricate himself.

When you feel good, your body recovers quickly. After dozens of days, Qi Surong was finally able to leave the room and walk normally.

While she was recovering from illness, Xu Chen exchanged letters with her several times. "Zhuo Fan" suddenly disappeared for so long, thanks to Xu Chen's help in dealing with the aftermath. Especially the elder Ge, who promised to visit him every once in a while. Unexpectedly, as soon as the matter of Su Bao's reference was resolved, "Zhuo Fan" never appeared again. Qi Surong felt very sorry and could only respond by saying that he was ill.

Now that things are going well, Qi Surong once again disguised himself as Zhuo Fan. He went to thank Xu Chen first, and then went to pay his respects to Mr. Ge.

When Mr. Ge saw "him" looking haggard and looking like he was recovering from a serious illness, his anger immediately dissipated a lot. He told "him" in a vicious voice to take a good rest, and then waved "him" back. Although Mr. Ge and her had not known each other for a short time, she did care for him very much. Qi Surong secretly decided to regard him as her grandfather, and she must honor him if she had the chance.

Qi Surong came out of the Censor's Mansion and passed by a dessert shop, intending to buy some desserts and go back. Unexpectedly, after taking a few steps, someone put a hand on his shoulder. She looked back and saw that it was Feng Zhan whom she hadn't seen for many days.

"Brother Zhuo, what a coincidence." Feng Zhan's eyes fell on her face, seeming to be searching for something.

"Master Feng." Qi Surong took a step back and bowed.

"No need to be polite." Feng Zhan took her arm and said, "We are destined to meet each other. Come and have a few drinks with me."

"Master Feng, I'm really sorry. I have something to do, why don't we meet again some other time?" Qi Surong struggled to free himself a few times, but couldn't get away. When the attendant behind her saw this, he hesitated whether to step forward to stop her. After all, there was a difference between superiority and inferiority. As a servant, he did not dare to rush into the nobleman at will.

"What's the matter with you?" Feng Zhan glanced at the dessert shop and asked, "Sending someone dessert?"

Qi Surong paused slightly and was stunned. Feng Zhan had already forcibly pulled him into the restaurant and into a side room.

After the food and wine were served, Qi Surong asked, "Master Feng, is there something on your mind?"

Feng Zhan took a few sips of wine and said, "I remember you once calculated my marriage destiny."

"It's just nonsense, adults don't need to take it seriously."

"Really?" Feng Zhan said expressionlessly, "I think it's nonsense too."

Qi Surong watched him drink one drink after another in silence, feeling complicated and not knowing how to comfort him.

"Why don't you speak? Aren't you always eloquent?" Feng Zhan looked at "him". Those eyes, nose, and lips really looked like hers. Looking at it, he was a little crazy.

Qi Surong didn't notice his change, and said with a smile: "My lord is not in a good mood. I just need someone to relieve my boredom. If I don't talk, what's the point... lord?"

Halfway through his words, his arm was suddenly grabbed by him and he pulled him closer. A smell of alcohol hit his face.

"Surong..." Feng Zhan's eyes were blurred and he reached out to touch his face.

"Master Feng, what are you doing?" Qi Surong's heart skipped a beat and she leaned back suddenly to avoid his fingers.

Feng Zhan came to his senses, let go of her hand, and stepped away: "I'm sorry, I treat it like someone else. You two are very similar."

Qi Surong's expression was a bit unnatural and she remained silent.

"Why don't you ask me who that person is?" Feng Zhan asked.

"This is Sir Feng's private matter, I shouldn't ask any more questions."

"Hahaha..." Feng Zhan said with a smile, "I'm afraid you've already figured it out, right?" He came over and asked again: "Zhuo Fan, you said, 'Man's destiny is not predetermined, and the results of divination can serve as a warning. You can use it, but you can't leave it to fate', that is to say, people can change their destiny?"

Qi Surong paused and said, "I also said, 'You can't get what you want by force, so it's better to take a small step back.'"

Feng Zhan narrowed his eyes: "You mean, let me give up?"

"Knowing which ones to choose is also a way to live in the world."

"Bang!" Feng Zhan slammed the wine glass on the table and said angrily: "Choose? For her, I can give up everything. But why should she choose to compromise? My parents are just trying to stop her, why won't the Qi family let her go? Should I meet her?"

"You can give up everything for her, so are you sure she is willing to give up everything for you?" Qi Surong asked tentatively.

Feng Zhan was stunned, looked at her and said, "What?"

Qi Surong added: "You can ignore your parents' objections and don't care about your own future, but what about her? Under the premise that you have made such a big sacrifice for her, can she still be with you without any grudges? Feelings are mutual. It can't be achieved by simply sacrificing. Moreover, how can you be sure that she loves you as much as you love her?"

Feng Zhan recalled his time with her. Her gentleness, dependence, and closeness were all revealed when he was ill. However, she knew that she was taking care of her. In this case, her reaction should be true. Feng Zhan never thought that Qi Surong might not love him at all!

When he thought of this possibility, Feng Zhan's whole body seemed to be frozen.

Qi Surong felt guilty, but couldn't respond no matter what. Qi Surong felt extremely uncomfortable when she thought that he never married in her previous life. Although it may not really be because of himself, Feng Zhan has a stubborn temperament, and once he is tempted, it may be difficult to change.

"Master Feng, I have something important to do. I'll go ahead and say goodbye." Qi Surong couldn't stay any longer. She didn't know how to get along with Feng Zhan.

"Why don't you stay with me for a little longer?" Feng Zhan's expression was stiff.

"Sorry." Qi Surong saluted, turned around and prepared to walk out.

Feng Zhan grabbed her hand, forced her back to her seat, and ordered: "Don't leave!"

He filled Qi Surong's glass with wine: "Drink with me! If you don't drink with me to the fullest, you won't be able to leave this room today!"

Qi Surong frowned: "Master Feng..."

"Call me Brother Feng!" Feng Zhan handed the wine glass to Qi Surong and stared at her with burning eyes.

Qi Surong hesitated for a moment, then took the wine glass. Feng Zhan raised his own wine glass, clinked it with her, and drank it in one gulp.

Filling the cup, he said faintly: "You have to drink as much as I drink. If you don't drink, I will feed you myself."

"Master Feng," Qi Surong said, "I am not very good at drinking, so I have a drink as an apology. Next time I have a chance, how about entertaining Master Feng well?"

With that said, Qi Surong reluctantly drank the glass of wine.

"Very good." Feng Zhan gave her another drink.

"Master Feng..." Qi Surong said anxiously.

"Call Brother Feng."

"Okay, Brother Feng, please let me go."

"No, I want you to accompany me today." Feng Zhan held Qi Surong's hand with one hand and raised a glass with the other to drink.

Qi Surong never knew that Feng Zhan was such a strong person, so he felt anxious and could only shout to the door: "Mr. Lu..."

Unexpectedly, just as she opened her mouth, Feng Zhan took a chopstick of chicken and stuffed it into her mouth.

Qi Surong bit into the chicken, her face flushed, and she stared at him with anger.

Feng Zhan laughed and said, "If you dare to call me, I will continue to stuff meat into your mouth."

Qi Surong held the piece of chicken in her mouth, whether eating it or not. Finally, she sighed secretly, forget it, since resisting is useless, it is better to follow him first.

She calmed down a little and wiped her mouth with a handkerchief.

Feng Zhan had been paying attention to her every move and saw that her expression relaxed and her mood eased.

The two of them drank and ate, saying nothing again, and the room was silent.

Although Qi Surong tried to avoid drinking too much, she was already a bit tipsy after a few drinks. She knew she couldn't stay here any longer, so she secretly observed Feng Zhan's expression.

After a while, she stood up and took a step away and said, "Brother Feng, I'm not very good at drinking. That's it for today. Please excuse me."

Feng Zhan shook the jug and said, "There are still two jugs of wine left. Come and finish it with me."

Qi Surong didn't want to talk to him anymore, so she turned and walked out the door.

Feng Zhan stepped forward to block her way, put one hand on the door, and said displeasedly: "I said I would let you go after having a drink with me. Why are you in such a hurry? Are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Seeing his drunken look, Qi Surong didn't want to anger him, so she said in a gentle tone: "Brother Feng, if you don't want me to leave, at least let me go for convenience, right?"

"Convenience?" Feng Zhan approached him and said lazily, "How do I know if you will come back after you go to convenience?"

"How about going with us?" she suggested.

"I have no urge to pee."

"..." Well, she is now dressed in men's clothing, so she cannot expect someone to behave like a gentleman in front of her. However, since you don't have the urge to pee, you can't stop others from having the urge to pee!

"Su Rong..." Feng Zhan's consciousness was hazy, and the person he missed in his heart seemed to overlap with the young man in front of him. He hooked "his" waist and slowly approached "him".

Qi Surong was startled, raised her foot and stepped on Feng Zhan's instep. Feng Zhan felt pain and let go of his hand.

Qi Surong took the opportunity to open the door and escape. Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, he ran into the arms of another man.