Poor Lady

Chapter 66: Brilliant wedding


Gu family.

"Master, two more firms have stopped supplying us." A shopkeeper reported back.

"Well, I understand. Shopkeeper Xu, you put up a notice. From today on, our products will be sold in limited quantities every day. The price of each product will be increased by 10%, and a gift will be given. I will postpone it for a while for now, and I will find another way to source the supply. "Gu Jinyun replied without raising his head as he fiddled with his abacus beads.

Shopkeeper Xu was surprised at first, and then admired that his boss actually came up with a countermeasure in the blink of an eye. His calmness in dealing with changes was really unparalleled by ordinary people.

During this period, there were frequent incidents in the Gu family's store, and it was obvious that someone was deliberately targeting the Gu family.

After all the shopkeepers left, Gu's father wondered: "Who is plotting against the Gu family?"

Gu Jinyun didn't answer and continued to make calculations.

"Son, tell me honestly, what's going on with Gu's store?" This family business was founded by Gu Jinyun. Gu's father never cared about it, but now that bad news is coming one after another, he can't help but worry.

Gu Jinyun stroked the last account a few times, then raised his head and said, "Dad, don't worry, it's okay."

Loss is certainly unavoidable, but it will not be traumatic. A long time ago, he had transferred important industries outside the capital, such as textiles and brewing, which were highly profitable. The ones that were damaged were all shops that did not have enough supply sources, and the production aspect was not seriously affected.

"I'm relieved if you say it's okay." Father Gu knew that Gu Jinyun would never try to make a fool of himself, so if he said it was okay, then it must be okay.

Gu Jinyun looked out the window with deep eyes. In order to prevent the opponent's hand from stretching out longer and longer, he should take action. Although the Gu family has no power, they can use their strength.

Feng family.

"Zhan'er, did you know that there are inspectors making secret visits recently?" Feng Chenglv looked at his son and said solemnly, "I wonder what the emperor is planning to do?"

"Inspector?" Feng Zhan raised his eyebrows.

"Before the investigation started three years ago, the emperor also sent inspectors to investigate the officials' net worth." Feng Chenglv said, "You were not in Wei State at the time, so you don't know the whole story. I'm worried that this is another round of investigation. It is a sign that no one of the famous families in the capital is completely innocent. As long as they are willing to investigate, almost no one can escape unscathed."

"What are dad's plans?"

Feng Chenglv pondered for a moment and said, "You have restrained yourself a little recently. Go to the Liu family and the Luo family more and explore their voices. There are some things that are difficult for a father to say, but you can."

"I know." Feng Zhan smiled nonchalantly. It's a pity that I can't have fun with the Gu family recently.

Qi family.

Qi Surong also heard about the situation of the Gu family and the Feng family from the Digital Gang. Because she mainly paid attention to the movements of the two families during this period, she knew exactly what Feng Zhan did to the Gu family. Most of the Gu family's shops in the capital were in trouble. Fortunately, Gu Jinyun dealt with it well, otherwise they would have to close down.

What Qi Surong was most afraid of was causing trouble to the people around him, but it just happened to be the opposite. Nowadays, the Qi family are just ordinary people with no reputation as a family, and most of the people Qi Surong has good friends with have not yet made a fortune, and their status is not high, so they cannot provide help to the Gu family. From that day when he almost lost his virginity to now being restrained everywhere, Qi Surong was clearly aware of his own weakness. Living in the capital, if he could not completely draw a clear line with the powerful, he must get their support as much as possible.

After thinking for several days, Qi Surong finally decided to write a letter to Xu Chen for help.

Mr. Xu's reply arrived soon, with only one word on it: Marry.

"Marry?" Qi Surong frowned. Mr. Xu meant that she should marry Gu Jinyun as soon as possible, but wouldn't this add fuel to the fire? The Gu family's troubles originally originated from her. If she married Jin Yun at this time, the consequences would be unpredictable.

However, sir, you will never make an unreasonable suggestion. There must be a deep meaning in such a suggestion, but I can't guess it yet.

So should we marry or not

"Hey, sir, can't you explain it in more detail? Let me think about it here..." Qi Surong paused, feeling a little depressed, "He must have done it on purpose."

A few days later, Qi Surong wrote a letter asking Gu Jinyun if he was willing to advance their marriage.

Gu Jinyun's reply was straightforward. The next day after receiving the letter, he asked his father to bring the matchmaker to Qi's house to discuss the date of the wedding. In the previous engagement, although the two families exchanged marriage certificates, they did not go to the government office to seal the engagement. Therefore, it is relatively convenient to change the wedding date. The matchmaker only needs to choose another auspicious day.

After discussion between the two families, the wedding date was finally set in one month. The first person to receive the news was Mrs. Feng. She was the matchmaker in name for the Gu Qi family's marriage. However, she hid the matter from Feng Zhan, and Feng Zhan didn't get the news until the two families started sending out wedding invitations.

The marriage between the two families was brought forward, which caught him off guard. He originally planned to hold a wedding on the same day as them, and then find an opportunity to switch brides, bring Qi Surong into the Feng family, and let Liu Qianer marry Gu Jinyun. After that, he would receive the emperor's order and take Qi Surong to leave the Wei Kingdom and go on a mission to foreign countries. Neither the Liu family nor the Feng family dared to publicize this matter, and the Gu family would not take the risk of offending both families by making the inside story public. After waiting a year or two, they can only accept the reality.

Feng Zhan is not worried about the conflict between the Liu family and the Gu family. The two families are in the same spirit, and even if they hold grudges in their hearts, they will not destroy the harmony on the surface.

Unfortunately, the plan could not keep up with the change. Feng Zhan crushed the wine glass in his hand and raised the corner of his mouth: "It seems that you chose the first path."

On the day of the wedding, the Gu family was decorated with lanterns and fireworks.

The guests arrived as promised and congratulated each other. Gu Jinyun invited mostly business friends, and they thought it was just a wedding for ordinary people. But when they entered Gu's house, they discovered that there were many dignitaries among the guests. Although there are many officials who have not yet When he arrived, he sent someone to send a congratulatory gift. The roll call of the master of ceremonies aroused the admiration of the guests, including Gongzhi Houye, Hanlin scholar Gu Yin, Wenyuange scholar He Zhe (a friend of Gu Jinyun) and others.

What surprised them more than that was that the officiant of this wedding turned out to be the former Prime Minister Wang Qinghe! Wang Qinghe was a veteran of three dynasties. Although he had already retired, his influence was still unparalleled.

How is this going? A civilian wedding, so many dignitaries were invited

In fact, after Gu and Qi's family decided on the wedding date, Qi Surong received the guest list from Xu Chen. When she saw the list, she immediately understood the reason why Xu Chen asked her to "marry". The only thing he didn't expect was that Wang Qinghe would condescend to preside over the marriage between the two families. Qi Surong didn't think that a bag of tea could "buy" him, but she didn't know who had the dignity to invite this giant Buddha

The wedding has not yet begun, and the Gu family is already crowded with guests and the atmosphere is warm.

With the sound of gongs and shouts, the bride arrived in a colorful carriage. Wearing a groom's uniform, Gu Jinyun led Qi Surong into the gate of Gu's house, holding colorful silk.

The firecrackers were blasting, and the little boy holding flowers cleared the way, crossing the brazier and entering the wedding hall.

There was an incense table in the middle of the wedding hall, and sitting there were Gu Jinyun's father and the officiant Wang Qinghe.

The praisers shouted: "When we go to the temple to see the ceremony, ask the bride and groom to kneel down in front of the incense table, offer incense, and kowtow; offer incense two times, and kowtow again; offer incense three times, and kowtow three times. Get up!"

Immediately, Gu Jinyun and Qi Surong came to the throne, and the praisers shouted again: "First bow to the heaven and earth... Second bow to the high hall... The husband and wife bow to each other, get up, and after the ceremony, they are sent to the bridal chamber."

The hall immediately burst into warm applause.

The boy holding the flowers came forward and was about to lead the newlyweds into the new house when he suddenly heard a servant shouting from outside the door: "The envoy of Alopa has come to congratulate you."

Aroba envoy? Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they saw several foreigners striding in and bowing. One of them said, "I am Ole, the envoy of Aroba, and I have come to visit your country by order of the queen."

Wang Qinghe stood up and said, "Welcome to the envoys. Are you here to attend the wedding banquet, Mr. Oulai?"

"Exactly." Ou Lai said with a smile, "A year ago, my country was fortunate enough to receive a snow screen embroidered by your country's embroiderer Miss Yun Rong. The queen of our country liked it very much, so for this mission, the queen gave special instructions, I will give Miss Yunrong a small gift in return."

As he spoke, he clapped his hands, and the five attendants behind him immediately came forward, each holding a brocade box in their hands.

"Not long after we arrived in the capital, we happened to hear the news that Miss Yun Rong was getting married, so we came here specially to send congratulatory gifts." Ou Lai opened the brocade boxes one by one, and everyone's eyes suddenly lit up, and then they were amazed.

The first brocade box contains a gemstone ornament. The base is made of gold and is in the shape of a petal. It is inlaid with gemstones in five colors: red, yellow, blue, green and purple. It holds a huge transparent crystal on top. Crystal clear and brilliant under the candlelight.

The second brocade box contains a gold-inlaid porcelain vase. The body of the vase is pure white, the mouth of the vase is engraved with beautiful gold patterns, and there is a golden engraved vase ear on each end. The shape is beautiful and shows nobility.

The third brocade box contains a mirror. The mirror surface is smooth and clear, and the mirror holder is made of gold, engraved with complex patterns, with a large gemstone inlaid on the top, bottom, left and right, and nearly a hundred small crystals dotted around it.

The fourth brocade box contains an exquisite jewelry box containing a pair of gold bracelets.

The fifth brocade box contains a black pearl necklace, inlaid with a total of one hundred black pearls, all of which are exactly the same in size and color.

How is this a small gift? Any one of them is worth a fortune. Everyone was dumbfounded. In addition to being shocked and envious, they were also in disbelief at this sudden gift.

Fortunately, Wang Qinghe was diplomatic and quickly calmed down the situation.

Qi Surong said to Gu's father, Wang Qinghe and Gu Jinyun: "The envoy is here today, can Surong personally express his gratitude?"

"It should be so." Father Gu and Wang Qinghe looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Gu Jinyun reached out and slowly lifted Qi Surong's hijab.

The guests all stretched their necks to see what the bride looked like.

Qi Surong turned around, flicking the beads on her forehead, and her beautiful appearance was revealed in front of everyone. Her eyebrows were smoky and her cheeks were bright red. She was dressed in a gorgeous wedding dress with a long hem that touched the floor and a thin waist with hanging belt. She looked noble and beautiful. .

She stepped forward, knelt down and saluted: "Thank you so much for your Majesty the Queen's generous gift. I wish your Majesty the Queen good health."

"I will definitely bring my blessings from the young lady." Ou Lai also returned the gift and praised, "I didn't expect that the embroidery master Yun Rong would be such a young and beautiful woman. I am very honored to be able to see her beauty."

"Your Excellency, you are so complimentary." Qi Surong said with a smile, "Surong is married and from now on she is no longer 'Miss Qi' but 'Mrs. Gu'."

"Haha, okay, Mrs. Gu."

Qi Surong's stunning appearance and calm demeanor left a deep impression on everyone.

After this wedding, the Gu and Qi family became famous.

The marriage was arranged by Mrs. Feng as matchmaker, Wang Qinghe presided over the wedding, many dignitaries came, and finally there was a priceless gift from Queen Alopa. It can be said that it takes all the limelight and is eye-opening.