Poor Lady

Chapter 73: Hysteria?


In the past month, the capital has been very lively. The marriages between the Eighth Prince and Luo Yanyi and between Feng Zhan and Liu Qianer followed one after another, and the grand scenes were breathtaking.

On the day Feng Zhan and Liu Qianer got married, Qi Surong also asked someone to send them a congratulatory gift. In his previous life, Feng Zhan traveled far away from home alone. In this life, his destiny has completely changed and he married a beautiful wife. I hope he can escape from the devil and live in harmony with Liu Qian'er.

However, Qi Surong always felt a little uneasy in his heart. A few days later, she got bad news from the Digital Gang - something happened to Gu Jinyun in Liancheng.

According to the letter, Jinyun had a high fever after returning from a banquet. By the next day, the fever had subsided. Everyone thought that nothing happened, but at night, Jin Yun suddenly went crazy and smashed everywhere, which was very scary. He returned to normal after dawn. Several doctors were invited to check, but no problem could be found. Some doctors speculated that this might be a kind of hysteria.

Hysteria? Qi Surong's face was ugly. Others may not know it, but she knew very well that Gu Jinyun had never suffered from hysteria in his previous life! If it does not occur naturally, it must be man-made.

Did she still fail to change history? The Gu family still can't escape the fate of being implicated by her? In the previous life, the Gu family just dissipated their wealth and were forced to move away from the capital, but now they directly endangered Gu Jinyun's life

Qi Surong's thoughts were confused and anxious. No, the Qi family no longer had secret decrees in their hands. The emperor and the eighth prince had turned against each other. None of them had the intention to deal with the little Gu family again. Besides, what's the point of killing Gu Jinyun? Even if he wanted to kill, it should be directed at her and her parents.

No wonder Jin Yun has not returned home for a long time. He must have planned to come back after his condition is under control, but the situation is not optimistic.

Calm down, calm down first. Jin Yun will return to the capital soon. He will take a look at the situation then. He cannot mess up his position first.

While Qi Surong waited anxiously, Gu Jinyun finally made it home before the beginning of winter.

Qi Surong ignored her restraint and rushed to the door to greet her husband. His skin was a little darker and his face was a little thinner. He still had a cold face, but Qi Surong could faintly feel his fatigue.

"Rong, I'm back." Gu Jinyun came over and took her hand.

Qi Surong suppressed the excitement in her heart and said warmly: "Come in, my father and uncle are very worried about you."

Gu Jinyun nodded and walked into the house holding his wife's hand. On the way home, he thought a lot. In order not to worry his family, he had to act as natural as possible. Although he didn't know that Qi Surong actually knew about his condition.

When Gu Chang saw his son, he asked for help for a while.

Qi Surong stepped forward and said, "My husband is tired from the journey, so why not let him go back to his room to freshen up first."

"Yes, yes, I won't stop talking about it. Jinyun, go and have a rest."

Gu Jinyun did not refuse, and after saluting, he followed Qi Surong to the bedroom.

After closing the door, Qi Surong hugged Jinyun and lay quietly in his arms.

Gu Jinyun felt a warmth in his chest, and his heart was full of tenderness. He stretched out his arms to hug her and comforted her: "It's okay."

Qi Surong raised her head and hesitated to speak. In the end, she didn't ask anything. She asked someone to prepare hot water, help him bathe, and massage him.

Qi Surong didn't ask, and Gu Jinyun didn't say anything. The two of them seemed to have a tacit understanding, quietly enjoying the feeling of being alone.

During dinner, Gu Jinyun had only four concise words to express about his trip to Liancheng: "Everything went well."

Gu Chang and Gu Yufeng were already familiar with his style of doing things, and they never questioned him. The family lived in harmony.

Qi Surong looked at Gu Jinyun. Was he planning to hide his illness from his family? How to hide it

At night, Gu Jinyun said to her: "Rong, I still have some account books to sort out. I'll stay in the study tonight. You should go to bed early."

Qi Surong was angry. He thought he could deceive her with this reason? However, she didn't expose it. She suppressed her worries and questions and replied, "Well, okay, don't worry too much."

Gu Jinyun nodded, put on a robe and walked out of the bedroom.

Qi Surong looked at his straight and cold back, feeling a little sad for no reason.

She called Ping'er and gave her instructions in this way. Late at night, Ping'er ran over and reported, "The young master entered the study and never came out again."

"Is there any strange movement inside?"

Ping'er shook his head: "There seems to be no one inside, it's very quiet."

Qi Surong frowned, stood up and said, "Let's go take a look."

She came to the study door with a bowl of ginseng soup, knocked on the door and said, "Jinyun, it's me, can you come in?"

There was no sound in the study. Qi Surong knocked on the door again, but there was still no response. He pushed the door gently and found that it had been locked.

"Liuzi, I know you are inside, open the door!" Qi Surong slightly raised her voice and said, "If you don't open the door, I will go directly to ask the father-in-law."

There was a burst of panicked footsteps inside, but after a moment, the door was opened, and Liu Zi managed a smile and said, "Madam, it's already late at night, why haven't you gone to bed yet?"

Qi Surong pushed him away and walked straight into the study.

"Hey, madam!" Liuzi was shocked.

Qi Surong searched around the room, but Jin Yun was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is your young master?" she asked.

Liuzi bit his lip, wondering: "Even the youngest doesn't know this."

"Liu Zi!" Qi Surong said coldly, "Some things cannot be hidden. Do you want to confess now, or ask the master to come out and confess later?"

Liuzi sighed and replied: "Madam, it's not that I mean to hide it from you, it's just that the young master didn't let me tell you."

"I know." Qi Surong said calmly, "You just need to tell me where he is. I already know his situation."

Liuzi looked surprised: "Madam, do you know?" After a pause, he said, "Okay, please come over with me, madam."

He walked to a bookshelf and turned some mechanism. The bookshelf moved away, revealing a dark room.

Qi Surong was secretly surprised. She had lived in the Gu family for four or five years in this life and her previous life, but she didn't even know there was such a dark room in the study. Thinking about it this way, her relationship with Jin Yun in her previous life was indeed indifferent, and she couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

After gathering his thoughts, Qi Surong followed Liuzi into the darkroom. The darkroom was not big, and she could see Gu Jinyun sleeping on the stone bed at a glance.

Walking over quickly, Qi Surong touched his forehead and asked Xiang Liuzi: "What's wrong with him?"

"The young master drank the drug and is now in a coma."

"To keep yourself from going crazy?"

"Yes." Madam really knew. Liu Zi thought to himself.

"He was like this before?"

Liuzi nodded: "Yes."

Qi Surong said with a solemn expression: "You should know that drinking too much drug is harmful to the body." It is a three-part poison that accumulates over a long period of time. Jin Yun may be poisoned and die.

"The young master wants to use this method to stop himself from going crazy. Maybe if he persists for ten days and a half, his illness will be cured."


Liuzi sighed: "This disease is so strange that the doctor is helpless and the young master is helpless. Moreover, the effect of the drug is actually..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Jinyun suddenly convulsed on the bed, and intermittent low moans came from his throat.

Liuzi's face changed and he said nervously: "No! Madam, let's get out quickly, the young master is going crazy again."

Gu Jinyun opened his eyes suddenly, jumped up from the bed, and rushed outside quickly.

Qi Surong hugged his waist and shouted to Liuzi: "Close the darkroom door quickly."

Liuzi subconsciously exited the darkroom and activated the mechanism.

"Liuzi, Madam is still inside!" Ping'er patted the bookshelf in panic.

Liuzi was startled and raised his hand to reopen the darkroom, but heard Qi Surong's voice coming from inside: "Don't open it, you guys are guarding outside."

Ping'er said anxiously: "Miss, you'd better come out and let's take care of the young master together." Her answer was only a series of muffled sounds.

Qi Surong was thrown away by Gu Jinyun, and her back hit the wall hard. She screamed in pain and looked up to see Gu Jinyun rushing around the room, his face twisted like an evil ghost.

Seeing this scene, Qi Surong was even more sure that Jin Yun had been drugged, but she didn't know what kind of poison could cause people to go crazy, and they would only go crazy at night.

Gu Jinyun kept hitting the wall and even hit it with his head, almost causing his head to bleed. Qi Surong was shocked and rushed over to hug him: "That's enough, that's enough, Jinyun, wake up!"

Gu Jinyun turned a deaf ear and knocked Qi Surong away with his backhand, then jumped on her and hit her with his fist.

Qi Surong closed her eyes, secretly thinking that this punch would probably kill half of her life. Unexpectedly, there was a muffled sound in her ears, and her fist hit the ground on the side of her face.

She looked deeply at Jin Yun, reached out to hold his face, and whispered, "Jin Yun, I am Su Rong."

Gu Jinyun's eyes flickered, the muscles on his face twisted, then he hugged his head and curled up on the ground.

Qi Surong hugged him and said with tears: "Jinyun, Jinyun."

Gu Jinyun remained motionless, lying stiffly in Qi Surong's arms, as helpless as an abandoned child.

I don't know how long it took, but Gu Jinyun called softly: "Rong."

Qi Surong perked up and said in surprise, "Jinyun, you have regained your consciousness."

Gu Jinyun looked around, turned his face away, and said nothing.

Qi Surong turned his face and kissed him on the lips.

Gu Jinyun was stunned and said in a depressed tone: "You know?"

"Oh, I see."

"I'm sick, with a strange disease."

"So what? Do you plan to hide it from me for the rest of your life? Can you hide it?"

Gu Jinyun hugged her, leaned his face on her chest, and said sullenly: "I don't want you to see me like this."

"I am your wife. If you don't show me, who are you going to show it to?"

"Aren't you afraid of what I looked like just now?"

"Afraid? Of course I am afraid. I am afraid that you will accidentally beat me to death and then commit suicide."

"...This is not funny at all." Madam, is it really okay to say such shocking words in a serious manner? He didn't feel comforted at all, but instead felt even more nervous!

"Okay, tell me, what happened?" Qi Surong raised his head and asked, "Who harmed you?"

"Why do you think someone is harming me?" Gu Jinyun said a little strangely, "I just had a strange illness."

"A sudden strange illness?" Qi Surong shook his head and said, "I don't believe it, you have always been in good health."

"Who can guarantee that he will be free from illness and pain throughout his life?" Gu Jinyun looked at his wife in his arms, his eyes darkening.

"Do you really think this is just a disease?" Qi Surong asked again.

"If it weren't for illness..." Gu Jinyun was silent for a moment and said in deep thought: "I can't think of anyone who would harm me, and what is the purpose of harming me?"

"What's going on with the business in Liancheng?"

"It's just an ordinary transaction dispute. The amount of goods involved is quite large. The steward over there couldn't make the decision, so he asked me to handle it personally." Gu Jinyun said seriously, "I have investigated carefully and there seems to be nothing suspicious."

"Anyway, let's see Dr. Jiang tomorrow. Maybe he can tell something."

Gu Jinyun looked at Qi Surong with deep eyes: "If my disease cannot be cured..."

"It will be cured, believe me." Qi Surong held his hand tightly, "Don't take any more drugs in the future. I will stay by your side and accompany you."

"If you don't drink the drug, just use a rope." Gu Jinyun touched Qi Surong's bruised face, his eyes full of guilt.

"Okay, I won't let you hurt me again, and I will protect myself until you recover." Jin Yun felt guilty, and so did she. She suspected that Jinyun's illness was all caused by her, and this possibility made her extremely uncomfortable.

She will not let tragedy happen to her and Jinyun again, and she will do everything possible to help him resolve the crisis. Qi Surong's eyes flashed with determination.

He didn't want Su Rong to get hurt in any way, nor did he want to lose her. No matter what, he would never give up hope of healing. Gu Jinyun hugged the person in his arms tightly and swore secretly.