Poor Monk

Chapter 44: The wolf and the scorpion ┃The society is clear, the society is clear


Yongjia Pass is not very far from where the Dao of the Demons is, and it takes more than a day's journey to arrive. After taking the order, Pei Wuji said nothing, and did not do anything secretly. He really took his old confidants to intercept the legendary descendant of Martial Saint.

Yao Qing saw it, it was somewhat complicated.

After all, she has witnessed how Pei Wuji has climbed from a piaoping-like boy to his current high status over the years. The scheming is there, and the ability is also there. Although he lacked a lot in martial arts, he didn't practice martial arts until he was fifteen or sixteen years old, and he was already much slower than ordinary people.

Unfortunately, it was the wrong decision.

"What do you think of my decision this time?"

Shen Du probably saw Yao Qing's floating mood, so he just stood up from his seat, walked to the edge of the Lonely Moon Pavilion, looked at the surrounding mountains and clouds, and asked in a light voice.

Yao Qing pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "You made this decision for Pei Zuo's sake. After the first disturbance, these people under his command are all his capable men, and a thief may not be able to dispel a thief. , and the second is that they have a previous record and will not do their best for the Demon Dao. In the end, it is useless. If you can teach them a lesson this time, maybe they can also reduce their strength. In this way, cut off With the confidence of Zuo Envoy Pei to make trouble again, the possibility of this kind of thing is also eliminated, so you don't have to think about dealing with him anymore."

After all, Yao Qing still felt that Shen Du was a little unusual to Pei Wuji.

It's just that Shen Du laughed after hearing it.

How could she know what his relationship with Gu Zhao was

Gu Zhao's martial arts are also famous in the world. Although he may not be able to beat him, it is no problem to bring a group of people to deal with Pei Wuji and his subordinates.

It can be said that 90% of the people who go there will die there.

But this was something Shen Du wouldn't tell Yao Qing.

After listening to Yao Qing's guess, he was silent for a moment, his eyes turned and he only caught sight of Cui Hong walking on the other side of the mountain road, so he didn't say any more, only said: "Your guess is reasonable. But Gu Zhao has a deceitful temperament, as you said, he is definitely not a good match, let people pay more attention to any news outside, and always report to me if there is something."


Having said that, Yao Qing knew that he could retire.

Only when she turned to leave after salute, she raised her eyes and saw Cui Hong who was waiting beside her. She was stunned for a moment.

The Lonely Moon Pavilion in Jiantianya is a long road, carved out of stones one by one. At this moment, Cui Hong is standing at the bottom, the clouds rolling behind him, and the robes on his body are the green color of the distant mountains.

When she looked over, Cui Hong was also looking at her.

The two approached, but they were speechless. They glanced at each other, nodded, and passed by.

Cui Hong climbed the Lonely Moon Pavilion along the long stone steps. Before she could speak, she heard Shen Du laugh and said, "I thought you wouldn't take the initiative to come to me, but I didn't think you'd still come today."

"The Taoist looks at the world and always predicts things like God."

Cui Hong's face froze slightly, and when she looked up, she saw that Shen Du held his hands and walked down from the side of the pavilion.

In front of it is a steep single road on the cliff. The real "Jiantian Cliff" is at the end of the dangerous road, which is the best place for the scenery here.

In my impression, that seems to be Shen Du's favorite place to stay.

From a long time ago, Shen Du was the only son of the old Taoist master. When he was still young, he liked to stay there alone. If you can't find people at ordinary times, you can always see them there.

I usually didn't think about it deeply, but now looking at Shen Du's back, a long-buried issue that didn't attract his attention in the past suddenly quietly surfaced—

When he was young, Shen Du was always cowardly, why did he always stay in Jiantianya

Since he is cowardly, how did he cross the dangerous road from Guyue Pavilion to Jiantianya

"Actually, back then, the one who thought I couldn't do it the most was you, Cui Hong, right?" On the narrow cliff road that was only more than a foot away, Shen Du walked calmly, as if stepping on the ground, "Now that I have achieved this, I always I think you should be surprised."

Surprise is real.

To be precise, everything Shen Du has done in the past ten years has almost subverted his cognition, so that in the past ten years, Cui Hong has always wondered if he had seen the wrong person.

But today, I don't think it's wrong.

He followed behind Shen Du, and his cultivation was not as profound as Shen Du's, so he walked with some caution and spoke the same way: "In the beginning, everyone thought you were cowardly and timid, too benevolent, and could not be a big responsibility. The same is true. Today, you have done a lot of things that are even more cruel and incomprehensible than others imagined. Your subordinates watch you grow up, and it is really unexpected. But the thoughts of subordinates It hasn't changed. Even though he seems to have become a big devil in the past ten years, his nature will not change. It's not a good thing for you to control the way of demons."


The footsteps stopped slightly, and the gravel on the narrow road below was stepped on and fell down, breaking through the heavy clouds below, and the shadow disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Shen Du turned to look at Cui Hong, without the slightest smile on his face: "So you still think Dongfang Ji is better than me, right?"

Oriental Halberd.

It's been a long time since I heard this name on Jiantian Cliff.

From the day Shen Du ascended the position of the Dao Master of the Demon Dao, this name has become a taboo place. If anyone mentions it carelessly, he will be scolded and punished at every turn, and gradually no one will dare to mention it.

But now, it was Shen Du who said it himself.

At this moment, Cui Hong was a little dazed.

He even felt that the time went back ten years ago. Shen Du was still the timid and shy boy. Above him was a senior brother named Dongfang Ji. He acted arrogantly and boldly, but he was also smart and wise. His ability is as good as his scheming, and he is also very good to his brothers in the Tao.

It's just that this illusion only lasted for a moment, and then vanished.

The old Taoist and Taoist wife are gone, and Dongfang Ji was seriously injured by Shen Du.

"Back then, he was seriously injured and escaped and left Jiantianya. People outside said that he was killed by me, but you and I both know that he still had a life that night, and he relied on himself to be deep in the Tao. The foundation has escaped birth."

Shen Du stared at the abyss under his feet, his voice as ethereal as a cloud.

"I'm at odds with him Zilai, you'll be dead or alive. Cui Hong, how dare you ask Pei Wuji to match up with him, but also against me?"


The gust of wind in the abyss below suddenly swept in, blowing Shen Du's dark and gloomy robes, and there was a calm murderous intent hidden in the monstrous sixteen demon patterns.

Cui Hong thought about it, Shen Duxing is inherently smart, and sooner or later he will guess a little from all kinds of clues. But he thought that when Han Jue was on top of that day, he picked it up heavily and put it down gently, and it was considered a big matter and a trivial matter, and the matter was uncovered.

Who would have thought to mention it today, it was so unexpected!

At this time, he couldn't answer, and Lingguang's brain couldn't find a reason enough to convince Shen Du in time.

Shen Du looked at him fixedly, and raised the corners of his lips: "If you weren't Cui Hong or watched me grow up, and you were called 'uncle' since you were a child, when you couldn't answer just now, I would have already Throwing you over here. Do you know what's under this abyss?"

"Subordinates don't know."

Cui Hong's fingers hanging on his side were quietly clenched.

In the face of today's Shen Du, he is far from being as calm as he used to be. Because the person in front of him is moody and angry, it is not uncommon to talk, laugh and kill people.

Seeing his guarded appearance, Shen Du didn't care, he just stepped up again, and walked to the cliff over there along the narrow path that would fall off if he took a wrong step.

Walk and talk.

"Below this abyss is a valley full of rotten bones. There are no plants, no birds and beasts, some only have a puddle of clear water, a few poisonous insects, and a "Liuhe Shenjue"..."

"… "

Liuhe Divine Art? !

Originally, these were just the most common words, and even these four words following his words were an understatement, as if they were no different from "Qingshui" and "Poisonous Insects" in front of him, but Cui Hong heard it clearly for a moment. I just felt a "buzz" in my head, and it exploded!

This abyss under the Tiantian Cliff has always been the place where the demons dealt with corpses. From ancient times to the present, I don't know how many businessmen who came and went, or disciples of the righteous way who attacked the demon way, died here.

But no living man has ever known what was down there.

Maybe someone fell alive, but they'd never seen him climb up from below alive.

If there is a Senluo hell in the world, then Cui Hong can think of nothing more than this abyss.

However, at this very moment, at this very moment, Shen Du, the master of the Dao of the Demon, actually opened his mouth to describe what it looked like under the cliff of Jiantian, and also mentioned the Six Harmonies God Art!

So an unprecedented possibility suddenly appeared.

What Cui Hong could think of was that only twelve years ago, the young Shen Du disappeared for three whole days, and he couldn't even find anyone on the Tiantian Cliff, which made everyone on the Demon Dao anxious.

It wasn't until three days later that everyone in the chaos saw that he had come back from nowhere, and appeared on the top of Hanjue in a rags and abyss.

He smiled and told people that he was just having fun and got lost.

The old Taoist was so angry that he beat him, and told his disciple Dongfang Ji to take good care of this junior...

At that time, what was the look of Dongfang Ji, who was also young

Cui Hong actually felt that she couldn't remember.

He raised his eyes, only to see that Shen Du had already stood on the flat and protruding rock at the end of the abyss, and the blazing sunlight fell from the heights, making his face as pale as when he was a teenager.

"The Yongjia Pass is not far ahead. This is the place we must pass through when we return to Pengshan. The news has already spread. I am afraid that the road will not be very stable. Let's stop and repair first."

The flat official road just entered a flat canyon.

Gu Zhao, who was riding on a snow-white steed, waved his hand gently, motioning everyone behind him to stop, and then he turned over and got off the horse first.

Lou Zhang, who had a sick face and a bit of cowardice, followed behind him. It seemed that he was not very good at riding a horse on weekdays, so when he came down from the top, he was clumsy and his legs were still fighting.

There are many people behind him quietly looking at him.

Few of these people were disciples of Pengshan, and most of them gathered together when they went to Tianji Temple to contain the demon Taoist Lord Shen Du.

When Gu Zhao "discovered" Lou Zhang, he said a lot of things in a high-sounding manner. In order to prevent the descendants of Wu Sheng from being robbed by the bad guys, he sincerely invited fellows from all over the world to escort him.

Who can resist the temptation of the three-volume Buddhist treasure

This is the descendant of Wu Sheng!

Although it is currently protected by Gu Zhao, the first immortal of Pengshan, how can I know what will happen in the future? Everyone may not have the opportunity to get their hands on the Buddha Treasure, but they can pretend to protect them all the way and listen to some news for their own sect. They can still do it.

That's why they gathered into this mighty group of people.

Along the way, they were observing this descendant of the Martial Saint named "Lou Zhang", and they could easily detect that this man had no strength to restrain chickens, and his body was really weak, just like Lu Feixian back then.

Seeing how bad he looked when he dismounted from the horse, many people felt disdain.

But at the same time as he looked down on it, his mind also became active: with a body as useless as Lou Zhang, I am afraid that even if he has obtained the Buddha's possession, he will not be able to cultivate, right? That's when...

People are different, and their minds are also different.

Gu Zhao untied the water bladder tied to the saddle, walked beside the deep valley, and bent over to draw water. The azure-colored robe contrasted with the clear spring water, and there was an air of immortality in his actions.

Just at the moment of bending over, he frowned slightly.

A few days ago in Yiyang City, he had a disagreement with Shen Du, and he even had a hand in hand with Shen Du, and because of that filthy and sinister thought, he was stabbed through the shoulder with a sword. For him, it was a big loss that he had rarely suffered over the years.

Others can't see it, but he himself knows it.

Shen Du, the bastard, was extremely ruthless, not to mention that he was still angry at the time. At most, this sword saved his life, but it was not merciful.

Although the Chuihong Sword is not a magic weapon, it is also very sharp, and the wounds it has caused are extremely deep. In the past few days, it has been on the road again and again, and there is not even a suitable time to heal and recover.

Thinking of this, his eyes became more gloomy.

It was only when he got up and looked back at everyone, the gloom of this layer disappeared, reflecting the clear water and green mountains around, a kind of clean without dust.

Someone sat down and began to discuss the matter in the Tianji Temple.

"Is it really what the big devil did?"

"Needless to say? Apart from this ruthless, arrogant and domineering devil, who else in the world would dare to do such a thing?"

"Yeah, I heard that the Hui monk Zenzai is still tired of this..."

"Hey, you said that things have become so big, are the three volumes of Buddha Treasure really in Shen Du's hands?"

"It's impossible to say."

"Tianji Chanyuan didn't mention the Buddha Treasure at all. I was thinking that this is not very right. Could it be that the Buddha Treasure has been lost, but those bald donkeys are afraid of the world's condemnation and dare not speak out?"


"But it still doesn't feel right..."

"Hey, why do you want to work so hard? Well, on the side of Gu Gongzi, the descendants of Wu Sheng are here! I'm afraid I will take him to Bukong Mountain to get the essence of Wu Sheng's martial arts left by his old man, and the truth will be at that time. Isn't it obvious?"

Gu Zhao heard the details of everyone's discussion.

But Lou Zhang didn't participate, he didn't make a sound, walked over from the side with a pale face and panting appearance, and stood close to Gu Zhao.

Gu Zhao glanced at him and said nothing.

Lou Zhang seemed to be a little afraid of him, but remembering the recent rumors about the three-volume Buddhist collection, he opened his mouth with some doubts: "Young Master, now everyone says that Shen Du has stolen three volumes. Buddha, we…”

"Other people's discussions are other people's discussions, whether it is or not, we have to wait and see."

In fact, Gu Zhao may not have no doubts in his heart, but he is different from others because he and Shen Du also have cooperation on the Buddha Tibet.

If Shen Du has already stolen the Buddha's treasure, why bother to cooperate with him on the matter of Wu Sheng's descendants

And he has judged good before him.

The original words are, "you and I go together, maybe we can fight".

You must know that people like Shen Du have always had eyes above the top, and it is difficult to get half-point recognition from him if there is not much real material.

But he gave Zenya such a high evaluation.

This proves that this bald donkey named Shanzai must be very powerful, and Shen Du suffered a big loss.

In this way, based on common sense, it is impossible for Shen Du to steal the three volumes of the Buddha Treasure from such a good hand.

Gu Zhao thought about it like this, remembering what he had agreed with Shen Du, he raised his head to look at the position of the sun, counted the time, his eyes flickered slightly, and only said: "As long as he has sent someone according to the agreement If you rob you, then the Buddha Treasure will definitely not be in his hands.”

After Lou Zhang heard this, he was thoughtful.

Regarding the relationship between the young master and Shen Du, he just felt that he could not understand it very well. After all, he was not Tong Bo, and he had never had much contact with the young master. It's just that in the deep alleys of Yiyang City that day, he also listened to what he shouldn't have listened to...

But at this moment, there are so many people who don't dare to ask more questions.

A group of people lingered and repaired here for a while, and after noon they returned to the road and waited to go to Yongjia Pass. Unexpectedly, what Gu Zhao said earlier was really fulfilled. Just after seeing the shadow of Yongjia Pass from a distance, a group of uninvited guests with swords suddenly appeared on the official road in front!

In an instant, the figures are flying!

The people who came to rob people are all masters. After they entered this section of the road, they surrounded them back and forth, blocking everyone's retreat!

The crowd was shocked.

Only Gu Zhao pulled his horse in front of him, his brows, like finely drawn with ink, raised his eyebrows imperceptibly, and there was a faint sneer on his lips.

Tsk, Shen Du can be considered willing.

This time, it was Pei Wuji's idiot who was sent to die by him.