Poor Monk

Chapter 5: Eating meat is not enough ┃ why, so afraid of being eaten by me?


As soon as this thought came up, it was like a wild weed that could no longer be suppressed.

Shen Du knew that this idea was crazy.

But for a long time, didn't the people on the rivers and lakes think he was a lunatic? It's not really crazy, I'm really sorry for myself!

No one knows how many experts Tianji Temple has. But everyone knows that a monk who can be called a "master" in Tianji Chanyuan, his martial arts cultivation is at least a lot higher than that of the outside world masters!

It is by no means easy to explore Tianji Temple.

Even many people who approached the temple have already been discovered.

But Shen Du felt that he was different.

It's never been the same.

Before him, there was no one who could not be discovered by the temple after entering the back mountain of Tianji Temple because of various coincidences!

In other words, he has more secret detection conditions than others...

Although he didn't understand why.

I didn't understand why the dumb monk saved him, and why he didn't tell the temple. Maybe it was a thought of compassion, or maybe he guessed that he was not a good person, so he chose not to tell the Chanyuan

That's it.

None of this matters.

The important thing is that because of the kindness of this monk, Shen Du found that not only did he temporarily get rid of the dilemma of life and death, but he might also have an unprecedented opportunity.

"Good monk Hui..."

If it weren't for the fact that he was seriously injured and not one of his meridians was healed, I'm afraid he couldn't wait to fly up the mountain to meet this monk whom he had been in close contact with for a long time.

Of course, the more important thing is to take a look at the legendary three-volume Buddhist collection.

The essence of martial arts left by Wu Sheng Lou Dongwang!

Who in the world doesn't covet

Shen Du is just an ordinary person. Even if he has already practiced the powerful Liuhe Divine Art, who would think too much about exercises and chips

You must know that when Gu Zhao invited him to the Hongmen banquet, he used these three volumes of Buddhist treasures as bait.

He sent someone to deliver a letter to him, saying that he had found traces of Lou Dongwang's descendants.

At that time, Pei Wuji said that Gu Zhao was setting up a bureau, and he could not go to this banquet.

But he didn't care.

He knew Gu Zhao too well.

Although this person is called "the first immortal of Pengshan" by the people of the world, he is actually not a good thing.

There was something about him that Shen Du liked very much.

That is, no matter whether it is good or bad, make preparations first, just in case.

Pei Wuji can see that he is setting up a game, how could he not see it

But he wants to go.

Because he believed that Gu Zhao would not make up such a thing out of thin air to attract him to the past. Since it was said that there is a Hongmen Banquet, the legendary "Descendants of Lou Dongwang" must also have it.

As long as Gu Zhao's Hongmen banquet is unsuccessful, he has to obediently explain what happened to Lou Dongwang's descendants.

With Lou Dongwang's descendants, are you still worried that the three volumes of Buddha cannot be hidden

Wu Sheng has a last word, as long as his descendants are willing to come and get these three volumes of martial arts essence, they will give them all.

No matter how domineering the Tianji Temple is, and no matter how revered its status is, it is impossible not to follow Wu Sheng's last wish under the watchful eyes of the public.

As for the descendants of Lou Dongwang

Whether he really wanted the three volumes of martial arts essentials was not important at all.

-Whether it's Shen Du or Gu Zhao, there are 110,000 ways to make him "want".

It's a pity that he still couldn't spend the Hongmen Banquet safely.

I thought…

Can seek skin with Gu Zhao, plan and plan to go to Tianji Temple to retrieve the three volumes of Buddha Tibetan.

"It's one move away from chess..."

He stood in front of the window, looking at the sea of bamboo swaying in the snow, and finally squinted his eyes and read slowly.

Then he thought for a while, but stopped watching.

It is enough to know where you are now and where you are.

It's a waste of time to watch any more.

He closed the window and wanted to go back to lie down and continue to sleep, but when he was about to walk away, he saw the bookshelf standing against the wall with a flick of his eyes.

The scriptures that have been repacked are neatly arranged inside.

New or old, or white or yellowed pages, all exude a faint scent of sandalwood.

Buddhist scriptures…

Shen Du is by no means a person who believes in gods and Buddhas.

I never read any scriptures.

But at this moment, I suddenly became a little interested, so I turned around and walked to the bookshelf, my fingers swiped over the scriptures, and finally stopped on the "Miaofa Lotus Sutra".

If he remembered correctly, this volume was among the scriptures that the dumb monk copied here just now.

Shen Du took this volume out.

It can be seen that the paper pages are a little old, not the common cost books on the rivers and lakes, but a scroll that is nearly a foot long.

When you open it, you can see some Buddha statues inside.

"If I hear it."

"At one time, the Buddha lived in the city of Wangshe and in the mountain of Qijaju, together with the great monks of 12,000 people."

"All of them are Arhats, all strays have been eliminated, no more troubles, one can grasp one's own interests, one has all the knots, and one feels at ease..."

He read it line by line, and after only three sentences, he felt that something was not right, and his tongue seemed to be knotted.

Feeling boring for a while.

"Ji Qu and Fang, what a nonsense thing!"

Not someone with wisdom.

Shen Du casually flipped back and forth, but he didn't realize any martial arts mentality from it, and he didn't solve any ancient riddles, and he didn't get any enlightenment of life's predicament.

So he smacked his lips tediously, and put it back again.

But after putting it back, he seemed to have raised his finger, leaned in and sniffed it, and even smelled a faint scent of sandalwood and ink.

Kind of like the smell on that monk.

"Oh, I hope this bald donkey can have some brains and understand what I say. Don't seek death..."

After all, Pei Wuji was just an accident.

He didn't kill Pei Wuji afterwards, but now he might not kill this dumb monk afterwards.

The story of the farmer and the snake is always appropriate for Shen Du.

He has no heart.

There are still a few medicinal herbs that have not been used up on the table, and next to them are the medicinal juices in small jars, as well as the medicinal cups and pestles for pounding medicine...

Shen Du fiddled around to identify it, but didn't see any depth.

Bored left and right, in the end, I lay down again.

Still sleeping.

Cultivation is divided into internal and external, internal power relies on meridians, and external power relies on flesh and blood.

He now has broken meridians on the inside and hasn't grown up yet; on the outside, there are scars all over him, and he can tear the wounds if he moves too much.

Even though he knew that sleeping was a waste of time, objectively he didn't have the conditions to practice qigong.

So, what can you do other than sleep

As soon as his eyes were closed and the quilt was covered, Shen Du felt that he had become a hibernating frog. At first, I couldn't fall asleep, but after a long time, I became confused.

Still restless sleep.

In the dream, there was fighting and killing, and Ni Qianqian kept shouting in his ear: Shen Du, you are going to die, you are going to die.

I feel tired when I sleep.

So Shen Du opened his eyes again, and saw that the sun had already slanted a lot outside, but it was obviously still a while before the sun went down.

He sighed and got up again.

Twenty-seven years, considered a short life, is half a lifetime; if you count it according to Ni Qianqian's words, it is already the majority of life.

There has never been such a busy day.

Shen Du felt uncomfortable.

When uncomfortable, he likes to find something for himself to do.

Usually on the Tiantian Cliff, I can go out for two laps from time to time, stirring up the blood and blood on the rivers and lakes.

But what can this hut, this remnant body do

His gaze returned to the bookshelf.

He frowned, hesitating for a long time, but out of boredom, he walked over and turned over all the scriptures on the bookshelf.

What "The Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law", "The Shurangama Sutra", "The Diamond Sutra", and "The Tripitaka Sutra", I couldn't read it all, but turned to a book of "The Shurangama Mantra" at the farthest corner. .

It's a pure-hearted way.

After the practice, it can induce the body's qi channels to run according to a certain law, eliminate distracting thoughts, clear the spiritual platform, greatly improve the speed of practice, and even avoid going into the devil to a large extent.

Shen Du became more and more angry.

If he had had the opportunity to come into contact with such a method back then, and then practiced the Six Harmonies God Art after cultivating this mantra, how would he have gone into trouble because of the distracting thoughts in his heart

If you don't see this method, you don't know it.

But now, he just let him know that there is such a wonderful method in the world, such a magical spell, it can really make people spit out blood!

"The thief will play Laozi."

Thin lips pursed tightly, he raised his hand and threw the scroll towards the other end!


A muffled sound.

This book is nothing, just throw a book away, and you can still pick it up. But unfortunately, the closed door opened at this time.

The slender monk was standing outside the door with a food box, the white snow and bamboo forest behind him were dyed reddish by the bright shadow of the setting sun.

Only his clean moon-white robe was washed.

As soon as he looked down, he saw the Shurangama Mantra lying on the edge of the wall. The spine of the book had been smashed a little, and several pages of old paper were crumpled.

His brows furrowed instantly.

He looked at the desk sitting behind the book, and Shen Yi glanced a little stunned because of his appearance, then he bent over in silence and picked up the book.

Shen Independence laughed without any guilt, spread his hands and said: "Oh, don't take it offense, it's because your scriptures are so wonderful, I'm fascinated by it, dance with your hands, dance with your feet, and throw it away accidentally. out. It didn't break, did it?"

The monk did not answer him.

He just walked to the table, put down the food box, and carefully wiped off the dust on the book of Shurangama Mantra, smoothing out a few folds on the pages.

That action, it doesn't seem like he is looking after a book.


Shen Du was at a loss for words.

He felt that even the look in Pei Wuji's eyes when he was wiping the knife under the lamp, his favorite, didn't have the monk's actions at the moment, and it was fascinating.

So he suddenly said: "I was careless just now, but now I really want to throw out all the scrolls of yours, and watch you pick them up one by one."

The monk still didn't answer.

His straight lips pursed into a slightly cold line, and only put the flattened book back into the corner of the bookshelf.

Shen Du noticed that the position was exactly where he took out the book.


Have a good memory

The dark light in the bottom of his eyes flickered faintly, and his eyes couldn't help falling on the monk again, but he still couldn't see the slightest trace of martial arts practice.


No matter how miraculous the Shurangama Mantra is, to this monk, it is just an ordinary mantra, right

"What's for dinner?"

He didn't bother to mention the stubble that he just threw the book, just turned his eyes and looked directly at the food box placed in front of him.

Without waiting for the monk to react, Shen Du's hand was already stretched out.

The food box is the simplest wooden food box. It has been painted with a layer of varnish, but it can be seen that it has been used for a long time, and the patent leather has fallen off.

But the moment he took off the lid of the box, a seductive aroma wafted out.

Shen Du was stunned.

On the top layer of the food box, there was a small white porcelain plate upright, and inside it lay a few pieces of golden chicken wrapped in green lotus leaves.

The fragrance of lotus leaves, the oily fragrance of chicken.

It was mixed together in an instant, but it didn't make people feel tired at all.

"Chicken wrapped in lotus leaf?"

He recognized the dish at once, and was immediately surprised, almost suspecting that he had read it wrong.

"You really..."

At noon, I told the monk that he had such an injury that he had to eat meat, but he didn't expect it to happen in the afternoon

He thought...

His eyes became a little weird.

Shen Du pulled his eyes out of the plate of meat dishes and looked at the monk standing in front of the table, with a jade-like face and a string of slender rosary beads hanging around his neck.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the kind of wine and meat monk who relapses at every turn.

"You don't make a special trip down the mountain to buy your meat, right?"

He smirked, secretly feeling overwhelmed with joy. Raising his eyebrows, the pair of phoenix eyes twitched, and he slanted a glance at the monk, showing a rare aura.

"Why, so afraid of being eaten by me?"


Take measures.

The monk was really too lazy to pay attention to him, and without even looking at the food box, he walked directly to the corner of the wall and lifted the small medicine basket that was leaning against the wall.

It looked like he was going out to collect medicine.

Shen Du naturally knew that the medicine he used for himself was just picked from the mountain, and there was not much left on the table, so it was normal to go to collect the medicine.


Seeing that the monk was about to hit the door and go out, he suddenly felt something wrong, and even asked, "Monk, where is the wine?"

Chapter 6 Unwilling to cross ┃ Buddha cut flesh to feed eagles and sacrificed his body to feed tigers, but this monk is unwilling to cross him.

As soon as the words came out, Shen Du knew that he was wrong.

Even if he didn't know much about Tianji Temple, he knew that this place was a place with extremely strict discipline. It was extremely rare for this bald donkey to prepare some meat for himself.

Besides, with his current injury, isn't drinking alcohol courting death

His eyelids jumped, and when he raised his eyes again, he saw at a glance the monk who was about to go out and stopped, so he inexplicably remembered the previous "illusion".

Those icy eyes...

In the middle of nowhere, a sense of survival came up, and before he turned around, Shen Du said without saying a word: "No, no, I don't drink, I'm just making a joke with you, don't mind, don't mind. Don't mind."

"… "

The medicine basket was still in his hand, and when the monk turned his head, he only saw Shen Du's smiling face. It seems that the question of drinking just now is really not by nature, but it is just a joke.

I have my own thoughts in my heart, but I didn't care about Shen Du.

After all, he has taken back his words.

So the monk stopped for a while, looked at him for a while, then withdrew his unwavering calm gaze, and went out the door as usual.

The afterglow has slanted.

He turned around and closed the door, his figure was squeezed into a line by the crack of the door, and soon disappeared on the rugged mountain path with the faint moon-white.

Shen Du leaned against the window and saw that his shadow was gone. Recalling the strange feeling just now, he only felt that the monk's temper might not be as kind as it appeared on the surface.


"Ride the donkey and read the songbook, let's wait and see... until I get better..."

How easy is it to find a monk in Tianji Temple who can't do martial arts

Not only did he want to eat meat and drink alcohol, but he also forced the monk to eat meat and drink alcohol!

At that time, let's see if he can have such an air!

With a cold snort, Shen Du felt unhappy in his heart. He sat down and regarded the chicken wrapped in lotus leaf as a monk who annoyed him.

Then I took a scroll of scriptures and lay down on the bed to read it.

The monks came back after dark.

The medicine basket was already filled with many herbs that Shen Du knew or did not know. After being washed by him one by one, a small part of it was added to the stove and boiled into a soup; the other part was put into a medicine cup and slowly smashed with a medicine pestle.

Needless to say, the former went into Shen Du's stomach, and the latter went to Shen Du's body.

After finishing all this, the monk carefully added a lot of charcoal to the stove to ensure that it could burn until the middle of the night before leaving.

Like yesterday, he still didn't spend the night in the bamboo hut.

This made Shen Du feel a little strange.

This bamboo hut is located on the back mountain of Tianji Temple. No matter how you look at it, it is a place that is so pure that it cannot be purified any more. It has everything that should be used in daily life, and even Buddhist scriptures that the monks need for their daily practice.

It stands to reason that it is not like a temporary resting place.

But the monks came down the mountain twice a day in the middle of the night. After finishing their affairs in the middle of the night, they went back to the mountain to sleep.

Just looking at it like this, Shen Du felt tired, let alone a monk who didn't even have the slightest bit of martial arts

Could it be…

Is he occupying the bed where he usually rests, so the other party can only go back to the mountain

Shen Du didn't know the answer.

But after observing it for ten consecutive days, it was like this every day.

The time when monks come to the bamboo house is very regular: they don’t come early in the morning; when it’s near noon, they bring something to eat, and they also bring some scriptures to copy or study; After "serving" Shen Du, he went out to collect the medicine with Yao Lou, and then boiled the medicine for him, pounded the medicine, and changed the medicine.

There will naturally be a lot of embarrassment during this period.

But firstly, Shen Du was used to being served by others. Although he didn't say that he would stretch out his hand to eat and open his mouth, it was not far off; secondly, the monk was calm and calm, giving people the feeling that Mount Tai had collapsed in front of him, but his color was not. sense of change.

So even if there is any embarrassment, there is no embarrassment between the two.

At first, Shen Du was barely able to walk; after two days, he returned with energy and was able to get dressed and walk outside; on the eleventh day, what he had been looking forward to for a long time finally arrived—

Woke up overnight, and the two pulses of Ren and Du in the body have healed!

Originally, he was seriously injured that day, and the meridians all over his body were cut off. But these days, he is not a fool.

Renting the two veins is the foundation of practice.

If you can repair these two most important meridians first, you will be able to restore at least one third of your strength, which will definitely solve your urgent needs!

So these days, he seems to be at the mercy of the monk to eat, drink and drink, but he is secretly repairing the two veins of Ren and Du, just for a speedy recovery.

Fortunately, Liuhe Divine Art is inherently overbearing.

Forcibly urging the power to repair it did not cause too much damage to the meridians, but compared to the original broad and thick meridians, it was slightly more fragile.

Just because of this, Shen Du didn't even bother to give up the idea of practising the Six Harmonies Divine Art.

When Fang woke up on this day, he opened his eyes and felt a sense of luck. He was a little overjoyed, rolled over and sat up from the bed.

Fortunately, the movement was not large, otherwise the wound would have to be cracked.

Sitting cross-legged, putting both hands on the knees, and making a seal with the fingers, the heart has completely calmed down.

Although Shen Du is young, he is a real junior among the first-class figures in the arena today, but his cultivation skills are admired by everyone.

One is to practice early, and the other is to be domineering.

Twenty years later, his internal strength and attack power have already surpassed many old guys, and he is a veritable "first-rate".

Those who are stronger than Gu Zhao still need to rely on chance and rely on their predecessors to pass on the skills; Shen Du's skills are all built by himself, even if the way is very evil, no one dares to say anything.

Now that the internal energy has been fortunate and gone between the two meridians, Shen Du only feels that the power that has been dormant for many days has finally returned to himself.

Although it is still a long way from its heyday, it is comfortable enough.

At this moment, all he wanted to do was raise his head to the sky and let out a long whistle, so that the stagnation that had been condensed in his chest for the past few days was released!

But it's not on its own territory.

He opened his mouth and closed his eyes again.

Shout out cool

It doesn't really matter, but if you recruit other people from Tianji Temple, you will be courting death.

Although Shen Du felt that even if he was only one-third of his strength, he could still have a certain amount of self-protection. After all, Tianji Temple did not kill.

But more is worse than less.

He endured it, jumped straight off the bed, landed lightly on the ground, stretched, pushed the door and walked out.

At this hour, the monk has not come yet.

There was another light snow last night, and now the sun is out, the snow on the roof is beginning to melt, dripping down the eaves.

The air was filled with the fragrance of moist earth and slightly bitter medicine, the green bamboo swayed, and the skylight, which was purer than snow, shone through the gaps in the bamboo shadows like chicken feet.

Shen Du walked down the steps lightly, looked up and looked up, and suddenly felt very quiet and clean in his heart.

Perhaps it was because the injury had healed, and his cultivation had returned a lot. He even stood there for a long time without realizing it.

Until the sound of footsteps in the distance came.

So he turned his head to look, and in his vision was a winding mountain road going up the mountain to the Tianji Temple. The lower part was a little depressing, and the higher part was full of emerald green cedars decorated with snow, which was very beautiful.

But no one.

At least not yet.

The five senses of an expert are far beyond ordinary people.

Even footsteps from far away can be heard.

Shen Du knew that someone had come down.

The footsteps were exactly the same as the footsteps he had heard all these days. He was calm and calm, and he didn't have to think to know that it was the monk.

He lowered his eyes and thought for a moment.

Then he didn't go back to the house, he just sat on the steps of the bamboo house and waited, his eyes also fell on the end of the mountain road, watching leisurely.

After a while, the footsteps got closer.

At the end of the mountain road, a moon-white figure with a food box appeared. The light color of the monk's robe was particularly dazzling in the waning grass color of the winter in the mountains.

This was the first time that Shen Du looked at him like this.

He didn't seem to notice that someone was looking at him at the end, just carrying the small food box and walking across the moss-covered rocks.

Be a little careful along the way.

It seems that he is afraid of slipping, and he is afraid of hurting the rest of the creatures passing through the mountain road.

Even the branches that were crushed last night and fell down in the road, he would stop, bend over to help them up, and stand aside.

Although it was still far away, Shen Du could already imagine his demeanor and actions.

That pair of beautiful hands that are comparable to gods and Buddhas, they don't mind the snow and ice on the branches, nor the muddy water on the stems and leaves, nor the thorns entwining them. Pounding medicine, copying scriptures, or even feeding porridge, gently leaning aside...


Suddenly, he chuckled lightly, and his brows were raised, showing a bit of wickedness. Shen Du couldn't tell where the discomfort that suddenly came up in his heart came from.

Is it because of the monk's unrepentant compassion

Or is it because he has the same compassion for anyone, everything, and the existence of tasks, and does not differ from person to person


Simply because he is evil, he is bad, so it is not good to see people

Shen Du suddenly did not understand himself.

But he is not someone who loves to find out the root cause, so he just put it aside so ignorantly.

A person sits on the steps, one leg is raised and bent, the other leg is hanging down flat, and both elbows are supported on the ground along with the leaning body.

- The slutty who wants to lie down.

The monk didn't notice it at first, but only when he got closer did he realize that Shen Du had actually come out.

For a while, his brows furrowed slightly.

Shen Du guessed that he should think that the weather outside was too cold and that he should not be here, not that he was not looking good at the moment.

So he smiled: "What did you bring to eat today?"

The monk remained silent.

Facing Shen Du's frivolous and teasing question, his expression didn't change at all. He only carried the food box and walked up the steps beside him, as if he was going to go inside.

Shen Du stretched out his hand and grabbed the corner of his clothes.

"Hey, I've already sat outside, what are you going to do with it?"

Lazily, he just looked up at him with his head half paralyzed, as if he had no bones, and there was a hint of a smile that was not a smile on his lips.

"Eat out."

I know clearly that he is going to eat, but if I don't know, I can't think about it when I see it like this

But the dumb monk will definitely not think crooked.

He was already very tall, and when he stood looking at Shen Du like this, he naturally lowered his eyes, but he didn't feel the slightest contempt.

Shen Du felt that the bald donkey from this angle also looked very charming.

He smiled involuntarily, but there was already a hint of sarcasm in his words: "Why, you have to eat in it?"

The monk's eyes flickered for a while, and he seemed to be full of compassion for the common people, but when he really pondered it, he felt that it was too calm and not turbulent, so that it was a little cool.

He didn't go.

Taking a step back, he leaned down and put the food box down.

As soon as the lid was opened, the hot aroma wafted out.

Today it turned out to be a small half of an elbow with sauce. The dark and oily sauce dyed the elbow all over, but underneath was a circle of eggplants soaked in oil, cut into slices and lined up.

The oil is all steamed from the elbow, and the eggplant just absorbs the oil.

This dish seems to have put a lot of thought into it.

I'm not a master chef, I'm afraid I can't make it.

Shen Du's previous doubts popped up again. After watching for a while, he suddenly raised his head and asked, "I'm really wondering, who made this thing? Where did you buy it, and it's still hot when you buy it? Is it still hot in the morning? After you buy it, bring it back to your Tianji Temple. Is the kitchen hot?"

"… "

The monk was bringing out the sauced elbow so that he could easily take out the rice that was placed under it.

At this time, the distance between the two suddenly became very close.

Eye to eye, nose to nose, lips...

Also to the lips.

If you get close enough, you will meet.

The monk was stunned for a moment.

After Shen Du asked, he was suddenly stunned.

He didn't know why the monk was startled, maybe it was because he didn't expect it; but he was really taken aback by the sudden closeness, and even more so by his flawless appearance...

Especially these eyes.

In the deep ancient well, perhaps because of this moment of stunnedness, there was a faint wave. Like falling into a dead leaf, swaying the ripples of silence.

Shen Du saw his own reflection inside.

A perfect skin, with a little bit of evil spirit that can't be hidden, is something that others can't see clearly, but he can see it at a glance.

Bad to the core.

Perhaps it was not quite right, the monk raised his body slightly and pulled away from him.

He raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes.

The maliciousness in my heart came out like leeks again and again, and I couldn't cut it cleanly. Shen Du suddenly felt itchy teeth, and wanted to bite the monk's throat and be a real "snake".


This is the farmer who warms him and feeds him for now.

not the right time yet.


Shen Du put on a smile all over his face, pure goodness was terrifying, and there was a bit of doubt in his eyes: "What's wrong?"

The monk looked at him and said nothing.

After retreating, take out the tableware and chopsticks as usual, and then go into the house to copy the scriptures. Just when he was about to lift a step, he was dragged again.

It was still Shen Du, and the hand that tugged at the corner of his shirt just now.

Only this time, he wasn't pulling the edge of his clothes, but a light brown wooden sign that was six inches long and two fingers wide hanging around his waist.

The slender pale fingers, with a light hook, were pulled down.

There are no patterns at all, just two regular seal characters are engraved on the front—

Don't say anything.

"Don't say anything?"

Shen Du flipped through it and subconsciously thought it was something like a token or a waist badge that could prove his identity, so he flipped his palm and raised his head to ask.

"Your name?"

For the past ten or so days, he has been enjoying the help of the monks with peace of mind, from the treatment of his injuries to his daily necessities. Although he inquired about the affairs of the Tianji Temple, and even inquired about the ghost Shanzai, he had never asked the monk's dharma name.

On weekdays, it is either a monk, a hello, or even...

Bald donkey.

Cough, this monk didn't turn his back on him, so he had a good temper.

Of course, it seems a little awkward to ask such a question now.

Of course the monk didn't expect him to ask such a question, and he didn't answer for a while.

But before he could respond, Shen Du had already given him the wooden sign and hung it back on his waist.

Although it is a sword-practicing hand, it does not have any excess calluses.

Slim and nimble.

With only a slight lift and a turn, the wooden sign was already hung up.

Shen Dushi didn't think in any other direction at all, he just said, "If you don't say anything, that means you don't speak. This dharma name complements you well, it's pretty good."

"… "

The monk pursed his lips slightly, glanced at the wooden sign still swaying around his waist, his lips were slightly open, and something flashed at the bottom of his eyes, as if he was about to speak.

But at the end, it closed silently again.

Shen Du, who only raised his head at this time, naturally didn't notice the strangeness at all. He just sat cross-legged in front of the bowl, stuck his chopsticks into his elbow, and poked it.

He picked out the most pleasing piece of meat and took a bite.

Then he suddenly remembered something, looked sideways at the monk who hadn't left, and said with a smile: "By the way, I remembered that, yesterday I read your scriptures and said that Buddha once cut flesh to feed eagles and sacrificed his life to feed tigers. Said that if I were that eagle or that tiger, would you be willing to cut the flesh and sacrifice your life?"

"… "

long silence.

The monk didn't answer for a while, and Shen Du just stared at him with that elbow in, as if he had to wait for an answer.

In fact, he felt that the monk was very submissive.

For the past ten days, he felt that he was going too far, but this monk who was called "no words" didn't resist at all, and served as usual.

If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't know him, he would have suspected that he was raising a dog.

From a worldly point of view, this is definitely a good monk who is compassionate and merciful.

Although Shen Du asked this, he felt that he knew the answer—

The monk should answer yes.

So at this moment, the monk didn't speak, he didn't ask any questions, he just waited for him to say the answer he wanted.


After staring at him quietly, as if to see through him for a long time, the monk smiled slightly and shook his head gently.

He asked, Buddha once cut flesh to feed eagles and sacrificed himself to feed tigers. You said that if I were the eagle or the tiger, would you be willing to cut the flesh and give up your life

He shook his head.

This is…

Don't want to? !

Unwilling to cut flesh, unwilling to sacrifice, unwilling to cross him.

Shen Du held the piece of meat and was stunned.

He didn't react for a long time, he just felt that the monk shook his head and subverted all his cognition of him!

In my heart, there was an absurd feeling.

He was still a little dazed until he finished the meal without knowing the taste, watching the monk take away everything and then follow the old road to the mountain.

"Buddha can cross vultures and tigers, but this dead vulture is not willing to cross me?!"

The chopstick in his hand was not put down, so it was not taken away by the monk.

Shen Du gradually recollected the taste, and with a "smack" he threw the chopsticks down, splashed a few pieces of mud, and stuck them on the ground.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, the monks are so rude these days, they don't even bother to save face..."

This monk, I am afraid that he has not seen his true nature

Shen Du looked at the direction where the monk was leaving, and then looked at the high Tianji Temple on the top of the mountain. The dim light flickered in the bottom of his eyes, only revealing a deeply hidden evil and danger.

His teeth clenched slightly, but he smiled.

"It doesn't matter if you don't cross it..."

There are many monks in the Tianji Temple. It is not easy to find a suitable one

It happened that his cultivation had recovered by a third today, so he wanted to see what was going on here.

Just in time, I also explored the legendary three-volume Buddhist collection.

As soon as he made up his mind, Shen Du let out a sigh of relief. Seeing that there was no one around, he quietly followed the mountain road and followed.