Poor Monk

Chapter 54: Pool drink


As soon as Li Yan said these words, everyone immediately looked at each other in dismay.

To be honest, they really didn't want to take risks with Shen Du when they didn't know the current foundation of the demon and Shen Du's intentions. Not to mention, the other party didn't come alone, so Pei Wuji, Yao Qing, and Cui Hong didn't follow him as decorations.

This is simply that the four most terrifying people in the Demon Dao have all come to Jianlu!

If you really want to move your hands, it's not certain who wins or loses. And today is indeed a special day. Li Yan's 60th birthday, it is disrespectful to dance with a knife and a gun. If you want to see blood at someone's birthday banquet, this is too much.

So everyone thought for a while, and despite all the hesitation, they slowly put away their swords, but the vigilant and guarded eyes that fell on Shen Du and the others did not diminish at all.

The atmosphere in the field was momentarily condensed.

The originally lively birthday banquet seems to have changed at this moment.

In one corner, the eyes of Chi Yin, the head of the Shui League Young League that day, all fell on Shen Du, and there was a hint of madness, but it was deeply hidden.

Glancing at the knife on Pei Wuji's waist again, he smiled silently.

But immediately before everyone noticed him, he withdrew his gaze, and Shen Du, who was being watched, didn't notice it.

The host did not express any objection, and of course the servants hurried up to receive the guests. It's just that the identities of Shen Du and others are still too special after all, and they didn't know the slightest bit in advance, so they didn't prepare their positions at the beginning, so they could only lead them to places with fewer people.

This time, it was a coincidence.

The position of Shen Du and the others happened to be right next to the young leader of the Tianshui Alliance. The two tables were next to each other. Shen Du sat down and was on Chi Yin's left.

In a sense, this is also a last resort.

Looking at the audience, where else can I find such a suitable position for Shen Du to sit? Only the leader of the Tianshui League from the middle of Shu, Chi Yin, does not have a good relationship with the rest of the rivers and lakes, and has few acquaintances. I was frightened.

The two sat together and nothing happened.


Last night, Shen Du was upstairs in the inn, but saw with his own eyes the people from the Tianshui Alliance passing below with a bloody aura.

When I saw it again today, I was a little curious in my heart: You must know that Gu Zhao is not a common man. There are very few people in the world who can get into his eyes, and he is regarded as a strong enemy. Although he had never said in front of him that this pond was a formidable enemy, he had never underestimated this person, and he had always wanted to cause this person and death.

Such a person should have some real skills.

Shen Du thought like this, and when he walked over, he glanced at the other person casually and naturally.

A face is exposed edge.

There was a bit of frivolity between his eyebrows and eyes, but looking at the sitting posture, he felt calm, showing an indescribable contradiction, and it was impossible to tell whether this person was deep or arrogant.

Three small silver rings were placed on his left ear, adding a bit of evil spirit.

The bloody aura of last night has been washed away, and there is no sense of chilling, just like the head of the family of an ordinary righteous and famous young man, and there is a natural sense of righteousness in the brilliance.

However, the other party's eyes...

Shen Du inexplicably saw a deeply hidden hostility in the eyes of the other party looking back at him, but it soon turned into an unspeakable playfulness.

Chi Yin was wearing a rather luxurious black robe, and the black and white yakuza were casually pressed on the table. His eyes moved from Shen Du's body to Pei Wuji's body, and then wandered between the two for a long time, revealing Kind of annoying spying and ambiguous.

How could Pei Wuji not notice it

With a move of his hand, he had already directly pressed the woundless knife on his waist, but the next moment a cold hand reached out and suppressed his movement.

It is Shen Du.

With his actions, not to mention Pei Wuji, even Cui Hong and Yao Qing, who knew his nature, were surprised.

Only the opposite Chi Yin didn't seem surprised at all, and raised his eyebrows.

"Is it the leader of the Tianshui Alliance, Chi Shao? It's been a long time."

Shen Du really had no intention of causing trouble at Li Yan's birthday banquet today, let alone using a knife or a gun, so he showed an unprecedented kindness.

When he said this, he even smiled.

Chi Yin, who was sitting beside him, saw him smile, as if he was dazzled, but on the other side that Shen Du couldn't see, his five fingers were suddenly clenched, and the blue veins on the back of his hands protruded.

It's just that he didn't show any clues on his face.

As if he was very interested in Shen Du, he continued to look at Pei Wuji with his playful eyes, his eyes fell on the overlapping hands of the two, and he clicked: "Seeing is better than hearing, although Chi has been a long time. In the middle of Shu, I heard that the Daoist Master of the Demon Dao acted without any scruples, and even heard that Daozhu Shen had the habit of breaking his sleeves. It turned out to be true. Daozhu Shen is really enviable, a person as powerful as Pei Zuo Shi, It should be able to serve the Taoist properly under the bed and under the bed."

On the bed, under the bed.

That's right, but it's too blatant, isn't it

Many people around were secretly paying attention to the movements on their side. When they heard this sentence, some felt ashamed, and some spit in their hearts, secretly saying that the demonic way is really evil and shameless.

Pei Wuji's expression turned ugly almost instantly.

The malice of the young leader of the Tianshui Alliance was easily passed on without a careful feeling, making his heart pound. He just pressed the palm on the back of his hand, never moved it away, but patted it gently as if to comfort him.

"The boss is not a small person, why can't you keep your breath?"

Shen Du stood in front of Pei Wuji and didn't look back. He seemed to smile and his voice was soft. But only those who are familiar with him know how much malice is hidden here.

His temper was never good.

He moved his footsteps and did not sit down in his own place. In front of everyone, under Chi Yin's gaze, Shen Du swaggered and took a seat beside Chi Yin.

That posture, unrestrained and natural.

It was only when he turned his head slightly and leaned towards Chi Yin to speak, the gloomy evil in his eyes was quietly overflowing: "Master Chi, when you colluded with my senior brother Dongfang, I didn't warn you that it's okay not to offend me. Taboo?"

At this moment, Chi Yin's body was tense.

Vigilance and alertness suddenly soared, and it turned into a near-substantial killing intent.

It's just that Shen Du didn't see it in his eyes.

The voice of the words just now was so low that if you were not careful, you could hardly hear it, let alone someone who was farther away. Therefore, most people only saw the legendary demon Taoist Lord Shen Du leaned into the ear of the young leader of the Tianshui League, and said something with a smile.

This situation can be a little weird.

Everyone was at a loss for a while, and felt scared.

However, Shen Du still didn't know how to restrain himself. In other words, in his eyes, when this Chiyin said a few dark words just now, it was equivalent to registering his name in front of King Yama.

He raised his eyes to meet the other's pupils that suddenly contracted.

Then he casually pointed to the jug on the table and motioned to Pei Wuji to help him pour the wine, but his face was still light.

Pei Wuji suppressed a killing intent and came up to pour wine for Shen Du.

Gududu, the wine will soon fill up.

Shen Du took a sip without anyone else, then put down the wine cup, and opened his mouth to Chi Yin, who was silent beside him: "I heard that the leader of the Chi Shao alliance met a strong enemy outside Jingmen City last night, and he was in danger. It's really admirable."

"Is it you?"

Chi Yin's complexion suddenly turned ugly, but the three silver rings on his left ear flashed a little dark light at this moment, which made his complexion a little uncertain.

Of course Shen Du shook his head: "Young ally, this is because you are looking down on me, someone Shen. No matter how powerful the power of the Demon Dao is, it will not extend to the outside of Jingmen City. You don't have to think about it, you are Tianshui Alliance in Shuzhong. Who is the first to get in the way of your ambitions recently. It’s also interesting to think that you are on the right track. Who is the one who secretly plotted your Tianshui Alliance to fold here, don’t you have a clue in your mind?”

Of course it was Gu Zhao.

In fact, Chi Yin already has vague guesses on this point. After all, I did get some clues last night, but I couldn't grasp the conclusive evidence. Besides, the name of the first immortal of Pengshan is too loud, even if I have doubts, I dare not dare to do so. Sure.

But at this moment, Shen Du said...

Chi Yin's eyes turned, and a bit of caution flashed across his arrogant face, but he didn't answer Shen Du's words, but asked coldly: "My Tianshui Alliance has never had any enmity with your demons. What is the intention of Taoist Shen when he says these words to sow discord?"

Shen Du didn't mind whether he answered or not. After all, what is the truth, Chi Yin should know in his heart. He said these, of course, has his own intentions.

Just a faint smile at the moment.

"The young leader should know that Gu Zhao and I have a long-standing feud. Now that I have the descendants of the Martial Saint, I will soon be able to force the Tianji Temple and get three volumes of Buddhist treasures. The young leader has the ambition to dominate the martial arts, why not Cooperate with me once, you and I should work together inside and out. Killing Gu first will be a good thing for you and me. In return, I will also invite the leader of the young alliance to go to the Tianji Temple together to share the Buddhist treasures. I don’t know, the young alliance What's your idea?"

At this moment, Chi Yin still didn't respond.

But the first immortal of a certain Pengshan Mountain far away in Xiefeng Villa, but his heart jumped suddenly, he looked up at the sunny sky above his head, and he was a little suspicious:

Suddenly my heart palpitated, which bastard was going to plot against him