Poor Monk

Chapter 64: The benevolent ┃ heart


But I already have someone I like.

I like your numbness.

At that time, Gu Zhao wanted to greet Shen Du and his eighteenth ancestor, but in the end, when he saw his expression, he felt that he was very gentle when he said this, so for some reason, he didn't want to scold him, but instead fucked this man to death. .

He didn't say anything else until he finally left the village where the Demon Dao temporarily resided. All the way back to Xiefeng Villa, he met a smiling Lu Feichan on the way, he bent his lips, put on the perfect smile, said a few words with her, and went back to his guest room.

Outside the door stood Tomber.

Gu Zhao glanced at him, and when he gave him a look, he knew that someone was waiting in the room, so he stepped into the door.

"It can be considered that he is back. Chi has been waiting for Gu Shaoshan for a long time."

If Shen Du was here, he would definitely be shocked when he heard this voice. Because the person who spoke was none other than Chi Yin, the Young Leader of the Tianshui Alliance who he wanted to coax earlier!

At this moment he was sitting casually at the chess table, drinking tea.

Gu Zhao saw that he was wearing a new black brocade robe today, with the three silver rings hanging loosely on his left ear.

Even when he came in, the other party's actions did not become respectful.

Instead, he asked him with a smile, "It seems that the roster has already been given to Shen Du? You said that with his current status, what else is there to do? He has to go to Tianji Temple. I don't think it fits his temperament."

This sounded inexplicably uncomfortable.

Gu Zhao thought, he still prefers talking to Shen Du. Although today's Shen Du can also choke people to half death.

But better than this guy.

Gu Zhao walked in, took his seat opposite him, looked at the incomplete game of chess played by Chi Yin on the chess table, glanced at him again, and said, "I don't know what Shen Yu's plan is, but you are wearing This fake face is really unaccustomed to looking at."


The opposite "Chi Yin" made a slightly upward tone, raised his hand to touch his "face", but slowly laughed, turned his eyes, and asked Gu Zhao somewhat playfully.

"What's so strange about my face? On the contrary, you are very strange. You are very polite. You don't like the soft and soft daughter's family. Why does everyone like the smelly and hard man? You are next."

"Fuck you."

Gu Zhao's expression turned a little colder. If it were Shen Du in front of him, he would still be able to say one, two, three, four or five, but Chi Yin would not be so simple.

"What's the matter with me?"

"Of course it's about cooperation." Chi Yin put down his palm, said calmly, and then said, "I remember you told me that you wanted to join my hand to get rid of Shen Du. Now I've thought about it. In this martial arts, Of course I want to get rid of him more than you. I just wonder if Gu Shaoshan has changed his mind now?"

"How could it be?" Gu Zhao narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Chief Master Chi is willing to cooperate, at least it can save Zhao's heart and soul, why not do it?"

"Hahaha… "

Yuemo felt that he was also a big worry for Gu Zhao's confidant, and knew that their cooperation this time was probably a one-shot deal that would not have a second time, so Chi Yin laughed, and only after laughing enough did he reveal his plan.

"It's definitely an excellent opportunity when you go down to the empty mountain."

At that time, Shen Du had already provoked Tianji Temple on the Bukong Mountain because of his request for the Buddha Treasure, and because he had obtained the Buddha Treasure, he would be guilty of embracing the jade, and the elites of the rivers and lakes would definitely not allow him.

If you find any reason, you can surround and annihilate it at the foot of the mountain.

If there are two behemoths like Pengshan and Tianshuimeng, Shen Du will definitely be unable to escape.

No need for Chi Yin to say more, Gu Zhao also understood how good the timing was, and laughed very happily.

On the other hand, Chi Yin had a bit of melancholy in his eyes.

He picked up the tea to drink, and sighed when he put it down: "If someone told me back then that Shen Du would become like this, I wouldn't believe it..."

Gu Zhao did not speak.

There are only two of them in the room, sitting opposite each other, don't worry about others seeing doubts, after all, they are all powerful people on the right path, drinking tea and talking is completely normal.

It's just that no one's thoughts are in sight.

"Chi Yin" was thinking about things from a long, long time ago, as well as Shen Du, who was lucky enough to survive the disaster; Gu Zhao was also thinking about Shen Du, but he didn't know much about Shen Du in the past, and he doesn't know much about Shen Du now. I was just wondering if there was any other reason for him to go to Jichanyuan besides the Buddha Treasure that day...

It's almost dusk.

These days, the spring is getting warmer, the insects are slowly picking up, and the birds that flew away in the winter are flying back from the south, adding a little lively noise to the surrounding world.

The sun will set, the moon will rise, and the mountain will be peaceful.

In the magnificent Zen courtyard, the temples and meditation rooms are connected together. At first glance, only the old and lonely Ye Pagoda stands towering and abruptly.

This year's worry-free flowers bloom very late.

This is the holy flower of Buddhism. The rather bony flowers were erected outside the stupa, with only a lot of green leaves, and the pale yellow buds were still small, curled into a ball, and there was no sign of them opening.

A gust of wind blew.

The monk in white stood under the tree and looked at it with his unsullied eyes.

The withered old monk rarely sat cross-legged on the steps outside the tower, pinching the long string of beads little by little. When he felt the breath of the wind, he also raised his head.

The trees are full of green leaves shaking.

The old monk then remembered another famous koan in Zen: "When the mind is born, all kinds of demons are born; when the mind is destroyed, all kinds of demons are destroyed. It's not the wind that moves, it's not the flag that moves."

The monks are familiar with this passage.

He stood still for a long time, and when he spoke, there was a different meaning in his voice: "The benevolent..."

The next two words were silently hidden.