Poor Monk

Chapter 73: Ye Tan ┃ You only know how much I am, and you dare to like me like this?


After nightfall, there were not many monks in the monastery.

Today, the people from Jianghu who went to Bukong Mountain to live in the Chanyuan are not so ignorant of the rules. They are still walking around on other people's sites in the middle of the night, so there are not many people.

There was only Shen Du in the road.

He is actually not familiar with the path of this Tianji Temple. Gein entered this place twice in the past, and he sneaked in from the heights of the Temple. So at this moment, walking on the aisle between the courtyards of the meditation house, he has an illusion that it is difficult to distinguish the direction.

Fortunately, he still knew the location of the Thousand Buddhas Hall.

He clearly remembered the day when he and Shanzai fought in the middle of the night, when Shanzai chased out of the main hall and stood at the top of a Buddhist pagoda.

That stupa is the tallest building in the entire Chanyuan, no matter where you stand in the temple, you can see it.

Even if it is dark now.

Shen Du's eyesight can still distinguish the outline of the pagoda from the dark blur.

The Hall of Thousand Buddhas is near the pagoda.

Shen Du couldn't tell what was going on in his mind along the way. He seemed to think about what to say to the monk, and he also thought about how to explain the matter of going up the mountain today. When the hall was in the dark, it suddenly collapsed like ice and snow collapsed.

The whole person's head is empty.

The main hall, which originally depicted many Buddhist allusions, still vaguely looked like a month ago. The appearance of all the gods, Buddhas and monsters in the darkness was blurred. Only the warm yellow light came from the hidden door of the hall.

A dark figure stretched out on the window paper.

Shen Du only felt that he was suddenly stabbed by something, and his footsteps stopped.

It wasn't until this time that he remembered: How dare he come here without asking a word or inquiring about anything

As if he was certain that he would be here at this moment.

Or maybe he didn't know where to look for him other than here.

So he sneered inexplicably, laughed at himself in his heart, stood outside the hall and watched for a while, and finally stepped up the steps and walked in from between the hidden doors.

The footsteps were light.

But it was so quiet in this great hall that even the sound of footsteps seemed noisy and disturbing.

The walls around the Thousand Buddhas Hall are filled with Buddha statues of various sizes, with Sakyamuni Buddha standing in the center, almost as high as the entire hall.

There is a circle of painted Buddha light around his Buddha head.

The five fingers of the generous Buddha palm turned into a twist of flowers, as if there was indeed a flower that was draped by the wind and fell between its palms.

It's just that behind him, there is deep darkness.

Tonight, the candles and lights in the hall did not seem to be fully lit, so it seemed a little dim when they shone on the empty hall.

Even taking Shen Du to look at the surrounding Buddha statues, he felt shadowy.

Only the figure of the monk in the hall was so clear.

Zenzai heard footsteps, but he didn't look back, just like any other day after the evening class, he packed the incense table in an orderly manner.

The red sandalwood case is heavy and sturdy, and is carved with lotus patterns.

The sutras he recited on weekdays were put away by him and placed beside the incense burner. The pages of the opened books were filled with Bodhi Prajna.

Shen Du stood behind him and looked at it for a long time, until he saw that he had packed everything up and raised his hand to pick up the scriptures, then he laughed: "The gate of the palace is not closed, knowing that I am coming; I want to come, but I’m still doing Buddha things slowly. Don’t you have all kinds of rules and regulations in Buddhism? It’s fine when you don’t see me. Seeing me, I still have the face to stand in front of the Buddha. You are not ashamed, but you are not afraid that the Buddha will panic when he sees you. ?"

The voice is gentle, but the tone is sharp.

Shen Du couldn't tell which muscle cramp he had, and what kind of demon he had. He clearly wanted to come to reason with him, and then coax him. But many times when he came in, the monks didn't answer, which really made him think that he shouldn't come.

So it was full of malice that pierced out like a sharp knife.

Zenzai was still wearing the snow-white monk robe he wore when he fought against him this morning, and when he heard his words, his fingertips touched the scripture, and he stopped slowly.

In the silence, the five fingers that were protruding were retracted one by one.

He finally turned around, looked at Shen Du, saw his pale face that did not hide his anger, and saw his sharp but sneering eyes.

How could there be such a natural person in the world

He clearly saved his life, tricked him, and stole the beads. Today, he even forced him to the Tianji Temple to do everything a wicked person can do.

But right now, he stands here confidently and questioning him.

"Donor Shen came here late at night, just want to talk to the poor monk?" Shanzai didn't answer him, just looked back at him with calm eyes, and asked like this.

Shen Du sneered: "Why, can't you mention it? Did you mention these dirty words in front of your pious and faithful Buddha, and humiliated you, a god and Buddha full of temples?"

Sunya didn't answer.

It's just that when I heard his increasingly frivolous and presumptuous tone, I couldn't help it, frowned slightly, and the light in the bottom of his eyes was slightly cold.

"Don't speak again?"

Seeing his silent appearance, Shen Du was very angry, and he couldn't help thinking of the day when he pretended to be mute in the back mangosteen.

"Are you pretending to be addicted to being dumb? It's me who is blind with one eye, and I didn't realize that the seemingly honest monk is the most treacherous and cunning, and the skill of conspiracy and calculation is thousands of times deeper than those of my demons! The Tianji Temple, which is detached from the martial arts, is not only powerful in martial arts, but even the bald donkeys from this academy are so powerful—"

"The place where Buddhism is clean, benefactor Shen, speak with caution."

Ye Mo felt that what he said was getting more and more outrageous, and Shanzai finally couldn't listen to it very much. The slightly frowned brows stretched out, but the Buddha beads in his palms were tightened.

The disapproval in his eyes that made Shen Du feel familiar has quietly surfaced.

That's the look...

Shen Du remembered it very clearly: "The pure place of Buddhism? What about the pure place of Buddhism? When the Japanese Taoist master wanted to tell you, what's the point of crushing a trivial ant? Even that living person, This Taoist has also killed hundreds of thousands! You are a pure place in Buddhism, and I can come and go as I want! You are a monk who likes me, why do you dare to stand in front of the Buddha with such a clear conscience and let me shut up?! "

"Master Shen..."

The word "donor" quietly disappeared from Shanzai's mouth again, and layers of frost formed on the bottom of his calm eyes, and even these three words became cold.

This is undoubtedly a warning.

But why did Shen Du put the monks in his eyes

He just poured out his own grievances, obviously extreme and unreasonable, but there was an unspeakable bitterness when he said it, like being cut by a knife, the pain made his eyes red: "Monk , I don't like your duplicity. Don't you just want to try me in the battle in front of the mountain gate today? Now you see it. I lost, I was reluctant to kill you, I lost face in front of right and wrong, I People are mean and mean! Even though you deceived me like this, I didn't control myself. Monk, I like you, and you are not ruthless towards me, so why won't you come with me?"

Why won't you go with him

Such a question, Zenzai himself has thought about it for a long time. But for the past half of his life, he was nothing more than going against himself.

"Salvation is just a matter of overcoming adversity. The donor is inherently smart, so why bother to be obsessed?"

"Why are you obsessed?"

When Shen Du heard his words, he really felt that his heart was broken, and he raised his eyes to look at his eyes, as if he wanted to see through, see through, and see him thoroughly!

"Do you mean that everything in the past was just a thought of mercy, saving me, saving me, and having no personal relationships at all? Then tell me—"

His voice suddenly rose, and the irony in his words that hurt others and himself finally turned into the sharpest sword: "Tell me! Who was the one who broke the rules that day? Is it cool?!"

Straightforward and presumptuous sentence, without the slightest cover up!

He almost used the filthiest and most filthy words to tear open the blurry layer of window paper that covered the gap between the two of them, so that the short but real past was nakedly revealed!

It exploded in the ears of people, and it also exploded in this hall full of gods and Buddhas!


However, what responded to Shen Du was just a palm that suddenly erupted after being suppressed!

It seemed that he was finally provoked by the words he was not afraid of at all, and it seemed that his previous patience had reached the limit.

The monk with charitable and charitable purpose in Su Rili had no expression on his face, and he was as cold as every Buddha statue in this temple that had no temperature.

His palm was much more stern and sturdy than when he fought in the daytime.

Shen Du could almost easily see the situation in which he fought against him when he entered this temple at night. The sense of crisis immediately rose, but the monk suddenly attacked, how could he resist

A palm shot was only resisted for a moment, and then it was hit back hard!

At the moment when the two palms intersected, the strong and neutral internal force rushed from the monk's palm like a sea, and violently crashed into the meridians in his body!

Suddenly, Shen Du lost control.

The power of Buddhism's Zhongzheng is the nemesis of the Six Harmonies in his body, not to mention that he has practiced the exercises in the Buddha beads these days, and the balance of the body's meridians is fragile.

That strong internal force urged, actually attracted the power of the mysterious exercises that he forcibly suppressed.

In an instant, the three forces mingled together in his body, destroying the precarious balance!

Shen Du suddenly lost his strength.

Almost at the same time as his face was pale and blood was running around, the monk's slender and cold fingers had already clasped his left neck and pressed it hard on the incense table in front of him!

The narrow waist was forced to bend, and the right cheek was affixed with a lotus pattern on the table.

"what are you doing!"

He was shocked and angry, coughed, and wanted to struggle to get up, but the collapsed exercises could no longer provide him with the internal strength to check and balance it.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could only see the snow-white sleeve robe hanging down by the monk.

The palm that didn't touch the fireworks quietly pressed on the side of Shen Du's neck like this, and he could feel the flow of his blood, but at such a moment, the quietness was too mysterious, and there was even a danger that people could not help but panic.

Zenya looked down at him like this.

It was like looking down at all the birds, beasts, insects and fish that he saw when he was young, all the six beings who were weak and allowed to be slaughtered.

He wanted to ask him: You only know how much I am, so you dare to like me like this

But never asked.

Shen Du couldn't see his expression, he only felt flustered, he had been stripped of all his clothes, and then heard a strange laugh that he couldn't tell whether it was bitter, sighing or mocking, but this moment came to his ears. His words are as psychedelic as floating on the sea, hiding a little cold indifference: "Do you think, do I like you?"