Poor Monk

Chapter 79: Life and Death


So Shen Du didn't speak for a long time.

There are countless pairs of eyes watching them from far behind, but neither he nor Gu Zhao looked back, nor did they feel guilty because of exchanging conspiracies and tricks in front of everyone.

As if they were really talking about Lou Zhang.

An ordinary person takes one step and counts one step, a smart person takes one step and counts three steps, and Gu Zhao, taking one step may count as ten steps, twenty steps, or even further.

So Shen Du didn't care what he said at all.

But whatever he said, either he had thought about it for a long time, or he was ready to think about it in the days to come.

The former will not be changed;

The latter will not happen yet.

And what does this have to do with him?

The status of Tianji Temple is too detached, and Gu Zhao is an ambitious person. Even if he plans for a rainy day, he will make some restrictions on Tianji Temple first.

You have to pull it off the altar before you can make plans for the future.

Shen Du slowly withdrew his gaze and said, "You, Gu Zhao, have always been very far away. After the Hongmen banquet, I will send you a message, and you will start planning. After five years, you know me too well. The first is to find out that I am not dead, and I am still on the Bukong Mountain, and the other is to know that I have no good life for two years. Maybe I really turned a blind eye. You turned a blind eye and rarely asked, but it was because I was in your favor. At that time, I was in a trance, and I really didn't bother to pay any attention to you. "

too lazy to…


Gu Zhao didn't refute him for half a sentence, but stared at him with a very bright look: "Why do you say that it is in my arms?"

"Because you have been paying attention to Tianji Chanyuan for a long time, and you have been afraid of me for a long time. I entered the Chanyuan, no matter if I took something away in the end, the rivers and lakes will surely think that I took something away. Then you set up a bureau for the descendants of Wu Sheng. Give it to me, if I agree, it will be today's development; if I don't get into the set, then you will naturally bring that fake Lou Zhang up the mountain, but then you will have to suspect that I have actually gotten it, who is indifferent to it. Buddha Tibet."

Actually it doesn't make any difference.

Because Shen Du is the big devil on the demon road, whenever he has a little bit of a relationship with Tianji Temple, others will think of the three volumes of Buddha hidden in it.

"You said, if I was not only late this morning, but also completely absent from today's discussions, what would the whole Jianghu think?"

Shen Du laughed.

"As the saying goes, thieves don't go empty. The Lou Zhang in the hall is fake, but you will never go up the mountain without any intentions, so the real descendants of Martial Sage must be hidden among the crowd, unknowingly. Take away the Buddha Treasure. At that time, the people in the rivers and lakes who are playing with applause by you will not doubt you, but will suspect me, a demon and Taoist master with many doubts. Dissatisfied, he even pulled Shanzai to make a raft, and asked the martial arts to be hostile to the Chanyuan. With such a single shot, he is still clean. You say, if I take off your clothes now, what can I see?"

"Oh? Is Master Shen willing to pick up Gu's robe in person?"

Gu Zhao didn't have the feeling of panic that the conspiracy and tricks were finally revealed.

"Then I'll stand here and pick it up for you."

Shen Du naturally sneered, so he wouldn't really act in front of everyone's eyes, not to mention it doesn't matter if Gu Zhao is or not, the important thing is that he has achieved his goal, and most of the Buddha Treasures have already got it.

"In terms of heart, no one in the world can compare to you."

"But don't you see Daoist Shen clearly?" Gu Zhao was noncommittal, "and this is not a lie to you, after all, haven't you and I always been like this? I am Yangguandao, you are a single-plank bridge, I am clean, you are ruthless, Jianghu People are used to it, and you and I are used to it.”


He's clean, he's ruthless.

He's used to it, and he's used to it, and what's even more frightening is that there is still no one doubting it in this arena, or that it can't make a big splash.

Shen Du thought of a lot, and also thought of the group after group of people who fought openly and secretly around the descendants of Wu Sheng, but the words came out: "I made an appointment for Chiyin, and two days later, I will ambush Pengshan at Wufengkou."

Gu Zhao raised his eyebrows slightly, and immediately understood: "He really can't hold his breath anymore. Wufengkou is the only place to go back to Pengshan, and he will definitely not have any doubts about this place you choose. Then wait. Two days later, Feng Gao killed the night and collected the body for the surnamed Chi."

Shen Du lowered his eyes and didn't say a word, but after a while of silence, he suddenly said, "Elder Li is gone."

"… "

Gu Zhao also knew this news, but he also knew that there were still many doubts in this matter. People who wanted to enjoy their old age in a good way suddenly committed suicide without leaving a word.

It's just that at this moment, he didn't want to say this to Shen Du.

"Since the beginning of Jianghu, 'washing hands in a golden basin' has always sounded good, but once you do something that will always lead to death." Gu Zhao turned his head and looked at him with a scrutiny." For some people, if they put down the butcher's knife, they will be completely annihilated. What is more terrifying than not having a knife in his hand is that he has no knife in his heart. From the moment he washed his hands in the golden basin and stopped casting a sword, Li Yan should have known what would happen to him. "

These remarks were clearly not just a comment on Li Yan.

Shen Du understood.

He closed his eyes and opened his fingers, feeling the gentle and cool feeling of the wind passing between his fingers, but Gu Zhao's voice continued.

"Lao Li doesn't like to kill when he casts swords, so he doesn't build swords for people he doesn't like. He just hopes that the right people can get the right sword and do the right thing. People who want a sword in their hand, but they are all for killing. If there is a sword, there will be killing. Even if the sword is forged to kill, it will eventually be thrown into the killing."

He looked at him, and there was more warning in his voice.

"Shen Du, you are all day and night, don't think about it blindly."

What is "blind fucking thinking"?

Shen Du felt that every thought that popped up in his mind was extremely normal, even more sober than the most sober thoughts that popped up in his long and boring life in the past.

So he didn't take Gu Zhao's words at all.

At this time, I only slowly opened my eyes, looked again at the mountains and rivers that stretched under the Chanyuan, and then asked Gu Zhao, "I've become your shield again this time, but the covenant should still be there. Gu Zhao, this The black pot, I carried it; Buddha Tibetan, do you have it?"

"… "

The voice and tone of the sudden sentence were flat, but the word "Buddha Treasure" without warning in the words caused a thousand thunders in the dullness!

Gu Zhao, who was standing beside Shen Du, fell into silence.

The two looked at each other.

In the end, it was Gu Zhaoxian who looked away.

He put one hand behind his back, but his fingers were quietly tightened, and his heart that was so quietly tightened at this moment, wrapped all his true emotions in, without revealing the slightest, he just smiled fakely, saying: "Yes But why should I give it to you?"

don't give?

Why not give it?

At this moment, a huge daze arose in Shen Du's heart. It seemed that some kind of question floating in the sky finally had a definite answer. Mars, like a basin of cold water poured on a mass of dead ashes, did not even leave the last bit of residual warmth.

"Is that so..."

He looked at Gu Zhao for a long time, and in this rare moment, he understood this person for the first time, so he shook his head and laughed.

It was a peace that had accepted fate.

Gu Zhao looked at him and first felt a suffocation that he could barely breathe. He wanted to rush up and slap his face to make him stop laughing, and then asked him loudly, "How can you still laugh? Come out", but he is not such a person or temperament.

All he could do at the moment was watch him go down the steps.

He remembered the absurdity of sitting all night after he turned over the three volumes of the Buddha's possessions last night.

The wind in the mountains suddenly became stronger.

Shen Du's heavy and oppressive robe was swayed by the wind, and the silver pattern of the Sixteen Heavenly Demon seemed to be as ferocious and clumsy as it used to be, but when the sky was shining, there was a strange paleness.

He took a few steps, thought about it, and stopped again.

The man turned around and looked up at Gu Zhao who was still standing under the eaves of the main hall. He blinked, his voice was as low as the mist in the mountains, and he persuaded him with a chuckle: "Gu Zhao, life and death. Death, what a big deal. Look away..."