Poor Monk

Chapter 81: Half open orchid


Why let Pei Wuji go

On the way out of Bukong Mountain, Yao Qing had this question entangled in his mind, and he couldn't figure it out anyway. Pei Wuji was no longer the young man who couldn't beat him back then. He knew almost all the secrets of the Demon Dao, he knew them like the back of the hand, and he had good martial arts, not to mention that Shen Du even gave him a knife.

Letting him go is tantamount to returning the tiger to the mountain.

But even if she wanted to ask, she couldn't ask, because Shen Du's expression was as usual, as if what she did was the same as letting Pei Wuji go somewhere to do things, and she didn't do it in front of everyone's eyes. Such a shocking act.

Everyone has always known that he has an unusual relationship with Pei Wuji.

But that's all I know, it's the first time I've seen it with my own eyes.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely subtle.

But Shen Du didn't care at all, he just sat down on the rock and looked at the surrounding mountains and forests as if he didn't think about anything.

He didn't get up and get on the horse until after drinking the horse and everyone was groomed.

The demon road continued on its way.

Shen Du was in the middle, Yao Qing and Cui Hong were riding a horse on either side of him. There was no one in the mountains, and no one in the road spoke. Except for the sound of horses' hoofs that startled some birds, the mountains were silent. It was not until he crossed the two mountains in front of him that he saw the village in the distance.

The sound of chanting Buddhist scriptures came from the mountain road in front.

"Bai Hao first points straight to the east, and Beidou looks at the ancient temple in the south. If you come from the west, you will send it back, and the lamp is only in the center..."

Like chanting, like humming.

The voice is a little muddy and old, and I can't hear much Zen, just a little comfort in the market.

As soon as Shen Du heard the sentence, "Send a sentence from the west, and the lamp is only in the center", he suddenly restrained his horse and looked towards the mountain road where the sound came from.

It was a road sloping down from a height.

There are thorns on both sides of the road, and it looks rugged. A little old man with a bundle of firewood on his back uses a stick as a crutch as he walks, shaking his head and reciting in his mouth, but he has not found anyone below.

"Daoist, what's wrong with this person?"

After staying in the Demon Dao for many years, Yao Qing didn't really see that the little old man had any martial arts, but when he turned his head and looked at Shen Du's face, he felt astonished or startled, so he subconsciously felt that something was wrong, and pressed Hidden weapon skin at waist.

But Shen Du only waved his hand to the crowd behind him, turned over and got off his horse and walked towards the little old man.

The little old man was still walking forward, and this time he finally saw someone.

He lives in the village below, and his family ran out of firewood, so he went up the mountain to get some firewood. He didn't expect to see a crowd of people under him, and he almost fell to his knees in fright.

"Old man." Of course Shen Du didn't mean to embarrass him, he just smiled and said to him, "I was just passing by here, but I heard something from your mouth when I passed by, I don't know which Buddhist scripture you are reading, what is it? allusion?"

"Hey, scared the little old man, what happened?"

Seeing that it was not a murderer, the little old man was relieved, wiped the sweat from his head, but smiled.

"It seems that you also came to this Bukong Mountain to worship Buddha, right? Haha, little old man, the paragraph I read just now is called "Recitation of the Solitary Ode to Buddha". I heard Master Shanzai say that it is in what winter or what record. As for the allusions, this is what I It's not very clear. The master taught us to read first, and he said that he would only speak when he went down the mountain."

good ya...

Shen Du originally thought that he was far away from this name, but he never expected to hear it again in such a situation, and he was in a trance for a while.

When he came back to his senses, he asked, "Can I ask you for advice? How do I talk about the whole article?"

This is probably the first time someone has been asked about Buddhist scriptures, and the young man in front of him is very good-looking, so the little old man has no doubts about anything. Come.

The previous one is:

Bai Hao first pointed to the east, and Beidou looked at the ancient dojo in the south.

A sentence is sent from the west, and the lamp is only in the center.

The glazed glass around the hall is extraordinarily bright, and the seventh layer penetrates the four corridors.

Vairu opened and closed with a flick of his fingers, and the house was full of flowers.

Thousands of words are always idle, who can break through three levels with one arrow

No. Tian sun heated the glass mirror, lit the red stove to cook the snow mountain.

Qi Zai called a star in the middle of the night, like a ghost who is afraid of names.

Just because the quack doctor can't heal, I was shocked out of thin air.

What doubts are there in one heart seven days? Through three blinks late.

Bird Road Chongguan could not stop crying, and sacrificed his life to look at Biefengzhi.

When you come, there is no mouth and leaves return to the root, and the lotus fragrance of the fire house does not see the door.

The iron wall and silver mountain car crashed, and the cowherd flute sent dusk.

The wooden fish jumped three times, and the fox-tailed lion's hair was buried on both sides.

Returning to the ruins of the dilapidated Cihang, looking at the iron man through the hemp shoes.

Throwing the ball through the mirror doesn't answer, Mo Xi's head is blind in Zhang's head.

Chenchen has 84,000 doors, but only 180 book nights.

The waterfowl and forests are all reciting Buddha, and the red peaches, green bamboos, and yellow plums are ripe.

The savages forget the grace of their clothes, and the streets of cloth bags are full of sorrow.

Pi Xi Peng knew that the ashes were not dry, and the monarch, ministers, guests, and hosts rolled into groups.

Shuanglun does not let Mingzhu die, and it is often cold on the top of Jinshan Mountain.

The three saints, samadhi and ten directions, return home in tears and tears.

The mud is always the land of lotus flowers, and the nectar is poured into the bottle and fragrant.

Xilaibaishe is Donglin, where mountains and streams are buried in ancient and modern times.

Fayan raised his eyebrows and asked, looking at the lotus pond and the stringless qin.

"You have to ask the little old man what this means. The little old man doesn't understand very well. But later today, Master Shanzai will come to our village to teach and teach the scriptures. You must focus on Buddha, or else Come and listen? Just in time to talk about this one... "

The little old man shook his head and recited the scripture, and asked Shen Du kindly.

But Shen Du, who was standing in front of him, did he have any other thoughts

Only when I heard the sentence "The bird road is heavy and can't sing, I sacrifice my life to look at Biefengzhi", the whole person's complexion turned pale; and when I heard him say "The savage forgets his clothes, the cloth bag street is full of sorrow", and his heart hurts. Twisted; until "the mud is always in the lotus country, the nectar is poured into the bottle and the fragrance is in the palm", I have felt that the world is messing people...

He is willing to cross him, but because of mercy.

Because "the mud is always the land of lotus flowers", but he is such a dirty mud, it will never become "nectar", without the fragrance of the palm of the pouring bottle.

Shen Du still remembered clearly that this Buddhist verse was written in a letter sent from Tianji Temple. At that time, he only knew that the person who wrote the letter was Shanzai, but he did not know that Shanzai was him, so the letter was actually read. Without looking at it, he put it aside.

Now it is clear that it has gone wrong and time has changed.

He stood there alone for a long time, wondering how the matter had come to this point, and if he had seen the monk's letter earlier, it would have changed a little bit, but in the end, he couldn't figure it out.

He is still his sin and karma.

The little old man who was reciting the Buddhist scriptures for him saw that he did not speak for a long time, and thought to himself, but there were still people waiting at home, and it was not easy to wait for a long time, so he muttered a few words, then shook his head and recited the Buddhist scriptures, carrying firewood on his back. Slow to go far.

"Fayan Zanmeixiu asks, looking at the lotus pond and the stringless qin..."

After a long time, Shen Du regained his senses and chanted.

At this time, Cui Hong and Yao Qing had already stood behind him.

Cui Hong frowned tightly and did not speak.

The invitation was to worry about him, so he stepped forward and asked, "Daoist, are you alright?"


Shen Du thought, it's all over.

He laughed and only stretched out his hand to Yao Qing and said, "I just wanted to eat candy all of a sudden."

Yao Qing was stunned for a moment, but he quickly took out the small candy box and handed it to Shen Du. Shen Du opened the candy box, and pieces of cube-shaped rock candy lay loosely inside the box.

He took one and put it in his mouth.

But when he looked up, he looked at Cui Hong, the smile on his lips hung up, and only said: "Speaking of which, the first time I ate candy when I was a child was given by Hufa Cui. I never got rid of this sweet addiction."

Cui Hong and Yao Qing almost grew up watching Shen Du.

Originally, I had a good time on the road, but I let Pei Wuji go halfway without saying anything. When I met an old man, I stopped and talked for a long time, and now I recall the past...

Somehow it doesn't feel good.

In fact, Cui Hong had to forget that there was such a time, if it wasn't for Shen Du to mention it, I'm afraid it would be buried deep with other vulgar memories.

He was in a trance.

When Shen Du said this, he remembered the Shen Du a long time ago.

At that time, Dongfang Ji had not yet reached Jiantian Cliff, and Shen Du, who was reluctant to kill even ants, was still the young master Shen who did not look like he grew up in the way of demons. It's always been weird to look at him lately.

Cui Hong, who knew everything, forgot what she said.

He only remembered that he told a lie, and then gave Shen Du a box of candy, and after three days, he brought back the Oriental Halberd from the bottom of the mountain. Since then, Shen Du has a senior brother who is liked by everyone in the magician way.

The old things should have been put into the dust.

Cui Hong raised her head, only to meet Shen Du's smiling eyes at the moment, but for some reason, her heart was full of horror!

"Crack", with a slight crisp sound, the rock candy shattered in Shen Du's mouth, turning into a sudden rich sweetness.


He lowered his eyes and glanced, actually covered the candy box, and handed it to Cui Hong.

Not a word.

Cui Hong stretched out his hand, and only saw the endless complexity from the bottom of his eyes, as if the old time was flowing in a long river, but in the last moment it all returned to nothingness.

He heard Shen Du's fluttering voice.

It was a sudden question: "Uncle Cui, do you still think that I am not as good as Dongfang Ji?"

At the moment when the name that was almost taboo on the Demon Dao was blurted out, a sense of crisis that swept through life and death had already surged wildly.

It's just too late to run away.

When Cui Hong's hand touched the candy box before it had time to withdraw, his head left his neck and rolled to the ground with a thud!

No one saw Shen Du's sword clearly!

His Liuhe Divine Art has reached the transformation stage at this moment, and the Xuelu sword is even more silent, and when the sword's edge falls, the head also falls.

The candy box fell to the ground, and the candy was soaked in blood, like agate.

Yao Qing's whole body didn't even react, but he felt that Cui Hong, who was beside him, was swayed by the snow-blue sword light.

She opened her eyes and could only see Shen Du in front of her.

Blood splattered on his icy face, and the anger between his brows and eyes disappeared, but under his calm pupils was an even more terrifying murderous ruthlessness.

Without wiping his face or wiping his sword, Shen Du casually returned the sword to its sheath. He didn't even look at Cui Hong's corpse, or the scattered sugar cubes, and only sighed strangely. : "Those who want to live can't live, those who can live don't want to live..."

Everyone heard this.

But at this time, including Yao Qing, the first thing in everyone's heart was an indescribable fear.

For the slaughter that suddenly turned his face between his laughter...

It seems that the strange feeling along the way is all an illusion, Shen Du is still the same Shen Du, moody and angry, killing at every turn, it will never get better, it will only get worse.

His robe was still stained with blood, and he didn't care what everyone looked like, he just got on his horse neatly, and said, "You don't need to collect the body for him, just leave it as it is."

Those who should see will always see.

After the words were finished, he was the first to hit the horse and headed towards Wufengkou.

The sun has passed, and it gradually slopes westward.

This piece of rolling hills still maintains a calm that seems to never change, except for the occasional birds that rise and fall, it is like a still picture.

On Bukong Mountain, all the uninvited guests have gone.

The little novice Hongben held a few volumes of scriptures that he had just copied in his hand, and walked behind Shanzai, his face was still a little excited, and he couldn't stop his chattering words: "It's the first time I'm going to the village. Well, will Uncle Shanzai be teaching the scriptures there? Then they will envy me to death, and they can hear the uncle preaching the scriptures again..."

This section of the road at the foot of the back mountain is not smooth.

The monk lowered his head to look at the road and walked down, but he just let the little novice whisper in his ear, without answering a word or showing any impatience.

Maybe he didn't care, maybe he didn't hear it.

At the foot of the mountain is the vast sea of bamboo again, and the green bamboo leaves swayed, as if pieces of green emerald were inlaid between the ravines of the mountains.

The trail in the woods was covered with dead leaves.

Shanzai looked over and remembered that he hadn't set foot in the bamboo hut since the last time. At this time, his heart should have stopped, but suddenly a certain person's bold and presumptuous words in the Buddhist hall came up in his mind, and the last one. Desolate look...

Still water.

The footsteps that were supposed to move forward, in this moment of contemplation and wandering, have turned their direction and actually went to the bamboo house in the forest.

He didn't react until he stood in front of the bamboo house.

At this time, he wanted to retreat again, but suddenly felt that it was useless to retreat. His heart was here, and even if he left at this moment, it did not mean that he would not care about it from now on.

It's just that when the door was pushed open, there was an illusion like a dream—

The room, which had been untouched for more than a month, turned out to be clean, with no dust left, and the tables, chairs, beds and couches were all laid out as before, as if they had just been tidyed up by someone.

On the bookshelf, the scriptures are no longer there, they are empty.

But there was still a tied scroll in the painting jar in the corner.

Zenzai stood in front of the door, and Tianguang stretched his shadow, but he couldn't hide his sudden dread.

and also…


Ignoring the questioning voice of Hongben behind him, he stepped in and took out the painting from the painting vat, and he recognized that it was the painting that Shen Du painted in the past but he added a few strokes to.

So I took it like this, and it took a long time before I put it on the case.

As soon as the tied rope was untied, the slender fingers pushed the picture to one side and slowly rolled it to one side, and the old Chunlan picture was slowly revealed.

Open the wild chunlan that I can't open.

A butterfly that chooses not to open the orchid instead of the orchid.

and also…

That little green calyx, Chunlan, lying quietly at the end of the picture scroll, was finally revealed to people as the picture was opened.

Elongated stems, half-open flowers.

A petal of light green is wrapped in the heart of the flower, when it is blooming a little but not in full bloom...

It's just been put away for a while, and it lost the flexibility and freshness of the new harvest, and when he picked it up with his trembling fingers, it was already withered.

"Senior Uncle Shanzai, what's wrong with you?"

The little novice monk was looking inward from the door, only to feel that at this moment, the face of the uncle, who is known as the "wisdom monk" in the world, showed a bit of grief and discrimination, and was a little scared for a while.

But the only one who responded to him was the silent figure of the monk with his head bowed.