Poor Monk

Chapter 92: Don't be afraid ┃ Remember what I said, don't plant it in Lao Tzu's hands?


"Donor, donor! You—"

"Go away!"

He waved away the few monks who were in the way, Shen Du's face was as white as paper, his eyes were no longer warm, and his brows seemed to be frozen with ice slag. He stumbled, but he still went his own way and walked outside the meditation room.

The monks of Xiaoming Temple just kept Shen Du here because of the entrustment of the "Master Buyan", and also promised to take good care of the person. How could they expect that this person would not appreciate it at all

When he was pushed away, everyone was shocked.

One is Shen Du's expression at the moment, and the other is the extraordinary skill he showed.

Only the monk who was talking to him in Shen Du's meditation room in the morning still refused to give up. He was entrusted by "Buyan" personally, and he knew that the donor was terminally ill. He didn't dare to let him out, so he rushed up. Stop him: "Donor, donor, don't be impulsive! Master Bu Yan has already explained that the donor is ill, it is best to rest, and you should not leave this temple, so as not to cause trouble... "


Shen Du looked at the monk who had opened his arms to stop him, and he sneered. At this moment, his body was like electricity, but he approached the monk like a ghost and grabbed the other's neck. !

The monk was suddenly unable to breathe and struggled.

It's just that no matter how weak Shen Du is due to poisoning at the moment, he still has the ability to achieve great success in the Six Harmonies.

Shen Du pinched him, as simple as pinching an ant.

"Donor, what are you doing, Lord!"

Seeing this, all the monks around showed a look of horror. It seemed that they finally saw something, and they shouted angrily, but they were afraid of angering Shen Du, so they were afraid and did not dare to come forward.

Shen Du didn't care.

At this moment, he really wanted to just crush the monk to death, and then slaughter the Xiaoming Temple inside and out. It doesn't matter if it's good or evil, as long as the dead bald donkey knows what the consequences of deceiving him will be. But when it was time to tighten his five fingers and use force, a sense of sadness and sincerity poured out, causing him to lose this sharp murderous aura and turn into depression.

As soon as he let go, he threw people away at will.

His voice was extremely flat, as if there was no emotional ups and downs. He didn't even look at the terrified monks around him, and only said, "Don't seek death, I don't want to kill you."

A cold sentence.

Not someone who has been slaughtered for a long time, can't tell the murderous intention hidden under the dark tide, and will never have such a calm face.

The monks looked at each other in dismay, and after all, they could see that they were powerless to stop the donor from leaving, and they did not force it to stop him. Just standing at the door of the mountain temple, watching the figure descend the mountain with a little sway and a trance, and gradually disappeared on the mountain road.

Shen Du felt that he was also dreaming today.

Or maybe...

It wasn't that he was dreaming today, but that he had been dreaming for the past few days. This dream was so beautiful, sweet, and long that he was so immersed in it that he forgot all the worries of the world. Now that he woke up, he felt that reality was the dream.

Otherwise, how could it taste so bitter

It is rumored that the hundred tongue strange poison is made from the poison of a hundred snakes. The mixture of poison and poison has different changes. Even a world-famous doctor may not be able to exhaust its changes. It is a poison that is difficult to understand and almost has no solution. If there may be one thing in the world that can detoxify this poison, it would be the killing Buddha relic in the Ye Pagoda of Tianji Temple.

Shen Du was indeed almost exhausted.

Although he had thought in his heart that he would be greedy for the next day, the presence of the monk was already his greatest luck, so why should he insist

Therefore, before death was about to come, he became calm and magnanimous, hoping that he had no fear or fear, did not want the monk to be sad for him, and even more did not want him to go back to the Chanyuan to get the relic of Naoshizi for himself!

In the world, if you ask for something, you will have to give up.

Leaving the Chanyuan was a one-time event. He had already touched the people of Jianghu at Wufengkou, so he had already violated the precepts. How could it be that simple to return to the Chanyuan

It clearly said "good" and "don't lie to you", but in the end, why did it become "bad" and "deceive you"

And the dead butterfly.

Did he betray the promise he made to him, and it's not over once he's gone, and he has to dig out his heart and put it on the tip of the knife!

Shen Du almost went down the mountain in a daze, and only relied on the instinct in his heart to go in the direction of Bukong Mountain, wondering if he could stop him in the middle of the road, thinking that he might not have gone far.

It was only after chasing all the way to Wufengkou that I realized how slim the hope was.

In the end, his cultivation base is higher than him. If he really wants to leave, how can he keep it

People didn't catch up, but I heard a lot of news.

He left Jianghu, but Jianghu never left him. Since the bloody night at Wufengkou, a lot of things have happened. Including the fake Chiyin's body exposed by Gu Zhao, the Tianshui Alliance to find the true young master, the Xiefeng Villa's defeat of the demon, and...

The design of the real pond drink captures Yao Qing.

Killing Cui Hong and driving away Pei Wuji would be equivalent to cutting off his right and left arm. In addition to the turmoil in the previous period, the Demon Dao's strength was severely damaged due to internal friction, not to mention that during this period of time, the dragons were headless, and there was no trace of Shen Du. Terrified.

No matter how powerful Yao Qing is, he will not be able to return to the sky.

She chased people all the way to find Shen Du, but she didn't expect to be set up by the real young master pool drink of the Tianshui Alliance, and it was too late when she was about to withdraw.

Now, people are at Wufengkou, and within two days, they will show their heads to the public, and then hang their heads on the flagpole to comfort the spirits of many heroes in the Tianshui Alliance.

The moment he heard the news, Shen Du knew it was a trick.

He really wanted to kill Yao Qing, but he was killed when he was caught.

It was just a game set up to lure him out.

If it had been two days earlier, Shen Du, who had been away from the world, would not have known the news, but now that he woke up from that beautiful dream, he just happened to know.

He saw clearly, and reason told him not to go.

When the person is about to die, he sees his true heart more clearly than ever.

If he is a qualified Demon Dao landlord, all he needs to do at this moment is to ignore it, let the people of Zheng Dao kill Yao Qing, and seek revenge afterward.

But when did he pass

A qualified demon Taoist should not fall in love with a monk, and he would not hesitate to put himself in danger because of his life or death; a qualified demon Taoist should not abandon the turbulent things on the rivers and lakes to chase a monk at this juncture.

Since it was not considered a person qualified to succeed Daoist from the beginning, why should you force yourself, if you are not qualified, you are not qualified in the end.


He originally wanted to chase the monk and stop him from going, but now that Yao Qing is here, the danger is at stake.

Maybe Zenya did it on purpose.

If he wanted to go back to Tianji Temple, he would have to go through Wufengkou if he took the shortest route. Yao Qing's news had spread so widely, it was impossible for him not to know, but he ignored it.

Because he knew that there might be another person passing by after him, and then had to stop for it, unable to follow in his footsteps.

The moment this thought came up, it was really heartbreaking.

Standing outside the high city gate at Wufengkou, Shen Du smiled inexplicably. He wanted to go in and find out where Yao Qing was at the moment, but he thought about his current situation and the situation on the demon road. People's urge to risk death pressed down.

He can die, but Yao Qing can't.

If you really want to save people, you still have to have a comprehensive way of taking care of them.

So he went back and entered a dense forest.

He was still wearing the dark purple crane cloak, and the fragrance of serenity hidden in his sleeves was still there for a while, Shen Du thought about it, and it was still lit.

In the past, I might have been worried about the gains and losses, but now there are only a few days left in my life, and I have nothing to worry about except the monk. What else is there to care about

Incense burning.

You know the bird.

He wrote a sentence with the burning black incense, and asked the bird of knowledge to send it to the place where it should go. Then he entered the city when the night fell, and hid, and easily found out that Yao Qing was detained in a place in the city. In the abandoned village, but I did not rush to go, but rested in the city for a night, and the next day it was dark before I touched the wall of the abandoned village and sneaked in quietly.

Although Tianshui Alliance has sent a lot of people here, they are also on guard that someone will come to rob people tonight, but Shen Du is one of the best experts in the arena after all, how can they stop them with their ability

He touched room by room.

In some houses, there were old suspicions and traps were set up, and it seemed that there were many people guarding them, but there was no one he was looking for. Yao Qing in the cage.

The heroic woman in red in the past is now covered in blood, and even has a few blood marks on her neck and cheeks, not to mention the hands and feet that are bound by iron chains and can't move at all.

But in this situation, she closed her eyes.

It seemed that he was neither worried nor fearful, but he seemed calmer than the one who came to save people.

So Shen Du smiled.

He was the best in light work. He couldn't hear the slightest bit of business when his feet were on the ground. He quietly twisted the neck of a Tianshui League disciple in the corner, then leaned against the wall and walked all the way, following the same method.

After a while, everyone around them lay down.

Shen Du just entered the room, and with the strength of reaching the transformation state, he crushed the large chain of locks hanging outside the fine iron cage, and the iron chain suddenly fell off.

This movement immediately awakened Yao Qing.

She thought she was going to die, but who would have thought that when she opened her eyes, she saw a familiar face. She thought she was in a dream for a while, and shouted: "Daoist..."

"come out."

Shen Du was very calm. Although his face was so pale that he couldn't see the slightest bit of blood, his hands were neat. He opened the cage door, and broke the chains on Yao Qing's hands and feet, and then handed her his hand.

Only then did Yao Qing know that he was not dreaming.

At this moment, tears welled up in his eyes, but no matter how strong his heart was in the past, he couldn't help but redden his eyes at this moment.

But she knew the severity, so she didn't dare to say anything, she just gritted her teeth, endured the severe pain from the wound on her body, came out of the cage, and followed behind Shen Du.

The Tianshui Alliance finally set up this game, and if Yao Qing was captured alive to lure Shen Du to the bait, all arrangements must not be so simple. So almost as soon as Shen Du brought Yao Qing out, someone noticed something abnormal and shouted loudly.

hula la...

In the entire abandoned village, figures suddenly poured out like a tide, swords, spears, swords, halberds, axes, forks, and eighteen types of weapons didn't even need to be looked at, they came to Shen Du!

How similar is this scene to when Wufengkou attacked Tianshui Alliance at night a few days ago

The same opposite of good and evil.

The same you live and die.

The same has no way out.

If you want to stand out from the encirclement, there is only one word "kill" left. The boundaries between good and evil were once again blurred in the rain of blood. He took Yao Qing and killed many, many people, and dyed his clothes with blood, but the people around him seemed to be endless, and there seemed to be no end to the exhaustion.

Yao Qing seemed to be shouting something to him.

But in the sound of swords intersecting, he could not hear anything; in the blurred vision of the rain of blood, he could not see anything.

But hold up your sword and continue to kill.

Until a long knife slashed at his head, the huge force shook his already numb hand, unable to grasp the sword in his palm, and he swung the Xuelu Sword out and fell to the ground with a "dang".

That knife slashed deeply into Shen Du's shoulder!

Blood spurted out immediately, and the moment he knelt down, dyeing the already bright red ground under him even redder.

Yao Qing, who was besieged on the other side, was already stunned when he saw this. He wanted to rush to Shen Du, but there were countless swords in front of him. Head off!


Tears welled up in her eyes, and her voice was hoarse and could not be heard clearly.

However, Shen Du did not have the slightest fear.

He wasn't as calm as someone who was about to die.

The disciple of the Tianshui Alliance who raised the knife to him was full of ecstasy, but at this moment, when he touched his eyes, a strange coldness appeared...

The next moment, a feathered arrow with a sharp whistling sound, "whoosh", pierced through his throat!

The huge and swift force caused him to smash backwards.

With a "bang", the man fell, and the blood-stained knife fell to the ground.

Everyone around was stunned when they saw this, and even if they felt something bad, it was too late to react.

“Whoosh whoosh…”

Arrow rain, overwhelming!

Each arrow hits a person, taking a life with precision and ruthlessness. They come from all directions, and they are impossible to guard against.

At some point, men in black with bows filled the high wall.

Everyone was covered with black face scarves, only one pair of eyes were exposed, and there was no sound other than murder.

The elites of the Tianshui Alliance gathered in the abandoned village because they wanted to besiege Shen Du. In a short period of time, they were shot and killed by a ghostly visitor who suddenly appeared on the high wall before they could even retreat. a clean.

There was a corpse lying on the ground.

Only Yao Qing, who had not yet reacted, was left, and Shen Du, who had already lost his strength and knelt on the ground.


The last feather arrow pierced the eyebrows of the last Tianshui League disciple, taking away the last life that should not exist in this abandoned village.

So the person behind the scenes finally came out.

At this moment, Yao Qing saw it clearly, and suddenly felt the coldness sweeping over, it was ten times, a hundred times colder than before!

Rarely did not wear that green robe.

Today's Gu Zhao is dressed in black, which is very convenient for nocturnal travel. In this cruel night of massacres, his face full of immortality and immortality in the past seems to have added a trace of unspeakable treacherousness. Walking in the sea of blood on the mountain of corpses, there is a leisurely attitude like strolling in the courtyard.

The lives and deaths of others are not in his eyes.

He didn't even look at Yao Qing, he just walked in from the door of the waste village, paced in front of Shen Du, looked at him like a dead dog, and couldn't help but sneered: "How good is it for me to be Taoist Shen? , I didn't expect to mix into such a dog..."

Obvious mockery.

Gu Zhao half squatted down, raised his clean and slender fingers that were not stained with any filth, pinched the letter he had received, and lightly patted Shen Du's blood-stained face, "Gu Zhao, fuck me. 1 Your mother" The six words were quickly blurred.

"Is this your attitude to beg Lao Tzu for help..."

Shen Du really couldn't move.

He didn't even want to lift his head, he just listened to Gu Zhao's voice, and laughed inexplicably: "Even if I scolded you, didn't you come too?"

The voice fell, and the jaw felt a pain.

Gu Zhao really had the heart to kill him, he just pinched his jaw and forced him to look up at himself, but there was a bit of coolness in his smiling voice: "It's not a wise choice for you to annoy me. Shen Du, do you remember what I said, don't plant it in Lao Tzu's hands, or else, Lao Tzu can fuck you so that you can't get out of bed?"