Poor Monk

Chapter 96: Surrounding ┃ left, one counts as one, all, all, die!


These days, the sky on the rivers and lakes is red.

Just as Gu Zhao warned him when he left Pengshan, when he set foot on the land that was constantly spilling blood, all the news about him flew to the various schools in the martial arts like snowflakes...

Killing ensues.

The Tianshui Alliance, which was originally focused on targeting the demons, stopped fighting, and withdrew to chase and block Shen Du; Xiefeng Villa, which had been planning to form an alliance with all parties, no longer bothered, and turned around to kill Shen Du; even the others are not very numerous. The famous sects also came to smell the fishy smell, some of them wanted to join in the fun, and some wanted to take advantage of the chaos.

Since he left the temple, who doesn't doubt that the Buddha is hiding in him

Anyone with a little bit of ambition in the rivers and lakes is here, no matter what their intentions are, they are all hidden under a mask of slaying the devil and defending the road, and no one can tell whether it is justice or selfishness.

Shen Du killed all the way.

At first, he would persuade these people not to block his way, but he would not show mercy to anyone who blocked his way. Some people did sacrifice their lives and quit, but those who have plans and ambitions in their hearts will not quit.

So they were all killed.

Everywhere he went, there was blood, as if even if he turned into a golden immortal, he would not be able to escape the net of heaven and earth woven for him by the entire rivers and lakes.

The trip that originally took three to five days turned out to be more than ten days.

When you reach the curling edge of the Rainbow Sword, the Snow Deer Sword is deep purple; when you kill the weak, you dare not step forward, and the strong turn pale;

Shen Du was the most vicious and famous devil on the demon road. He killed him all the way, and in just ten days, he could almost be regarded as blood-washing the entire river and lake.

No one would ask him why he wanted to kill.

Because he was born to be evil and born to be a devil, everyone only knew that the big devil killed, the big devil killed again, and the big devil went crazy and became addicted to murder.

On the eleventh day, none of the stragglers who were blocking the road dared to chase and kill him. Shen Du dragged his scarred body through Wufengkou. Hanging around his waist was the curling rainbow sword, and the Snow Deer Sword seemed to have grown in his hand.

The rest of the way was unbelievably calm.

But Shen Du knew very well that it wasn't because everyone was killed and didn't dare to come, but because the rest were really smart people.

A wise man knows where he is going.

Most of the day before arriving at Bukong Mountain was the last time he had to repair, but he knew that even if he stopped to repair, there would not be much change.

After days of killing, the huge loss cannot be recovered in a short time.

And the longer it drags on, the heavier the injury will only get. Shen Du is afraid that he won't have the extra strength to deal with those "smart people" who are standing still.

So he didn't fix it.

He just drank water in the road and ate his last dry food. After the sun went down, he walked through the dark mountains and forests all night. He went down to the canyon in front of Zhige Monument, where the stream flows, and saw the height of Bukong Mountain. On the high Buddha's top, I also saw the dense figures dormant in the mountains and forests.

Tianshui League, Xiefeng Villa, East Lake Sword Sect…

Too many sects.

Shen Du even saw some other evil sects that did not belong to the demon sect, but were still considered wicked sects, and...

Pengshan, Gu Zhao.

So it felt funny.

But only for fun.

Both he and Gu Zhao know very well that on the bright side, they can only live and die. At this moment, there is no one who is sorry for the other, so he has no emotional fluctuations in his heart. On the contrary, he is very calm.

There are so many people, and the only way is to die.

Shen Du's goal is to re-enter the Tianji Temple, and Tianji Temple has rules. In front of the stele, the fight will cease, so he only needs to find a way to pass through the deep canyon in front of him and stand in front of the stele, and everything will be over.

Even if the monk refused to see him, he would not return to this arena.

Just like the Wusheng of the year.


He also died in a Zen monastery.

With such a tight siege, the front and back mountains should be the same, and even the back mountain will only be more terrifying, so he actually has no way to safely cross so many people and enter the canyon without disturbing anyone.

The only way is to push hard.

He just had to choose a direction to make a rush, so Shen Du held his breath and watched for a long time, analyzed the weakest point of their guarding, and directly touched a handful of stones on the ground and knocked them out.

Experts flying flowers and picking leaves can hurt people, not to mention heavy and hard stones

Fast-forward between fingers.

The human eye can hardly see the trajectory when they shoot out, let alone resist it. Almost as soon as they feel that something is in front of them, those people have their heads bloomed and fall to the ground.


"There is a situation!"

"The devil, it must be the devil!"

At this moment, someone noticed the situation immediately, and when they turned around, they saw that several people had already died, and the death was so tragic that they all screamed in horror!

Of course, some people realize that this is a slap in the face.

Just when they shouted to remind others, it was already too late. As long as the stone was ejected from the fingertips, Shen Du had already swept away from the other side to the canyon like a ghost!

This section of the canyon is very short, and he has walked through it twice. So he knew very well that at his current speed, he would be able to pass through the canyon in five breaths at most to the front of the Dezhige Monument.

Unexpectedly, I jumped out of the road in the middle of the road!

He didn't even enter a third of the canyon, and in the deep darkness on both sides of the canyon, countless sharp cold lights were thrown out!

There is an ambush, Shen Du has thought about it; but who is the person who ambushing him, Shen Du has not thought about it.

So much so that he was stunned when he saw this face.

It is Dongfangji, no, more precisely, it is a real pond drink.

At the beginning, Dongfang Ji pretended to be Chi Yin and was killed by Shen Du. The real Chi Yin was later found and returned to the Tianshui Alliance, and since then he has forged a relationship with the Demon Dao.

What appeared with Daoguang now was the face of Chi Yin.

No matter how powerful Shen Du is, he is still a human being, and he will inevitably have a moment of reaction time when encountering unexpected situations, but this is an absolute taboo in battle!


The two black and white curved tomahawks slammed heavily on the Snow Deer Sword, causing Shen Du's mouth to crack instantly, and the heavy force also knocked Shen Du out of the canyon!

Outside, thousands of swords face each other!

Shen Du thought that there must be an ambush in the canyon, but he never thought that he would miss the success of the final plan because of this small detail.

At this moment, his eyes were red.

The Snow Deer Sword, which had been full of blood for more than ten days, swept out when he was repelled, and was slashed to death. At least he avoided the fate of being chopped by the sword. The siege!

The people who are waiting here today are all elites from the major sects, and they are waiting for work. They are in a much better state than Shen Du, a demon who has been killed for more than ten days to get here. Knowing Shen Dujianjian Killed without flinching.

Shen Du instantly fell into a hard fight.

That Zhen Chiyin had a handsome face, but there was a calculating look between his eyes. After a blow to defeat Shen Du, he was not in a hurry, but casually touched the three silver rings on his ears. He looked around, and then attacked Shen Du in a thorny way.

If there are too many ants, they can kill the elephant, not to mention that the people who gather here to kill Shen Du are not weak ants, but fierce tigers and wolves!

Soon Shen Du began to lose his support.

The people from Xiefeng Mountain Villa hated the most and charged the most, while the people from Tianshui League were more shrewd and kept cutting off Shen Du's retreat. On the contrary, the people from Pengshan and Gu Zhao fell to the outer position, and they had to make a move. Not their turn.

"Shen Du, the owner of this village advises you to be honest and obey, obediently capture it, hand over the three volumes of the Buddha Treasure, and spare your life! Otherwise..."

Lu Fan stood high behind the others and sneered gloomily.

"Let you die without a burial!"

"What kind of thing are you, are you also worthy of letting our Taoist die?!"

As soon as Lu Fan finished speaking, a crisp, angry voice came from the other side of the forest!

Immediately after that, there was the sound of the machine's bouncing of the hidden weapon.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

After everyone's attention was drawn to the east, a series of hidden weapons unexpectedly shot out from the west of everyone, and the poisoned blade instantly took the lives of dozens of people!

Immediately afterwards, they saw hundreds of people and horses turn out from the mountainside like a black tide. Most of them rode on horses and swooped down, like eagles swooping down from the sky, with their sharp claws on the right path. A bloody hole was torn out of the tight encirclement!

The pressure on Shen Du suddenly lightened.

He couldn't think about it too much, a ruthless energy came up from the bottom of his heart, and he used all his palm strength to smash Chi Yin and the others who were fighting up, and then he got a chance to breathe.

The Kuroshio-like men immediately came to Shen Du's side. The one who led was not someone else, it was the right envoy of Jian Tianya, Yao Qing, who was tired of fighting with the right path and was almost exhausted for the past few days!

All red and handsome.

Although the complexion is not very good, whether it is the spirit of the corners of the eyes and the brows, or the neatness of turning over and dismounting, it gives people a sense of courage without any fear.

When the person got off the horse, she bowed and knelt down to give Shen Du a salute: "Yao Qing is late, and the Taoist is shocked!"

Carrying the Snow Deer Sword, which had been stained red with blood, Shen Du glanced at her, but did not reply, but looked at the source of the crisp voice earlier.

Sure enough, I saw people soon.

The oval-faced girl in a clean goose-yellow dress walked around in a detour, her eyes were still red, her cheeks were also red, and she looked very angry.

In this situation, it wasn't Feng Xiao, his crybaby chief executive on Tiantian Cliff, but who was he

Shen Duqi laughed: "The three-legged cat is not good at kung fu, what are you messing with?"

After he finished speaking, he called Yao Qing next to him to get up: "You too, you bring her here if she is making a fool of yourself. Is this where she can come too?"

Yao Qing didn't know how to explain it, but Feng Xiao, who was beside him angrily, shouted: "What nonsense is going on! Why can't I come if she can come? She has force, and people have brains. These righteous bad guys. Bullying you, Dao Master, as the chief director of Jian Tianya, how can I just sit back and ignore it!"

Shen Du was hurt and had a headache.

But when Feng Xiao was facing such a big scene where there were dead people everywhere, he didn't even have the slightest sense of fear. After shouting at Shen Du, he akimbo faced the ugly-looking people of the righteous path occupying the other side of the entrance to the canyon.

For the first time, genuine disgust appeared on the squeamish face.

Shen Du didn't speak, and she said in a voice that didn't seem to have the slightest intimidation: "Those who are sensible, hurry up! The ones left, one counts as one, all, all, die!"