Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 121: If you tell them to surrender, let them surrender!


"what happened"!

Hearing the sound, the gangster boss of Hongyan Mountain was startled. He grabbed his spear and looked at the source of the sound and said in surprise.

"I don't know, boss"

The people around were confused, wondering what was going on.

"They are coming, boss, look, they are there"!

Master Wu pointed at the highest hill behind and said.

"Why did they run behind us?"

The sixth child said in astonishment.

"A good method, but I don't know how many people the other party ambushed"!

Xue Bi's eyes were solemn and he said in a deep voice. He had thought about various possibilities, but he had never thought of this. After all, this was the territory of Hongyan Mountain. Who could have imagined that the other party could silently surround him

Dare to claim to surround us, there must be a lot of people, right? But why is there no movement at all

They didn't know that Bai Yang and the others only had more than a hundred people in total, and that the sentries around Hongyan Mountain had already been figured out by Bai Yang last night. It was very simple to avoid them!

What is this called? In earthly terms, it means the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows. I guess there is no such saying here...

"Boss, what should I do?"

Everyone around was looking at Xue Bi at this time, waiting for him to make up his mind.

After pondering for a moment, Xue Bi looked directly in the direction of Bai Yang, exhaled and said:

"Xue Shaoguo is very good at Bai Shaoguo. I admire him. It's just that Xue Shao has offended Mr. Bai somewhere, so he wants to target me, Hongyan Mountain, like this?"

One day was enough for people in Hongyan Mountain to find out Baiyang’s name.

"Boss, are you scared?"

Jia Lao Liu whispered from the side.

"Idiot, the boss is trying to test the opponent's reality!"

The voluptuous woman from the fifth house looked at the sixth house with disdain and said.

On the mountain, Bai Yang rubbed his throat. Damn, I forgot to get a speaker. I almost broke my throat when I shouted...

"Niu Jian, if you have a loud voice, tell the other party directly that Hongyan Mountain is mine now and ask them to surrender."

Bai Yang said to Niu Jian beside him.

"Master, why don't you tell them to get lost?"

Niu Jian asked puzzledly.

"Where does all this nonsense come from? Where can I find so much free labor when I tell them to get out? Come on, tell me."

Bai Yang said angrily.

The people on the side looked at the show with a weird look on their face, almost saying, "Hey, that's enough. Do you really think that a hundred people can take down Hongyan Mountain?"

Fengli was especially speechless. If it was really that simple, his father would have razed Hongyan Mountain to the ground.

"Our young master said that Hongyan Mountain belongs to him and asks you to surrender obediently!"

Niu Jian shouted down the mountain in a thick voice.

"What a joke, when did Hongyan Mountain become yours?"

Shanxia was almost angry and happy after the blood was gone, and said speechlessly.

"My young master has the sales contract from the governor of Deyang Town"!

Niu Jian followed Bai Yang's instructions and shouted to the other party from a distance.

Does Hongyan Mountain really belong to others? Don't mention the speechless one...

"Brother Bai, do you really want to take down Hongyan Mountain with a hundred people?"

Fengli couldn't help it anymore and looked at Bai Yang with a weird look on his face and asked, "Are you kidding me too much?"

"Yes, and I told them to surrender there, so I have to let them surrender. Even using a knife is not my skill"!

Bai Yang said with a 'What's wrong with this?' look on his face.

Fengli was shocked. Where did he get the confidence to take down Hongyan Mountain with a hundred or so soldiers without losing any blood

At this time, Bai Yang seemed more and more unfathomable in his heart.

"They are bluffing"!

On the hills below the mountain, Xue Bi said in a deep voice.

They yelled back and forth with Niu Jian above for a while, which was enough time for them to figure out that there weren't many people on the mountain.

"Then what"

Jia Laoliu asked with an expression as if he had listened to the boss's words.

"What are you waiting for? Let the brothers come forward, rush up and hack them to death!"

Xue Bi kicked Jia Laoliu and was upset.

As he spoke, Xue Bi had already grabbed his spear and rushed out like a tiger.

"Brothers, rush"!

Jia Laoliu roared and followed Xue Bi's pace with a large sword in hand.

It is said that three of the seven heads of Hongyan Mountain are here. After all, someone has to be left to look after the house. It would be so embarrassing if they all ran out and were taken away by the other party...

"Master, they are coming out, there are many people"

A kitten wearing tailor-made titanium alloy armor stood beside Bai Yang, drew out a broad sword made of the same material and guarded it in front of Bai Yang and said worriedly.

"I know, they will kneel down and surrender in a moment. Be good, little cat, and stand by my side. The show is about to begin."

Bai Yang pulled the kitten to his side nonchalantly, and then personally said to Wu Ya and others below:

"Wu Ya, do it!"

The other party has already come out, there is nothing to be polite about.

"Okay young master"

Wu Ya answered below.

The hills and the mountains here are thousands of meters apart. At this time, a group of gangsters have appeared in the open space in the middle, and Xue Bi is leading the way.

However, when Xue Bi saw about twenty people wearing titanium alloy armor walking out of the woods opposite, he stopped and shouted angrily at the mountain:

"Young Master Bai looks down on Xue too much, right? There are only twenty people, even with strong armor and sharp weapons, they are not enough to kill Xue."

There are thousands of them, and you ask twenty people to come out. This is simply insulting...

Twenty mountain people who came out of the forest were lined up about ten meters apart. Each of them was holding a cloth bag. Without saying any unnecessary nonsense, he reached into the cloth bag and took out glass bottles containing red powder. He thoughtlessly threw it at a group of gangsters.

"Be careful with hidden weapons"!

Xue Bi's eyes narrowed and he reminded loudly.

"Is this also called a hidden weapon? Brothers, shoot the hidden weapon away."

Jia Laoliu looked at the "hidden weapons" flying crookedly and said with disdain, the two sides are still far apart, and those "hidden weapons" flying crookedly are not fast.

Swish, swish, arrows rose into the sky, and each glass bottle was torn into pieces by the arrows in the air.

However, Wu Ya and others on the opposite side put on gas masks that these gangsters could not understand at this time...

Bang bang bang…

When every glass bottle exploded, red powder flew in the wind. Hundreds of red glass bottles shattered, and the red powder rose up, covering all the gangsters like a burning cloud!

The red powder is extremely fine and difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. Whenever the skin is contaminated at all, it will be burning and painful. Just take a breath and your whole body will feel like it is on fire!

"Not good, poisonous, highly poisonous"!

"I can't see with my eyes, it hurts so much"!

"I can't breathe, ah..."

"Give me the antidote, I don't want to die..."

"Surrender, I surrender..."

In an instant, a group of bandits rushed out of the forest, throwing away their helmets and armor, scratching their hearts and lungs, crying for mercy and surrendering...

"You surnamed Bai, you actually used such despicable methods, you and I are incompatible with each other"!

Xue Bi only felt a burning pain all over his body. His eyes were so painful that he couldn't open his eyes. He felt as if he was about to explode after taking a breath. The feeling was worse than killing him. At this time, he couldn't use even one percent of his abilities. .

Knowing that he had been poisoned, Xue Bi roared loudly, and then he actually ran away...

Abandoning thousands of brothers, he ran so fast despite being in a 'poisoned' state!

"Damn it, where's your moral integrity?"

Bai Yang was speechless on the mountain.

But one by one, the others couldn't even run away, and they all threw themselves on the street and howled incessantly!

Seeing the scene of people crying and fighting at the foot of the mountain, everyone except Bai Yang looked confused.

What's happening here

Bai Yang grinned and said nothing, feeling uncomfortable all over at this moment.

Emma, it’s so irritating to look at. The Indian devil pepper is ground into powder like milk powder and you are still not allowed to kneel under the cover without thinking

The skin felt like it was on fire. Bai Yang couldn't imagine what it felt like for those gangsters who were surrounded by devil's pepper powder!

It’s scary to think about it!

"I told them to surrender and they had to surrender. Did you see them all kneeling down?"

Bai Yang pointed at the gangsters at the foot of the mountain who were crying and fighting for their lives and said with a smile.

Yesterday, Bai Yang made a special trip to the other side of the world for this thing. It’s available in many big cities, so it’s not difficult to get...

(Ahem... It’s probably not what you think. Shitou just doesn’t play by the rules, haha. Finally, I’ll continue to ask for recommendation votes and collections)