Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 127: Got rich


What follows is a busy schedule.

The dead people were burned with firewood, and the unconscious gangsters were gathered together and all wore special collars. Since Fengli had underestimated the number of gangsters on Hongyan Mountain beforehand, he sent people back to Deyang Town to get a large number of collars. .

As the afternoon approached, three thousand people came to the foot of Hongyan Mountain!

They are all mountain people from the Lost River Forest.

It’s just that these mountain people look a bit violent!

Each of them is physically large, and they have been fighting wild beasts in the dense forest for a long time. They naturally have a fierce aura about them. In addition, they all wear titanium alloy armor...

Gee, that picture looks so eye-catching, no different from a torrent of steel.

After docking, the three thousand people at the foot of the mountain went up the mountain.

"Master, look, that's grandpa"

The kitten's sharp eyes saw the old village chief in front of the crowd at the first sight.

"Let's go, let's go"

Bai Yang took the kitten's hand and said.

"Brother Bai, I have brought you three thousand people, all of them are good men from the Lost River Forest. Brother Bai made a plan to destroy the Che family, and after trading with the Lan family and the Niu family, he gave every lost man The people in the river forest have brought tangible benefits. Everyone is grateful for Brother Bai's kindness, and you can rest assured about his loyalty."

After the two parties met and exchanged pleasantries, the old village chief pointed to the 3,000 people behind him and said.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Grandpa Village Chief. I won't treat anyone who follows me badly."

Bai Yang nodded.

"It is precisely because they know this that everyone is willing to follow you."

When talking about this, the old village chief lowered his voice and said to Bai Yang:

"Brother Bai has more than 7,000 sets of armor in the warehouse in Gordo Village. So far, I have only traded more than 300 sets to other mountain people. There are still more than 3,000 sets left in the warehouse. If necessary, If so, ask someone to go back and tell you, and I will organize three thousand experts to come over for you!"

“That’s enough for now”

Bai Yang grinned and was a little surprised. First of all, there were too many people here. Just a few thousand men came out. Why didn't the Lan family and the Niu family also have a lot of people working for them

Another thing, after witnessing the previous fighting, Bai Yang had a personal understanding of the loyalty of the people here. With these more than three thousand men, Bai Yang could do many things with confidence and boldness!

The old village chief came and left as quickly as he came. He came specifically to send people to Bai Yang and did not stay here. After exchanging pleasantries, he left with the two people and returned to Godot Village early in the day. No matter how hard he tried to persuade him to stay, he use.

"Be good, little kitten. We will go back to see the village chief when we have time."

Bai Yang held the reluctant kitten in his arms and said.

"Well, I listen to the young master."

The kitten nodded obediently.

However, the kitten was wearing armor at this time, and Lou was panicking in his arms...

"Zhao Shi, you go over and make arrangements. Divide the 3,000 people brought by the village chief into one hundred squads, each with thirty people. The original one hundred people will each lead a squad, and the ten squads will form a large group. It’s you, Huzi, Zhuzi, Wu Ya, Shanduo... leading a brigade, from the first brigade to the tenth brigade, do you understand?”

Bai Yang then found Zhao Shi and gave instructions.

Zhao Shi, whose brain had opened the Hui Guo, instantly understood what Bai Yang meant, nodded and said:

"Master, I understand, are there any other instructions?"

"Let's do this for the time being. After the arrangements are made, let the two brigades make a few trips to bring back the three thousand unconscious gangsters at the foot of the mountain. The other two brigades will guard the key points of Hongyan Mountain. You have seen the map, so you don't need me. Did you give me the order? The rest of the gang will keep an eye on the unconscious gangster on the mountain. If there are too many people, things can easily go wrong."

"Don't worry, young master, nothing will go wrong."

Zhao Shi took the order extremely seriously and left.

Tsk, this guy is so confident after his brain has been opened by Kai Hui Guo...

With the arrival of these three thousand men, Bai Yang felt a lot more at ease. Looking at the entire Hongyan Mountain, this is the real foundation of Lao Tzu!

Then Bai Yang began to think about the weird feeling in his heart again, but he clearly felt that something was wrong, but he just couldn't figure it out, and he felt like a cat's claw in his heart.

"Master, all the gangsters in Hongyan Mountain have been captured. We searched several times and found nothing. Is there anything else wrong?"

Lan Shuang asked suspiciously when he saw Bai Yang frowning in thought.

“There seems to be something wrong there, but I can’t put my finger on it.”

Bai Yang frowned.

"Master, we found the place where the gangsters in Hongyan Mountain hid their money and food!"

After struggling for a long time to figure it out, Zhuzi came over to report with a face full of surprise.

After studying writing for a few days, this guy also knows the benefits of money. In addition, his brain has been opened by the fruit of wisdom, and he is no longer the ignorant elm bump that he was in Godot Village.

"Really? Come on, take me to see"

Bai Yang's previous frown suddenly disappeared.


The other people looked at each other and looked at you with a frown on your face. Are you thinking about this

The money and food are not placed in one place. The place where the food is stored is a simple warehouse, which is not only filled with food that is different from that on the earth, but also a lot of messy things.

Bandits, they robbed caravans and harmed the villagers. They robbed everything, and they probably didn't have anyone to sort it out. They were all piled up in a mess.

After a rough estimate, the food must be at least 30,000 tons. With the current number of people in Hongyan Mountain, I am afraid they can feed it for half a year!

As for the other things, they were so messed up that it was impossible to estimate their value at the moment.

“Now we don’t have to worry about food problems for the time being.”

After looking at the place where the grain was kept, Bai Yang smiled happily and turned to look at the place where the money was kept.

The place where the money is kept is in a cave. Chen Dynasty's green, black and blue coins are stacked in boxes. There must be dozens of boxes!

"A lot, at least a billion dollars"!

Lan Xin, who followed, stared at the piles of money boxes with wide eyes and said.

Not only her, but others were also surprised. Although they were not people who had never seen money before, it was really the first time to see so much money at once.

"No matter how much it is, it belongs to me. You have made almost no contribution. Just look at it. It's none of your share."

Bai Yang curled his lips and said.


Everyone was speechless. They were almost fooled along the way. The only contribution was that Lan Shuang killed a third master. The last one was not taken down by a group of people. It was Bai Yang's people who took care of it. They wanted to share it. I really can’t say anything about the money...

After all, it turned out to be a gold belt for murder and arson. The wealth accumulated by nearly 10,000 gangsters looting everywhere is so amazing!

But now it’s all mine!

On the other side of the earth, Bai Yang still takes care of all kinds of order and has some rules on some things. After all, he is a law-abiding citizen. As for here, what is mine is mine. If anyone dares to reach out, I will chop off your head as well!

Therefore, after taking down the things from Hongyan Mountain, Baiyang is ready to open his mouth and swallow them in one gulp. No one can take advantage of them!

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