Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 128: who's that person?


Coming out of the hole where he kept the money, Bai Yang said to the kitten beside him:

"Mao'er, go find Zhao Shi and ask him to lead people to keep an eye on this place. If anyone approaches without my permission, he knows what to do."

"Okay young master"

Mao Mao nodded and went to find Zhao Shi.

When it comes to guarding money, it's better to use your own people. No one else is reliable.

"Brother Bai, the banditry in Hongyan Mountain has been eliminated, what are your plans next?"

Fengli asked Bai Yang.

"Didn't I say that we will level the Red Rock Mountain and build a manor here? Those gangsters are the best laborers. When they wake up, we will start working."

Bai Yang opened his mouth and started talking nonsense.

"If you need help from craftsmen, I can help you contact some."

Fengli nodded and said, as if I believed your lies.

"Brother Feng is not at all interested in the Hongyan Mountain bandits having so much money and food"

Bai Yang changed the subject and asked bluntly.

Bai Yang couldn't help but be curious. With so much money and food, it's impossible for a person not to be tempted. However, Fengli always looked like he didn't see it, and he wasn't pretending. This made Bai Yang unable to understand. , so I asked directly.

"Brother Bai, all of this is your fault. I didn't contribute even half a cent, and I almost even dragged you back. I can't take any of the plants or trees here."

Fengli shook his head and smiled.

"Brother Feng is righteous"

Bai Yang gave a thumbs up and said, with a look on his face like I believed your lies.

Damn it, this guy doesn’t want money, so he has a bigger purpose. What could it be? It's hidden too deeply and no clues have been revealed until now. This is a bit difficult to deal with.

"Brother Bai, everything in Hongyan Mountain is over. I have to go back and report the news to my father. It seems that Brother Bai will not go back for the time being. I'm afraid I have to take the first step."

Finally Fengli looked at Bai Yang and said.

"Well, okay...eh? The government...that's not right..."

Bai Yang nodded, then an idea flashed in his mind, his eyes flickered and he fell into deep thought again.

"Something is wrong"

Fengli asked curiously.

"Brother Feng, how many times have the guards attacked Hongyan Mountain?"

Bai Yang frowned and asked this suddenly.

"My father encircled and suppressed Hongyan Mountain four times in total, but failed without losing troops and generals, which made Brother Bai laugh..."

Fengli thought for a moment and smiled bitterly.

This is really incomparable. Bai Yang defeated Hongyan Mountain almost without any use, which is extremely embarrassing.

"Brother Feng, it's not surprising that you are stumped. Why do these gangsters dare to challenge the majesty of the dynasty? The government has already targeted them. Instead of running away, they have repeatedly confronted the government. This will definitely not lead to good results, right? ? But they just did it like this, and they still have the attitude to continue. Don't you think it's strange that it stumps Brother Feng?"

Bai Yang frowned and said in confusion.

"Hearing what Brother Bai said, I also felt a little strange. Although there are countless bandits in the dynasty, there are very few who blatantly go against the government. Although there are many bandits in Hongyan Mountain, they are still fragile in comparison. Their actions It’s really a little abnormal.”

Fengli also frowned and fell into deep thought at this time.

"Also, the gangsters went to ambush us before. Although they wanted to strike first, wouldn't it be better if they stayed on the mountain and relied on the geographical advantage to become invincible? However, they went to ambush us... Another thing, the gangsters knew full well Three thousand people came down the mountain and never came back, but they didn't escape immediately. Although they had a geographical advantage, after the previous lessons, no one among them could see that the geographical advantage could not stop us? Didn't they escape immediately? Instead, I was handed the blame in the end, which is so unreasonable!"

Bai Yang's eyes flickered.

"So what Brother Bai means..."

Fengli's eyes were slightly solemn, and he looked at Bai Yang thoughtfully.

"It means that there is a person behind this who is leading everything, and he is planning something. He is not willing to go against the dynasty, so what he is planning must be worth the risk of going against the dynasty. After all, going against the dynasty will only bring disaster. It won’t do any good”!

Bai Yang looked directly into Fengli's eyes and said.

The atmosphere condensed, and Lan Shuang Niu Jian subconsciously protected Bai Yang behind him.

"Then, if we find that person, won't we understand everything?"

Fengli looked at Bai Yang calmly and said, turning a blind eye to Lan Shuang Niu Jian's alert gaze.

"Indeed, I'm curious about what purpose that person has."

Bai Yang nodded.

"Brother Bai, what should we do to find that person? If I can help, I will never postpone it."

Fengli said with a smile.

"Didn't we capture four live gang leaders? Let's start with them."

Bai Yang thought for a while and said.

Soon the four masters were brought in. The fifth master and the sixth master were invisible because of the chili powder. The fourth master and the seventh master were injured by the computer and smelled the inhaled anesthetic. The child hasn't woken up yet.

After a few buckets of cold water were poured down, the four people woke up one after another and looked around blankly.

"I'll ask you a few questions. I think you will definitely cooperate with me, right?"

Bai Yang looked at the four bandit leaders who had woken up and smiled.

"You..., just ask whatever you want..."

People under the eaves had to bow their heads. The situation was over. The gang leaders knew that resistance was futile, so they might as well cooperate obediently.

"Very good, first question, how many leaders do you have in Hongyan Mountain?"

Bai Yang nodded and asked.

"There are seven heads. I am the fourth child, she is the fifth child, he is the sixth child, and she is the seventh child. The boss, second, and third are not here."

The fourth master pointed to the other three people and said.

I checked the information with others and found that the first, second, and third bosses of Hongyan Mountain had all died before...

The person who died could not have been the one who led all of this, and the person who could lead all of this was probably not that easy to catch. In other words, the people who made the entire Hongyan Mountain not hesitate to go against the dynasty were not these few leaders.

"Can any of you tell me that in Hongyan Mountain, besides you, who else's words have weight?"

Bai Yang asked again.

"There's no one left? There are only seven of us, and we have the final say."

Head Six, who was all red and swollen, said with difficulty.

"Think about it carefully, there must be such a person. His status is not low, but his sense of presence is very low. His words usually don't work, but at critical moments, you won't despise him after listening to his words. Think about it carefully, and if you think about it, tell me who that person is. who".

Bai Yang asked again.

The heads of the house looked at each other, then looked at Bai Yang and said almost in unison:

"military adviser"!

"Yes, it's the military advisor. Normally, this person is submissive, and any of us can yell at him. But once we encounter a big problem, we will habitually ask his opinion, although in the end many times we will not listen to him. of"

The seventh master quickly added.

Bai Yang and Fengli looked at each other...

"Come on, take them with you, look for me among the unconscious gangsters, and find that strategist for me."

Bai Yang immediately ordered.

If nothing else, the person who really controls the gangsters in Hongyan Mountain is this military advisor with a low sense of presence!

Many times, the person who can really dominate everything is not the person with the highest status on the surface. As long as you have a brain, it is not difficult to influence the situation secretly...

Undoubtedly, such people are the most terrifying!

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