Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 129: military adviser


The sun is setting in the west and it will be dark soon.

On Hongyan Mountain, in a courtyard, Bai Yang and others gathered together.

"Master, we took these four bandit leaders from Hongyan Mountain and checked all the bandits we caught one by one, but we didn't find the so-called strategist they said!"

Lan Shuang looked at Bai Yang and frowned.

"Not found"

Bai Yang raised his eyebrows and looked up at the four gangster leaders who were kneeling on the ground.

"Mr. Bai, what we told is the truth. We definitely didn't lie to you. It's just that we don't know why we can't find the military advisor."

The Fourth Master's face twitched in pain, and he almost cried while lying on the ground looking at Bai Yang, his voice trembling.

This guy himself was injured by a high-speed machine. Now he was stepped on by Niu Jian, twisted with his toes, and even touched the wound. Not to mention the pain.

"Yes, Mr. Bai, we really didn't lie to you. There is indeed a military advisor. He is usually obedient, but I don't know why he is not among the crowd. Maybe he took the opportunity to run away..."

The woman from the Seventh Household's eyes jumped when she saw the miserable situation of the Fourth Housekeeper, and she looked at Bai Yang and said with a mournful face.

"Run? I have made tight arrangements in Hongyan Mountain. Not even a bird can fly out, let alone a person. Now you actually tell me that a person has run away?"

Bai Yang didn't believe it and frowned at the four heads.

Who the hell knows where the military advisor went all this time? We really don’t know. However, Bai Yang doesn’t believe what they say and explanations are useless. They really have nothing to do.

"Brother Bai, it seems that the so-called military advisor must be the person who secretly controls the movements of the Hongyan Mountain bandits. This person has such means. It is not unacceptable to think that he can escape Brother Bai's arrangement."

Fengli thought for a while and looked at Bai Yang and said.

"But the problem is, I can guarantee that when we come to the foot of Hongyan Mountain, people here can only enter but not exit. However, if a living person is gone, can he go to heaven and earth?"

Bai Yang was extremely confused.

Did you see that the airship is still there in the sky, and the drone is placed on it, and the infrared is turned on to monitor the surroundings at any time. Once someone leaves or comes in, they will be discovered immediately, and the people on the airship will report it to Bai Yang, so he dares Surely no one has ever left Red Rock Mountain!

As a result, Bai Yang could only doubt the authenticity of the words of several gang leaders.

"Master, how about I break one of their legs first? Whether the lies are true or not depends on whether their mouths and bones are strong enough."

Niu Jian, a violent maniac, gave Bai Yang advice.


A few gangsters feel so miserable. They really have no human rights when they are treated as prisoners, right? However, they have no power to resist at this time, and they really have no idea how to deal with them...

"I'm right here, you are looking for me"

An old voice suddenly sounded not far away.

Hearing this voice, Niu Jian, Lanshuang, Zhao Shi and others immediately protected Bai Yang behind them and looked for the voice to escape vigilantly.

I saw an old man with gray hair and green clothes sitting at the stone table in the corner of the yard drinking.

"Military advisor, yes, he is the military advisor. Mr. Bai, look, we really didn't lie to you."

Several gangster leaders were so happy that they cried. Military advisor, you are a good person. You finally showed up. If I could move freely, I would beat you to death to thank you...

"Old man, what kind of military advisor are you? You came out of nowhere. Why didn't I see you just now?"

Bai Yang stretched out his neck to look at Niu after he exercised and asked.

"Young man, your name is Bai Yang, right? I have to admit that you are very capable. You almost took down Hongyan Mountain without any blood. Nearly ten thousand vicious gangsters became your prisoners. However, you destroyed me. Plan, what do you think I should do to you?"

The old man did not answer Bai Yang's question, but looked at him expressionlessly.

"Are you the military advisor of Hongyan Mountain? You really look different from ordinary people, although I don't see anything different about you."

Bai Yang looked at the other person up and down and said with a glare.

Having said that, Bai Yang was secretly wary that this old man looked very strange.

However, Bai Yang really didn't see how the other person was different from ordinary people. If he didn't pay attention, he thought the other person was an old farmer selling sweet potatoes in the countryside.

"Brother Bai, be careful. This person is extremely dangerous. I seem to have some impression, but I can't remember it."

Fengli beside him looked at the old man and subconsciously took a step back and said seriously.

"The third son of the Feng family? I didn't expect to grow up so big in a blink of an eye. How is your father?"

The old man turned to Fengli and smiled kindly.

"Huh? You two know each other"

Bai Yang looked at Fengli and asked with a strange expression.

However, Fengli's expression suddenly changed. He took a few steps back in horror as if he had seen a demon. The soft sword hidden in his waist appeared in his hand again. He looked at the old man and said in horror:

"Are you... Midnight"

"Eh? You actually know about me. Your father told you about me"

The old man did not deny it, looked at Fengli and said dumbly.

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand? Brother Feng, who is that old man? Seeing how scared you are, I think I can beat him ten times."

Bai Yang interjected from the side.

"He was the former guard of Deyang Town. He disappeared mysteriously for some unknown reason. Later, my father became the guard. I didn't expect him to appear here. Brother Bai, I'm afraid we will be in big trouble this time."

Fengli said with a shocked expression.

Is this old man so scary? Bai Yang didn't feel anything at all.

"Master, this person is very dangerous, but I can't tell you exactly."

Lan Shuang slowly drew out his sword and said in a deep voice.

"Young man, it is very impolite to interrupt others when they are talking. However, I am more interested in you, so I won't kill you. However, I still have to make you suffer a small pain to prevent you from losing your memory."

Bai Yang, the military advisor of Hongyan Mountain, saw himself as an old man who could fight ten enemies. Fengli was extremely frightened and frightened Zhong Midnight, the previous guard of Deyang Town. At this time, he looked at Bai Yang and said coldly.

After the words fell, Zhong Midnight opened his mouth, and a long red sword flew out of his mouth. It flew through the air instantly without making any sound, and flew straight to Bai Yang in the crowd.

"Holy shit, there's a sword vomiting out of your stomach? What happened?"

Bai Yang was confused at the time. This is so unscientific. How did you eat it

"Master, be careful"

Lan Shuang said with an extremely serious face, and the sharp sword in his hand struck the red sword like lightning.

However, the strange thing is that the red long sword Te Te can actually turn, silently avoid the long sword in Lan Shuang's hand, and fly towards Bai Yang again.

"Holy shit, this is remote controlled, right?"

Bai Yang was shocked again, what the hell did he do

Just as he was about to dodge back to the earth to hide for a while, he found that his body was shaken and flew to the side.


Only then did an exclamation reach Bai Yang's ears.


There was a muffled sound, and blood flowers bloomed.

"Master, are you okay?"

Bai Yang who flew out was stabilized by Zhao Shi and asked nervously.

"I'm fine"

Bai Yang stood firm, turned around and saw the red sword flying back towards Zhong Midnight, and was miraculously swallowed into his mouth.

"It's rare that someone is willing to die for you. Since someone has suffered for you, I will let you go for the time being. I will never be frivolous next time."

The clock struck midnight.

However, Bai Yang didn't listen. He frowned. He took a few steps over, pushed aside the crowd, lifted up Lan Xin who was lying on the ground and asked:

"Brother Lan, are you okay?"

"I can't die, I just got stabbed in the shoulder."

Lan Xin smiled at Bai Yang with a pale face. Her blue robe was quickly stained with blood from the shoulders, but she still stubbornly wanted to stand up...

(This is the last chapter of the public chapter. I once again ask for recommendation votes and collection support. It will be released in the early morning. I hope all brothers and sisters can support subscribing and voting for a monthly ticket. Shitou will be grateful)