Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 132: Merit


The scene was silent, and everyone was at a loss.

"what happened"

At this time, these four words were echoing in the minds of everyone present. The situation had inexplicably turned around. Who was going to explain

Not to mention them, even Bai Yang himself was confused. Why did the lightning-fast sword disappear inexplicably? And what does Zhong Midnight's weak state, as if he had been wheeled around by dozens of big men, mean

"Master, are you okay?"

The kitten immediately ran to Bai Yang's side and expressed concern.

Seeing the kitten appearing next to Bai Yang, Lanxin Niuhuahua in the crowd stopped and looked to the side without leaving a trace.

"I'm fine"

Bai Yang shook his head, looked at Zhong Midnight who was lying on the ground and was vomiting blood, and said in a deep voice:

"kill him"!

Lan Shuang reacted the fastest and immediately stood up, holding a sharp sword and stabbing Zhong Midnight in the head.

"Don't kill me. I swear that I will never be your enemy again. If I disobey you, the sky will strike like lightning, and both humans and gods will abandon you. Even as long as you agree, I am willing to follow you for the rest of my life, and will never betray you as a slave."

At the moment of life and death, Zhong Midnight screamed immediately, even as the blood flowed from his mouth.

These words made Lan Shuang's sharp sword stop an inch above Zhong Midnight's head, and he looked at Bai Yang hesitantly.

The oaths here cannot be made randomly. Bai Yang knows this, which is also the reason for Lan Shuang's hesitation, but Bai Yang does not believe in this evil Shinto monk and would rather not know many things than put himself in danger.


Bai Yang said without hesitation.

"Brother Bai, wait a minute, you can believe his words. He has sworn that he will never harm you again. Otherwise, he will be the first to be unlucky"!

Fengli said quickly from the side.

"Master, do you want to kill or not?"

Lan Shuang looked at Bai Yang and asked.

No matter what Fengli said, as long as Bai Yang said one word, he would kill him immediately.

"Collect everything on him and tie him up. If there is any movement, kill him as soon as possible."

Bai Yang weighed it in his mind for a moment and said.

After he spoke, Niu Jian violently collected all the things on Zhong Midnight and tied him into a rice dumpling with a leather rope as thick as his thumb. He put a special collar around his neck and arranged for a few more people to use it. The knife was pressed against various vital parts of Zhong Midnight.

At this point, everyone present was slightly relieved, but they still did not dare to let down their guard.

"Master, this is what he has on him."

Niu Jian took the things found from Zhong Midnight and showed them to Bai Yang.

There were very few things, just a money bag and two gold papers. There were dozens of green, black and blue Chen Dynasty coins in the money bag, nothing special.

There are some mysterious lines drawn on the two pieces of gold paper, like ghost drawings, which makes people dizzy.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

"What's this"

Bai Yang took the gold paper with mysterious lines and asked the clock midnight.

"It is a protective golden light talisman. Use special means to activate it and it can turn into a protective golden light that lasts ten breaths."

Zhong Midnight looked at Bai Yang and answered without thinking.

There's something wrong with this meow. Why does Mao Zhongzhi look so shameless that he knows everything and will tell you anything as long as you ask me

"What do you see in me"

Bai Yang looked at Zhong Midnight and asked.

Faced with this problem, Zhong Midnight glanced at the others and kept silent. The meaning was self-evident.

Bai Yang understood that he didn't want others to hear it, so he thought for a while and said:

"Zhao Shi, Hu Zi, Zhu Zhu, the three of you bring your things and bring Zhong Midnight with me. The others stay here!"

"Okay young master"

Zhao Shi and the others answered, and the three of them took the bazookas that had been loaded with rocket launchers from the others and put them on their shoulders. They also picked up the clock and prepared to follow Bai Yang.

"Young Master, you can't do that, it's dangerous!"

Lan Shuang persuaded him immediately.

"I can feel that he doesn't seem to be a threat to me"!

Baiyang looks at Lan