Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 135: Where is my car?


In city S, in the wilderness, Bai Yang walked out of the warehouse rented by Bai Yang with his cell phone lowered and staring at the screen with a strange look on his face.

"Something's wrong. It's been so long and Song Daodao didn't call or text me. Was he abducted by aliens? It doesn't make sense..."

Bai Yang was murmuring in his heart, feeling extremely surprised.

No, every time Bai Yang came over there, he would be bombarded with phone calls and text messages from Song Dao, but today there were none, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Song Daodao's latest phone call was from a few days ago.

What, you want to ask how long Bai Yang has been there and why the phone still has power? There is a generator over there, right...

"This guy isn't playing some tricks, is he? Is there something wrong with the winery or is he taking away my bagel and running away?"

Bai Yang had Song Yiduo in mind, so he called Song Yiduo.

The phone beeped for a while and no one answered. When I called again, it rang twice and was hung up.

"Hey grandson, you actually hung up on me"!

Bai Yang was speechless. I was the one who hung up on you in the first place. When will it be your turn? Although you are a second generation, that’s right!

Then Bai Yang called him again, was hung up on again, and called again...

He was so bored that his balls ached, and he was actually enjoying himself playing this kind of game that only children like to play.

More than ten minutes later, Bai Yang made more than a hundred calls, and the call was suddenly answered.

"I fucked your uncle Bai Yang, are you crazy? It's endless, right? If I don't answer your call, it proves that I'm busy here!"

Bai Yang looked at the sky. It was only about ten o'clock in the morning here on Earth. He couldn't help but asked curiously:

"Song Yiyi, you are wrong. Tell me honestly, what bad things are you doing?"

"I'm having sex with you, uncle. I just got a girl and I'm about to make out with you. What do you want to do when you keep calling me one after another? Revenge/revenge/social/meeting? Now that you've disturbed me like this, I have no interest in anything." Yeah, I’m so excited..."

Don't mention Song Yiyi's depression, he just gave Bai Yang a slap in the face on the phone.

"Damn it, Song Yiyi is so talented. It's only what time and you're just thinking about having sex? What's the point of your life? Why didn't you die on a woman's belly... Oh no, you told me to follow you that day. You are sincere about that girl of yours, why did you change it today? Ugh... the world is so chaotic, but fortunately I never believe your bullshit."

Bai Yang caught him talking nonsense.

"I raised that girl, and this one is a friendship cannon. Also, uncle, you went to that plane to play again"

Song Daote asked speechlessly.

"Oh, you know everything"

Bai Yang blinked, does the whole world already know that I can travel through time

"I know Dandan, you don't know what day today is, right?"

Song Yi roared.

"What day is today? Is it important?"

Bai Yang blinked. He really didn't pay attention to this. He looked at the date on his phone. It was October 1st. That's right... Uh...

"Today is a day for the whole country to rejoice. Everyone is on holiday and they are all going out to play. What are you talking about with me? You don't know how to have fun on your own?"

"Is this the reason why you are preparing to have sex with a girl so early in the morning? You are looking for fun, my fun is to make it impossible for you to have fun"!

"Labor and capital..."

After the usual bickering, Bai Yang asked about business and said:

"By the way, what, how is our winery doing? Is 'Cao Huan Dan' on the market?"

Song Dao on the opposite side was silent for a moment and asked in surprise:

"I said you took the wrong medicine today, right? You actually started to ask about it? I thought you forgot."

"Should I remember"

Bai Yang said matter-of-factly.

"I..., well, if you remember it, the day lilies will be cold by the time you remember. Everything is going well in the winery. 'Cao Huan Dan' has also been processed. The first batch of 100,000 bottles was produced using the puree you provided. Part of it You know where to go. For the rest, we are taking the high-end route and are distributing goods. By the way, today is the day to go on sale. If it’s over, you’ll be really bored.