Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 142: Pickup Tyrant


Young people all like to seek stimulation and get pleasure from stimulation. Many times, the surge of hormones is really better than sex.

The mind is swaying and the hairs on the hair stand on end. That kind of strong impact can easily make people get high.

The thrill that hits the soul is not physical, but psychological. Psychological stimulation is often more satisfying than physical stimulation.

Therefore, why do so many rich people like extreme sports? Because playing with women and generally pretending to be slapped in the face can no longer satisfy them, and they can only find fun in excitement.

Poor people generally cannot afford extreme sports, such as simple mountain climbing and surfing. A set of equipment often scares away 80% of people.

More advanced things, such as sea fishing, racing, etc., are beyond the reach of ordinary people and can only be envied and yearned for.

Higher and higher extreme sports, such as skydiving, wingsuit flying, just hiring people for training, equipment, etc. are scary to death.

So, why do extreme sports easily make people crazy? Because they are exciting, because ordinary people can’t play them, because they are high enough, and because they are really awesome!

There are hundreds of cars of all kinds parked on the roadside and in the open space, ranging from many unique bicycles and motorcycles, to sedans and commercial vehicles, to off-road sports cars. It can almost be said to be a large-scale auto show.

The heavy metal music was simply exploding, the motors were roaring, the screams were roaring, and it was like a chaotic dance of demons.

Although this kind of scene is very chaotic, one thing I have to admit is that when integrated into such an atmosphere, people are particularly easy to go crazy and lose their minds.

It is easy for ordinary people to do some crazy things when they blend into such an atmosphere. For example, girls are particularly easy to lose themselves and do that and that, and even many people do that and that.

It’s all about the atmosphere…

This is the life of people in the circle, which is inaccessible to ordinary people. Once exposed, hey, you will either blend in or be excluded...!

I don't know when, the crazy music gradually started to stop, the screams and roars gradually calmed down, and the roar of the motor slowly disappeared.

In the end, this scene, which was originally a chaotic scene of demons dancing around, turned into an eerie silence, with a hum of low-pitched discussions in the silence.

Finally, almost everyone's eyes turned to the other side of the road, and everyone was trying their best to suppress it. Suppressing it, a kind of expectation, crazy, and uncontrollable roaring emotions spread in their hearts.

But it was suppressed, suppressed, and the weird atmosphere made people feel uncomfortable all over and made the hairs on the hair stand on end...

As time passed, this weird atmosphere not only did not subside, but became even weirder. The invisible aura spread, which was simply crazy.

Slowly, a tattered pickup truck appeared in people's sight on the other side of the road, and the weird atmosphere reached its peak!

Just like a volcano that has been suppressed to its limit and is about to erupt, it is still suppressed.

It makes people vomit blood from depression!

The pickup truck was black, with a lot of paint peeling off, almost all of the glass broken, and branches and leaves stuck in many gaps in the car.

However, this pickup truck not only did not make people feel funny, but instead, like a king returning from bloodshed, with a fierce, domineering and violent attitude, he rushed into everyone's sight and approached everyone's eyes. The heart rushed into everyone's soul.

Boom boom boom…

The roaring sound of the motor came from far away, and the pickup truck rushed into the field in a crazy manner. No one could avoid it, as if the believers had seen their faith. They watched the pickup truck rush past them with enthusiasm, and there was even a feeling that the pickup truck rushed past them. The urge to kill!


The pickup truck stopped, and two deep marks were left on the ground by the extremely grippy wheels.

The car door clicked open, and Bai Yang came down with a smile on his face.

"Roar… "

The extremely oppressive atmosphere suddenly exploded, and real demons danced wildly, with screams and roars coming one after another!

“The car god of Coastal Avenue…”

"Pica Tyrant..."

"Six-wheeled God of War..."

"King's return… "

"I love you… "

In short, in short, the extremely oppressive atmosphere suddenly exploded. Everyone could only roar with red faces and thick necks. They had no idea what they were yelling about, and their hearts were completely buried in excitement.

That hearty feeling needs to be vented and exploded at this moment. It's not enough to express your excitement without roaring.

The rich and powerful second generation, or elites, have all lost the masks they used to have before, expressing and venting their truest side.

Many girls were so excited that they fainted, some were so excited, and some were so excited that they just tore off their fig leaves and threw them into the sky, roaring and screaming along with the violent atmosphere!

"Pica Tyrant..."

"Pica Tyrant..."

Finally, all the voices were unified, and these four words resounded through the sky, drowning everything!

There was no referee in this game, but there were dedicated people observing every section of the road and reporting the situation. The pickup truck's short-term crazy behavior was reported back here. It was shocking, like a sharp knife piercing it. Shocked to their souls, a group of young elites and rich men burst into tears.

It's so exciting, so domineering, so awesome...

I ran wildly at the highest point of the whole journey, running the entire distance without changing gears or slowing down, and in the end I even rushed straight down the cliff like crazy.

I wonder who else in this world can do it? Who else

Only Akinayama...well, only the coastal car god pickup truck tyrant!

You are the king, you are the light, you are the electricity... Damn, I am off topic again...

Bai Yang, who got off the car, was stunned for a moment at this atmosphere, then smiled, and gradually raised his right hand.

As he raised his right hand, the scene gradually became quiet. Everyone looked at Bai Yang with blushing faces, expecting him to say something.

However, Bai Yang raised his right hand to the highest level, and then...

He raised a middle finger.

"You are all rubbish"

Bai Yang smiled.


Everyone roared and shouted wildly. Not only did they not feel angry, but they didn't feel that they were being humiliated. There was even a voice inside telling themselves that this is how it should be. The pickup truck tyrant should be so cool and awesome.

Damn it, I was fucked by a pickup truck tyrant, this is glory, this is baptism!

"boss… "

Xiong Da and the others came over and surrounded Bai Yang not knowing what to say. It was really exciting. The mysterious boss in their eyes really made them realize what is crazy and what is really awesome.

It's no big deal to drive a pickup truck down a cliff dozens of meters high. I'm just asking you if you're afraid!

"Hey, ****, how about it? Isn't this pretty?"

Bai Yang Dese said.

He is also a young man, okay

"Tall, higher than Mount Everest. Boss, you are the tallest in the world. I only obey you."

"I, Zhao Yuetian, am convinced..."

"I, Ye Liangchen, am also convinced..."

"Boss, can we have a py transaction..."

A group of buddies gathered around Bai Yang and did all kinds of mischief.

"Damn it, get out of here..."

Bai Yang was speechless.

Then Bai Yang waved and led Xiong Da and his gang towards the crowd.

The crowd moved aside automatically. At this moment, no one was blocking Bai Yang's way. He was undoubtedly the well-deserved king here, and he should be baptized by the admiration of everyone.

At the edge of the venue, there was a table, and a fat white man in a floral shirt sat there with a constipated look on his face.

Bai Yang came to him, threw the proof of Xiong Da's bet on the table and said:

"Hey buddy, I'm here to get the money."

Tsk tsk, Bai Yang bet more than 20 million on himself, with odds of 1 to 20. Did you get nearly 500 million in this damn change of hands

"Tyrant... no, brother, dear brother, can you please slow down"

Fatty Bai looked at Bai Yang pitifully and said.

"Breaking your limbs can give you half a day of relief."

Bai Yang smiled.

"Brother, you are so cruel. Not only did you not make a penny at the opening today, but you also had to put in tens of millions. You bet a total of 24.34 million. Rounding up, I am also your admirer. Two Ten times, I will give you 500 million directly. What is your account number? I will transfer it to you and the bank will automatically deduct the tax. This is not black money, it is a necessary procedure."

Fatty Bai said with despair.

"Okay, the account number is xxxxx, by the way, how many bets did you collect in total before the opening?"

After giving the account number, Bai Yang couldn't help but curiously asked.

"Almost all of them were won by betting on Wang Qing's grandson. I collected 480 million in bets. I originally thought I could make some money, but now I'm all in."

Fatty Bai said speechlessly.

They were all burned by a bunch of rich people. A few hundred people collected nearly 500 million in a short period of time. How many people in this world don't even have enough to eat...

A few minutes later, I received a text message from the bank. After tax, it was only more than 400 million. Bai Yang didn't care, since the money was almost all for nothing.

"Brother, my name is Tang Shiliu, can I make a friend?"

Fatty Bai looked at Bai Yang who was about to turn around and asked.

"You are a nice person. I, Bai Yang, have time to drink together, but I am usually very busy."

Bai Yang turned around, shrugged and smiled.

"I understand. Brother Bai is really awesome and doesn't explain. You should be busy."

Tang Shiliu looked at Bai Yang giving a thumbs up and said with sincere admiration.

"Sixteen, don't forget that I also bet 10 million on the tyrant to win. According to the odds, it is 200 million. When will you give it to me?"

A magnetic voice sounded from the side, and then a handsome young man dressed in white appeared next to him.

This is the person who missed it and bet on himself to win. Bai Yang recognized it.

"Master Wu, I have no money now, please wait a minute"

Tang Shiliu said with a playful smile.

"Go away, who doesn't know that you, Tang Shiliu, claim to be unprofitable and can't afford to start early? Hurry up and get me your private money, or else I'll go pick up your sister."

The handsome guy in white said angrily.

"Isn't it just money? I'll give it to you. Don't try to take advantage of my sister."

Tang Shiliu immediately stared and said.

Wu Shao, who was dressed in white, smiled, looked at Bai Yang, stretched out his hand and said with a smile:

"Wu Le (yue), make a friend"

"Bai Yang, Mr. Wu is very discerning."

Bai Yang stretched out his hand to shake hands with the other party and smiled.

"Don't call me Mr. Wu. I should be older than you and take advantage of you. Call me Angkor and you won't suffer."

Wu Le smiled.

"Haha, Angkor"

Bai Yang said with a smile that the other party was older than him and he really didn't think anything was wrong.

The fat white man Tang Shiliu next to him winked, Wu Le's identity was not simple.

Shaking his head, Wu Le pointed at Tang Shiliu and said:

"This fat guy comes from a very rich family, richer than you can imagine, but he is a girl-controller."

Tang Shiliu was speechless...

(Anyway, Shitou himself was very high when I wrote this chapter. Well, the P.E.K.A. Tyrant is much better than the Hog Rider anyway... It’s the third update, come and count the votes or give rewards) (To be continued.)