Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 150: Keep up with the times


Following the stance of the martial arts practitioners on TV, Bai Yang stuck his butt out and stood in an awkward position with his arms stretched forward.

"Are you doing a zama step? You are taking a shit!"

Liu Qingshan was not angry, so he walked over and patted Bai Yang and said:

"Lift your butt/butt, straighten your waist, and bend your arms a little instead of straight like a zombie. I guess you have never ridden a horse. Do you understand riding a motorcycle? Think about how you hold the steering wheel of a motorcycle. Yes, that's it. Legs, do you want to sit on the ground? Squat down, as wide as your shoulders... "

Liu Qingshan really beat him. It seemed like a light blow, but his body was in burning pain. Bai Yang had no choice but to follow his instructions. He finally stood up and felt uncomfortable.

"Just stay still like this and stand still for me. If you move, I'll take care of you."

Seeing Bai Yang quickly grasping the key and standing still, although he was surprised, Liu Qingshan still said it without giving any face.

"How long do you have to stand? By the way, can't you teach me your martial arts first? Can I go back and practice by myself?"

Bai Yang smiled bitterly.

"You want to run before you even learn to crawl? You're still practicing on your own. Are you trying to make yourself disabled? Stop talking nonsense and stand still!"

Liu Qingshan stared at Bai Yang with his hands behind his back and sneered.

You stinky boy, I can't deal with you

"I'm very busy... Oops, don't hit me. I can't stand still."

Bai Yang was about to cry. Liu Qingshan was really beating him. It was so gentle that it hurt like a bee sting.

Ten minutes later, Bai Yang began to tremble all over, and he couldn't help but sweat.

"I can't do it anymore, I need to take a rest."

He started acting up again.

Bang... Liu Qingshan slapped him directly on the shoulder and said coldly:

"Stand still, this is for your own good, don't be ungrateful."

Who cares? It really hurts. I’ll stand! Can I stop talking too much

Liu Qingshan was still very surprised. Most people would be unable to hold up the horse stance for the first time, especially the standard horse stance in his mind. But Bai Yang could hold it for ten minutes and still had the energy to talk nonsense with him. , worthy of drinking that tonic wine every day!

"The reason why you are asked to do the horse stance is because this seemingly simple movement can exercise a person's stability, the strength of the legs, the strength of the waist, and the strength to stand up. This is fundamental. No matter how many years of practicing martial arts, you can never lose it. Basic skills, think about it, if you can't even stand firmly when fighting someone, and someone pushes you and you fall down, then why are you spanking? You'll just die!"

Liu Qingshan said from the side.

I know all this, it’s all bad on TV, why do you need to tell me? Bai Yang learned his lesson and didn't talk too much.

"In ancient times, there was no saddle when riding a horse, but the cavalry was the most powerful unit. Therefore, in order to avoid falling off the horse during a horse fight, you must have strong waist and leg strength. When standing on a horse, you must stand. Come to a minimum state, imagine yourself riding on a horse, the horse is running wildly and you are as steady as a mountain, this is the state of horse walking!"

"I guess you don't quite understand this. If you have ever ridden a motorcycle, you should know that no matter how bumpy the road is, there are many times when your butt is off the motorcycle without falling. It's that state, similar to riding a horse."

Liu Qingshan was explaining to Bai Yang the essentials of horse steps.

Let me go, you are really keeping up with the times...

"Are you feeling tired? You can answer this question."

Liu Qingshan looked at Bai Yang and asked.


Bai Yang was sweating profusely and said, his whole body was shaking and he didn't dare to move. Liu Qingshan was beating someone...

"That proves that you haven't gotten started yet and haven't mastered the essentials. Not only will you not be tired when you really stand on the horse step, but you will be very relaxed and comfortable."

Liu Qingshan laughed from the side.

"You're bragging"!

If Bai Yang doesn’t believe it, who are you fooling

"Would I lie to you? The horse walk evolved from horseback riding. If riding a horse is more tiring than walking, who would want to ride a horse? To use an analogy, riding a motorcycle is almost the same as riding a horse, but it's not tiring, right? The horse walk is not Stay still, but move and match your breathing... "

When he said this, Liu Qingshan stared at Bai Yang as if he were an alien and said, "What kind of monster are you!"

Bai Yang is so smart. Now, with a little guidance from Liu Qingshan, he understood it after thinking about it for a while.

I recall when I was riding a motorcycle, the state of being able to fly on bumpy roads without falling. The slight rise and fall of the body simulated the state of the motorcycle moving forward. Hey, don't say it, it was really relaxing. Let's think about that kind of speed. The feeling that I felt before was gradually disappearing...

"This kid, if he doesn't practice martial arts, he's simply amassing something from heaven. He's found a treasure!"

Liu Qingshan was surprised and secretly happy at the same time. He did not disturb Bai Yang and just watched from the side.

Once the horse step is done, the more you stand, the more comfortable you will become. However, ordinary people cannot experience this state without years of practice. However, Bai Yang, whose brain has been strengthened by Kai Hui Guo, observes the details and adjusts his state quickly. A wonderful situation.

Not only was he not tired at all, but he was getting more and more comfortable, as if he were riding a horse... Well, the motorcycle was going fast, and his body was rising and falling slightly, as if the motorcycle was bumping on the road. His body was adjusting accordingly. In the end, Bai Yang even thought about it in his mind. The body's ups and downs are adjusted in various situations such as turning on a motorcycle and going downhill...

Anyway, Liu Qingshan was dumbfounded, Bai Yang was a beginner, right? Why is it that all of a sudden, he just stepped into the house and introduced the new

Of course, Liu Qingshan could tell that this state of his body swaying and undulating was not a sign of being unable to stand, but a special rhythm. In this kind of body undulation, it is better to exercise the strength of the legs, waist and abdomen than to stand still. I don’t know how many times it’s better, and I’m not tired!


Unknowingly, it was getting dark. When Bai Yang came to his senses from that comfortable state, the surrounding street lights were already on, and he asked Liu Qingshan:

"How long have I been standing... Ouch..."

Before he finished speaking, his body softened and he fell to the ground with a thud, his whole body hurting.

"You've been standing for five hours, so you can barely pass. Don't move. It's your first time standing for so long. Although your whole body feels comfortable, it's not enough. Muscle soreness is normal."

Liu Qingshan didn't give Bai Yang a chance to be proud. He squatted down while speaking and kept slapping Bai Yang's body with his hands.

Needless to say, with Liu Qingshan's beating, Bai Yang's pain all over his body was gradually getting better.

Come on, five hours is not enough for me. You, Liu Qingshan, just don’t want to see me look proud. Bai Yang muttered in his heart, and then his stomach growled, and he was so hungry.

Ten minutes later, Liu Qingshan slapped Bai Yang all over his body and stood up and said:

"That's it for today. When we get back, drink some of that wine and have a good night's rest. We'll continue tomorrow. Don't be lazy. If you don't come and get caught by me, you probably won't even be able to cry!"

After speaking, Liu Qingshan hummed a tune with his hands behind his back and left.

"I… "

Bai Yang really wants to say I quit, but the problem is that he has to come back, right? Obviously, Liu Qingshan is wasting his time. If he catches him every day, he doesn't need more. Just once is probably enough for him!

"Come here, I'm afraid you won't succeed. Wait until I empty out your things and pass you. See how I deal with you!"

Bai Yang gritted his teeth, endured the pain all over his body, returned to the house, and ducked over there.

I didn't have the energy to have sex with the kitten, so I washed myself under the service of the kitten, ate a delicious barbecue, drank a few cups of minced fruit, and slept beautifully with the kitten in my arms.

It was still dark in the other world, and Bai Yang suddenly woke up. He dreamed of Liu Qingshan chasing him all over the world. He wiped his hands in a cold sweat, "Liu Qingshan, your ghost is still there!"

Looking at the time, no, it’s already starting in the morning on the other side of the earth!

"What's wrong, young master?"

The kitten opened her eyes and asked.

"It's okay. Kitty, please continue to sleep. I'll go do something... Forget it, it's probably too late. Kitten, please get me some food. I'll go when I'm full."

Bai Yang said half a sentence and then changed his words.

"Oh, okay young master"

The kitten got up with a smile on her face and went to get Bai Yang food. Bai Yang was the only one in her world, and she was happy no matter what.

After dawdling for more than an hour, if his endurance was not too long, Bai Yang would have wanted to 'exercise' with the kitten before going back to be abused by Liu Qingshan...

After returning to the villa and changing into a set of loose clothes, Bai Yang came to the yard, where Liu Qingshan was already waiting with a gloomy look.

"Now, Zamabu, five hours"!

Liu Qingshan said calmly when he saw Bai Yang for the first time.

"Why is it so bad? I'm here, right?"

Bai Yang rolled his eyes, stuck his butt out, and recalled yesterday's standing posture. He quickly adjusted himself into the feeling of riding a motorcycle at lightning speed...


Liu Qingshan didn't know how many times he had sighed like this.

Five hours later, Bai Yang collapsed on the ground from exhaustion again. Liu Qingshan gave him another crackling massage. After that, Liu Qingshan threw Bai Yang a book and said:

"You'll have to eat by yourself. Take a three-hour break at noon and continue in the afternoon. When you have nothing to do, memorize the book for me for a week. You won't suffer if you memorize it."

After saying that, Liu Qingshan left again with his hands behind his back.

Martial arts secrets? Bai Yang picked it up and saw that the yarn was actually a printed medical book on human anatomy!

"Why are you showing me this thing? I'm not a surgeon."

Bai Yang asked towards Liu Qingshan's back.

"If a person who practices martial arts doesn't even know the structure of the human body, how many muscles, how many joints, how many bones, how many meridians, where are the various blood points, where are the various organs, if you don't know these, how can you practice martial arts? And people. When fighting, how can you fight if you don’t even know where the opponent’s vital points are?”

Liu Qingshan didn't even look back and left with such irresponsible words.

"Let me go, is this statement about the Ten Martial Arts and the Nine Doctors true?"

Bai Yangte was surprised.

Endorsements are simply too simple for him now. He went to another world, and the kitten served him to eat. After he was done, the kitten massaged him and fed him fruits. He turned page after page for hours. I memorized all the medical books on human anatomy in my mind. I threw the book away and looked at the kitten laughing. If I have time now, I can do some exercise...

(Ask for monthly ticket) (To be continued.)