Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 155: Acting requires a complete set


"What you said is absolutely true"

At night, in the courtyard of the deep house, Fengli frowned and asked in a deep voice as he looked at the man kneeling in front of him to report.

"Everything from my subordinate is true. I saw it with my own eyes. After Bai Yang arrived at Hongyan Mountain, after the young master left, the gangsters woke up the next day, and he started to let the gangsters dig into Hongyan Mountain. Today, the back mountain of Hongyan Mountain collapsed. , a deep pit appeared. Bai Yang immediately ordered people to seal it off and not allow him to approach. When night came, there was a brilliance blooming in the deep pit. Even if it was blocked by wooden boards, it could not cover up the brilliance. His subordinates did not dare to delay and came back as soon as possible. Report to the young master!”

The man in black kneeling on one knee said firmly, just short of swearing.

"I understand, please go down."

Fengli frowned and waved.

When the man went down, he was silent for a moment and said to the door:

"Come here, go and ask sir to come over."

"Slave, please go right away. Master, wait a moment."

A maid answered outside the door, and the footsteps left quickly.

Fengli stood up and walked around the room with a frown, his brows furrowed and his eyes flickering, not knowing what he was thinking.

Less than ten minutes later, the old man who had been following him came to the room and asked immediately:

"I wonder why the young master called me here?"

"Sir, please sit down. I have some situations that I would like to ask you for help and reference."

Fengli smiled and regained his composure.

"If that's the case, young master might as well come and listen."

The old gentleman sat down.

"Sir, Bai Yang's origins are mysterious. His origins can only be traced back to Gordo Village in Mihelin. There is no other information, as if he appeared out of thin air. Ever since the Che family incident, I have been secretly paying attention to this person. I have always wanted to find out his true identity, but this man is extremely shrewd and his style makes it difficult to figure out what kind of person he is!"

Fengli thought for a while and said.

The old gentleman did not disturb him and listened carefully.

Fengli then continued:

"After that, I found him and wanted to test him with the Red Rock Mountain. As you can see, this person acted unconventionally and left no trace. You can never guess what he wants to do next."

"Hongyan Mountain itself is a trap I set for him, one after another. First, the gangsters were resolved by him, then Zhong Midnight, a Shinto monk, was resolved by him. Finally, the entire Hongyan Mountain itself is a trap. Gold and iron smelting has always been taboo. It is controlled by the dynasty officials. No matter how bad it is, it is still in the hands of the aristocratic family. No one else can touch it at all. Anyone who touches it will die."

"That Bai Yang is interested in Hongyan Mountain. Originally, I thought he was interested in the iron ore in Hongyan Mountain and wanted to brave the world to smelt gold and iron. I wanted to wait for him to smelt gold and iron and give him the final blow." Let's see how he resolves it, but now it seems that it is not the case. After arriving at Hongyan Mountain, he did not make any move to smelt gold or iron, but instead asked people to dig the mountain. This time, it seems that he is looking for something... and then... "

Next, Fengli put aside the situation reported by his previous subordinates, and finally asked:

"Sir, please help me analyze it. What is he doing?"

After listening to Fengli's words, the old gentleman fell into deep thought. After a long silence, he said:

"Master, as you said, Bai Yang seems to be really looking for something in Hongyan Mountain. After all, he immediately called thousands of people to occupy the place and asked nearly ten thousand gangsters to dig into the mountain. Now he is in Hongyan Mountain again. There was a vision behind the rock mountain. If he was really looking for something, it probably had something to do with the vision. However, this person acted unscrupulously, and it is not ruled out that he saw through your plan, young master, and set up a ** array. Turn around and deal with the young master!"

"What do you think I should do, sir?"

Fengli asked.

"The young master already has a plan in mind, so why bother asking me?"

The old gentleman shook his head and smiled.

"Ha..., in that case, let's go to Hongyan Mountain early tomorrow morning. If it is really a treasure that can induce visions, Bai Yang has no virtue to possess it. If not, then we can test it out to see who this person is. Didn’t you already see through my plan?”

Fengli said with a smile on his face.

"Then I will accompany the young master to Hongyan Mountain early tomorrow morning!"

The old man nodded.

"Well, but before that, we have to make arrangements and make various responses based on the specific situation..."

Fengli thought for a while and said.

The next day, before dawn, Fengli left Deyang Town with a hundred of his men and headed for Hongyan Mountain. He had already made various arrangements in Deyang Town. As long as he gave the signal, the people here would follow the instructions. Take appropriate action based on the signal he sends out.

No one is a fool. It is impossible to arbitrarily believe what will happen based on your own guesses. Sometimes, even what you see with your own eyes may not be true. You must be sure again and again before you can be sure!

On Hongyan Mountain, the morning sun was rising. After Baiyang woke up, he washed and ate under the care of the kitten, and then found Niu Jian Lanshuang and the others, leading a group of people to the big pit in the back mountain!

"What exactly is inside? I can hear vague movements from so far away, and I can even feel subtle vibrations on the ground, as if something is about to break out of the ground. In addition, there was a brilliance blooming inside last night. Is it possible? Is there really a rare treasure?"

Niu Jian looked at the large crater covered with wooden boards dozens of meters away and scratched his head.

"You can't be sure without seeing it with your own eyes, but if there really is a rare treasure, what do you think it would be?"

Bai Yang looked at them with serious eyes and asked.

"Perhaps it is a legendary Shinto artifact, or a magical weapon left here by a supreme martial arts expert, or it may be a natural treasure!"

Lan Shuang thought for a while and said.

"No matter what it is, since it appears here, you must figure it out!"

Bai Yang said in a deep voice.

But I was sighing secretly in my heart, Damn, acting is so tiring, how easy is it to trick people? I...

It's not that he deliberately wanted to hide anything, it's just that if a little bit of news about this matter leaked, it might not work. He had to be careful, but Lan Shuang and the others performed very well in their true colors.

"So what will Brother Bai do next?"

Lan Xin beside her couldn't help but ask.

Others also looked at Bai Yang. Since the incident with the Che family, everyone felt that it was right to listen to Bai Yang in everything.

"In this way, let's find someone to go down and explore the situation first before making any plans."

Bai Yang thought for a while and said.

"How about I go down and take a look first?"

Niuhuahua volunteered from the side.

"Forget it, we don't know if there is any danger down there, so we can't take risks. So, let's find a few criminal gangsters to go down there. Such people are perfect for exploring the road."

Bai Yang looked at the groups of gangsters wearing collars in the distance and said.

This proposal was unanimously approved by everyone, and soon several gangsters who looked like they were not good guys were pulled over in fear.

You might die if you go down, or you'll die immediately if you don't go down. It's your choice!

Is this still a choice? Nothing to say, just go down...

The first gangster climbed down the rope, but then he went down without making any sound.

"Pull up"

Ten minutes later, Bai Yang frowned.

The people above used the rope tied to the culprit to pull him up. Soon the culprit was pulled up. His body was charred black, his hair was standing on end, he was foaming at the mouth and already dead.

"What on earth is going on? A person died silently?"

Niu Huahua said in horror. She had volunteered to go down before.

A person died silently like this. I ask you if you are afraid.

"Let one more person go down and try."

Bai Yang worked hard to perform the trick well.

"I don't want to go down, let me go, please let me go, I won't be a gangster anymore..."

The second gangster begged, but it was useless. The knife was on his neck. Are you going to go or not

However, this person had the same result when he went down. He made no sound when he went down, and when he was pulled up, his whole body was charred and his hair stood on end!

"Master, Master Fengli from Deyang Town is here to visit. He is at the front mountain preparing to go up the mountain."

At this moment, a mountain man came to report.

Bai Yang thought in his heart, you are indeed here, the hole has been dug, when are you going to jump

However, his expression changed slightly and he looked at the others and said:

"Hide this place so that Fengli doesn't behave strangely. If anyone leaks the news, everyone will know the result, right?"

"Don't worry, young master, I will personally guard here. Anyone who dares to come near will be shot to death."

Niu Jian put the metal stick on his shoulder and said with cold eyes.

"Very good, let's go and take Fengli away first."

Bai Yang said, leading the people towards the front mountain.

Soon Bai Yang saw Fengli in the front mountain and said with a smile:

"I didn't know that Brother Feng is coming here, but I am sorry for missing you from afar."

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I didn't notify you in advance. It's my fault."

Fengli shook his head and smiled, with a calm expression just like Bai Yang.

Both of them have evil intentions, but they both look calm and calm. Their lives are all about acting...

"Brother Feng, have you had breakfast?"

Bai Yang asked.

Since you want to talk nonsense with me, then I will continue to talk nonsense with you.

"I've already used it. No need to worry about it. I experienced the gangster thing that day. After I went back, I thought about it carefully. I was impressed by Brother Bai's wisdom. I wish I could talk for three days. Today, with the good weather, I can't wait to come and visit."

Fengli smiled.

Why do you sound like you want to have sex with me

"Some of the tricks made Brother Feng laugh. Come on, I'll have someone prepare some food and wine. Let's talk while drinking."

Bai Yang continued to talk nonsense with him.

"It would be disrespectful to say so."

Fengli nodded.

Then the two of them ate, drank, and chatted around, pretending to be nothing.

"Is it possible that I'm overthinking it? There aren't any rare treasures in Hongyan Mountain. Otherwise, how could Bai Yang be so calm... Yes, the other party must be pretending to confuse me and continue digging after I leave. It’s a treasure, but I’m not sure yet, I have to test it out.”

Fengli's mind changed, he picked up the wine glass and said:

"After that day, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that Brother Bai's strategy to take down Hongyan Mountain was brilliant. He was able to win such a dangerous situation without any blood. I admire you. I would rather have Brother Bai take me to experience the beauty of Hongyan Mountain." How is your style?"

Grandson, you are too impatient, but this is what I am waiting for!

"Hongyan Mountain is bare, so there's no need to look at it, right?"

Bai Yang frowned slightly and said in embarrassment...

(I am just a small stone, a very humble stone. You may criticize or criticize the unsatisfactory parts, but please do not attack the author personally. After all, I have not provoked you. Thank you for your words. , please vote for the last three updates) (To be continued.)