Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 157: Get your capital back with profits


Hearing Bai Yang's words, Feng Wushou was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Bai Yang to have this idea.

This expression passed fleetingly, and then Feng Wushou smiled and said:

"The county magistrate has a lot of things to do every day, so don't bother him with small matters. Mr. Bai, the dynasty has laws. Gold and iron smelting cannot be left in private hands. It is a disaster rather than a blessing for you to occupy Hongyan Mountain!"

Bai Yang knew that just a purchase and sale deed was not enough to hurt the Feng family. After all, no matter where and at any time, it was inevitable for officials to protect each other. The Feng family could pay a small price to get rid of this matter. To settle matters, we can't make too big a fuss about the deed.

This has nothing to do with laws and regulations, it is purely an unspoken rule. If you, an ordinary person, suppress the officials, where can you put the face of other officials

The reason for raising this issue is that Bai Yang just wants to gain some benefits. Although I can't make a fuss about this matter, I can still disgust you!

"Uncle Feng is right, but you have also seen the situation here. I don't dare to get involved in the mines, but there are so many people here. I don't have anywhere to live if I leave Hongyan Mountain for the time being."

Baiyang is the answer.

"This is easy to handle. Wherever Mr. Bai likes to go around Deyang Town, I can make the decision and allocate an area of the same size to you."

Feng Wushou smiled.

As a guard, it is not difficult to do this with a little manipulation. As long as it is not about taboos, he will not have any trouble.

"Uncle Feng, I have a lot of people here, and it's very troublesome to move them. How about you give me a few more days to arrange things, Uncle Feng?"

Bai Yang never mentioned anything that would benefit him. It would be meaningless to say it out loud. It would only be fun if the other party would automatically send it to him.

How many days will I allow you? I'm afraid you'll have taken all the good stuff away by then. What's the point of using this barren mountain that I can't move or eat

Feng Wushou shook his head and said:

"No, the mining matter is of great importance. If you are not careful, it will lead to disaster. For your own good, Mr. Bai, you should move out immediately. In this way, how about I help you make up for any expenses and losses? "

What I was waiting for was your words, but Bai Yang struggled and said:

"I haven't done anything against the law. Is it okay to delay it for a few days? Uncle Feng, look, after finding a good place, I have to move all the people there, and I also need to build houses and feed and clothe so many people. Cost…”

Both sides never mentioned the matters behind the mountain, and talked nonsense about these seemingly serious but in fact insignificant matters.

Bai Yang wanted to give the other party the illusion that he was unwilling to leave because of the important treasure in the back mountain pit, but the other party really wanted to get the 'important treasure' in the back mountain, so he tried every means to make Bai Yang leave.

Although this played into Bai Yang's plan, Bai Yang needed to grasp how to get the benefits and be forced to leave.

Before they could explain the reason, Lan Qingfeng and Niulanshan from the bottom of the mountain brought people there one after another.

"Father, why are you here?"

Niu Jian, Lan Shuang and the others asked one after another.

Seeing them coming, Feng Wushou's expression changed.

Bai Yang's heart brightened at this moment, and the secret message came at the right time. He put aside Feng Wushou and looked at Lan Qingfeng and Niulanshan with his hands in greeting:

"Uncle Lan, Uncle Niu"

"Haha, you are Bai Yang, right? Yes, yes, but your body is a bit weak."

Niulanshan walked over and laughed, without making any move like patting the shoulder.

Bai Yang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If you slap me on the shoulder, I will definitely hide. Otherwise, if you slap me on the shoulder, I will be slapped to death by you...

"Mr. Bai, what happened here?"

Lan Qingfeng looked at Bai Yang and asked with a smile on his face.

"Uncles, it's okay. There's just a little trouble. It will be solved soon."

Bai Yang said "Gu Zuoyan", but secretly said in his heart: "Don't make trouble for me. It took a lot of effort to get to this point."

"In that case, you can solve your own problems first, and we'll just watch here. It doesn't matter. We'll take care of you, and you won't suffer any loss."

Lan Qingfeng nodded thoughtfully and said.

This is the kind of person who does not interfere, but takes a stand. Although he does not know what happened, he must know what I am planning and does not help randomly.

As the head of a large family, Lan Qingfeng still has this vision, and Niulanshan is the same, silent, but from Bai Yang's side, he may appear to be a reckless man without a brain, but he is actually very shrewd!

Bai Yang secretly praised in his heart, turned to look at Feng Wushou and said:

"Uncle Feng, please take it easy. I have a guest here. How about we talk about it tomorrow?"

Feng Wushou obviously came well prepared, and did not give Bai Yang a chance. He waved someone to bring him a map, spread it out and looked at Bai Yang and said:

"Mr. Bai, choose a place."

His tone was a bit threatening, and he never mentioned anything about Hongyan Mountain, fearing that the two guys next to him would 'make trouble'.

Although people have not fought with officials since ancient times, there is a saying that a chivalrous person breaks the law with force. If you offend these martial arts masters, they will kill you and you will have no place to cry.

"Uncle Feng, what do you mean?"

Bai Yang's face changed and he said solemnly.

"Whatever place Mr. Bai likes, I will give it to you at my discretion. As for the cost you spent on purchasing this place, I will refund it to you in full."

Feng Wushou narrowed his eyes and said.

The arrival of Niulan Mountain and Lan Qingfeng put a certain amount of pressure on him, and he had lost his patience with Baiyang Moji. If he knew that there was a treasure in Hongyan Mountain and interfered, I'm afraid things would change. Only by getting the 'heavy treasure' at the back of Hongyan Mountain as soon as possible can you feel at ease.

Bai Yang was silent and didn't speak.

"Mr. Bai, you should also understand that the deed is not of much use."

Feng Wushou leaned slightly closer to Bai Yang and whispered.

This is a blatant threat. Bai Yang's face changed, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Feng Wushou without saying anything.

Feng Wushou wanted to tell Bai Yang, if I say Qi Wen doesn't count, he won't. If you don't know how to praise me anymore, what's waiting for you won't be as simple as me talking to you nicely!

"All right"

After a moment of silence, Bai Yang said these two words with a gloomy look.

The opportunity was rare, so I gave it up when I saw it. While I was secretly happy, I looked around on the map and saw a place near the Bibo River on the map. There was an open area there, backed by mountains, and there were mountains and mountains. There are trees in the water... um...

“Just here”

Bai Yang pointed to that place and said solemnly.

“That’s good”

Feng Wushou nodded, secretly relieved, it was finally done.

Obviously he was afraid that he would have too many dreams at night, so he immediately went to the side to write a new deed, stamped it with the official seal on the spot, walked over and handed it to Bai Yang and said at the same time:

"I brought all the money you gave me last time. I'll take it with you when you leave."

Bai Yang nodded gloomily, and when he reached for the deed, Feng Wushou retracted his hand. Bai Yang immediately understood, went to find the deed from Hongyan Mountain and handed it over. In this way, the two parties exchanged the deed.

After getting the new deed, Bai Yang gritted his teeth and had a gloomy look on his face, while Feng Wushou had a warm smile on his face, determined in his heart that Bai Yang couldn't do any tricks at this moment.

"Pack your things, let's move to that Bibo Bend!"

Bai Yang looked at the people around him and said in a deep voice.

"Bai Yang, what's going on?"

Niulanshan looked at Baiyang and asked.

"well… "

Bai Yang shook his head and sighed, without saying anything, with an expression of 'no love left in life'.

Feng family father and son, you are seeking your own death. You really can’t blame me.

Yes, Bai Yang sighed for Fengli and his son, and for their death-seeking behavior.

Over there, Lan Shuang Niu Jian and the others whispered in their father's ears. Then Lan Qingfeng and Niulan Shan's expressions changed. They looked at Bai Yang, then at Feng Wushou. Finally, Lan Qingfeng pointed at Bai Yang and hated Iron cannot become steel said:

"You, why are you so stupid? Why didn't you discuss this with us before?"

Bai Yang was silent, looking regretful.

There were too many people and too many things on Hongyan Mountain. Under Feng Wushou's 'supervision', it took five hours to finally clean up. Then Bai Yang and others took away almost everything they could on Hongyan Mountain. The things left in a mighty manner down the mountain.

Feng Wushou didn't care at all about Bai Yang's almost childish behavior. This was normal.

After exchanging the deeds, Bai Yang and others were unable to take a step closer to the back mountain!

"Bai Yang, I'm very curious. Although Feng Wushou is an official and can be said to be very influential in Deyang Town, he won't eat you to death, right? You actually gave up like this. There is a possibility that Houshan will appear. The most important treasure?"

On the way down the mountain, Niulanshan couldn't help but ask Bai Yang.

"Hongyan Mountain is a very hot place. If Feng Wushou accuses me of getting involved in gold and iron smelting, I can't stand it!"

Bai Yang curled his lips and said.

"This sentence is quite new, but I don't believe your nonsense."

Niulanshan grinned and shook his head.

"Haha, Brother Niu, we can just wait and see the good show. Although we don't know what Bai Yang is planning, the Feng family father and son must not have anything good to eat!"

Lan Qingfeng smiled from the side.

Bai Yang thought to himself, of course. Not only have I made back my capital with profits, I have also gotten rid of such a potential burden as Hongyan Mountain. It’s not too late to be happy. How miserable the Feng family and his son will be next depends on them. Good luck!

More than 10,000 people left Hongyan Mountain with countless things. After walking far away, Fengli and others who were hiding at the foot of Hongyan Mountain showed up. They glanced at the direction Bai Yang and others left and smiled. A peaceful climb up the mountain.

After the round with Feng Wushou, Feng Li asked:

"Father, how did you make Bai Yang willing to leave Hongyan Mountain?"

"I used another place in exchange, and returned the money he spent to buy Hongyan Mountain to him. I even pointed out that if he didn't know how to promote, he would face government sanctions, so he was forced to leave."

Feng Wushou smiled.

"My father is an official and holds great righteousness. He, Bai Yang, has to bow his head. No matter how good the things are, he cannot have them. The little money is not worth mentioning. Compared with the treasures that will be unearthed in the back mountains, they are simply not worth mentioning."

Fengli nodded and smiled.

"Let people strictly guard all places in Hongyan Mountain. Let's go and see what kind of treasure it is."

Feng Wushou said, taking the lead towards the back mountain...

(Ask for monthly ticket) (To be continued.)