Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 160: afterwards


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Under the night, almost everyone subconsciously looked in the direction of Hongyan Mountain, where the fire lit half of the sky red, and there was a loud bang!

What happened

Everyone was dumbfounded, and then they looked scared. If they were still on Hongyan Mountain, who knows what would happen to them. Everyone knew that staying in Hongyan Mountain would not do anything good.

"Bai Yang, did you arrange this too?"

Niulanshan, who looked like an iron tower, stood beside Baiyang and asked in a low voice with a strange look on his face.

If such a battle can be achieved, how can Bai Yang do it

Bai Yang nodded, thought for a moment and said:

"I arranged it, but I don't know the specific circumstances."

Of course he didn't know. Anyway, everything he had to do had been done, but she didn't see it. Who knows what happened in the end...

"This is simple, let me go and take a look."

Lan Qingfeng said, and then he urged a divine black horse to gallop towards the Hongyan Mountain.

Next, the group of people set off on the road again to Bibo Bend, which was not far away.

Bai Yang asked Niulan Mountain on the road:

"Uncle Niu, besides Fengli and Feng Wushou, who else is there in the Feng family?"

"Besides Fengli has two older brothers."

Niulanshan looked at Baiyang and smiled.

Bai Yang frowned, why does this plot seem familiar? Could it be that his two older brothers are some kind of genius, and then they blame me for this incident regardless, so I am in constant trouble again

Facts have proved that Bai Yang thought too much and was not that dramatic. Niulanshan continued to say:

"However, Fengli's eldest brother died shortly after he was born. The second brother was a waste. He started wandering around flowers when he was only five yuan old. Later, he got into a fight over a young woman in a brothel, and his limbs were crippled. Later, If you can't bear the blow, you will become a fool."

Can't you just say it all at once

Bai Yang grinned, no wonder he hadn't heard of other members of Fengli's family. It turned out that this was the case. Fengli was so smart, would he have taken away all the luck of his two brothers

But no matter what, Bai Yang was relieved to hear this situation. In short, there should not be a lot of endless troubles in the future.

On Hongyan Mountain, when Lan Qingfeng arrived here, there was no one guarding the front mountain. He successfully arrived at the back mountain and was shocked to see the situation in front of him.

The huge pit was filled with thick smoke and flames. It was impossible to get close to it. The pit was too deep, too hot, and the smoke was so thick that my eyes...

Hundreds of officials around him looked dumbfounded and at a loss.

After all, Lan Qingfeng was also a person with status in Deyang Town, so he immediately found someone and asked:

"What happened? I saw something wrong here from afar and came here to take a look."

"Sir Hui Lan, we don't know either. The guard and the third young master went down. Not long after, the ground was shaking and the fire was shooting into the sky. They didn't come up again..."

The friend who was asked trembled all over.

There is no way not to be afraid. So many people have died before, and the Lan family and his son were unable to come up even after they went down. The result can be imagined. However, if they die, they will die. The question is what should we do next

"Not coming up?"

Lan Qingfeng stared slightly, did he die inside


The guy answered in the affirmative.

"Then why don't you hurry up and save people?"

Lan Qingfeng said angrily, "That's what he said, if he hasn't come up for so long, I'm afraid everyone will be burned into ashes and fly to the sky."

"oh oh… "

The guy reacted and hurriedly started rescuing people with others.

I saved a woolen yarn and finally found water and poured it into the big pit. Not only did it fail to extinguish the fire, but it actually made the fire burn even bigger. There was nothing we could do...

After the gasoline/oil in the pit burned out, the fire was extinguished, but that was already an hour later. When I walked over and took a look, wow, this scene was impossible to watch.

What is on Red Rock Mountain? Iron ore, although I don’t know how high the temperature of burning gasoline/oil is, a layer of iron shell appeared on the stone walls around the pit. This is because the iron ore was smelted out...

After finally getting into the pit, all the people inside were burned to ashes. You were piled on top of me and you couldn't tell who was who. In short, all traces were erased.

"Tsk, you're dead now. It's really hard to predict the fate of life. Not long ago, Feng Wushou was the high-ranking guard of Deyang Town. Now he's gone."

Lan Qingfeng sighed in his heart, it would be unjust if he didn't die like this.

"Master Lan, what should we do?"

The group of survivors had lost their backbone, and Liushen had no leader and could only ask Lan Qingfeng.

"How can I know what to do about your government affairs?"

Lan Qingfeng left these words and left. The pit of ashes was nothing to see.

Lan Qingfeng, who went to continue chasing Bai Yang and the others, suddenly focused his eyes after descending from Hongyan Mountain, looked at the grass on one side and said in a deep voice:

"Who is it? Get out!"

"Master Lan, don't be angry. It's me. I am Master Fengli's mentor."

An old voice sounded in the grass, and then the old man who had been following Fengli ran out rolling and crawling.

"It's you?"

Lan Qingfeng raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, it's me"

The other party said awkwardly that everyone else was still on Hongyan Mountain and he ran away. This is a bit immoral no matter how you look at it.

"Oh, then go die!"

Lan Qingfeng said solemnly, flew past the horse, and slapped the old man on the head. He was fine, but he had died and he didn't even know how he died...

Taking the old man's body with him, Lan Qingfeng came to the Bibo River, slapped it into pieces and threw it into the river. He curled his lips and muttered to himself:

"Although I don't know what Bai Yang did specifically, you are probably the last person who knows or guesses the truth. What's the use of keeping you?"

After saying that, he rode off and it was finally over.

After catching up with Bai Yang and others, Lan Qingfeng looked at Bai Yang and said:

"Many people died on Hongyan Mountain. Feng Wushou took three thousand officials with him, and in the end there were only six or seven hundred left. The Feng family and his son were too dead to die anymore."

"So many died?"

Bai Yang was a little surprised, but when the conversation changed, he asked:

"In this case, is the deed that Uncle Lan and Feng Wushou signed for me to bend Bibo to me still valid?"

Bai Yang is concerned about this.

"Of course it's valid. Those who have the official seal are protected by the laws of the dynasty. No one can challenge them."

Lan Qingfeng nodded, but Bai Yang, shouldn't you care about other things

“That’s good, that’s good”

Bai Yang smiled and said, I didn't expect that the father and son really died. They deserved it. They tried to plot against me again and again, and finally jumped into the trap...

Then a group of people came to Bibowan at night, surrounded by mountains, with a huge valley in the middle, and beyond the mountains was the Bibo River.

Even though it was dark, Baiyang looked at this place with a smile on his face. Look at the valleys on both sides, do they look like handrails? It's like a blue dragon on the left and a white tiger on the right. Looking ahead, water controls wealth. A huge Bibo River flows in front, and wealth is rolling in. I deserve to be rich if I sit here!

"We'll make do with it tonight, and we'll start working early tomorrow morning. Then we'll clear out this wasteland and build houses."

Bai Yang pointed to the dark valley and said.

The gangsters all wore collars and were being watched so they couldn't run away. Moreover, it was still hot weather here, so there was no need to worry about one's physical condition and getting sick after being out in the open all night.

Then everything went fine here. Lan Qingfeng Niulanshan left one after another. After all, their family had a big business and they couldn't stay outside for a long time. By the way, they also took away several boys from the Lan family and the Niu family, leaving Lan Shuang behind. Niu Jian and Lan Xin Niuhuahua.

"Brother Niu, what do you think?"

On the way, Lan Qingfeng asked about Niulan Mountain.

"This man once again showed us his amazing strategy. None of the Feng family is a fool, but he ended up like this. In the end, no one could find him even if he was investigated, and he was completely wiped out. It's really scary!"

Niulanshan sighed.

"Fortunately, we have a good relationship with him. If we go against him, the outcome will probably be no better than that of the Che family and the Feng family."

Lan Qingfeng smiled.

"So I have to marry my Huahua to him no matter what, I can give it away, even if I have to work as a maid next to him, I, Lao Niu, really don't feel at ease if we don't have a good relationship."

Niulanshan said angrily.


Lan Qingfeng snorted and rode away, Xin'er, you have to hurry up, this old cow has no lower limit...

On the same night, some officials from Hongyan Mountain rushed to the county seat. After many twists and turns, they finally met the county magistrate.

The Lord County Lord is a fat man with a smiling face like Maitreya Buddha. Although he was interrupted just after he went to sleep and was about to have sex with his concubine, he still asked with a smile:

"Why are you so anxious to see this county?"

"Lord County Lord, something happened, something big happened. The Lord Guard of Deyang Town is dead!"

The person who came to report said in fear.

"Oh? Tell me what's going on."

The county official nodded and asked without changing his expression.

"The specific situation is this: Lord County Lord, the Lord Guard discovered that there was a strange treasure in Hongyan Mountain that was about to be born, but it was discovered by others first, so he tried every means to drive them away and let us guard the place... Then we vaguely heard the sound coming from the deep pit. There was heard the roar of Mr. Feng San, saying that the treasure was self-destructing, and then the earth shook, the mountains shook, and the fire shot into the sky, and everyone in the pit died in the end."

The buddy who came to report reported everything he knew in detail.

"That's it. Got it, a new guard will be appointed soon. Come on, drag this guy down and beat him to death, hum!"

After hearing this, the county magistrate's face turned cold, and he left after giving an explanation. The man was beaten to death for no apparent reason...

"We have dozens of towns under the jurisdiction of Qingmu County. You, the father and son of the Feng family, are the only ones who dare to eat alone. Who has good things and doesn't think about this county first? He deserves to die for killing so many people. There are many people who want to sit in that position, and they have no morals to do so. Who can blame me for possessing an exotic treasure and not being able to enjoy it happily?"

The county magistrate thought to himself, he didn't even bother to check, the rare treasure is gone anyway, Qingmu County is so big and busy with things, who is in the mood to ask you? It's good to die, it will just make way for the county to send a close confidant there.

"Come on, write me an official document to the county governor, saying that the father and son of the Feng family in Deyang Town were looking for a rare treasure in Hongyan Mountain. The treasure self-destructed and its soul flew away. Deyang Town cannot be left without an owner for a day. This county recommends One person used to preside over people's livelihood..." (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit m. to read for a better reading experience.