Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 162: Turns out I was overthinking it


"Master, let me explain to you the essentials of each movement. The angle, degree, force method, etc. are all very particular. If you do any of them wrong, not only will you not be able to achieve the effect of exercising your body and strengthening your muscles, you may even be injured. Counterproductive”

Lan Shuang stood a few meters away from Baiyang and said seriously.

"I know the importance, let's get started."

Bai Yang nodded.

The martial arts in other worlds are completely unfamiliar to Bai Yang. If Lan Shuang, a master of martial arts, had not personally taught and taught him, Bai Yang would rather not practice than take risks. Who knows if a step would be too slow? What a big deal...

Tiger's physical training is not complicated. There are only dozens of movements in total. It is very simple, but the angle, strength and speed of each movement are very strict. Even Bai Yang's head is now full of blue frost. After teaching... three times..., he finally mastered it completely. After that, he was worried and asked Lan Shuang to confirm...

"Is there anything wrong?"

Bai Yang asked, looking at Lan Shuang who was looking at him in astonishment.

"Master, have you practiced this technique before?"

Lan Shuang said tangledly.

“Not at all, first time contact”

Bai Yang said with certainty.

"Then... the young master is really talented and smart, and he completely mastered it after three times. When I practiced this set of exercises, I already had a certain foundation in martial arts, and it took me three sessions (as explained earlier, similar to the Earth Only the month (unit of measurement) of time can master time to the extent of the young master."

Lan Shuang said with a tangled look on his face, should he hit people like this

"Tsk, that's probably because you were still young at first."

Bai Yang is talking nonsense, I won’t tell you that my brain got a second boost after taking Kaihui Guo...

"Um, maybe, young master, let's continue. This set of tiger physical training movements is actually not very effective. At most, it can only stretch the muscles and bones. The most important thing is the breathing method that is included in it. There is no breathing. No matter how deep you practice the tiger's physical skills, it is useless. The more you practice, the more you practice, it will only weaken the muscles and bones and harm the body. But with the breathing method, it is different. The breathing method can vibrate the muscles and bones, move the internal organs, and absorb the food. Only by turning the food into the nutrients needed for body growth can we truly exercise our muscles and strengthen our body.”

Lan Shuang was stunned for a moment, then returned to the topic.

You should start, no matter how much you talk, it's useless, but Bai Yang didn't interrupt. Although these things seem useless, they are the basic common sense of martial arts in this world. Whatever, keep it in mind first.

Next, Lan Shuang taught Baiyang Menghu how to practice physical skills combined with the breathing method. Every movement has a corresponding breathing method, whether it is long or rapid, in short, it is not just panting randomly.

While studying, Bai Yang compared and concluded in his mind that this set of exercises is actually similar to the Wu Qin Xi that Liu Qingshan gave him. The movements are to stretch the muscles and bones, and the breathing is to mobilize the blood and viscera, but the priorities of the movements are different.

In the final analysis, it actually means to increase metabolism, respiration, peristalsis, internal organs, and absorption of food to provide nutrients needed for body movement and exercise, thereby stimulating and promoting physical growth.

That's what he said, but Bai Yang dared to use his little penis to guarantee that there must be something different. Otherwise, why hadn't Liu Qingshan developed the so-called blood energy after practicing martial arts for so many years

Half an hour later, Lan Shuang was as depressed as Liu Qingshan a few days ago. This man was really incomparable. What he had worked hard to master in the past could be mastered by Bai Yang several times. , this is too shocking.

Depressed, Lan Shuang did not forget the business, looked at Bai Yang and said:

"Now that the young master has mastered all the secrets of Tiger's physical training, he can practice it formally. The effect is the best at the beginning, because after mastering the secrets, when practicing, you can clearly feel the internal organs squirming, the muscles and bones are numb, and the skin is hot. This is a normal phenomenon. If you don’t master the know-how, you will only feel weak in your muscles.”

Speaking of which, Lan Shuang, the teacher, is still very responsible and explains every detail to Bai Yang in detail.

"I'll give it a try first and see if it works."

Bai Yang nodded and said, then he got into a posture and started practicing according to the tiger's physical training movements, and at the same time combined with the breathing method. After a few minutes, the set was completed, and Bai Yang frowned.

"What's wrong, young master?"

Seeing Bai Yang frowning, Lan Shuang asked in confusion.

"It doesn't seem right, Lan Shuang. According to what you taught me, every movement and every breath I made was correct. However, I didn't feel the way you said. I just felt a little tired and hot all over. Ordinary people exercise strenuously." This should be the reaction after training, right? I don’t have the feeling that your muscles and bones grow after practice at all.”

Bai Yang thought for a while and said.

"It's impossible. If the young master really follows the exercises, there's no way it won't be effective. There should be something wrong with the young master."

Lan Shuang shook his head in disbelief.

The two of them then began a two-hour detailed study, starting from every movement and every breath, and comparing them step by step. Lan Shuang asked carefully, and finally found that Bai Yang did nothing wrong, and Lan Shuang didn't teach anything wrong. place, but it just doesn’t have the desired effect!

"This shouldn't be the case"

Lan Shuang was puzzled.

"Don't you know the reason?"

Bai Yang said depressedly.

"I think the only explanation is that this set of exercises is not suitable for the young master. Anyway, the young master learns quickly. Let's try another one. Next, I will teach the young master a set of "Spiritual Ape Building Exercise"

Lan Shuang thought for a while and said.

Then just learn. This time Bai Yang learned faster because of his previous experience. He mastered the second set of exercises in less than half an hour. After practicing it for a while, it still didn't have the desired effect!

According to Lan Shuang, the normal reaction should be visceral peristalsis, digestion and absorption of food, converting it into nutrients to nourish the body, thereby achieving the growth effect of numbness in muscles and bones and heat in the skin.

But Bai Yang didn't have any of these reactions. He was just sweating profusely. He was so tired...

It didn't make sense. Lan Shuang didn't believe in evil anymore and changed to new exercises. He taught Bai Yang five sets of body-building exercises one after another, but it still had no effect.

The situation here attracted the attention of others. Later, Niu Jian, Lan Xin and others also came. After understanding the situation, they were surprised and unable to understand. After that, they all gave Bai Yang advice.

Well, it actually taught Bai Yang different exercises for more than five hours. Bai Yang was exhausted. He learned more than 20 different sets of physical exercises, but there was still no effect!

"This shouldn't be, this is impossible..."

Brother Lan Shuang and brother Niu Jian looked at Bai Yang with puzzled expressions and frowned.

Bai Yang was lying on the ground feeling depressed. What the hell is wrong with this? I didn't do anything wrong.

Thinking and thinking, Bai Yang suddenly had an idea flash in his head, stood up suddenly and shouted:

"Zhao Shi, where are you? Come here."

Lan Shuang and the others looked at Bai Yang with puzzled expressions, why did they call Zhao Shi here

"Master, are you looking for me?"

Zhao Shi came over quickly to ask.

Bai Yang's eyes flickered, and he vaguely knew the answer in his heart. He nodded, then looked at Lan Shuang and the others and said:

"Teach him a set of physical training techniques and see how it works. Don't worry, he will learn it very quickly. It won't waste much time."

Although they didn't understand what Bai Yang was doing, Lan Shuang and the others did so in order to find the answer.

It was Lan Shuang who came forward and taught the same set of tiger physical exercises. Zhao Shi's head was also opened by Kai Hui Guo. Although he was not as fast as Bai Yang, he didn't take much time to master it and started practicing.

This time the contrasting effect appeared. Zhao Shi practiced the Tiger Exercise once, and by the end his skin was red as if he was drunk. He could even hear the gurgling in his stomach, which was obviously the result of the peristalsis of his internal organs.

At the end, Zhao Shi looked up to the sky and roared, expressing the joyful feeling in his heart, then looked at Bai Yang and said:

"Master, this feeling is so amazing. I can clearly feel my strength growing, but I'm so hungry now..."

The others looked stunned and confused, what is going on? Why does Bai Yang have no effect, but Zhao Shi has such an obvious effect? They all practice the same thing.

Bai Yang probably understood something and looked at Lan Shuang first and asked:

"Can this set of skills be taught to my guards?"

"Master, it's okay. This is not a very precious thing. Our guards from the Lan family and the Niu family all practice it."

Lan Shuang nodded.

Bai Yang nodded, looked at Zhao Shi and said:

"After you go down, practice this set of exercises, and then hand them over to Huzi and the other hundred people. This is your creation, an authentic martial arts training method. Don't be too lazy to practice. From now on, young master, my Safety is left to you.”

"Thank you, Master, for the gift."

Zhao Shi looked at Bai Yang, immediately knelt down and kowtowed, and then left with an excited look on his face.

They are just mountain people in the lost river forest. How can He De get access to real martial arts skills? These are all gifts from Bai Yang, not to mention my inner gratitude.

Then Bai Yang asked them to disperse, and he found Chen Qingyun who was sorting out books again because of his second move. He said before the other party could speak:

"Find me books about the structure of the human body, the more the better!"

Although he didn't know what Bai Yang wanted to do, Chen Qingyun still did as he was told. Perhaps it was because of the prosperity of martial arts in this world. There were many books about this kind of book. After a while, Chen Qingyun found dozens of books for Bai Yang!

Bai Yang left with these books in his arms, placing a jar of minced fruit and flipping through the books like crazy. After a few hours, he finished reading dozens of books about the human body structure in this world, and smiled bitterly after sorting them out in his mind.

"No wonder the physical training method has no effect on me, but the effect is so obvious on Zhao Shi. Although I am almost the same as the people here, there are still subtle differences. The bones of the people here are smaller than those of the people on Earth. There are a few extra pieces, including the spine and ribs. The number of muscles is a bit more than that of people on Earth. There are also subtle differences in the position of the internal organs, tendons, acupoints and blood vessels. The structure of the human body is different. Practice the martial arts here. It’s just a joke. After practicing for 10,000 years, I’m still a scumbag. I originally wanted to be a so-called martial arts master, but it turns out I was overthinking it!”

After understanding the truth, Bai Yangzhi was speechless...

(There are genetic differences between yellow people and black people and white people, not to mention two completely different worlds! You didn’t expect Stone Play to come out like this? Don’t ask me how the protagonist will grow up in the future, please bear with me. I’m sorry to fool you, but as a last resort, please ask for a monthly ticket) (To be continued.)