Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 163: I'm really fine


Not to mention disappointment, unable to practice martial arts, this is what Bai Yang expected. It is the same as a person rashly running to other planets. It is good to be alive. What do you want to do against heaven

"People must learn to be content. Coming to this world is already a different life experience. It is something that many people would envy but cannot come to. If I am not satisfied yet, I would be too greedy."

After figuring out the truth, Bai Yang was stunned for a moment and then accepted the reality.

He himself is an open-minded person, and he doesn't feel too much when he knows that he cannot practice martial arts from other worlds.

"Okay, I admit, there are still some regrets, but this is the reality, but it's okay. You can spend a lot of time on other aspects. Compared with practicing day and night, there are more things in life. How fun it is. There are more fun and unknown things in this world waiting for me to explore. I practice boringly and then spend the whole day either slashing people with a knife or on the way to slashing people with a knife. This kind of life is not what I want. I want it”

After enlightening himself in this way, Bai Yang threw away the book, stood up and stretched.

When I opened the door and went out, I realized that it was already afternoon here before I knew it, and the bright white sun in the small window of the car was already at an angle of 45 degrees with the ground.

"What are you doing?"

Outside the temporary house, Lan Shuang, Niu Jian and the others were all there, looking at Bai Yang with worried faces.

"Master, are you okay?"

Lan Shuang looked at Bai Yang and asked, with an expression that said if you have something, don't keep it in your heart.

"What can happen to me?"

Bai Yang was speechless.

"Brother Bai, if you feel unhappy, just say it. We understand that there are actually many things in the world that are more exciting than practicing martial arts. Moreover, ninety-nine percent of the world's people can live happily without practicing martial arts. good"

Lan Xin looked at Bai Yang and said seriously.

"Yes, for example, playing music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, singing and poetry, any aspect is much more exciting and interesting than practicing martial arts."

Niuhuahua, who looked kawaii, looked at Baiyang and nodded vigorously.

"Um, young master, how about we go to Qingfeng Tower to have some fun? Call the two girls. If that doesn't work, just call more. Just have some fun... Why are you looking at me like this?"

Niu Jian looked at Bai Yang Wen and said angrily, then felt that the atmosphere was wrong, and found that Lan Xin and Niu Huahua were glaring at him, scratching their heads in embarrassment.

Bai Yang has a black streak on his head, what the hell, you guys have to make me crazy even if I have nothing to do.


The kitten also understood what happened, and looked at Baiyang with its big watery eyes, not knowing what to say.


The little wolf cub was also wagging its tail and barking next to Baiyang, as if it still cared about me.

Bai Yang was speechless. He couldn't live this life. Why did he make me look miserable? But in fact, it was nothing. You made me very embarrassed by this.

"Come on, everyone has nothing to do, right? Just go and do what you have to do, there are a lot of things that no one else has to do."

Bai Yang rolled his eyes and said, then waved, and the little wolf cub kept up with him. He left leisurely humming a ditty that no one else could understand, his hands behind his back.

This place is unbearable. Although they have good intentions, why is it so depressing

The kitten still followed Bai Yang, never leaving, with a heart-warming attitude of "Young Master, I will always be by your side no matter what."

"Master, are you really okay?"

After Bai Yang left, Niu Jian looked at the others and asked.

"With the young master's character, it should be fine, right? And with the young master's mind, he can probably figure out the trouble of not being able to practice martial arts."

Lan Shuang said with some uncertainty.

"Then shall we find a way to make the young master happy? You also saw that he looked lonely when he left."

Lan Xin blinked and said.

"For example, if I suffer a little more and wear less clothes and hang out in front of him, maybe he will be in a better mood."

Niu Huahua quickly took over the conversation and suggested.

Lan Xin immediately glared at Niu Huahua, what a beautiful thing you think...!

Walking in the hot valley with hands behind my back, the kittens following me, and the wolf cubs having fun beside me. Such a leisurely day is so nice, but the good mood I should have been ruined by Lan Shuang and the others before.

"What's going on over there?"

Seeing a long line of thousands of people busy digging near the edge of the mountain, Bai Yang couldn't help but catch one person and ask.

He was asking a mountain man wearing titanium alloy armor. The guy didn't know either, so he immediately called a craftsman who was directing the excavation and said:

"Answer young master, what are they digging for?"

"Young Master Bai, they are digging a river channel."

The old craftsman bowed and answered.

"What are you digging the river for?"

Bai Yang didn't answer the question.

The other party pointed in the direction of Bibo River, then pointed around the edge of the valley and explained:

"Master Bai, when the time comes, there will be a river fifty meters wide and twenty meters deep along the edge of the valley, and eight waterwheels one hundred meters high will be erected on the river. , lead water to high places to create a waterfall landscape, and the river water drives the water wheel, and a device can be added to the water wheel to reach high places without walking.”

After hearing the explanation, Bai Yang was stunned. Oh, that's good. He actually came up with such a way. Is this the wisdom of the craftsmen here? Who says those at the bottom are mediocre people? That's because you haven't seen their wise side.

Did you see, even the 'elevator' that does not use electricity has been installed for you!

No one is a fool, it's just that people are used to not seeing the bright spots in others.

"Actually, it can be like this. The mountain is 'several hundred meters' high. A river can be dug halfway up the mountain. After the water tanker brings the water from the bottom of the mountain into the river halfway up the mountain, a water tanker can be set up on the river channel to guide the water to the mountain." Above the top, in this way, connected through bamboo pipes, it can also supply water to all parts of the valley."

Bai Yang suggested.

“This method is very good”

The craftsman's eyes lit up and he said.

"Okay, let's get busy."

Bai Yang nodded and smiled. He was looking forward to what the valley would look like after it was completed, but damn, when would such a huge project be completed

Then he continued to wander around, and as he walked, Bai Yang frowned, called a mountain man and asked in a deep voice:

"Who pulls Xiang over there?"

"Well, young master, it was all solved by those who couldn't hold it in any longer."

The mountain man who was asked scratched his head and answered.

Hygiene, hygiene, hygiene! We need to hurry up on this. People have three urgent needs, and this cannot be stopped. But in the hot weather here, if you urinate and defecate anywhere, aren’t you afraid of spreading diseases

"The previous ones will not be held accountable. From now on, let the craftsmen repair the toilet first. You must go to the toilet to use the toilet. If anyone dares to poop again, the urine will be cut directly and the big one will be blocked. Do you understand?"

Bai Yang said in a deep voice.

"Master, I understand, let others do it."

The guy's anus tightened, and he quickly went to make arrangements. There was no toilet before, and he also solved a lot of problems...

There were more than 10,000 people in the valley. Who knows where they had buried "landmines". His wandering mood was gone, and Bai Yang turned around and walked back.

As soon as I returned to the temporary house, I saw the giant Niu Jian standing at the door, and a few meters away from him was a gorgeous sedan.

"What are you doing here?"

Bai Yang said speechlessly, it's endless, right...

"Well, Master, I brought Miss Qinghe to you."

Niu Jian said with a grin.

What do you mean you sent Miss Qinghe to me? Please explain to me what this means! Bai Yang turned around and grabbed the hand of the kitten with his head lowered beside him, and looked at Niu Jian without saying anything.

"Didn't I tell the young master that day that Qing He wanted to redeem himself, but I think it's up to you, the young master, to make the decision. Hey, this is Qing He's deed of sale. I'll give it to the young master. I'll leave first."

Niu Jian said this awkwardly, handed Bai Yang an envelope-shaped paper bag, then turned around and ran away.

Madan, this was done on purpose!

Opening the 'envelope', it turned out that it was Qing He's deed of betrayal. There was a handsome palm print, which should have been stamped by the once young Qing He.

After taking one look, Bai Yang tore up the deed of betrayal with two swishes, looked at the sedan and smiled:

"Miss Qinghe, you are free"

In what age are people still buying and selling people... Well..., this is not the earth...

A tender white palm opened the curtain of the sedan, and Qinghe, who was still white as snow, came out, like a white cloud floating in the sky. Wearing a veil, she saw the torn-up deed of betrayal on the ground, her eyes were complicated, and she looked at Baiyang The voice asked softly:

"Mr. Bai, why is this?"

"You want freedom, I give you freedom, it's so simple"

Bai Yang smiled.

After a moment of shock, Qing He looked at Bai Yang with a complicated tone and said:

"Thank you so much, Mr. Bai. There is such an open-minded person like Mr. Bai in the world. I have only seen Qing He in his life. To Mr. Bai, it is an insignificant sentence, but to Qing He, it is a brand new life."

"Many things in the world are originally so simple, but people are used to thinking about things too complicated. If you want to be free, I will give you freedom. The beauty of adulthood is that when you are happy, so am I. Isn't this a problem?"

Bai Yang smiled.

"I want to ask Mr. Bai a question, but I don't know if I should answer it or not."

Qinghe thought for a while and said.

"If that's the case, it's okay not to say it."

Bai Yang shook his head and said.

"Mr. Bai knows what I want to ask?"

Qinghe was stunned.

"It's nothing more than why I would let such a beautiful woman like you go so easily. Am I right?"

"Then Mr. Bai, can you help me clarify my doubts?"

Qinghe did not deny it and nodded.

"Destiny comes, you and I meet, fate passes, and we are separated. Destiny arises, and naturally we can meet again. Destiny dies, maybe we pass each other and we are strangers in the world. Destiny gathers, even if we are thousands of mountains and rivers, we will meet sometimes. If the fate is gone, searching for it deliberately will be fruitless. If the fate is deep, you and I can leave more memories in each other's lives. If the fate is shallow, it is just a faint smile when we meet. If the fate is gone, we will naturally forget each other in the world. If the fate is gone, Each other is just a trace in each other's heart, don't force it, meeting is fate, don't force to stay, parting is also fate, just let everything take its course."

(Tsk, this chapter... is still confusing) (To be continued.)