Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 175: The collapsed 'thief'


A few hours later, Bai Yang was so tired that he didn't want to move a finger. He just wanted to find a place to lie down. Fortunately, all the servants of Deyang Town's "Bai Mansion" had already arrived, and they immediately helped him move it. Get a lounge chair.

Everyone in the valley is busy. The mountain people have to guard the bandits, the bandits have to clean up the rocky wasteland, and the craftsmen have to give guidance to the bandits...

Even young masters like Lan Shuang Niu Jian and others are not idle, seizing every moment to practice martial arts and practice martial arts.

When he was almost resting, Bai Yang discovered that Zhao Shi had 'passed by' several times not far away.

"You all go down"

Bai Yang, who understood instantly, said to the waiting servants beside him.

"Master, this is the earth milk essence collected yesterday and not long ago, a total of nineteen drops."

After the servants left, Zhao Shi came over and handed Bai Yang a fist-sized porcelain bottle and said.

The length of the day here is almost twice that of the earth, and the nights are also very long. It is not strange to collect nineteen drops of poplar.

"You brought them all for me? Didn't you say one-third?"

Bai Yang took over and asked.

Zhao Shi lowered his head slightly and said nothing.

Bai Yang understood, patted him on the shoulder and said:

"You are serious and consider me, I understand, but you must also make progress. My safety, young master, needs your protection. I will accept it all this time, and only give me a third next time. The rest You find a place to put it away and use it when you need it. It’s a waste to leave good things unused, you know?”

"Master, I understand, but when it comes to hiding things, I'm afraid no one can compare to Zhu Zhu. I will give the collected earth essence essence to Zhu Zhu to hide it. If nothing happens, I will go down first."

Zhao Shi changed the subject and said.

"Well, let's go"

Bai Yang nodded and said.

If we want to talk about the two strange flowers among the mountain people, they are Huzi and Zhuzhu. One is extremely curious and wants to try everything to find out. The other has an extremely strong talent for finding food, and his colleagues are also good at hiding food. With good hands, if you run out of food, look for Zhuzi. He will definitely be able to find or bring out food in unexpected places.

"I guess Zhuzi was starved when he was a child, and he has psychological shadow, so he is so obsessed with eating... Now..."

Muttering in his heart, Bai Yang put the porcelain bottle containing the essence of earth milk in his pocket, returned to the bedroom, and thought about it for a while before taking a sip.

Nineteen drops of earth milk essence sounds like a lot, but in fact it only takes one mouthful. It goes into Bai Yang's stomach without much taste.

Then there was that situation again. Bai Yang didn't feel anything after taking the earth milk essence.

After waiting for about an hour, Bai Yang left the small room and came outside. No one noticed that at Bai Yang's feet, a speck of dust that was almost invisible to the naked eye flew up and flew into the distance.

One meter... two meters... ten meters... twenty meters...

The speck of dust flew a full distance of twenty-five meters before breaking away from Bai Yang's control.

"One drop of earth emulsion essence increases the range by one meter. Nineteen drops are nineteen meters. Adding the original six meters, it is exactly twenty-five meters. In terms of weight, one drop can only increase the weight of the item I control by one gram. Now, at most, I can only control something weighing 21 grams within a radius of 25 meters... How long will it take before I can surround myself with telekinesis and fly freely... "

After some experiments, Bai Yang sighed helplessly in his heart.

Then he thought for a while, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, went back to the house and disappeared from this world.

It's only two o'clock in the morning here on Earth.

"Huh… !"

Realizing that it was night here, he was about to go back, but he stopped and felt a surprise in his heart.

Now his senses are so sharp that he immediately felt that his bedroom had been disturbed!

He closed his eyes slightly, and the invisible power of thoughts spread in all directions, penetrating the walls and floors, with him as the center, with a diameter of fifty meters, no matter up, down, left, right, or front and back, nothing in this perfect circle could escape his observation. !

Bai Yang 'saw' that within this range, almost everywhere, upstairs and downstairs, had been disturbed. Although the disturbed places had been restored to their positions, the traces of the disturbance were too obvious in his mind!

"Damn it, I must have been in bad luck these days. Why have I attracted thieves? Last time my car was stolen, but this time it was stolen directly to where I live!"

Forget about the speechlessness in Bai Yang's heart.

While feeling depressed, he raised his eyebrows.

The thief hasn’t left yet! In his mind, he 'saw' a guy rummaging around in the kitchen.

"Damn it, buddy, let me play with you until you collapse!"

Bai Yang grinned, a playful expression flashing across his face.

I have to admit, that guy looks quite professional. He is wearing a black tights like a diving suit, special soft-soled rubber shoes, and a hood, which only exposes a pair of eyes, but with thick soles with green lenses. Glasses, Bai Yang guessed, should have night vision function. Gloves are a must. They are similar to the surgical gloves used by doctors, but they are black.

Not even the wall could stop Bai Yang's thoughts, let alone clothes. Bai Yang could clearly 'see' the other person's appearance.

It has a sharp mouth, monkey cheeks, and eyes that move around like a mouse. It is not a good thing at first glance.

At this time, the guy was opening the refrigerator gently. Bai Yang could clearly see that the other person had a shocked expression after opening the refrigerator.

"How lazy is that guy named Bai Yang? There is nothing in the refrigerator, not to mention all kinds of vegetables, how can he live without instant noodles? Eat big meals every day? What a rich man like a dog? I really enjoy it!”

Seeing the empty refrigerator, the guy actually despised Bai Yang and muttered in his mouth.

"I'll go and you're going to steal something and you still dislike it?"

Bai Yang is speechless!

His thoughts turned quickly. This guy was not an ordinary thief. Not to mention how brave he was to dare to come to the villa area to steal things. The words the other party muttered contained too much information. He knew that he was targeting him. He came, but Bai Yang didn’t recognize him at all!

"No matter what your motive is, why are you here? I'll break you down first, and then I'll catch you and interrogate you!"

Bai Yang squinted his eyes and thought to himself. As soon as he had a thought, a grain of frost from the refrigerator flew up, turned around as fast as lightning, and got into his eyes through the gap in the glasses on the bridge of his nose!


The guy cursed subconsciously, reached out and took off his glasses to rub his eyes, and then made a movement. Something seemed wrong!

I'm wearing glasses, how could a speck of frost just get into my eyes

"Grandson, this is just the beginning."

Bai Yang grinned inwardly.

When the opponent was trapped, Bai Yang saw a plastic bag in the trash can. With a thought, he controlled the plastic bag to fly up with his mind, spread it out, and covered his head with it!

The plastic bag is not heavy, weighing ten grams per bag, and Bai Yang can easily control it.


The guy subconsciously screamed, his voice was very low, he rolled to the side, pulled off the plastic bag on his head and looked around. There was no light and it was dark. He immediately put on his glasses and looked around.

But there is nothing around...

In an instant, the hair on that guy's hair stood up.

This house is evil!

After making sure again and again that there was no one around, he looked down at the plastic bag in his hand, trembling all over and breaking out in cold sweat...

However, at this moment, the kitchen light flickered a few times inexplicably, and then returned to calm.


The guy's body stiffened and he was completely stunned. What was going on

This is of course Bai Yang's trick. His mind penetrates the light switch and controls the small copper piece in contact, creating this kind of scene that often appears in haunted movies.

This guy was so weird. First, ice got into his eyes for no reason, then a plastic bag appeared inexplicably, and then the lights flickered, and a 'bad' premonition filled the guy's mind.

"No wonder that guy named Bai Yang can't live in a nice villa. It turns out this place is not 'clean'!"

The man's heart was shattered at this moment. He knelt down directly, knelt on the ground and kowtowed and muttered:

"I don't know which eldest brother or eldest sister it is. I don't mean to offend. I use people's money to help others to eliminate disasters. I'm just here to earn some hard money. Don't find me. I'm leaving now. Please let me go. I will definitely I will burn paper money for you immediately, lots of paper money..."

After saying that, he kowtowed several times quickly, stood up and ran towards the door without caring about anything.

I don't dare to stay any longer. Anyone can go to this evil place. I will never come to this place again...

However, as soon as this guy took a step, he felt a stinging pain in the soles of his feet, and he stumbled and fell to the ground with a thud.

Trembling all over, he bent his legs in fear and saw that a thumbtack was pierced through the sole of his foot!

Where did the thumbtack come from

He dared to swear on his little penis that this villa was very clean. It was often cleaned, and when he entered the kitchen, he didn't see anything on the floor at all!

There were so many evil places before, but now the soles of his feet were pierced by thumbtacks, which made his hair stand on end.

Of course this was done by Bai Yang. His mind saw a thumbtack in the utility room. It was probably left by the owner of the villa. A thumbtack was not heavy. He silently controlled it and flew to the kitchen. According to the other party's steps, Just put it under his feet, it would be strange if he didn't get stabbed...

"Brother, eldest sister, uncle, please let me go. I'll get out of here right away. I'll get out of here right now. I'm innocent..."

The guy started crying and his whole body was shaking.

He had visited this villa specifically, and there was absolutely no one there. Faced with such a situation, a person would collapse.

However, this was not over yet. In the silence, there was a slight rustling sound.

The guy looked at the source of the sound with a stiff neck, and saw inside an open salt bag on the stove. The salt particles flew up and connected in a string, twisting and twisting to form a human-shaped frame the size of a fist, jumping towards the He walked away, and at the same time, the lights flickered!


The guy's eyes bulged, his throat twitched, and he fainted before he could take a breath!

"Did you faint now?"

Bai Yang in the room upstairs was stunned, what kind of psychological quality is this? (To be continued.)