Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 176: Poor


Shrugging, Bai Yang walked out of the bedroom, first went to the utility room to pick up a handful of cable ties, and then slowly walked to the kitchen.

He kicked the guy with his foot, which knocked him out completely. He was probably quite frightened.

"Dressed like this, you want to act like a crazy rock, right?"

Curling his lips and muttering, Bai Yang squatted down, pulled off the opponent's Spider-Man-like plastic soft boots, then turned him over so that he was lying on his stomach, put the opponent's right hand behind his back, and then bent his left foot to let his right thumb Fit it to the big toe of the left foot, then wrap it with a zip tie, pull it, and tie it with a hiss.

Then the opponent's left thumb and right thumb, in the same manner, and finally the guy formed a weird posture.

Not worried, Bai Yang tied his ten fingers and ten toes with zip ties one by one. After admiring his masterpiece of binding art with satisfaction, he stood up and turned on the light with a bang.

After receiving a glass of cold water, he pulled off the opponent's hood, kicked the opponent to lie on his side, covered his mouth, and slowly poured the glass of water towards his nostrils.

Tsk, you can't be polite to people who do this kind of business.

"Uh huh..."

Within a few seconds, the guy opened his eyes and screamed in horror. Bai Yang let go. He choked and coughed, with tears and snot flowing from his nose.

"There's a ghost!"

When he could speak a little, the guy with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was the first to scream like this.

"Ghost, how come I look like a ghost?"

Bai Yang kicked the opponent and was upset.

"There really is a ghost. What I saw came to life. Through the grains of salt, it turned into a little man jumping and jumping. The lights flickered. There really is a ghost..."

The guy collapsed.

Damn it, this guy won’t be scared out of his wits, right

Feeling speechless, Bai Yang knelt down and slapped the other person on the face without hesitation. With a crisp sound, the guy spat out a mouthful of blood, along with two teeth.

Yo ho? Is it because your hands are too strong or are you malnourished and too fragile

Bai Yang looked at his right hand and was surprised.

But then he thought about it. Although he had not practiced martial arts in the other world, the tonic meat, stuffed fruit, etc. he ate every day could subtly improve his physical condition. During this period, he Although squatting and boxing is not as exaggerated as people from other worlds practicing martial arts, it is inevitable that their strength will increase.

"Are you awake now?"

Bai Yang looked at the blinded 'thief' and asked.

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

The other party asked tremblingly.

Too lazy to answer, Bai Yang walked aside, leaned on the stove, raised his chin and asked:

"Brother, tell me, what's your situation? Why does Mao appear where I live for no reason? Can you explain it to me?"

The guy's body twisted, and he sadly found that he was in an awkward position where he couldn't use his strength at all. He looked at Bai Yang and said with a smile that was worse than crying:

"Brother, do you believe me when I say I went to the wrong place?"

"I believe it, I completely believe it, but do you believe that you will become a dead person after a while?"

Bai Yang curled his lips and said, got up, left the kitchen, came back a few seconds later, walked to the stove again, dismantled a gun in his hand into a pile of parts in a second or two, and then watched the other party slowly assemble it, holding the bullet and slowly Press into the magazine.

"Brother, brother, why don't you hand me over to the police directly? Also, can you let me leave this place? I'm afraid."

The guy collapsed.

"Leave it to the police? That's a good idea. Now I'm asking you and you answer. You can choose not to answer, but guess if I dare to shoot you! Name, age, occupation, three... measurements are fine. ,answer me"

Bai Yang smiled and said, while speaking, the last bullet was pressed into the magazine, inserted into the handle of the gun with a click, and then the bullet was loaded with a clatter and pointed at the opponent everywhere.

"Brother, don't be impulsive. I said, I will tell you everything. My name is Huang Ermao. I am twenty-six years old. I am a thief by profession. I come from the countryside. I have been in this business for fifteen years."

Huang Ermaoche