Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 186: Let's all look for trouble


"How far is it?"

In the carriage, Bai Yang rested his head on Lin Bing'er's chest and pulled his neck out of boredom to ask Hua Sanniang outside. Sound of nature novel

"Can you calm down for a while? Is it interesting to ask every now and then?"

Outside, Hua Sanniang said with a depressed expression on her horse.

To be honest, she had really seen what the legendary chatterbox was. Along the way, Bai Yang always had endless things to say and endless questions to ask, and they often didn't ask about important things. Regardless of whether you answered or not, he would just follow. Where to think about it is annoying.

The most speechless thing is that from time to time he will ask the question "How far is it?" which is really depressing. Isn't he hurrying up

"I am judging how long it will take to get home based on the distance, and what kind of transportation will be convenient and comfortable to take back."

Bai Yang said in a drawl.

"You still want to go home? Ha..., it's probably a bit difficult."

Hua Sanniang couldn't help but laugh, "Boy, if you fall into my hands, you will either work for me or die. Why do you still want to run away?"

Bai Yang refused to answer this question. How can you stop me from going home

He turned his gaze to the car and looked around. He was bored anyway. He looked at Lin Bing'er's three younger sisters and said:

"You all sit in front of me, facing me."

The three beautiful girls looked at each other. Although they didn't know what Bai Yang wanted to do, they still did as he was told.

These three girls look about fifteen or sixteen years old. Of course, from the perspective of Baiyang Earthlings, in this world, they are only a little over five yuan.

Damn, he's technically only five years old, so shameful...

Thinking that he had brought trouble to his five-year-old mother, Bai Yang couldn't help but despise himself for a second.

Ahem, as I said before, you can't judge the people here with the eyes and moral standards of people on earth.

They are not snake-like faces with pointed chins, or oval faces, with big eyes, small nose bridges and small mouths. Their skin is as tender as watery tofu, as if it can be punctured by a light touch.

Her black hair is combed into a nice shape on the top of her head, and it actually has slanted bangs. She is playful yet cute, yet cute yet innocent. In short, she is all kinds of beautiful.

In terms of clothing, the red dress is somewhat similar to the clothing of the Han Dynasty on the other side of the earth. It is very gorgeous. Well, you can see the bellyband inside when you pull it open... ahem...

"Mr. Bai, why are you looking at us like this?"

Lin Jie'er, the youngest of the four sisters, looked at Bai Yang timidly and asked.

Pretend, pretend for me, each of you can easily tear a tiger apart with your little hands, why are you pretending to be so cute

Bai Yang curled his lips in his heart, and glanced back and forth at the three beautiful girls lined up in front of him and said:

"Don't move. It's just idle time anyway. Let's play and find trouble."

Are you looking for trouble? What the hell? The three girls looked confused. You didn't find fault with us either.

Hey, hey, others are looking for differences between two pictures. I have three pictures... No, it's four pictures. It's not right, it's four people. Lin Bing'er, please go over and arrange it for me...

"They are exactly the same, 99.99% similar in appearance, and the dress is the same. With my sharp eyes, I can hardly tell them apart, but there is still a difference. Lin Bing'er probably also has it because of her sister. The eyes should be calmer. Lin Qing'er's eyes are cold, I'm afraid her personality is a bit extreme. Lin Yu'er's eyes are timid and easy to bully at first sight. Lin Jie'er probably has the attribute of being cute..."

Leaning on the carriage, Bai Yang looked at the four pictures that looked the same... Well, four beautiful girls, Bai Yang commented in his heart.

Then, after watching her, she started to do something, using her tactile senses to feel the difference in their skin, taking off their clothes to observe the details, oh my, in short, they were all kinds of fragrances.

Bai Yang played for a full hour while the four girls had pretty faces, red eyes, watery eyes, and panting.

Well, Lin Qing'er's breasts are the biggest, so she must have an e. Lin Bing'er's breasts are the prettiest in shape and have the thinnest waist. Lin Yu'er's breasts are a little smaller, with a small hemorrhoid on them, but her butt is the most upturned, Lin Jie'er has the most beautiful legs...

The truth lies in the subtleties. After Bai Yang's careful research, although they are almost the same in every aspect, there are still a few differences. Of course, without his meticulous research, you can't tell the difference at all.

Finally, Bai Yang came to the conclusion that these four are enough for me to play with for ten lifetimes...

"How old are you all?"

Bai Yang asked as he lay between them when they had enough fun.

Her head rested on Lin Qing'er's chest (of course she had to choose the biggest one), Lin Bing'er's head rested on his arms, An Lushan's claws felt the softness of the two balls in her clothes, and her thighs rested on Lin Yu'er and Lin Jie'er's On the legs…

Paralysis, this scene makes people so envious and jealous that they want to chop Bai Yang to death!

"If you tell me back to the young master, we have five yuan."

This sentence was answered by Lin Binger.

As I guessed, Bai Yang thought to himself, the age here is not the number with a 'year' added after it, but the number of yuan that one was born with.

"Then you will be my people from now on, young master, so be good."

Bai Yang squinted his eyes and smiled, "It's so cool..."


The four girls replied softly at the same time.

Look, this is the gap. When Mao Mao followed Bai Yang, they swore, and they just said "hmm", and their loyalty was infinitely close to zero!

I don't know if it's because the twins have a special sense. Anyway, one of Bai Yangdong seems to have the same sense as the others. Oops, this will give me two more lifetimes of fun...

"There's an inn ahead. Let's take a break and have something to eat before heading into the city."

At this time, Hua Sanniang outside said.

"Into the city? By the way, your Blood Lotus Sect's branch is in the city?"

After hearing what Hua Sanniang said, Bai Yang couldn't help but ask, aren't you afraid of being harmed by doing this

"Of course, the most dangerous place is the safest place. Who would have thought that the branch of our Blood Lotus Sect is in Aoki County?"

Hua Sanniang laughed outside, but she despised her in her heart. This chatty man knew how to play with women when he was rarely quiet!

It's safe. It's like walking a tightrope. Once something happens, there's no chance of running away. So Bai Yang doesn't agree with the saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place. You can't take any chances.

The carriage stopped after a few minutes, and Bai Yang heard the sound of a 'parking boy' coming to hold their horses outside.

"Let's go, let's go. Master, I'm hungry. Let's eat something first."

Bai Yang stood up from the Rushan Leg Forest and stretched his body and said.

The four girls quickly tidied themselves up and got dressed in a matter of minutes. They also helped Bai Yang to dress. Bai Yang was wearing a T-shirt, jeans and long cross-country leather boots. They didn't know how to handle belts and so on. They almost cried in a hurry. In the end, Bai Yang did it himself. of…

"You must be specially trained maids. You don't know how to do this. It's so useless."

Bai Yang also buried them.

"I'm sorry, Master, we have never seen this kind of clothing before. There won't be another time."

Lin Bing'er said in panic, not knowing if she was just pretending.

"Don't talk nonsense. Let's go down and eat."

Bai Yang curled his lips and said.

Bai Yang came outside the carriage and stood still with his chin raised.

Creak, creak, creak…

The sound of grinding teeth sounded, and the man in black robe who first stepped on Bai Yang's feet, under the signal from Hua Sanniang's eyes, came down to the side of the carriage and stepped on Bai Yang's feet, feeling aggrieved in his heart!

That's right. Bai Yang felt proud and stepped on the other person's back to get out of the car.

This place is located on the side of the road. There is a piece of flat land next to it that is as big as several basketball courts. There are many parking spaces... well, there are wooden stakes for horse tethering. In front of it is a large wooden building with multiple floors. It is tall and the carved beams and painted buildings are very beautiful.

There are already dozens of horses in the 'parking lot', and a few young horses in Tsing Yi are 'parking' (tying the horses) and 'refueling' (feeding fodder) for them.

"Linqing Inn should mean that it is close to Qingmu County, right? When I go there, I can see the city wall of Qingmu County in that direction. How high is the city wall? There must be a lot of business travelers coming and going. There is a lot of people in the inn, "Stop the car. The yard is also full of various carriages, oxcarts and horses loaded with goods, it should not be a black shop)

After getting off the car, Bai Yang looked around and muttered in his heart.

"Let's go, let's go to the city after eating."

Hua Sanniang urged from the side.

"Hey? When did you change your clothes? When you said this, you were still wearing the official uniform of the Deyang Town Guard."

Bai Yang looked at Hua Sanniang and asked in surprise, "Are you kidding me? You can change clothes while riding a horse?"

"This is not secure, so don't bother."

Hua Sanniang refused to answer this question.

Hum hum, little girl, sometimes you cry!

Bai Yang shrugged and walked forward surrounded by them.

They are all such a bunch of idiots. One or twenty of them are covered in black robes and it doesn’t look like a good thing at first glance. It’s unreasonable to appear in front of people like this without causing trouble, right

Boring, what is Bai Yang’s slogan? Get into trouble when you're bored!

He is worried to death. Is it because 'most' people with high martial arts focus on practicing martial arts and ignore some details of life

Well, this can become a research topic...

Again, the ten or twenty of them looked like they were not good people at first glance. Xiao Si carefully led the way and entered the inn. First, there was a lobby with an area of thousands of square meters. Most of the hundreds of tables were already occupied.

There are people dressed in all kinds of costumes, including scholars, knights, business travelers, and children from rich families.

There is a stand next to the lobby with someone telling stories.

"Life would be incomplete if something didn't happen in a place like this!"

Bai Yang thought to himself.

As they walked through the lobby and headed towards the private room upstairs, Bai Yang aimed at a swordsman in black who was sitting at a table alone with a sword on the table.

"I'm sorry, bro, I see you are so embarrassed, I hope you can work harder and kill two of them."

Bai Yang thought to himself, a sewing needle flew out of his body silently, and quietly slipped under the robe of a man in black robe. He calculated the angle and timing. When the man in black robe passed by the swordsman eating alone, the needle flew out from his body. The man in black robe flew out of his body and flew towards the swordsman... (To be continued.)