Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 189: elixir


"I wish you a beautiful woman as soon as possible"

Bai Yang looked at Shan Qiulin with a smile and said.

Did you see that, just by talking like this, I deceived another person? One of the top ten masters in Qingmu County owes me three favors, so I asked you if you are afraid!

"To lend you a good word, then, I'll leave first?"

Shan Qiulin looked at Bai Yang and said sheepishly. He was so anxious that he couldn't wait to use the three strategies taught by Bai Yang to pick up girls. My junior sister I have long admired, let's see where you are going. Come to the bowl quickly...

"I understand your feelings, but I will give you one last piece of advice. When implementing your plan, don't do it perfectly. A few flaws are still okay. After all, nothing is perfect in the world. Too much perfection will make people realize... If there is any clue, then the gain outweighs the loss.”

Bai Yang thought for a while and said again.

"That's right, I've learned a lesson."

Shan Qiulin was stunned for a moment, and in the end he almost fell to the ground. He was not an idiot, otherwise he would not have become one of the top ten masters in Qingmu County. He could understand with just a little effort.

You can't do everything, otherwise the fate will end early. It only looks real if it has some flaws. As far as martial arts moves are concerned, there are still feints.

After exchanging pleasantries again, Shan Qiulin couldn't wait to walk out of the inn. After taking two steps, he turned around and looked at Bai Yang and asked awkwardly:

"May I ask what your name is? I've never asked you your surname. I'm being rude."

"It doesn't matter, just call me Bai Yang"

Shan Qiulin nodded. He really left this time. He left the inn and came outside. Without even looking at the nervous Hua Sanniang and the others, he took out a black horse and galloped away, quickly disappearing at the end of the road. .

"Theories, they're all theories. I don't know if Shan Qiulin can succeed. We'll have to wait and see."

While muttering in his heart, Bai Yang stretched and stood up, staggering outside.

"What did you say to him?"

Hua Sanniang immediately came to Bai Yang and asked.

"It's just chatting. Don't worry, it's not directed at you. He can hear our conversation on the third floor. You should also be able to hear my conversation with him in the lobby, right?"

Seeing Hua Sanniang's nervous eyes, Bai Yang felt amused and shook his head with a smile.

It's just to deal with you, I can just play slowly by myself. There is no need for Shan Qiulin. Such a master should be used at critical moments.

"Hmph, I won't eavesdrop on other people's conversations."

Hua Sanniang hummed and walked forward.

Tsk, I believe your nonsense, don’t you dare? Your Blood Lotus Sect can’t do anything. If you could beat Shan Qiulin, I’d probably hack him to death long ago...

When he came to the carriage, Bai Yang stood still again, and then the man in black robe who had stepped on Bai Yang's feet twice gritted his teeth again and crawled on the ground without saying a word but with sadness and indignation.

"Hey, this guy hasn't been hacked to death before"

While feeling dumb in his heart, Bai Yang stepped on the other person's back and stepped onto the carriage. He did not enter the carriage, but leaned against the carriage outside. He was about to enter Qingmu County, and he had to have a good experience.


Hua Sanniang took the lead and waved from the front, and the group of people gathered around the carriage and headed towards Aoki County.

When they passed by a forest, the remaining thirteen men in black robes ran into the woods. When they came out, their black robes had disappeared and they were all replaced by blue robes.

The sharp-eyed Bai Yang discovered that although they all wore the same style of robes, there were still subtle differences. The blue robes of five people had a red border on the sleeves, but the others did not.

"Those five should be what Hua Sanniang calls the master warriors. They have different strengths and statuses."

Bai Yang thought to himself, and asked Lin Bing'er, who was squeezing his shoulders next to him:

"You four sisters should also be practicing martial arts. What levels are you at?"

"Young Master, our four sisters are now warriors of the Nine Paths of Blood, and we will become warriors even further, because we four sisters have a common understanding, and if we work together, we can resist a master who has just entered the warrior realm."

Lin Binger replied softly.

"Oh, that's good. You can all leapfrog and fight...kill the enemy. You are not very old. How did you reach this level so quickly?"

Bai Yang raised his eyebrows and asked dumbly. He remembered that Lan Qingfeng, the head of the Lan family in Deyang Town, Niulanshan, was only the eighth level of blood energy. These four girls were already more powerful than them at such a young age!

Sure enough, people in small places can't compare.

"Master, these are all cultivated by Sister Hua. Every 'meeting' gives us a strength pill, so we can progress so fast."

Lin Binger said again.

"Qi Pill?"

Bai Yang raised his eyebrows, it turns out you guys got here by taking drugs.

"It's this kind of thing. After taking it, it can nourish the essence and blood. Practicing martial arts will naturally be faster. Even people who don't practice martial arts can strengthen their muscles and bones after taking it. If you behave well, I don't mind giving you one. , don’t look at it’s small size, one pill is worth one hundred thousand dollars.”

Hua Sanniang interjected from the front, taking out a white pill the size of a soybean from somewhere with two fingers, shaking it at Bai Yang and then putting it away.

"Where can I buy that stuff? Is it delicious? If it's delicious, I'll buy some to eat as beans."

Bai Yang looked at Hua Sanniang and smiled with her white teeth.

You actually dare to take out something good and wave it in front of me. Let me tell you, that thing belongs to me!

"Elixirs are sold in several places in the county that specialize in selling them. Do you want to eat them like beans? Let's not talk about whether you can afford it or not. I don't think you have practiced martial arts at all. Eating one can strengthen your muscles and bones. "If you take two pills in a row, you'll probably become fat. If you take three pills, you'll probably be so fat that you can't even walk within a few days."

Hua Sanniang curled her lips and said, "You think you can eat whatever you want."

Bai Yang was too lazy to answer, and looked forward with narrowed eyes.

It’s up to you whether you can eat the Xin Dao, but I can still eat the Earth Milk Essence, and I won’t see it being replenished to death. The Earth Milk Essence contains a torrent of essence that can enhance a martial artist’s cultivation. Your Qi Enhancing Pill may not be as good as that thing!

I just don’t know if this Qi-enhancing pill can increase my thoughts after eating it. I just need to get it and experiment with it.

The thoughts spread out silently, and with a gentle sweep of Hua Sanniang's body, he saw where she put the Strengthening Pills. It was in a small bottle in her arms, with a total of eight pills in it.

'It's covered with a lid, so I can't get it out'

Bai Yang was speechless.

She's not afraid of thieves, but she's afraid of being noticed. Anyway, Bai Yang has taken aim at it and will get it for her when he gets the chance.


The next second, Bai Yang's mouth curved into a strange arc and laughed silently.

Hua Sanniang had eight qi-enhancing pills that were temporarily unavailable, but in his mind, he found that five of the other ten people had such pills!

Perhaps because of the preciousness of this thing, they almost all hid it close to their bodies, but one of them, whether due to carelessness or some other reason, put the elixir in a pocket in his sleeve.


Surrounding the Energizing Pill with his mind, he always observed the direction of their sight, and took it out silently, avoiding their sight and flying over. With a casual move of his hand, the pill was in his hand.

"Isn't it just a strength pill? I have it too."

Bai Yang opened his eyes and smiled at Hua Sanniang. He held the Energizing Pill between his two fingers, shook it, and threw it into his mouth in front of them.


Hua Sanniang was speechless. Just now she was showing off to him, but now he took out one...

Bai Yang closed his eyes again after entering the Qi Enhancing Pill, and kept observing the changes after the pill was taken in. If there was anything wrong with him, he would take it out as soon as possible.

When the elixir enters the stomach and comes into contact with the stomach acid and gastric juice, it is digested and absorbed as expected by Bai Yang. It will be completely absorbed in one minute.

During this process, Bai Yang did not find any changes or discomfort in himself.

"My thoughts have increased the distance by about ten centimeters, and the weight of the controlled object is very small, probably only one-tenth of a gram. This is not the point. The point is that this thing is effective for my thoughts."

Bai Yang narrowed his eyes and thought to himself.

Thinking quickly in his mind, Bai Yang could only get a plausible answer in the end, that is, a certain area of his brain was opened, which required a lot of energy replenishment. Everything he ate would be absorbed by that part in addition to normal consumption. !

'Doesn't this mean that I have no chance of martial arts in this life? Every gain comes with a loss.'

It's a little depressing to understand this. He also wants to be a ** who can kill a cow with one punch, but unfortunately he probably won't have the chance...

So, since the Strengthening Pill is effective for me, what about other pills? In this world where martial arts are prosperous, low-end warriors have elixirs like the Strengthening Pill, so there must be better ones!

If other elixirs are also useful to your thoughts, it won't matter if you continue to grow and can't practice martial arts!

"Find a way to make money, then buy elixirs, pile them up, and strengthen your mind to an incredible level. By then, no matter what martial arts or magic, you will have to kneel before the uncle's superpowers!"

While I was thinking about it, I could see the Aoki County seat ahead in the distance.

Bai Yang was filled with shock when he saw the towering city wall. It was fifty meters high, like a mountain lying on the ground, with no end in sight extending out on both sides.

People were coming in and out at the gate on the city wall. Bai Yang even felt that the flow of people was almost comparable to a train station during the Spring Festival!

"How many people are there in this county?"

Bai Yang couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know, but the number of people who settle in the county must be at least five million. Why do you ask?"

Hua Sanniang looked at Bai Yang and asked in confusion.

Bai Yang shook his head and said nothing. This is just a small county, with a population of five million, not counting the population of towns and villages outside. If added, the population of the entire county will be in the tens of millions!

And this is just a county town. There are county towns and state capitals above it. The Chen Dynasty is just a small country. Who knows how big this world is! It's beyond imagination. (To be continued.)