Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 201: My brother is awesome


"It's so cold!"

In the rented villa, Bai Yang, who had returned from another world, had a shiver. Only then did he realize that winter was almost here on earth.

It was dark all around, and it was obviously midnight. After turning on the lights, he saw that he was covered in blood and felt uncomfortable. He casually threw away the blood-striped sword in his hand, turned on the air conditioner, and rushed to the bathroom.

There was hot water in the villa at all times. He took off his bloody clothes and threw them into the automatic washing machine, and started to rinse himself.

Bai Yang, who had used up half a bottle of shampoo and shower gel when he was a child, felt refreshed and put on a set of clean thick clothes. He also didn't need the clean clothes and took them out of the washing machine and threw them directly into the trash can.

There were also some blood stains on the floor of the room. I just found a towel and wiped it clean. I threw the towel into the washing machine and washed it clean. The blood washed into the sewer and I didn’t need the towel either...

I lay down on my bed, turned on my phone and looked at the time. It was only one o'clock in the middle of the night.

"We probably won't be able to pass over there for a few weeks. Wanhua Tower will definitely become a place of right and wrong. It's none of my business whether you are turned upside down or not. I just want to take advantage of this time to have a good rest and have fun. Anyway, I am not short of money. Well, it’s such a happy decision.”

Throwing the Wanhualou Blood Lotus Sect aside, he saw the blood-patterned sword that he had casually thrown aside before. He was surprised to find that the blood-patterned sword actually penetrated the floor, leaving only the hilt still stuck on the floor. .

"Here I go, how sharp is this? I just threw it away so casually."

Shocked in his heart, Bai Yang extended his thoughts and merged into the blood-patterned sword. The long sword flew up again, leaving only a small crack three centimeters long and several millimeters wide on the ground.

The blood-patterned sword floated in front of Bai Yang's eyes, and he had time to look at the sword carefully.

The hilt and the sword body are integrated and made of the same material. They are made of blood-patterned steel covered with bloodshot veins. The sword body is three feet long and very thin. It is only about four millimeters thick by visual inspection.

"A long sword forged from blood-patterned steel, a semi-finished Shinto sword. It looks light, but it's so heavy that I can't even lift it. This is completely inconsistent with the laws of physics. Is it because the metal density of this material is too high or is it because of Shinto? Why is the weapon so heavy because of the refining technique? The strangest thing is that such a heavy thing can be controlled by my thoughts like arms and fingers. Obviously my thoughts can only control about 20 grams of weight... "

Confused, Bai Yang made a special experiment, put the blood pattern sword aside, and used his mind to control other things. That's right, he could only control ten to twenty grams of weight, and there was nothing he could do if he weighed more, but he could control it. I don’t know how heavy the blood-patterned sword is!

"It's weird, I don't understand it, but there are two reasons for this. One is that this metal material can completely fit my thoughts and integrate with my thoughts, which is why I can control this sword like an arm. Another reason is that it is made using Shinto weapon refining techniques, and it is probably engraved with so-called formations and patterns. It goes against science to increase its weight and at the same time perfectly fits my thoughts... "

Thinking in his mind, Bai Yang integrated his thoughts into the blood-patterned sword and carefully felt every part of the sword body. He just felt that the blood-patterned sword was simply a part of his body and did not find anything else.

Put aside the things you can't figure out, why waste your brain? Anyway, the result is that you can control the sword by yourself.

With a thought in his mind, his imagination widened. Could he also be able to fly with a sword like the legendary swordsman

Just do it when you think of it, turn over and let the blood-striped sword fly up and float a few centimeters above the ground. Anyway, the blood-striped sword is almost like a part of your body, so you are not afraid of cutting your feet, so you stand up carefully. !

Then, with a bang, the blood-patterned sword fell to the ground.

"No, I can't bear my weight. Yes, although I can control the flight of the blood pattern sword with my mind, I can't carry myself. It's like I can lift my arms, but I can't lift myself up by myself. It makes sense, but I estimate that when my thoughts are strong enough to support my own weight, I will be able to fly with a sword. Paralysis, what else will I need to fly with a sword at that time? I can surround myself with thoughts and fly Already…”

After thinking about it, these poplars were very depressed.

Then I tested the sharpness of the blood-patterned sword. This was awesome. The blood-patterned sword flew up. The cabinets in the room were torn apart like pieces of paper by the blood-patterned sword. The walls were no different from cutting tofu. The kitchen knives were cut in two. …

After some experiments, he was similar to ransacking a house, cutting down anything he saw. In the end, the entire villa was almost demolished by Bai Yang, but he found nothing that could withstand the sharpness of the blood-striped sword!

"That's awesome, my brother. Is there anyone who can block the killing god within a range of twenty-five meters?"

Standing in the messy living room, Bai Yang stretched out his hand to touch the sword floating in front of him and stared at himself.

Then, I had a shiver. It was so cold. I quickly rushed to the bedroom and covered myself with the quilt to feel more comfortable. In a blink of an eye, I saw the black token of unknown material that was thrown in the corner when I threw the blood pattern sword. Bai Yang suddenly thought Control the Blood Pattern Sword to cut the token. It is also an item refined using Shinto weapon refining techniques. Which one is tougher

Facts have proved that Bai Yang was overthinking. Weapons are weapons after all. Although the token has a somewhat magical effect, the material cannot be compared with the weapon. Under the blood pattern sword, the token was easily cut in half! Then simply cut it into pieces and scrap it.

Nothing special happened. After playing around for a while, Bai Yang felt sleepy. He pierced the blood patterned sword into the wall and turned over to sleep...

The next morning... well... it was probably after ten o'clock. Bai Yang woke up refreshed and saw the messy room. He scratched his head and was speechless. This was all his fault.

I found my cell phone and searched for a decoration company. I called a decoration company and asked them to come over and restore the place. It was not short of money. It was an amazing four to five million yuan.

After getting up and washing up, he took out the clothes he washed last night and threw them into the trash can. Someone from the home decoration company came over and explained. He took the blood-patterned sword and walked into the garage, drove a six-wheel Mercedes-Benz pickup truck and left the villa.

First, he went to the royal banquet held by Song Daodao's family and ate a large table of food while the waiters were stunned. After eating and drinking, he paid with his credit card, and then drove a Mercedes-Benz pickup truck towards his metal processing factory.

I went to the place and took a look. What was the deserted scene like

Driving the car to the door, I found that there used to be dozens of big guys doing nothing here, but now there is only one guy playing stand-alone games in the security room at the door. There is no network cable here...

"Wang Qingjiang, where are Xiong Da and the others? Why are you the only one?"

Bai Yang's memory was off the charts. He remembered that the guy from the security room stretched his neck out in the car and asked.

"It's the boss. Brother Xiong and the others went after those water ghosts. Let me tell you, weren't those water ghosts targeted by the police last time? Hey, those gang of water ghosts had nothing to lose. I didn't expect those water ghosts to prick their hands. After a heavy casualty, the water ghost ran away and was being pursued everywhere. Brother Xiong and the others also went to find a way to chase them, to see if they could take advantage of the fire and rob them."

Wang Qingjiang Ma Liu came to the car and said to Bai Yang.

How long has it been since you gave up? Bai Yang was speechless. He got out of the car with the blood pattern sword in hand, waved it in front of Wang Qingjiang and said:

"It's just you. Do you have any scraps of titanium alloy? Get me a scabbard."

"This is simple. Boss, don't worry, it will be fine soon. But boss, where did you get this sword? Why does it look so evil? It seems to have bloodshot streaks on it, and it looks oozing."

Wang Qingjiang looked at the blood-marked sword in Bai Yang's hand and said.

"You know what I'm talking about. This is an antique I spent 80 million to get. It was just unearthed. It's awesome, right? Where did all this nonsense come from? Get me the scabbard quickly. It's inconvenient to hold it like this."

Bai Yang opened his mouth and started talking nonsense. I would tell you that this is a sword from another world

"The boss is very generous, please give me some time to play... I'd better go get the boss's sword scabbard first."

Wang Qingjiang grinned and ran to the workshop.

"You can't play even if I give it to you."

Bai Yang curled his lips and followed.

After entering the workshop, he saw an electronic scale on the side. Wang Qingjiang was not paying attention and put the blood pattern sword on it to weigh it. What made Bai Yang dumbfounded was that this seemingly light blood pattern sword actually weighed so much. One hundred and forty-five kilograms!

This special item weighs almost 300 kilograms. No wonder it can’t be lifted. So is this due to the density of the material or the refining technique

Bai Yang was dumbfounded, but the amount of information was too little and he couldn't understand it. It was impossible for him to use this sword to analyze the material composition. Regardless of the origin, who would be responsible if it was damaged

Wang Qingjiang quickly made the scabbard for Bai Yang. As someone who plays with mechanics, he still has a good eye. Not only did the scabbard fit just right, but he also used laser to make some nice patterns on it. After spray painting and frosting, it matched with the blood pattern sword. There is no sense of violation at all.

"Okay, I'll leave first, you can take your time and play."

After getting the things, Bai Yang ran away irresponsibly.

The blood-patterned sword was too heavy for him to lift. It seemed to be inserted into the scabbard, but in fact it was controlled by his mind. The weight of the scabbard was in his hand.

After returning to the car, after thinking for a while, he took out his wallet and found the VIP card Tang Shiliu had given him. The call was answered as soon as he called, and a sweet voice asked:

"Dear Supreme VIP member Mr. Bai, how can I serve you?"

What he got was the supreme VIP membership card. Tang Shiliu was willing to spend enough money and said:

"It's like this. I have a sword in my hand. It's a controlled item, but I like it. It's not easy to keep it with me. Find an expert to get me an art collection certificate or an antique collection certificate."

With those certificates, this sword can be taken on planes and trains. Even if it is found by the police, it will be fine. Bai Yang still knows this.

"Okay Mr. Bai, please provide a photo of the sword and your address. We will deliver it to you as soon as we get it done."

"Okay, take it to my place when the time comes."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Yang took a photo of the blood-patterned sword and sent it to him. Then he thought and thought, what should he do next? (To be continued.)

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