Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 203: A person's journey


"Boss, why don't you take me with you? I should be able to help you a lot in the wild. It's too dangerous in the woods this season."

Wang Qingjiang looked at Bai Yang with a look of admiration and worry. Sound of Nature "Novel"

"You can pull me down. What kind of structure is there in the forest with two grown men running around? I've packed it up. Send me to the edge of the forest a few kilometers away and you can come back and play by yourself."

Bai Yang curled his lips and said.

He packed a lot of odds and ends, a package that was more than half a person tall. He wore three layers of thermal underwear, a down jacket on the outside, three layers of socks on his feet, and a pair of long leather boots on the outside. He had a dagger inserted, a tactical belt under his down jacket, two Sandhawks under his armpits, two 54s on his waist, loaded with bullets, and two layers of hats on his head, a hood on the inside, and a leather hat on the outside. There was a folding crossbow inside that had not been opened, a tent and other outdoor equipment had been prepared, and there was a blood-patterned sword beside the package...

"Boss, are you serious? Then you have to be careful. There are a lot of wild boars, tigers, brown bears, etc. in Xing'an Mountains, especially during this foraging season."

Wang Qingjiang reminded while driving.

"Come on, I know everything. Isn't everything ready?"

Bai Yang was speechless. He was almost as talkative as a woman, but he knew that the other person was doing it for his own good.

In more than ten minutes, the car arrived at a deserted place outside Xing'an Mountains. Bai Yang got out of the car carrying a package weighing seven to eighty kilograms, holding a blood-patterned sword in his hand, and said to Wang Qingjiang:

"Go and play by yourself. I don't know when I will come out. I will give you a call then. If the money is not enough, you can find a way by yourself. I will give it to you then."

After saying that, Bai Yang waved his hand and walked into the forest. He did not go to the scenic area, but ran into the wilderness alone. Mao could find excitement in the scenic area.

Although the sun was shining brightly, Bai Yang estimated that the outdoor temperature here had dropped below zero, and the wind on his face was no different than a knife.

During this period of time, his physique had indeed increased a lot. The nearly one hundred kilograms of equipment Bai Yang on his body did not feel heavy. After entering the forest, he went all the way deep. After four or five hours, he had penetrated more than 30 kilometers into the Xing'an Mountains.

I found a leeward place and ate some of the vacuum-packed meat that came in the package, rested for half an hour and continued deeper.

The colder we walked in the forest, the trees gradually grew taller, the dead branches and leaves on the ground gradually became thicker, and from time to time we saw some small animals jumping up and down.

"This Greater Khingan Mountains is not that good. Compared with the Mihe Forest in the other world, it is extremely safe. However, it has a different natural scenery. After all, they are two different worlds."

Stopping and walking along the way, he took out the high-definition digital camera he had prepared to take pictures along the way.

After walking again and again, after another four or five hours, the sky began to darken, and he did not encounter any exciting things. He did not encounter any tigers, wild boars, dogs, bears, etc. There were quite a few hares, pheasants, squirrels, etc. Look at The largest animal is a lynx.

"It's almost 40 to 50 kilometers deep, right? The Daxingan Mountains are 1,200 kilometers long and 200 to 300 kilometers wide. It will definitely be endless. Who cares, it's not a place until you play."

Muttering in his mouth, while it was still dark, he found a place with his back to the cliff and leeward and started to set up camp.

The tent was propped up and fixed to prevent it from blowing away in the middle of the night. Then I took out a multifunctional shovel and dug a shallow ditch three meters outside the tent. I sprinkled insect repellent powder on the outside and used tree branches on the outside. I inserted it in a circle and pulled on the fishing line. A small bell was hung on the fishing line as an early warning device.

Then, the blood-striped sword flew up, and with a swishing sound, the dry branches were cut into small pieces and fell down. After a while, he collected a pile and threw it into a hole on the ground to light a fire.

At night, by the bonfire, Bai Yang took out the cooked food in the package and ate it fiercely, then threw the package into the fire and burned it.

"This appetite is too big. The food I prepared is now exhausted. I will be hungry tomorrow."

Even so, it doesn't matter to him. Anyway, there are a lot of game in Xing'an Mountains, so he doesn't have to worry about running out of food. He has prepared all the seasonings himself. Quack, little animals, please stay away from me tomorrow.

I looked up and, ho ho, I actually saw the Northern Lights. I took out my digital camera and took pictures.

After playing for an hour, I was tired from walking this day, so I turned up the fire and went to sleep in the tent. The crossbow had been assembled and placed beside me, and a sand hawk was placed within easy reach.

In the middle of the night, Bai Yang heard a whining sound outside. He woke up and found that the tent was shaking. He took a quick look and saw that it was windy. The cold wind was howling, mixed with snow foam.

"The temperature has dropped again. It's about ten or twenty degrees below zero. Fortunately, I'm well prepared, otherwise I'd freeze to death."

He muttered, zipped up the tent and went back to sleep.

When he woke up on the second day, Bai Yang found depressedly that he was almost buried in a snowdrift.

When we finally came out of the tent, the sky and the earth were covered in silver, and the snow on the ground was a foot or two thick.

"Beautiful. Living in the south, this is the first time I have seen such a scenery. It really is the scenery of the North that is frozen for thousands of miles, and the sky and the earth are vast."

Looking at the vast white sky and earth, he suddenly felt relaxed and happy, and his mind suddenly broadened.

Seeing a group of pheasants in the distance looking for food in the snow, he chuckled, ran into the tent, took out his crossbow, and hunted four or five of them in a few clicks. With his current calculations, he was as good as a marksman. No difference.

I ran over and took a look. Every pheasant was extremely fat. The smallest one weighed three or four kilograms. I picked it back, pulled away the snow on the extinguished fire, rekindled the fire, and dug out the small pot. Anyway, I was bored. After boiling pots and pots of chicken feathers in snow water soup, it took more than an hour to clean up the five pheasants.

Then I found branches and put the pheasant on the fire and roasted it until it was sizzling with oil. I found bottles and jars and sprinkled salt, pepper, Sichuan peppercorns, chili peppers, cumin and so on evenly on it. After a while, the fragrance was overflowing. .

Well, I have to admit that Bai Yang really has no talent for cooking. He roasted two of the five pheasants, but some of them were edible, so he made do with it.

"Okay, although the roasting is not very good, it has a different flavor. I have deliberately created such a strong smell of blood. Why haven't any large animals come to trouble me? Is it because the temperature is low and the smell of blood cannot be dissipated? "

Eating roast chicken, Bai Yang looked around and was speechless. He also wanted to see tigers, bears and so on.

I was a little depressed when I didn't see any large animals. I ate and drank enough, put out the fire, put away my things, flew up with the blood-patterned sword, cut down a big tree, cut out a wooden board with two clicks, and put a bunch of things on the wooden board. , tied with a nylon rope, dragged a simple sledge forward in the snow, and continued deep into the Xing'an Mountains.

Life is actually boring a lot of the time, and you have to learn to find happiness for yourself.

As he advanced one step at a time in the snow, Bai Yang's expression changed soon after. He looked around, then put down the sledge, bent down, and dug, dug, and dug...

Damn, I wore it too thickly. I almost couldn’t take it out when I peeed. I finally took it out, but I was shivering from the cold. The urine that came out froze into popsicles before it even hit the ground!

"I'm wiping it. It's been too long. Why don't you give it to me and freeze it off?"

Peiwan quickly let the frozen bird return to its nest, Baiyang grinned.

The white surroundings dazzled his eyes. He rummaged through the package, found some sunglasses and put them on, which made him feel a little more comfortable. Well, he had been prepared for it.

Walking alone in the white world, he doesn't feel lonely or bored at all. When he sees something interesting, he leaves his sledge and goes there to play. When he sees a small animal, he takes out his digital camera to take pictures.

After a few hours of stopping and going like this, he didn't know how far he had gone. He came across an icy river. It was quite strong after trying it. He pulled the sledge onto the ice and paddled out with a little help. Far away, go upstream.

After more than an hour, we could no longer move along the river. A waterfall appeared in front of us, and the dense forest was replaced by rolling mountains.

"Okay, let's play around here before we talk."

Seeing the continuous mountains, Bai Yang's eyes lit up, he pulled the sledge over, and found a stone wall at the foot of the mountain. The blood-striped sword flew up, inserted into the stone wall, turned around, and drew a half-meter diameter on the stone wall. A wide circle, and then the blood-patterned sword swish-swished, cutting the stones in the circle into stone strips.

The blood-patterned sword could only fly and could not lift heavy objects. Bai Yang removed the chopped stone bars with his own hands, and then expanded the space inside along the circle. Three hours later, there were a lot of stone bars thrown around. Baiyang dug a two-meter-deep cave into the stone wall!

Although each stone bar was not heavy, he was so tired and hot from being busy for several hours.

He put things in the cave, found firewood, hunted two plump hares, cut open the ice on the edge, washed them clean, and enjoyed it with his hands turning red from the cold, and then made a fire to roast the rabbit meat.

A meal is included, and while running, he cuts down a large tree with a diameter of about three meters with a blood-patterned sword, cuts off a section, and pins it into a piece the size of the dug hole. Block the hole, and then swish it with blood. Wen Jian made a skateboard, put it on and started climbing the mountain.

Tired to death, he climbed to the top of the mountain and looked at the white world in all directions. He couldn't help but yell nervously.

"I am the king of the forest! Let me go..."

After yelling, he jumped on his skateboard and jumped down the mountain. He slid down the mountain at lightning speed, shuttled through the forest, and was gone with a swoosh!

With his current brain calculations, there would be no mistakes at all during the skiing process. He could easily perform various difficult moves and have a great time.

Half an hour later, he skied out for at least ten kilometers. After he stopped, he scratched his head. He had no choice but to go back. There was no way to slide on the snow uphill.

After finally returning to the dug cave, I lay down directly on the snow and laughed.

"This is life. Just do whatever comes to your mind. Don't hesitate. Time waits for no one. No matter what happens, don't wait until one day when you are full of ambition but not strong enough to lament that you haven't had time to do many things..." (to be completed) Continued.)