Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 205: Why is that girl?


In the vast snowfield, a chase is going on.

More than a dozen people in front fled in panic, while more than a hundred people behind them pursued them in a semi-encirclement and dragnet style.

The more than ten fleeing people were all wearing ordinary clothes and had guns in their hands. They were extremely embarrassed, but they cooperated tacitly and fought back from time to time against those who were chasing them.

The more than 100 people chasing them were all wearing white clothes. You couldn't tell them apart in the snow if you weren't paying attention, and their weapons and equipment were several levels higher than those of the fleeing people!

This chase has lasted for two days. Hunger, cold and exhaustion swept through the more than ten people in front, and they would collapse at any time.

Not to mention the more than a hundred armed personnel chasing them, in this weather alone, falling down would mean death!

Bang bang bang…

Three gunshots rang out, and two people in the chasing crowd fell to the ground. One of them was shot directly in the forehead and died. The other was shot in the thigh but gritted his teeth without saying a word. His willpower was terrifying!

Behind a big tree ahead, a yellow-skinned man with a face bruised by the cold quickly retracted his arm, leaned against the tree and let out a breath of cold air. He took out the pistol magazine and took a look. There were only three bullets in it.

"'Boss', this is not the way to go. We are short of ammunition. It is recommended to split up from now on. To distract the other party's attention, there may be hope of escaping. All we need is to contact the outside world."

He re-inserted the magazine into the gun handle and looked at a woman lying in a snow nest a few meters away and said tiredly.

"No, there are too many people on the other side, and they are chasing closely. Moreover, they have infrared equipment in their hands. There is no way for us to escape their pursuit. If we separate, we will only die faster. Hold on, as long as we pass through the Daxingan Mountains, we will be safe. Got it!"

The woman in the snow nest gasped and said in a deep voice.

The other members around smiled silently and bitterly. 'Boss' has said this many times, from Changbai Mountain to Xiaoxinganling, and from Xiaoxinganling to Daxinganling!

In order to recover what was in their hands, the people behind them did not hesitate to use hundreds of people to chase them, and even risked causing a war, chasing them from Goryeo into the Changbai Mountains, passing through the Xiaoxinan Mountains, and then all the way here!

At the beginning, the other party used electromagnetic interference equipment to destroy their communicator, and they couldn't even request reinforcements. They had lost contact with their superiors for more than 48 hours!

"Hurry up, they are catching up again. Damn it, these haunting things, if they didn't have no equipment in their hands, they would have been killed long ago!"

Behind another big tree, a buddy who was shot in the shoulder gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

"I still have a magazine of ammunition. Numbers 2, 3, and 4 will work with me to cover the retreat of the others. When we reach 30 meters, you will cover us. This is an order, execute it immediately!"

The woman in the snow nest took a deep breath and said.

Except for the 'boss' and No. 234, everyone else looked at each other and executed immediately. Any further entanglement would only make it more dangerous. They rushed out from various hiding places and made tactical evasive maneuvers to move quickly in the snow.

However, as soon as they broke out of their hiding place, a series of gunshots rang out with a loud bang, bullets poured in, snowflakes flew, and tree bark exploded.

Puff puff…

The buddy who was shot in the shoulder stumbled with his right foot stuck in the snow. Two bullets hit him and he fell to the ground immediately!

"You must send the things back..."

After leaving such a sentence, his body twitched twice and became silent.

"Damn it!"

The woman in the snow nest gritted her teeth and cursed secretly. She jumped up and threw herself three meters away. At the same time, while she was in the air, she raised her wrist and heard three gunshots. Three of the pursuers fell to the ground.

Numbers 2, 3, and 4 also fired at three other points to suppress the firepower of those behind them, but their equipment was not good enough, so it was a drop in the bucket.

The woman threw herself into the snow and rolled quickly. There was a pop-pop sound where she landed. At least a dozen bullets hit that location. The bullets followed her rolling trajectory until she rolled behind a big tree. After escaping a bullet, the bullet crackled on the tree trunk and sawdust flew.

The woman took a deep breath, her whole body was exhausted, and her delicate face was covered with stains. She grabbed a handful of cold snow and rubbed it on her face to cheer herself up.

Dozens of meters away, teammates who rushed over found a hiding place and gestured at them to cover them and hurry up.

The woman made a retreat gesture, immediately turned over, stepped on the tree trunk, and rushed out like a cheetah using the strength.

The other three made tactical evasive maneuvers to follow.

Bang bang bang…

A barrage of bullets chased them, but the dozen or so people in front immediately opened fire, slightly suppressing the firepower of those behind them, allowing the woman and the other three to move forward smoothly for dozens of meters.

I don't know how many times similar battles have gone on, and each time I have narrowly escaped death. All the way from Changbai Mountain to here, there were only more than ten people left out of the original thirty people!

Behind them, among the more than a hundred armed personnel chasing them, a big man said in English with a cold face:

"Chase, we must kill them all and get their things back before they leave Daxinganling and contact the outside world. Otherwise, all of us will have to go to military court, and the entire national war/strategy/plan will be aborted, and no one will bear the responsibility. I can’t afford this responsibility!”

No one spoke, and they all chased the fleeing person in front of them as if they were dead.

The chase and escape continued.

Diagonally behind these people, Bai Yang came down from the hot spring mountain and approached quickly on his skateboard.

"What's going on? Is this a war? Why are there bloody corpses and bullet casings everywhere?"

Seeing the messy snow, Bai Yang immediately threw away his homemade skis and jumped into the snow, staring and muttering to himself.

After observing for a moment, there was nothing moving around. He got up and cautiously moved forward ten or twenty meters. He came to a tree. There was a corpse here. He was shot in the neck and the surrounding white snow was stained red with blood.

"They are Chinese, what happened?"

Bai Yang raised his eyebrows, and while muttering to himself, he saw two corpses in white clothes not far away. He walked over and lifted the hoods on the corpses, and it turned out to be Crooked Nut Kernel with a high nose and blue eyes!

"These dead parties are not ordinary armed/armed/personnel at all, they are soldiers at all, and they are not ordinary soldiers. They don't have any identification marks on their bodies, so it's impossible to tell which country they are from. Hey, there's something fun! "

Grinning, Bai Yang didn't mind being dirty now. He pulled off the relatively intact white clothes on one of the corpses and put them on himself, and then quickly ran forward along the messy snow.

Although Bai Yang has not received special military training, he still knows the basics of hiding. Walking along the messy snow, you will see one or several corpses a hundred or ten meters apart. Almost all of the dead are wearing white clothes. There were very few Chinese people in Wai Guo Ren, and the old bark of the trees along the way burst. It was obvious that the previous firefight was fierce.

As he got closer, the sound of gunfire from the front became more obvious.

“It’s just right to have a telescope”

Seeing a pair of binoculars next to a dead body, Bai Yang's eyes lit up, he took it in his hand, ran to a relatively high place, climbed into the snow and looked towards the front of the firefight.

"There are quite a few of these people. Let me take a look. Although it is difficult to distinguish them in the snow wearing white clothes, how can they escape my sharp eyes? There are one hundred and thirty-eight of them in total, advancing in a semi-encirclement and dragnet style. Now let's Let me see what is running away in front of me... Damn it... Why is that girl Su Xishui over there? Didn't she just call me a few days ago?"

Bai Yang was dumbfounded when he saw the person being chased in front of him. Through the telescope, he saw Su Xishui wearing a jeans down jacket, dirty and panting with her back against a rock. Although only half of her face was exposed, Bai Yang's memory Brilliantly, he recognized her immediately.

"Although I don't understand what you are doing, you are lucky to have met me."

Muttering in his heart, he glanced at the direction of Su Xishui and the others. Due to the angle and the fact that they were hidden, they couldn't distinguish many people.

Then Bai Yang observed again. Su Xishui and the others were only more than two hundred meters away from the armed personnel behind them, while he was more than eight hundred meters away from the group of people.

"It's more than 800 meters. If it's too far away, the blood pattern sword can't reach it. Otherwise, it will fly over and be chopped down by him in a few swipes. You have to get closer."

Thinking quickly in his mind, Bai Yang, wearing white clothes, moved quickly in the snow.

However, just after approaching a distance of more than 200 meters, Bai Yang felt his heart tightening inexplicably, and immediately rolled behind a big tree without thinking.

"Paralysis, was discovered?"

The fact is that Bai Yang was really discovered. Among the people chasing Su Xishui and the others, someone came to the big man with a tablet and reported:

"Sir, according to the infrared radar scan carried by us, there are people approaching us more than 500 meters away diagonally behind us. It is estimated that the group of people we are chasing have slipped through the net and rushed over."

"He actually came here to die. The past ten people have taken care of him. Let's see if there is anything we want in him!"

The big man sneered.


With a reply, ten people in white clothes separated from the large army and surrounded Bai Yang.

"Has it been discovered?"

Bai Yang murmured in his heart, and quickly stretched his head out from behind the big tree to take a look and then retracted. Although it was just a glance, he also saw ten people touching him.

"You are looking for death."

Bai Yang curled his lips, even the terrifying warrior who could 'fly' was hacked to death by me, why am I still afraid of you

Then he stretched out his neck and took a look. The other party was quite fast, approaching more than a hundred meters in the snow in half a minute.

He inserted the pistol in his left hand into his tactical belt, held the crossbow, rushed out from behind the tree, rolled to the ground, pulled the trigger on the way, and a crossbow arrow flew out.

Although the crossbow that Lao Lang sold to Bai Yang was not the world's top quality, its effective range was a full two hundred meters, and the people coming over there were still more than three hundred meters away from Bai Yang.

"Wind speed, angle, distance, the opponent's forward movement... let the crossbow fly for a while."

The poplar tree is leaning against the tree trunk and calculating in its mind.

Three seconds later, one of the ten people chasing behind him, the snow on the tree in front exploded. Before he could react, a crossbow arrow fell from the sky and shot into his eye socket, piercing through the back of his head. In an instant, He fell to the ground and threw himself into the street.


The other nine people responded immediately to find the hiding place. (To be continued.)

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