Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 208: The group is destroyed


"Shet, Fuck, ****..."

The officer cursed loudly, partly out of anger and partly out of fear. He gritted his teeth and tried his best to suppress his voice. "sky

lai novels

"Sir, what should we do next?"

More than a dozen pairs of eyes looked at him, and someone asked in a low voice.

This group of armed men changed their roles from hunters in the beginning to prey in less than twenty minutes, and they were the kind of prey pointed at by hunters with shotguns.

Looking around, the officer saw the body of the dead liaison officer, with the equipment on him, more than thirty meters away. He was shot in the head and fell in the snow.

"You, go over and get the wireless satellite communication equipment, and we will cover you."

The chief pointed to the body of the liaison officer not far away and said this to a buddy next to him.


The guy was dumbfounded, pointed at his nose and asked, wouldn't going out at this time be courting death

"It's you, quickly, execute the order!"

The chief said solemnly.


That guy had no choice but to rise to the level of an order. He couldn't disobey it, even if he died!

Taking a deep breath, he rushed out with the gun in hand, made tactical evasive maneuvers, rolled and jumped on the ground and moved forward in a zigzag pattern.

Poof…! boom… !

He rushed less than five meters away, and a bloody flower bloomed on his head. He threw himself on the street and fell to the ground. After he fell to the ground, a gunshot was heard from more than 100 meters away.


died? But what about the shooter

A group of hidden militants had a sudden heart attack. The person who fired the gun didn't see it, but one of their own was already dead. The other party was really a ghost or a devil!

"Farke! Farke! Farke!"

The officer gritted his teeth, what the hell is this? There was obviously only one person on the other side, but not only did he kill more than a hundred people on his side, but he didn't even meet him, and he suppressed himself and others so much that they didn't dare to move. How could there be such a terrible person in the world!

"You, you, you three, go over at the same time and be sure to get the wireless satellite communication equipment. This mission is important and we may not be able to complete it, but we must request support, quickly!"

The chief ordered the three men again and ordered through gritted teeth.

The three buddies looked at each other. Even though they were scared in their hearts, when it came to this mission, they had to die and complete it even if there was even a slight chance!

Taking a deep breath, the three of them rushed out of their hiding place at the same time.

However, what made others dumbfounded was that the three people who rushed out died faster. The first one rushed out four meters, the second one rushed out three meters, and the third one rushed out two meters, with blood on his head. After Hua Peng Street, gunshots were heard in the distance...

"Ah...! Devil, go to hell, go to hell, go to hell..."

Someone just collapsed. They had never encountered such a terrifying thing. They jumped out of the hiding place and fired randomly in the direction of the source of the gunfire with a machine gun.

However, within a second or two, the gunfire suddenly stopped, and he fell to the ground dead with a bullet between his eyebrows!

Everyone was extremely nervous and frightened. Yes, they were soldiers, but they had never encountered such a terrible thing. It was as if they were facing the super heroes of the Women's Federation.

Then one by one they looked at the commander and waited for him to make up his mind.

Why are you looking at me? I have nothing to do at this time...

The commander was extremely speechless and collapsed at the same time.

In the distance, Baiyang stood behind a big stone. He dug out two small holes in the snowdrift on the stone to observe the situation there.

"You guys should come out, one by one I have to kill until when, come out together, I will solve the problem and then go back to the hot spring. Is it easy for me to play CF with you in this ice and snow? I, hurry up and give away the head." One round… "

He muttered incoherently, and calculated in his mind that there were about twenty people on the enemy side. He shot and killed the three who rushed out, but no one came out for two minutes.

He was depressed now. It was not a good idea to wait like this.

"It's more than a hundred meters. The grenade man probably can't throw it that far. Hey, there is a rocket launcher. This is good. If you don't come out, I will blow it up for you!"

When I saw a rocket launcher next to an enemy corpse a few meters away, my eyes lit up. I bent over, picked it up, checked to see if it was good, loaded the rocket, aimed at the place where the previous few people had rushed out, and pulled the trigger.

Phew…! The rocket rushed over with a long flame.

"Get down quickly...!"

There was a horrified roar from the other side, but the sound was followed by a loud bang, and piles of snow fell from the surrounding trees amid the flames.

"Tsk, tsk, they all blew up. I must have killed at least three of them with this shot."

Bai Yang glanced over there and smiled happily.

Taking advantage of the chaos there, he threw away the rocket launcher, grabbed a machine gun, and rushed forward, leaning against a big tree and listening.

At this position, he was less than a hundred meters away from the enemy. If he listened carefully, he could identify any normal and subtle sounds in his mind!

"Judging from their breathing, there are a total of nineteen people over there, each at..., there's nothing to be afraid of. Kill them as soon as possible and get it over with!"

After determining where the frightened militants were hiding, Bai Yang opened his eyes and muttered to himself, and then said directly in English:

"You have been surrounded. Don't resist indifferently. Drop your weapons and surrender, and strive for leniency..."

There's nothing wrong with that, that's what the police usually shout.

Of course, in order to prevent the other party from judging his position based on his voice, Bai Yang moved to another place to hide after finishing the last word.

The officer over there was speechless when he heard Bai Yang's words, "Uncle, although you are very powerful, we can't do anything to you, but tell me how you surrounded us by yourself?"

This is what he thought in his heart, but the commander's eyes lit up. What a great opportunity. If you surrender, you can approach the unlimited satellite communication equipment openly!

"We surrender, please don't shoot!"

Thinking of this, the officer immediately shouted.

yeah? I really surrendered, that's all I said, but it's better this way, it saves trouble.

"Drop your weapons, put your head in your hands and come out!"

Following the scene in the movie, Bai Yang said to the other side, and after speaking, he changed a place to hide again.

If you want to play, I will play with you...

"Fifteen of you, do as the other party said, all throw away your weapons and go out. Pay attention, after going out, the people in front try to block the people behind, and the people behind try to operate the wireless satellite communication equipment to report back the situation here. Be sure to Pass on the news about the successful training of China's suspected-level warriors! Quick, take action."

The commander is not stupid either. If he doesn't go out himself, he will instruct others to go out, so as not to be blamed by the other party after they go out.


What can others say? Although going out is a bit risky, according to international practice, prisoners are generally not killed. At least they can survive. As for what kind of international public opinion and diplomatic incident will be caused after being caught, that is not something they can control. Yes, you will definitely have to go to the military court, but it is better than dying now, right

Fifteen people all threw their weapons into the open space in the snow, then slowly walked out of the hiding place with their hands raised. Some people kept saying nonsense like "Don't kill me, I will surrender."

No one really throws away all their weapons, they all have them hidden just in case, even though they seem to be of no use.

"It's really coming out. If I go, then I won't be polite."

Bai Yang was dumbfounded and muttered, I am neither a soldier nor a politician, so the idea of not killing prisoners will not work here.

He raised the machine gun in his hand, click, click, click, click...

Bullets poured out from the gun, and the fifteen people who came out were shot and fell to the ground just as they started to bubble up!

The officer over there was dumbfounded. Although he guessed that the person opposite would not play according to common sense, you couldn't be so straightforward. You had to at least ask us some information before taking action, right? Will giving us some time to operate wireless communications equipment kill us

"How can you do this, protest, I protest, we have surrendered, how can you shoot and kill our people again?"

The commander roared in his heart, hiding himself and not daring to move.

When Bai Yang took advantage of the shooting, he killed the fifteen people and at the same time moved forward a certain distance to hide. He was already less than fifty meters away from the officer.

"I knew you couldn't be so honest. Fifteen of you came out, four more are hiding, and there are only the last four left. This is good. Kill them as soon as possible and get it over with."

Judging from the slight breathing sound, there were four alive over there. Bai Yang walked directly over with a swagger. There were only four of them. The threat was almost zero. There was nothing to be afraid of.

"Hey, come out, stop hiding. I've found four of you. Two of you are lying down in the snow nest. Aren't you cold? Or do you want to have sex? One is behind a tree and the other is behind a stone. "

Bai Yang said in English as he walked over, directly pointing out their hiding place.

The officer's expression froze. How did the other party find out? We have tried our best to suppress our breathing. We can't do anything when we meet such people. We took a deep breath and said:

"Please don't kill us. I'll tell you whatever you want to ask."

"Oh? Then tell me first who you are and why you appear here."

Bai Yang asked with a grin.

The officer was stunned. Isn't the other party the same as those in front

He said with joy:

"We are international smugglers. The people in front of us have robbed our things. We are chasing them. They are not good people either. They are gangsters and gangsters..."

I believed your nonsense, why are you still talking nonsense? I originally wanted you to live for a few more minutes, but it seems there is no need to waste time!

Bai Yang curled his lips in his heart. At this moment, he was within 20 meters of the last four people, and his thoughts had enveloped them!

There was nothing to say. The blood-patterned sword flew out like lightning and cut off the heads of the three guys before they even reacted!

The commander originally wanted to talk nonsense to try to get a chance to survive, but in the end he died without knowing how.

"Destroy the group! Finish it and call it a day... Hey, let me go. Are Su Xiaoniu and the others running away now?"

After taking down all the armed men, Bai Yang looked in the direction of Su Xishui and the others. There was still half a figure there? (To be continued.)