Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 210: No solution


Regardless of the hot springs, Bai Yang immediately went ashore, quickly put on his clothes, took a Battery heavy sniper rifle obtained from the killed militants, and went to the highest point of the hot spring mountain to look at the source of the sound.

"The sound should be more than ten kilometers away. The location is probably where I killed those people! Good guy, the five armed helicopters have an eight percent chance of being from that group of militants. More than fifteen years old, how dare you come here? Are you trying to trigger a war between the two countries?"

Standing on the top of the mountain, Bai Yang frowned and said to himself.

Although the night was dark and unclear, the sounds of the armed helicopters could still be heard, and the lights of those helicopters could even be vaguely seen.

Several planes were flying almost close to the ground. Bai Yang sincerely wished that they would be killed if they hit the ground...

"The maximum range of this thing is nearly seven kilometers, and the effective range is only two kilometers. It's too far away and can't be reached. Otherwise, I'll shoot him down!"

Bai Yang looked at the Barrett in his hand, and then at the armed helicopter that could only see faint lights in the distance. He could only look at the ocean and sigh, will you die if you fly over here...

He is not an idiot. Although he doesn't know if those armed helicopters have infrared thermal imaging equipment, he doesn't dare to risk it. They are flying in the sky. If he is spotted and the airborne anti-aircraft machine guns fire on him, he will die even if he wants to. , we can only stay in the hot spring mountain. The steam here is steaming, and the thermal imaging can only be a decoration. Seeing it here is probably no different from seeing the Flame Mountain.

"Huh? We separated. No, we must have gone after Su Xishui and others!"

Bai Yang frowned when he saw several armed helicopters separated in the distance, but they were too far away and beyond his reach...

One to twenty kilometers away from Hot Spring Mountain, five armed helicopters were flying at low altitude, almost clinging to the treetops, and sometimes even passing between big trees. This shows how skilled the pilots are.

In addition to the two pilots in the cockpit and co-pilot, there are ten fully armed men in the rear cockpit of each aircraft.

However, neither the helicopter nor the people on the helicopter have any identification marks. This is for insurance purposes. If they sneak into the enemy's country and are caught, there will be no identification marks and they will die without compromising their own country.

Counting from front to back, on the third helicopter, a faceless man wearing a hood in the cockpit said through the earphone:

"Call Falcon 1, 2, 4, and 5. Answer me if anyone has found us. Over."

"Falcon 1 received, no one alive on our side, answer completed"

"Falcon 2 received it. No living personnel on our side have been found. Answer completed."

"Falcon 4..."

The other four helicopters fed back information one after another, and the answers were consistent.

The commander on the third helicopter said solemnly:

"Continue searching, over"

"receive… "

In less than half a minute, the people on Falcon 1 reported via radio:

"Report to Falcon 3 that a large number of mutilated bodies were found on the ground. They are suspected to be our personnel. It is estimated that all of them are dead. Over..."


After hearing the answer from the people on Falcon 1, the people on Falcon 3 were so angry that they cursed, and then said through the headphones:

"No. 1, No. 2, No. 4, No. 5, listen, hover in place and wait for orders."

After speaking, the man looked at the people around him and ordered:

"One minute, go down and check the specific situation, quick!"


The nine armed men around him replied, throw down the nine ropes, and the nine people will fly along the ropes and slide to the ground. They will quickly search for a circle, and then the helicopter will winch them up. The whole process will take no more than one minute!

According to the information gathered from the search, there was no one alive, all dead, and the corpses had been ravaged by wild beasts, leaving only some broken corpses on the ground.

"It has only been a little more than five hours since we received the order. When they asked for support, there were still nearly 150 people. What happened in these five hours and why? All are dead..."

The commander-in-chief of these five armed helicopters was puzzled. Later, he fed back the situation to the headquarters through the satellite encryption system and waited for orders.

They quickly gave instructions that they must find the person who stole the information no matter what, kill them and bring back the lost information, or else they should go back!

"Expand the search scope and be sure to find those who stole the information!"

The commander immediately made arrangements.

"Falcon 2 reports No. 3, there is fire 13 kilometers away, please give instructions."

At this moment, Falcon 2 discovered the fire pit report from Su Xishui and the others.

"Go over and take a look at the situation. No matter who it is, we must be killed. No one can find our traces. The signal jammer is turned on. No signal can be transmitted within a radius of fifty kilometers!"

The commander on Plane 3 gave instructions.

"receive… "

Suddenly, several helicopters immediately flew in the direction of Su Xishui and the others.

At the same time, Su Xishui and the others also heard the sound, reacted quickly, extinguished the fire and left the place, and then the scene of taking action separately.

"Falcon 4 called Falcon 3. The infrared thermal imaging showed that the flames were extinguished ten kilometers away from us. They should have discovered us. There were a total of thirteen people. At this time, they were divided into seven directions and fled. Ninety percent The possibility of eight is our goal for this trip, please give instructions, over!"

When Falcon 4 was reporting, it also fed back the infrared images to the portable computer carried by the commander onboard Falcon 3.

He quickly took out an electronic pen and numbered Su Xishui and others who were moving separately. The people fleeing in seven directions were divided into numbers 1 to 7, and Su Xishui alone was divided into number 7.

Then he ordered:

"Chase separately and correspond to the corresponding numbers. After killing the target, search for the mission items. The first one to kill the numbered target will go after No. 6 and No. 7. Start taking action. Over!"

As a result, the five armed helicopters split up and pursued their targets.

How fast the plane was. Su Xishui and the others were separated by less than one kilometer. Ten people from five directions numbered one to five were overtaken by the helicopter one after another. They had no solution to this kind of steel machine, so they could only go as far as possible into the forest. Drill inside to avoid.

However, the thermal imaging device on the helicopter scanned them, the onboard anti-aircraft machine gun opened fire, and a large tree with a diameter of one or two meters was blocked by you!

Among the ten people who acted separately, the one who persisted the longest was eliminated within ten minutes. Then the people on the plane went down and groped on the corpses, and found a unique USB flash drive on each corpse.

"Falcon 2 reported to Falcon 3 that the two targets were killed and two USB drives were found. The USB drives are encrypted and cannot be opened. More than 90% of them may contain our stolen data. Please give instructions. Completed !”

"Falcon Two, now follow my orders and chase the two people numbered six. Over!"

The commander quickly gave instructions.

"Received, completed"

The Falcon 2 helicopter took off and went in pursuit of the other two men.

"Falcon 4 reported to Falcon 3 that the infrared imager showed that two of the remaining three people had lost their targets. They were the person numbered 7 and one of the people numbered 6. Only one person was still shown in the infrared scan. Please Instructions, completed"

At this time, the people on Falcon 4 reported.

"The two people who disappeared must have sneaked into the snow. The low temperature of the snow blocked the infrared scanning. No. 2, follow my order. Five people will go down and search for the missing person along the way. The Falcon 2 helicopter will kill the escaping people." That man, take action!”

The commander quickly gave instructions.

"Falcon 1 reported to Falcon 3 that two people on target No. 1 were killed. Please give instructions. Over."

"Falcon 4 reported to Falcon 3 that two people on target No. 4 were killed. Please give instructions. Over."


At this time, the fleeing targets had been killed in several other directions.

"Falcon 1, 4 and 5, go search for target No. 7, over."

The commander on board No. 3 immediately gave instructions.

The helicopter took off and quickly flew towards the target direction.

The two people numbered six knew that they couldn't outrun the helicopter by running. After discussion, the two decided to let one of them hide in the snow to block the other's infrared scanning with the low temperature of the snow. The other person left quickly to attract the helicopter. Maybe there was a glimmer of hope. Can wrap a piece of information.

However, they could think of it, and so could the enemy. The man hiding in the snowdrift was tired and hungry, and both mentally and physically exhausted. Hiding in the snow, he quickly fell into a semi-conscious and semi-conscious state under the low temperature. .

When he was found by the pursuers, he was in a trance. In the end, he only heard a gunshot and fell into a deep sleep forever!

Another person who escaped was even more miserable. He was directly caught up by the helicopter, and the onboard anti-aircraft machine gun opened fire, directly beating him into pieces!

Then, five helicopters chased in the direction where Su Xishui disappeared...

On Hot Spring Mountain, Bai Yang frowned deeply as he looked at the situation in the distance. He separated from the five helicopters. In just half an hour, the roar of firearms was heard one after another.

Bai Yang knew that every time the airborne anti-aircraft machine gun fired, it meant someone must die!

"Su Xishui, you idiots are just running around during the day. Although I don't know what you did to cause such a big commotion, you must not die."

Bai Yang gritted his teeth and muttered to himself.

The distance was too far, and he could do nothing but pray in his heart that they would be okay, but Bai Yang knew that facing a steel machine like an armed helicopter, their hope of escaping was extremely slim!

Just when Bai Yang was feeling uneasy, his eyes widened and then narrowed, because he saw five helicopters that were originally separated flying towards Hot Spring Mountain from all directions!

"Judging from the helicopter's trajectory, they are not returning, but more like chasing the target. In other words, there are still people alive!"

Quickly analyzing in his mind, Bai Yang immediately lay down, put Bartley on the ground, and aimed the ten-fold magnifying sight at the flying helicopter... (To be continued.)