Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 211: Fireworks


"It's too far, and at night, Barrett is simply out of reach. Even with my current brain analysis, within three kilometers, it can only guarantee that the helicopter will not be able to directly kill the pilot on the plane!"

Seeing the armed helicopter in the distance through the scope, Bai Yang frowned in thought. Tian Lai Xiao "said

There was really nothing I could do about it. If the distance was closer, Bai Yang could make the helicopter scrap even at night. But the distance was too far, and Bai Yang could only stare.

I pray in my heart, no matter who is running in this direction, hurry up. As long as it is within three kilometers, I have a 60% chance of saving you. If it is within two kilometers, the chance will increase to 100%. Seventy percent, if within one kilometer, the enemy will be finished...

"Hurry, hurry, hurry up, helicopter, come faster..."

Bai Yang stared through the scope at the helicopters that were gradually converging and flying towards this side. Bai Yang wished that the helicopters would come to him so that he could kill them!

But now he could only see the light through the scope.

Ten kilometers away from Baiyang, No. 5 of the five helicopters hovered for half a minute. The five fully armed people on it landed on the ground and searched for traces of Suxi water along the traces on the ground.

Several other helicopters spread out and shined their lights on the ground to search.

The helicopter moved forward for about a kilometer, but no figure of Su Xishui was found within the previous range. Five more armed men came down to search on the ground. In this way, five men were dropped every kilometer, conducting a blanket search to ensure that no target would be allowed to escape. Opportunity.

Five kilometers away from Baiyang, in the three feet of snow, a head suddenly popped out.

Su Xishui's head, which was blue and blue from the cold, stretched out from the snow, breathing heavily. It was so cold that her whole body was numb and trembling. She took a few breaths, checked the direction, and then retracted into the snow, crawling under the snow. go ahead.

"With about three hundred meters left, I will be able to enter Hot Spring Mountain. The vegetation there is much denser. The helicopter cannot fly at low altitude and directly see me in the woods. I will be able to move forward on the ground and enter Hot Spring Mountain quickly. When the infrared light I will definitely be disturbed, and I will have a chance to survive and go back with the information... "

Su Xishui, who was advancing under the snow, told herself this over and over again. She only had one belief in her heart: live on and bring the information back!

The helicopter from behind was already flying in the direction of her. She didn't know when she would be caught up or when she would die, but even if there was only a glimmer of hope and a glimmer of possibility, she would not give up!


After crawling for another ten or twenty meters under the snow, she had to stretch her head out to breathe. She took a look at the situation behind her and found that the helicopter behind her was already less than one kilometer away from her and would catch up with her in a minute at most!

She didn't know what happened to the others, but the information in her hands could never be taken back by those people!

After thinking about it, Su Xishui tremblingly took out a USB flash drive from her underwear and placed it in the soil under the snow.

If she died, maybe this information could be kept, and maybe the country would come to check here later and find this USB disk, and then obtain the information in it. Although this chance was slim, she still left a glimmer of hope.

After doing this, she retracted her head under the snow again and crawled forward!

"I am one of the most elite warriors. I have a will as strong as iron. I will not be beaten by the difficulties in front of me. Just hold on...!"

She told herself this over and over again in her mind, not letting herself stop moving forward. The engine roared above, the helicopter had appeared above her, and she was less than a hundred meters away from where the USB flash drive was hidden!

She continued to move forward quietly, her movements slowing down a lot.

Behind her, seven or eight hundred meters away, five heavily armed men were chasing after her, following the traces she left...!

On Hot Spring Mountain, Bai Yang stared at several helicopters in the distance through the scope.

"There are still more than four kilometers away. It's still too far. There haven't been gunshots yet. It seems that the person they are chasing in this direction has not been found yet. The situation is urgent. No matter who is in this direction, they are on the edge of being discovered at any time. , I should do something..."

He thought quickly in his mind, and finally Bai Yang gritted his teeth and fought hard. Although the distance was a bit far away, it would be good to make some noise to attract the attention of the people on the helicopter!

Just do it when you think of it, close your eyes slightly, and flash through your mind the TV movies you have watched and the various information about snipers you have come into contact with unconsciously.

"Wind, distance, gravity, temperature, light, angle..."

All kinds of information gathered together, he adjusted the angle of the Bartley in his hand, aimed at the light of the helicopter closest to him, and fired!


A loud noise echoed in the mountains, and a bullet flew high, flying in an arc towards the armed helicopter in the distance, leaving a long red trajectory in the night.

More than four kilometers, the distance is too far. It is already more than twice the maximum effective range of Battery. With the wind and other factors, Bai Yang’s bullet flew to nowhere. It is not known where it flew, and it did not hit at all. Target.

There is really nothing we can do about it, no matter how sharpshooter is in this situation, there is nothing he can do.

"Come again"

Although the first shot had no effect at all, Bai Yang did not give up. He adjusted the angle of the muzzle and fired again. He did not expect any merit, but at least he wanted to attract some of the attention over there.

For the second shot, he made fine adjustments based on the situation of the first shot, predicting the flight trajectory of the helicopter over there. A bullet flew a full distance of more than four kilometers, and with a bang, a bullet on a helicopter was shot. The searchlight was broken!

"That's all right...luck, right?"

Bai Yang was stunned. He was not sure about this shot at all. Luck played a big part. He didn't expect it to hit. Although it only broke a lamp, it successfully attracted the attention of the other side!

Over there, someone on the helicopter with a searchlight smashed immediately reported:

"Falcon 5 reported to Falcon 3 that there was a sniper directly in front of us. One of the lights of our helicopter was broken. In infrared scanning, the overall temperature of the mountain over there increased. It was impossible to determine the opponent's position. It was impossible to confirm whether There is an ambush, please give instructions, over"

"Falcon 3 has received it. There should be no ambush. Our actions are still confidential. If Chinese officials know that our existence cannot be so silent, the other party suspects one or several of our targets... Hunter." Eagle 4 and 5 obey the order, turn off the searchlights, and go over to deal with the opponent!"

The commander aboard Falcon 3 immediately issued the order.

'It's more than four kilometers away, and one shot can shatter the searchlight on our helicopter. Could that person or those people be the culprit who killed those of us? But if that's the case, why aren't they together with the previous ones? '

The commander was puzzled.

On the hot spring mountain a few kilometers away, Bai Yang was slightly stunned, then smiled.

"Grandson, how dare you come here and turn off the searchlights, thinking that there is nothing I can do. As long as it comes within one kilometer of my sight, I can see the pilot in your cab even at night with such a big helicopter!"

Then Bai Yang stopped moving and waited for the other party to come over.

The helicopter was very fast, and it came over in less than a minute from a distance of two to three kilometers.

“Actually, it’s not bad to watch the fireworks in this ice and snow.”

Bai Yang said to himself, and stopped looking through the sight, looking directly at one of the helicopters. Although the distance was still a bit far away, and it was still night, he could already see the general outline of the aircraft, and the images collected with his sight were magnified and analyzed through his mind. , the light on the dashboard of the aircraft cab determined the position of the pilot on the aircraft!

"Wind, distance, angle, it's impossible to predict the flight path of the plane after hitting the pilot, Ma Dan, I've never flown a plane..."

With his heart muttering, Bai Yang pulled Bartley's trigger without hesitation.


There was a loud noise, the muzzle sprayed a foot-long flame, and a bullet flew along a slight arc. It flew very fast, flew over a kilometer, penetrated the windshield of the helicopter with a pop, and hit the pilot's head!

Bartley's power was so terrifying that one bullet directly blew the pilot's head off, and the pilot was wearing a helmet!

"Come again"

Bai Yang narrowed his eyes. Regardless of the mood of the other people on the plane, he pulled the gun bolt and fired again according to the distance and angle of the plane's tilt!



On that plane, the pilot in the co-pilot tried to make amends, but the next moment a bullet blew out his head!

"No, the plane is out of control, parachute immediately!"

The people in the cabin at the back reacted immediately, put on their parachutes, opened the cabin door and jumped out!

I don’t know whether those people were frightened or forgot. Their helicopters were flying at low altitude, only thirty or forty meters above the ground. If they jumped, the parachutes would not open. Some were lucky enough to get hung up on trees, and some were unable to open their parachutes. He fell directly to death...


There was a loud noise in the night, and the out-of-control armed helicopter hit the mountain and exploded. A large fireball rose into the sky, and the fireworks were intoxicating.

"Tsk tsk, do you want to run away from the other helicopter? Get off it too."

Bai Yang on Hot Spring Mountain muttered, and Bartley pulled the trigger again.

After two shots, the pilot of another helicopter was also blocked and killed by Bai Yang one kilometer away!


There was another loud noise, and the helicopter lost control and hit the mountain and exploded, turning into a huge fireball burning and rising in the night.

Because the helicopter was so close to the mountain, the people inside didn't even have a chance to jump out after losing control, and were torn to pieces in the helicopter explosion!


Over there, because two helicopters here had accidents and were scrapped, the commander and others all looked in this direction and were confused... (To be continued.)