Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 213: No trace


Dozens of headless corpses lay across the icy snow. The blood dyed the snow red, and the low temperature quickly solidified the blood into red ice.

Looking at the direction of the roar of the helicopter in the distance, Bai Yang took off the headphones from a corpse and put them on himself, and ran quickly towards that direction.

It's nearly four kilometers away and Baiyang expects it to take twenty to thirty minutes to get there.

"Report, the target person has not been found, completed"

"Continue searching"

"Report, Falcon 1, Falcon 2 and all personnel have lost contact, please instruct..."


"Why did you lose contact?"

"The situation is unknown..."

"Continue to search for the target, I'll ask the headquarters for instructions!"

Baiyang was advancing rapidly, and messages from the enemy came from the headset.

From the analysis of the other party's conversation, Bai Yang knew that they were looking for someone, but they hadn't found him yet!

'Whoever you are, hide and hold on, I'll be here soon! '

Talking to himself, Bai Yang moved forward as fast as he could, extending his mind to find a safe route through the snow to avoid falling into the snow.

More than twenty minutes later, Bai Yang arrived 300 meters away from the helicopter.

At this time, the other party's words came from the headset again:

"The headquarters issued an order that we only have five hours for the mission. China has already blocked the border on a large scale for search. Within five hours, we must complete the mission and then cross the border and detour back from the polar bear country. If we fail to complete the mission , and cannot be caught..."


The helicopter propellers roared, and Bai Yang could already see several people searching in the snow a few hundred meters away.

"You have no chance to complete your mission or escape!"

Bai Yang thought to himself, quietly sneaked under the snow, and crawled towards the opponent. Bai Yang stopped after thirty meters, waiting for the opponent to come over and die.

At this time, several searchers on the ground were less than fifty meters away from Baiyang!

"The people on the ground are easy to deal with, but this helicopter is flying three or forty meters above the ground, so it's a bit difficult..."

While thinking about it, the five people over there were getting closer and closer to Bai Yang.

Through the snow, Bai Yang saw a large tree full of branches a few meters away. Bai Yang's eyes lit up and he had a solution.

The crunching sound of feet on the snow kept approaching Bai Yang. A minute later, five people appeared within the range of Bai Yang's mind one after another. The helicopter also hovered above, and the strong wind blew up large snowflakes.

As the snowflakes rose and blocked his sight, and the helicopter propeller roared to cover up the sound, Bai Yang's mind controlled the blood-patterned sword to fly out in an instant, instantly cutting off the heads of the five people on the ground and killing them!

When their bodies fell, Baiyang quickly rushed out of the snow, came to the tree in a few steps, and climbed up quickly along the branches.

The whole process is so fast, taking less than three seconds!

Buzz buzz…

Helicopters roared above, and searchlights illuminated the surrounding area.

"No, people on the ground died for no reason!"

An incredulous cry came from the earphones.

"There are enemies below, be careful! Someone tell me how the other party approaches us..."

said an exasperated voice.

"Ask your God"

Baiyang, who had climbed along the branches to a tree ten or twenty meters high, muttered to himself silently. The blood-patterned sword flew out diagonally, circling the helicopter hovering more than ten meters away from the tree where he was, and connected the helicopter and the people inside. Tear them to pieces together!

The fragments fell clanking, and a minute later, the world became completely silent!

"Huh, it's finally done. Don't do it again. Your brain can't keep up with the nutrition at all."

Coming down from the tree, Baiyang let out a long breath and said.

In just a few hours, his brain was running at high speed from time to time. At this time, he already felt a slight dizziness. If he continued like this, he would collapse.

Regardless of the mess around him, he looked around, since the other party had found this location